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the act of loving someone or something outside of you。 Both the outside and
inside are one when personal boundaries have disappeared。
In the Living Love System we have three cognitive frameworks for perceiving
and responding to people and things outside of us:
1。 In a Subject…Object Manner that is characteristic of the
Security; Sensation; and Power Centers of Consciousness。
2。 In an Unconditionally Accepting Manner in which we
experience the beauty of unconditional love associated with
the Love Center; the Cornucopia Center; and the Consciousawareness
3。 In a Unitive Perceptual Manner in which one feels no
difference between one’s self and all of the people and things
outside。 The capacity for rational discrimination is
pletely intact。 On the rational level one can still perceive
people and objects in their aspect of “separateness。” But on
the feeling level; there is a plete unitive merging into a
oneness。 This cognitive framework is associated with the
Cosmic Consciousness Center。
The direction of energy flow toward the world is associated with the manner
in which we work toward happiness。 On the lower three levels of
consciousness; we feel uncritically sure that the way to happiness lies in
improving our odds in the middle column entitled “The Variable Life Reality。”
We put a torrent of energy into subject…object manipulation。 We concentrate
on preventing that which we addictively dislike; and we try to manipulate and
control the people and things in the world to bring about the conditions we
addictively desire。 But the results are never “enough。”
When you realize that no amount of powerful striving is sufficient to bring
about happiness through subject…object control of the people and things in the
world; you are ready to redirect your energy to the reprogramming of your
bioputer。 Your energy flow then helps you bee more loving and
accepting。 You realize that this method of producing happiness is within your
conscious ability to achieve。 However; it is not necessary to pletely
withdraw from the drama of manipulating the variable realities in your life。
You will even have two of the Twelve Pathways to guide you on the “outside
Two of the Twelve Pathways tell you exactly how to interact with the outside
world around you  and the remaining ten Pathways tell you exactly how to
work on the inside world which is yourself。 The Seventh Pathway tells you to
openly municate with everyone so that you no longer feel and think of
yourself as separate。 The Ninth Pathway says to do anything you want to do
provided you are tuned in; centered; and loving。 Your actions will always be
optimal if your head is in the right place。 So ACT FREELY  but don’t be
addicted to the results。 by following these two Pathways; you will be
enormously more effective in changing the people and situations around you
than when you put all your addictive energy into modifying the external
conditions of your life。 But this increased power to optimize your
environment es to you only to the degree that you effectively change
yourself using the remaining ten Pathways。
Some of the conventional methods of consciousness growth may require
years or decades for substantial results。 The Living Love Methods offer the
possibility of rapidly reprogramming your bioputer so that some of the
pleasure and joy of Centers Four and Five may sometimes be experienced in
a period of months。 It all depends on how much energy you are ready to
devote to eliminating frustration and suffering in your life。 How intensely do
you want to reprogram your bioputer to produce pleasure and happiness?
How soon will you realize that the only thing you don’t have is the direct
experience that there’s nothing you need that you don’t have?
You should keep your aims realistic and enjoy taking one step at a time。
Once a major part of your consciousness resides in the Love Center; you will
experience a happiness and beauty in your life that is “enough。” Even if you
do not progress beyond this Center; you will have a wisdom and effectiveness
in your life that will exceed that of most of the people in the world。 The
consciousness game is the greatest and most genuine of all life games  but
one should not get hung up on the spiritual score board。 Just enjoy the
eternally beautiful here…and…now moment that your life continually offers you。
At the end of your journey toward awakening; the only thing you will find is
your real self!
