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stuck with。 So you let this one go too 。 。 。
You are now getting it narrowed down。 If you are not your social roles; your
body; or your rational mind; just what is left? Are you your senses  the
various gates through which visual; auditory; tactile; taste; and olfactory data
are received? Or are you your emotions  those feeling tones that you
expend so much energy in either getting or avoiding? Are you your
programming  the collections of desires; motivations; expectations; and
demands on which your ego focuses most of your attention and energy? Or
are you your ego  that “master controller” that is such an absolute dictator
when you are trapped in the lower three Centers of Consciousness?
Fortunately; the essential you is none of these; either。 And so we continue the
search for “you。” Could it be that the search for your essence is clouded by
your ego…backed programming that wants you to be “somebody”? Does your
name; your memory; and your rational mind bine to give you the illusion
that you are a specific entity that should make a splash as you pass through
the world of people and things?
At this point you may have the feeling; “There’s nothing left of me。” But
your essence is something which you may experience to help you grow into
higher consciousness。 In the Living Love Way; we define your essence as
your Conscious…awareness。 To understand what we mean by Consciousawareness;
look straight ahead of you and notice for a minute the images that
are being transmitted through your eyes。 Then close your eyes。 Do it now
before reading on。 。 。
The visual sensations disappeared  but your Conscious…awareness remained。
Behind all of your thoughts; sensations; and images; your Consciousawareness
is always there。 Most of the time we keep it smothered under a
ceaseless Niagara of words; activities; thoughts; and sensations which keep
our minds analyzing; calculating; symbolizing; talking; remembering; futuring;
and pasting。
The experiment above demonstrates that your visual field and your
Conscious…awareness are not the same。 Let’s go further。 Close your eyes。
Do it now for one minute before reading on。 。 。
What were you aware of? When you shut off the visual input to your
bioputer; you probably became aware of sounds。 But sounds are not your
Conscious…awareness。 Suppose you go to a pletely dark; quiet place。
With the visual and sound inputs quiet; you may now begin to tune in to your
body on deeper and deeper levels。 You can experience bodily sensations that
have previously been up…staged by the more dominating happenings of your
five senses and the stimulation of your ideas; thoughts; and words。 You only
experience your essence fully when you have quieted your emotion…backed
drama and the torrent of addictive stuff churned out by your rational mind。
In other words; you are the awareness of your consciousness! You might
wish to visualize a television screen in the middle of your head where all of
your thoughts; images; and emotions are projected。 It’s all there in color 
including sights; sounds; words; and thought。 It’s all going by on this
imaginary television screen in the middle of your head。 But you are not the
television screen。 You are not the images or stuff on the screen。 You are that
which is conscious of being aware of all of the stuff which is running on the
screen。 You are simply the watcher of the stuff on the screen。 As Ram Dass
puts it; “Observe your scene from a quiet corner of your mind in which there
is nothing to do but ‘see。’” You are the consciousness that just “sees” what is
happening on the screen。 Your essence is pure Conscious…awareness。
As the watcher of the screen; you are perfect。 The screen may be projecting a
horrendous movie that is showing all kinds of pain and suffering  on the
screen。 Or the screen may reflect a happy movie that shows a beautiful
sunset; a delightful sexual experience; or an enjoyable meal。 But the essential
you is the pure awareness that just watches the stuff go by on the screen of
your life。 Behind what you think you are  YOU ARE!
