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they do when you consider that every second we are processing millions of
ining nerve impulses to ascertain which patterns have furthering or
depriving effects on the myriad of likes and dislikes with which we have
blithely programmed ourselves。
Even if life gives us 90 percent of what we want and protects us from 90
percent of what we dislike or fear; the remaining 10 percent will nag our
consciousness; dominate our perceptions; perpetuate the churning of our
rational mind to “solve the problem;” and otherwise keep us from
experiencing the state of happiness。 For the state of happiness is experienced
only when we have an almost continual experience of accepting whatever is
here and now in our lives。 Just as one mosquito buzzing around our head can
keep us awake at night; it may take only one addiction to keep us from
experiencing happiness。
A study of Diagram 2 shows that happiness bees an effective reality in
one’s life to the degree that we convert our Addictive Programming into
Preferential Programming  the kind that does not activate negative emotions。
For when we have upleveled our addictions to preferences; we can accept
whatever life variables might present themselves without triggering the
emotional feelings of disappointment; frustration; and suffering。 Suppose; for
example; sex is a preference rather than an emotion…backed addiction。 When
sex does not happen; there is no effect on happiness。 But when it does
happen; there is a feeling of pleasure。
Similarly; if one has Prefer…not…to Programming such as “I prefer not to have
a flat tire on my car;” one will not suffer frustration when life throws a flat tire
at us (Condition P)。 We simply observe the reality of the flat tire; and we
immediately start doing whatever we need to do to get it changed。 When we
have Preferential Programming; the flat tire will give us neither pleasure nor
suffering。 Since our consciousness will be free of the negative feelings
triggered by Addictive Programming; we will be free to enjoy whatever there
is to enjoy while we’re changing the tire。 We may notice things in the world
around us that would have been otherwise unobserved and thus not enjoyed。
Perhaps our consciousness will permit us to appreciate the physical motions
we engage in when we efficiently change a tire。
When Condition N occurs coupled with Prefer…not…to Programming; we will
experience one of two possible effects depending on whether our
consciousness is preoccupied with the matter。 If I know air is leaking slowly
from a tire and the service station is one block away; I will experience shortterm
pleasure if the tire takes me to the service station。 However; if my
consciousness is not at all concerned with the tires; the fact that the tire does
not go flat has no effect on my feelings of pleasure or suffering。 Hence;
Prefer…not…to Programming offers either short…term pleasure or no effect on
one’s feelings。
Diagram 2 shows that no frustration or suffering is possible in a life situation
that has Preferential Programming。 Prefer…not…to Programming (Condition P)
and Prefer…to Programming (Condition N) do not produce either suffering or
pleasure。 When we enjoy Preferential Programming; all happenings just pass
by as part of our here and now  just like birds flying across the sky。 Preferto
Programming with Condition P brings us pleasure。
If all four conditions are equally probable; two of the four will have no effect
on our feelings; one of the four will bring us pleasure; and one will bring
either no effect or will bring pleasure。
The addictive Programming shown in Diagram 1 indicates that the likelihood
of suffering exceeds that of pleasure if all four conditions are equally
probable。 With Preferential Programming; we have vastly improved the
pleasure…suffering ratios。 Happiness; which is more or less continuous
pleasure; is not a real possibility。 Based on our simplified theoretical model;
here are the improved odds you get with each addiction you can uplevel to a
Prefer…not…to Programming;
Condition P
Prefer…not…to Programming;
Condition N
12。5% 12。5%
Prefer…to Programming;
Condition P
Prefer…to Programming;
Condition N
____ ____ ____
0% 37。5% 62。5%
Since Preferential Programming can insulate us from the “downs” in life; we
are then free to enjoy only the “ups。” This type of programming is
characteristic of the Love Center of Consciousness and the Cornucopia
Center of Consciousness。 Since a mature adult in these higher consciousness
levels will have many preferential circuits; the opportunities for pleasure are
continuous or almost continuous。 For happiness is the continuous or almost
continuous experience of getting what you are willing to accept。
When our bioputers instantly scan the actions and words of all of the
people around us in terms of the degree of threat or assistance to realizing our
Addictive Programming; real love is impossible。 Real love; of course; flows
from the unconditional acceptance of another person。 The love that is most
mon in our culture is the illusion of love in which I can love you only to
the extent that you do not threaten my addictions and to the extent that you
help me realize my addictive desires。 I am trapped in the illusion that I can
love you only to the degree that you help me obtain Addictive Desire;
Condition P; and Addictive Desire; Condition N; happenings! As soon as you
begin to hinder rather than help me with my addictions; this conditional type
of love immediately goes out the window!