Diagram 1 … The Mechanism of Unhappiness
Type of Programming: ADDICTIVE (Emotion…backed) PROGRAMMING
Direction of Energy Flow: Manipulating Subject…Object Relationships
Associated Centers of Consciousness: Security; Sensation; and Power
The Programming of
Your Bioputer
The Variable Life
The Effect on
Your Consciousness
Addictive Dislike
“I dislike X”
Condition P: “X”
frustration; suffering
Condition N: “X” does
not occur
Either no effect or shortterm
Addictive Desire
“I desire X”
Condition P: “X”
Short…term pleasure
Condition N: “X” does
not occur
frustration; suffering
Diagram 2 … The Mechanism of Happiness
Type of Programming: PREFERENTIAL (Non…Emotion…backed)
Direction of Energy Flow: Unconditional Acceptance or Love
Associated Centers of Consciousness: Love; Cornucopia; and Consciousawareness
The Programming of
Your Bioputer
The Variable Life
The Effect on
Your Consciousness
“I do not prefer X”
Condition P: “X”
No suffering or pleasure
Condition N: “X” does
not occur
Either no effect or shortterm
Prefer…To Programming
“I prefer X”
Condition P: “X”
Short…term pleasure
Condition N: “X” does
not occur
No suffering or pleasure
Diagram 3 … The Mechanism of Bliss
Type of Programming: BLISS PROGRAMMING
Direction of Energy Flow: Unitive Oneness
Associated Centers of Consciousness: Cosmic Consciousness Center
The Programming of
Your Bioputer
The Variable Life
The Effect on
Your Consciousness
Bliss Programming
On the 7th Center there
is a unitive Cosmic
Consciousness in which
the conception of likes
or dislikes is pletely
irrelevant。 This
programming is
characterized by a
unitive perceptual
merging into the
surrounding world。
Condition P: “X”
Condition N: “X” does
not occur
Continuous Happiness
or Bliss that is not
related to any outside
happenings。 You are
one with a continuous
ecstatic bliss that is
more powerful than the
happiness that is
dependent on spacetime
Chapter 24
How To Make Your Life Work
The main problem in making your life work is that your ego and rational mind
keep you trapped in playing out the security; sensation; and power demands
that you programmed into your bioputer during the first few years of your
life。 You are stuck in these ineffective ruts that make you like a yo…yo
bouncing between pain and pleasure。 By continually trying to work the
unworkable; you blindly repeat your mistakes in a manner that is perhaps
more insistent than that of most lower animals。
Werner Erhard has pointed out that even a rat does not usually get hung up in
a fruitless repetition of lifetime patterns that are doomed to failure。 Let’s
suppose there are seven tunnels arranged side by side  and you put some
cheese at the end of tunnel three。 Then you turn a rat loose at the entrances to
these tunnels。 It will sniff around; maybe look them over; and then in a
random fashion explore the tunnels until it finds the one with the cheese。 The
next time you put the rat near the tunnels; there may be a certain amount of
random behavior; but there is a much greater probability that it will go after
the cheese in tunnel three。 After the rat has done this a few times; it will
immediately run down tunnel three to get the cheese。
One day in a rat’s life corresponds to about one month in a human life。
Suppose that for a period of 60 days the rat finds the cheese at the end of the
third tunnel。 This would be equivalent to about five years in a human life。
Then suppose the cheese is moved from tunnel three to tunnel four。 Now we
put the rat near the tunnels and he again runs down tunnel three to get the
cheese。 But the cheese isn’t there any longer。 The rat will e out; look the
scene over; and try tunnel three again。 He may repeat this several times。 But
after a few repeated trials; with no more cheese; the rat will stop going down
tunnel three; and start exploring the other ones。
A big difference between a rat and a human being is that a rat won’t continue
to run down the tunnel that does not provide cheese  whereas a human being
may continue to run down the same tunnel for his entire lifetime trying to find
the cheese that isn’t there! Sooner or later the rat will give up on tunnel three;
since it doesn’t have a rational mind to continually analyze; pute; and try
to prove that the cheese is down tunnel three  because it used to be there。 A
rat cannot go to a library to read books about cheese and how one is
supposed to be able to get it。 It cannot formulate arguments or make
speeches proving that the cheese should really be down tunnel three; and it
cannot try to convince fellow rats that there really is cheese down tunnel three
even though it is in fact not there。 The nervous system of a rat will quickly
adapt to the fact that the cheese just isn’t where it used to be and it will start
looking somewhere else。
When you were two years old; you probably learned that the way to get the
cheese (or whatever you wanted) was to scream loudly and try to power…trip
your parents。 They seemed to control all the cheese。 If you cried and fussed
enough; by using your Third Center of Consciousness; you would get them to
give you candy or let you stay up late at night; or whatever it was that you
wanted。 You were largely unconscious of the overall picture; and your ego
kept your awareness focused on your fears and desires。 When you looked at
life; it was as though you were looking through the end of a long tunnel and
saw only a tiny spot of the world at the end of the tunnel。 The overall picture
of life was blocked out by the sides of the tunnel。 Your immature
bioputer permitted your fears and desires to project on the screen of your
consciousness only a tiny slice of the life realities around you。 You had no
real choice in your life; because you had no wide…range perception of the
people and events around you。
By age two; you had deeply programmed yourself by using crying to force
changes in the people and things around you。 At that time in your life; this
was one of the few ways you had to get what you wanted from the world。 It
is difficult to explain to a two…year…old that the lower three levels of
consciousness generate unhappiness; and that the really big stash of cheese is
located at the end of the Love Tunnel and the Cornucopia Tunnel。 How do
you tell a young child that there is only a little dab of low…grade cheese which
will never be enough at the end of the Security Tunnel; Sensation Tunnel; and

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