The essential you is perfect; has always been perfect; and always will be
perfect! There is nothing you can do to alter the perfection of the essential
you。 And this perfection does not need to be guarded with ego。 When you
realize who or what you really are; your ego can relax and you can really
enjoy your life。 For nothing poses either a threat or an “absolute necessity”
to you any longer。 You can truly enjoy being the essential you  and only
then can you totally and continuously enjoy the unfolding drama that your life
brings you。
As you begin to experience yourself as the watcher of the drama from the
Sixth Center of Consciousness; you no longer labor under the illusion that
your intellectual effort; will; and frantic paranoid watchfulness are necessary
to keep the world operating properly。 Instead you experience the power; the
deep peace; and the exquisite beauty of letting your energy harmonize with
the energies around you。 You realize that by tuning in to the Ocean of loving
energy around you; you can have far more security; enjoyable sensations;
effectiveness; and love than you ever need in order to live a continuously
beautiful life。 And as you learn to identify the essential you with your
Conscious…awareness (instead of with the social and individual stuff that your
ego has backed up in the past) you deeply and continuously enjoy both the
drama of your life and the perfect being that you naturally are。
You will observe that your growth towards the highest Centers of
Consciousness may fall naturally into three phases:
1。 As your consciousness begins to dwell more and more in the Love Center
and Cornucopia Center; you will begin to develop a multi…centered
perception that will enable you to see all of your thoughts and actions from
each of the first five Centers。
2。 Continuing this multi…centered awareness; you learn to witness yourself on
the detached Conscious…awareness Center (the Sixth Center)。 At this
level; there is no longer a feeling of lower or higher consciousness  it is
all the same from the Conscious…awareness Center。 And then;
3。 You go behind the Conscious…awareness Center to the selfless; unitive
space of the Cosmic Consciousness Center。
The Sixth Center of Consciousness is characterized by being aware of
yourself。 There is your essence  your Conscious…awareness  and there is
the daily drama of your body; your senses; and your rational mind。 You see
all of your drama with insight and perspective。 Although this is a peaceful;
beautiful Center of Consciousness; there is still duality。 There is still a fine
line of separation between you and the world。
On the seventh level of consciousness; one is catapulted from self…awareness
into pure awareness。 In other words; one is no longer witnessing oneself。
The body; mind; senses; and Conscious…awareness are not separated。 In this
Center of Consciousness; one does not experience security; sensations;
power; love; and Cornucopia  one is security; sensations; power; love; and
the fullness of life。 The highest state of consciousness is attained by
reprogramming what is called the “self。” One’s thought activity is calmed。
The direction of perception has shifted from subject…object manipulation;
through a phase of loving acceptance; to a unity with everything in the
To understand this distinction between experiencing something and being
something; consider what happens when you have an intense sexual climax。
Up until the time of orgasm; you have been experiencing the sexual
sensations such as increasing warmth; pressure; and stimulation of your
sexual organs。 You are experiencing sex。 But at the moment of sexual climax
you are no longer the experiencer。 You may no longer be conscious of
yourself enjoying sexual happenings。 During the moments of an intense
orgasm; you are the experience。 At that moment you may feel a total oneness
with your sexual partner  for there is no longer the experience of you as a
separate consciousness。
At the Cosmic Consciousness level; one can function with enormous
effectiveness because the screens that limit one’s receptiveness have been
eliminated。 One is now tuned to the finer nuances of the surrounding world。
One is open to the broad spectrum of all of the finer cues that the world has
been sending all the time  but which were previously not picked up by a
consciousness occupied by security; sensation; and power on the lower levels;
and love; Cornucopia; and witnessing on the intermediate levels。
And now at the end of one’s journey to higher consciousness; one has
bee a god…like being。 One has truly achieved one’s birthright。 As a fully
conscious being; one is optimally perceptive; optimally wise; and optimally
effective。 Because one has transcended all personal boundaries; and
experiences no separation from anyone or anything in the world; serving
“others” is the only thing to do in life。 For there are no “others。” Everything
is experienced from an “us” space。
Perhaps a word of advice may be helpful here。 The Seventh Center is
extremely difficult to attain。 Out of the four billion people in this world; there
may only be about a hundred people who are consistently in that Center。
Achieving it usually requires a detached life style and a long period of intense
consciousness growth practice。 Even preferences must be eliminated to reach
this Center。 The author of this book generates his experience of life using the
Fourth; Fifth; and Sixth Centers and enjoys life continuously。 This does not
mean he is a hundred per cent free of addictions; but he often goes many
weeks without any separating emotional feelings。
When you have eliminated about ninety…nine percent of your addictive
programming; the remaining amount will probably be very subtle and will not
interfere with happiness。 When you have done the inner work required to get
to this level of effectiveness; you know exactly which Pathway or Method to
use whenever you experience the beginning of an addictive sequence。 Within
seconds or minutes you work through whatever security; sensation; or power
addiction you are triggering and then you are right back at the Love or
Cornucopia Center again。 These Centers are totally adequate to enable you
to live a happy; fulfilled; wise; effective; and enjoyable life。 It is worthwhile
knowing about the Cosmic Consciousness Center; but do not let it bee
another addiction。 If you work hard to use the Fourth; Fifth; or Sixth Centers
of Consciousness in processing and interpreting your own energies and the
energies of the world around you; you will experience a deep peace and
enjoyment within your heart that is wholly enough。
Chapter 13
Five Methods For Working On Yourself
The Living Love Way to Higher Consciousness offers you Five Methods that
you can use in working on yourself。 These Methods have been chosen for
busy people who are deeply involved in various dramas of life。 They do not
detach you from your daily routines。 The Living Love Methods can be used
while you are engaged in running a business; making love; cleaning the house;

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