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小说: 高等意识手册 字数: 每页3500字

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is my own programming that creates my actions and also influences the
reactions of people around me。
Whenever you are unhappy; your emotions are telling you that people and
things are not fulfilling the addiction patterns you have programmed into your
bioputer。 But you usually do not talk to yourself in this realistic way。
Instead; you blame your unhappiness on somebody or something outside of
you。 You say things like; “Mary makes me jealous;” or; “Bill makes me
mad。” But what is really happening is that someone is doing things that do
not conform with the patterns of your addictions  and your addictions are
making you unhappy。 When you take full responsibility here and now for all
of your feelings and for everything that happens to you; you never again
blame the people and situations in the world outside of you for any unhappy
feelings that you have。 You realize that it is an evasion to blame “others。”
You’ve been doing it to yourself!
You can stop being a mechanical; puter…like person who views himself as
“pushed around” by the world when you realize that only you can “push”
yourself。 You begin to see the connection between your emotional
programming and your suffering。 You start doing something about it  which
means reprogramming yourself。
Your mind creates your universe。 Your expectations; demands; hopes; fears;
addictions; motivations; past experience; your language system; your
individual accumulation of ideas; theories; and intellectual stuff; your
emotions; the structure and functioning of your nervous system and the
feedback from your entire body all interact in a plex way to produce your
perceptions  the “picture” you create from the energies you receive through
your various senses from people and things around you。 Your perceptions are
thus a joint phenomenon of the observer and the observed。
You receive a feedback from the people and things around you that
continually modifies your processing of ining sensory data。 For example;
a loving person lives in a loving world。 As loving individuals flow through
their moment…to…moment lives; their gentle; accepting consciousness is
mirrored by the people around them。 As the Proverbs remind us; “A soft
answer turneth away wrath。”
Similarly; a hostile person lives in a hostile world。 If you go about with
rockness inside you; if you view others as petitive to you; if you have a
thin surface politeness with instant anger; ridicule; and antagonism when
things don’t go your way; you will create people around you that have exactly
those characteristics。 In other words; your actions create the reactions of
people around you  except when you are with people living in the Fourth (or
higher) Center of Consciousness。 Conscious beings remain loving and
centered no matter how tense the drama around them。
The world thus tends to be your mirror。 A peaceful person lives in a peaceful
world。 An angry person creates an angry world。 A helpful person generates
helpful; loving energy in others。 An unfriendly person should not be surprised
when he or she meets only people who sooner or later respond in an
unfriendly way。 A happy person finds the world filled with happy people 
for even unhappy people experience temporary happiness and joy when they
are with a genuinely happy and joyous person!
Sometimes people mirror you but with a reverse image。 When you are
addicted to one side of a polarity; you can create the opposite polarity around
you。 For example; if you are pulsively and addictively neat and orderly;
others around you will tend to be more sloppy than usual。 If; on the other
hand; you are addictively sloppy; you can create neatness responses around
you。 The polarity of your programming may evoke an opposite ego response
in the people with whom you interact。
As you grow in consciousness; you begin to realize the hundreds of ways in
which you create the consciousness of everyone around you。 And; of course;
they reciprocally play a part in determining the contents of your moment…tomoment
consciousness。 This feedback of consciousness offers exquisite
cosmic humor when you clearly see what is really happening 。 。 。
As you understand your polarities and free yourself; you begin to tune in to
everyone in their deeper levels of being  where we are alike and experience
oneness together。 When you free yourself of your addictions; you help to free
others of their addictions。
Your predictions and expectations are thus self…fulfilling。 Since your
consciousness creates your universe; all you have to do to change your world
is to change your consciousness! It’s the only way to live in a beautiful;
joyous world。 As you learn to use the Twelve Pathways to bee a more
loving; conscious being; you will find yourself living in an Ocean of loving;
conscious beings。 Without trying to change others; you will be acting in a
way that is maximally effective in helping others bee more loving and
I accept myself pletely here and now and consciously experience
everything I feel; think; say; and do (including my emotion…backed
addictions) as a necessary part of my growth into higher consciousness。
The Living Love Way to Higher Consciousness is based on the instant
emotional acceptance here and now of that which you previously regarded as
unacceptable in your life。 Acceptance simply means that you won’t cause
yourself emotional conflict because of your current perceptions。 Emotional
acceptance doesn’t mean that you have to continue living the rest of your life