Real love is possible when I reprogram my bioputer with Preferential
Programming。 I can then unconditionally accept everything you do or say 
regardless of whether I am willing to do or say the same things myself。 For
when I have Prefer…to or Prefer…not…to Programming; there is nothing you can
do that enables me to make myself feel frustration or suffering。 But whenever
you happen to play a part in increasing the probability of Condition P when I
have Prefer…to Programming; I can regard you as helping me find pleasure in
life。 In other words; with Preferential Programming; there is no way I can
“lose” and there is definitely a way that I can “win。” And the “winning” will
occur more and more as my consciousness dwells in the Love Center and in
the Cornucopia Center。
When you have Preferential Programming in almost all areas of your life;
your programming will create a peaceful; loving world for you to live in。 The
days are past when your Conscious…awareness was dominated by emotionbacked
fears or desires。 You live in the here and now。 You live in a warm
Ocean of loving and caring。 You have gradually converted your perception of
people and things around you from a subject…object basis to a cognitive
framework of love and acceptance。 By continually living with the
programming that yields happiness; contentment; and joy; you open up the
possibility for an even further step in consciousness growth。
The ultimate state in the Living Love Way to Higher Consciousness is
generated by “Bliss Programming。” The primary characteristic of Bliss
Programming is that the feelings of continuous happiness or bliss are not
related to any outside happenings。 In other words; Condition P (in which the
desired or preferred thing does occur); or Condition N (in which a desired or
preferred thing does not occur) are irrelevant to one’s continuous happiness
or bliss。
When your consciousness is in the Conscious…awareness Center; you witness
the drama of your life from a deep; calm place within。 On the drama level
where your body and mind are agreeing with others; disagreeing with others;
earning money; making love; etc。; you still have Preferential Programming。
But this is all seen as “drama。” It is like watching your life on a movie
screen。 You play your part as an actor in the great cosmic play in which your
body and mind and my body and mind (as well as everybody else’s) interact
on this stage we call the world。 But the real you is your Consciousawareness。
So you witness whatever is going on in the drama without fear or
desire  without any circuitry that could make you vulnerable to emotional
ups and downs。 When you go to a movie; you can watch the beautiful
happenings or the horrendous happenings  and just enjoy the entire show。 If
those things were happening to you; you would be on an up…and…down rollercoaster
experience of pleasure and suffering。 But when you see them on a
movie screen; they’re just so much interesting stuff going by for your
perception and enjoyment。
In a similar fashion; when your consciousness is in the Sixth Center; you just
witness the drama of your life and that of everyone else。 When you are in this
Center on a fairly continuous basis; there arises within you a tremendous
feeling of well…being and joy。 You are filled to brimming with awe and
gratitude in the ecstatic knowledge of the inherent goodness of life。 Thus the
Sixth Center of Consciousness can be regarded as an intermediate stepping
stone in which your body and mind may operate as shown in Diagram 1 or 2
 but your Conscious…awareness is enjoying the entire show in a manner that
is independent of the variable life realities。
The sixth level permits your Conscious…awareness to experience continuous
happiness that is not related to anything people do or say or to any of the
conditions in the environment around you。 Just as the Preferential
Programming described in Diagram 2 frees you from the tyranny of the
subject…object way of relating to the outside world; the sixth level of
consciousness frees you from relating your happiness to any variable life
realities。 When your consciousness has lived for a period of time in a state of
continuous happiness; your ego and rational mind bee calmer and quieter。
You bee deeply attuned to the energies of the people and things around
you。 Everything is increasingly perceived in an “us” place instead of with
“me” vs。 “them” perceptions。 In this state your consciousness is continually
free from subject…object separateness and alienation。
The experience of this greatly expanded consciousness may be preparatory to
a transition into the highest Center of Consciousness  the Cosmic
Consciousness Center  where all people and things are perceived in a
unitive manner。 The bioputer expands its perceptual framework so that
every person and every object in the world is felt as if from within。
Distinctions between inside and outside (although intellectually clear) are
merged in one’s experience。 All is subject。 There is no outside  there is no
inside。 There is just “us” happening  us men; us women; us children; us
trees; us automobiles; us rocks; us birds  everything is experienced as a
unitive oneness。
It should be clear that this oneness transcends love or unconditional
acceptance。 There is no longer anybody or anything to accept。 Do you
unconditionally accept your arm? It just is。 It is the ultimate in love。 It is not
the act of loving someone or something outside of you。 Both the outside and
inside are one when personal boundaries have disappeared。

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