with any particular person or situation。 You are free to do anything you prefer
to do  but don’t be addicted to the results of your actions。 If someone does
something that “hurts your ego;” you will grow fastest if you consciously
regard him or her as your teacher who is enabling you to discover which
addictions you will have to reprogram。
You really savor living when you consciously experience everything that you
feel and do as taking place in the theater that we call our world。 You see
yourself and others as actors in the daily drama of life。 But the real you is not
your body or mind。 You’re not the actor。 The real you is your Consciousawareness。
And your Conscious…awareness is just digging the whole show
from the audience。 Shakespeare wrote;
All the world’s a stage;
And all the men and women; merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts。
When you watch the entire drama of your life and that of other people from
the safe vantage point of the audience; you begin to provide a distance that
enables you to see your addictions more clearly。 You will find it easier to
pletely accept the addictive dramas that you have to play out on the stage
of your life。 You will find a turned…on joy in consciously experiencing
everything as a necessary part of your growth into higher consciousness。
To grow in the Living Love Way; you do not have to drill yourself and
criticize yourself with military precision。 Just experience everything in an
accepting; relaxed; and conscious way  and realize that every one of your
experiences is perfect for your here and now growth into higher
consciousness。 Your addictions will gradually fade away when you use the
Living Love Pathways to consciously interpret your moment…to…moment
stream of consciousness。 Don’t push the river  just experience the river
consciously from the vantage point of the Twelve Pathways。
Chapter 7
Interacting With Others
Flowing  not manipulation  is the way of higher consciousness。 Flowing
means moving with the forces around us  being in tune with the vibrations
of the people and things in our environment。 Flowing enables us to find the
love; beauty; and peace that we are missing in our lives。 But flowing is
impossible based on the models of how to be happy that we learned in our
childhood; for we cannot flow or harmonize when we are the slaves of our
addictions。 Our addictions force us to manipulate ourselves  and others。 As
adults whose minds and bodies have pleted their structural growth; we
have the potential of flowing in the river of our lives in a beautiful; loving
I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully
municate my deepest feelings; since hiding in any degree keeps me
stuck in my illusion of separateness from other people。
As you begin to uplevel all of your addictions to the status of preferences (or
eliminate them entirely); you will discover that you no longer have anything
to hide from other people。 It then feels good to be able to municate with
each person exactly what your are experiencing。 As you grow into higher
consciousness through eliminating your addictions; you will be able to drop
all deceptive; subject…object manipulation in the games you have been playing
 the money game; the security game; the male…female game; the prestige
game; the power game; the knowledge game; the expert game; etc。 These can
be beautiful games to play when you play them consciously and lovingly; but
they generate suffering and unhappiness when you play them addictively。
When you are not pletely open and truthful to all people  when you are
trying to hide a part of your inner feelings  you continue the illusion of
separateness from others。 Hasn’t everyone been caught up in the addictions
for security; sensation; and power? Are you under the illusion that you have
desires and feelings that are so horrible that others will be shocked? Or are
we really all one? Deep inside; all of us have experienced this self…imposed
suffering and isolation that keeps us from being peaceful and loving  even
though we may not have perceived it as self…imposed。 We have all been in
similar predicaments at one time or another in our lives。
One of the ways out of this wall of isolation is to municate; “Well; here I
am。 This is what my addictions are making me feel here and now。 I accept
myself (including my addictions) as being on an unfolding journey toward a
peaceful; loving state of higher consciousness。”
When you’re around someone who is experiencing fairly continuous states of
higher consciousness; you can be sure that he or she will conditionally accept
you exactly where you are now  for he or she has traveled over the same
road and prefers to help you。 You can grow fastest and enjoy the trip most
(even though your remaining addictions make it a bit rocky sometimes) if you
can relax and just municate fully。
It feels so good to be able to just open up and let people see all of you。
You’ll be amazed at how quickly they can then cut through their drama and
accept you without the phony masks and roles with which you previously
identified。 You have every right to feel exactly as you feel。 If “others” are
bothered; that’s their problem。 You’re their teacher giving them experiences
they need to reprogram their addictions  just as they are your teacher
enabling you to find your addictions。
When you consistently use the Pathways; you do not have to scream;
viciously attack; or otherwise unduly threaten another person in order to
municate your deepest feelings。 You don’t need to lay judgments on
people or prove them wrong。 You just talk about your own consci

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