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小说: 高等意识手册 字数: 每页3500字

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municate your deepest feelings。 You don’t need to lay judgments on
people or prove them wrong。 You just talk about your own consciousness。
Instead of; “You are horrible and I don’t want to ever see you again;” you can
say; “You’ve put me in touch with one of my addictions; and right now I feel
so angry at you I don’t want to be with you。” When you just talk about your
own consciousness; you give both yourself and the other person a better
chance to work through the addictive programming that produces the illusion
of separateness。
The Ninth Pathway suggests that you give yourself a short period of time to
work through the emotion caused by your addiction。 But if you are at the
beginning of your consciousness growth; you may find it more important to
municate quickly so that your relationships are always “up front。”
Remember; hiding separates; openness unites。
As you grow into higher consciousness; you will bee aware of the many
ways in which you have been involved in plex role playing; with hidden
“shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” that create plicated patterns of demanding
and expectation。 You can work effectively toward the “us” space when you
genuinely and openly municate your feelings and reveal the security;
sensation; and power dance that you have been doing。 You will find that you
can usually cut through these ensnaring dramas by expressing your
preferences clearly to yourself and others。 You will realize that open
munication of your innermost feelings helps your ego (and the egos of
other people) to get free of addictive programming which in the long run only
produces unhappiness and alienation。
I feel with loving passion the problems of others without getting
caught up emotionally in their predicaments that are offering them
messages they need for their growth。
All your emotional problems are created by your addictions。 Your growth
into higher consciousness consists of being free of these traps。 When you
interact with people who are still involved in this automatic puter…like
emotional programming; it is important that you learn to feel their problems
with loving passion; but without getting caught up emotionally in their
predicaments。 passionate understanding  yes; pity and miseration
passion means that when you empathize with the predicaments of other
people; you silently send out the vibration; “Yes; I know。 I’ve been there too。
It’s OK to feel the way you do  however; try to see that it’s all drama。 Life
always has its ‘tigers’  and we do what we can about them。 But above all;
let’s be sure to continuously enjoy the ‘strawberries。’ There are always
enough strawberries to enjoy our here and now if we don’t put all of our
attention on the tigers!”
passion means that you understand the duality and separation they are
creating in themselves by rejecting what is here and now in their lives  but
you do not get caught up in their poignant drama。 passion means that
you realize that you can do the most for other people when you stay centered
and high and loving whenever you are around them for they are playing out
their addictions; suffering because of them; and hopefully picking up the
messages life is offering them。 passion means that you love and serve
them from a clear love space; and not from a pulsiveness or guilt
motivated by your remaining security; sensation; or power addictions。
You learn not to give gifts that you cannot emotionally afford to give。 When
you resent helping someone; this creates obligations; duality; and separation。
You cannot psychologically afford to give such help; and the recipient cannot
afford to receive it。 The price in personal distance and separation is too high
if you give to avoid a feeling of “guilt” or from a “should” or “ought”
When you help someone because of a feeling of obligation or duty rather than
free…flowing love; you may find yourself resenting the person for needing
your help。 These negative feelings can prevent you from being sensitive to
his or her real here…and…now needs; and doing or saying what would really be
helpful。 Very often just being in a loving space with a person as you listen to
him or her is more helpful than any advice you could give。
When you can “help” someone with a feeling of love and oneness  you just
do it because it feels good to you。 When you feel oneness with another; there
is no giver or receiver  there’s just us here。 It’s like one hand washing
another。 You are just letting energy flow through you。
When you are with someone who is trapped in the suffering caused by
addictions; you use this as an opportunity to work on your consciousness。
The greatest thing you can do for “others” is to remain happy and loving
when you are with them。 You do not get caught up as a supporting actor no
matter how tragic the role they are playing in the drama of their life。 It’s their
thing to play this role。 They probably chose this role (either consciously or
unconsciously) and are clinging to it。 The best way to give them a chance to
free themselves from their addictive trap is for you to avoid getting caught up
emotionally in the “stuff” that they are taking so seriously。 They are not that
“stuff” with which they are identifying。 Behind all that; here we are。
As the Law of Higher Consciousness suggests; the game is to “Love
Everyone Unconditionally  Including Yourself。” As you begin to increase
the number of people for whom you feel unconditional love; you will be
aware of the many security; sensation; and power dramas that each of them is
busily playing out。 You realize that you cannot; in practice; have enough time
and energy to love everyone you meet if you have a “bleeding heart”
response to the heap of problems people are creating in their lives。
Your life works best when you love; serve; and flow your loving energy  not
from a lower consciousness motivation of “I am helping you;” or “I will save
you;” but simply from the awareness that “the universe gave this energy to me
and it feels good to pass it along。” As you bee more conscious; your
energy will increase。 And also; as you bee more conscious; less of it will
be drained by your own security; sensation; and power addictions。 You will
then liberate a continuous stream of energy which will flow into loving and
serving people around you。
I act freely when I am tuned in; centered; and loving; but if possible I
avoid acting when I am emotionally upset and depriving myself of the
wisdom that flows from love and expanded consciousness。
When you are emotionally upset; you energize the addictive patterns of other
people who are also caught in the lower levels of consciousness。 They will
mirror your uptightness; and will not be tuned in; perceptive; and able to fully
understand what you are trying to tell them。 They will reflect your inner
conflicts; for you will trigger their addictions  and this will interfere with
effective munication。 The things you do or say when you have stirred up
your emotions and the emotions of other people will be handled in a way that
is destructive of peace; love; and oneness。 You may be able to pull a power
trip to make something happen  but it will not feel right to all concerned。
And the future consequences of your actions will cause greater future
Bad vibrations; like the measles; are contagious。 Every time you interact with
anger; resentment; or fear; you add a little reinforcement to the addictions
from which we wish to be liberated。 You know the story of the man who
bawled out his friend; and the friend went home and fought with his wife;
who spanked her child; who then kicked the cat。
Now let’s turn it around  for good vibrations are also catching。 Let’s be the
man who plimented his friend; and the friend went home and kissed his
wife; who was so extra loving to her child that he gave the cat some milk
without even being asked!
To avoid adding to the total sum of the bad vibrations in the world; unless you
are in physical danger; wait until you are tuned in; centered; and loving before
you act。 Then your perception and wisdom may lead you to choose a more
effective course of action。 But even if you do the same thing that you
originally intended to do; it now has a better chance of success because the
consciousness level of everyone concerned is elevated。 Instead of acting out
a drama of addictions; you are; here and now; municating as a tuned…in
human being telling what you feel and what you prefer。
The Seventh Pathway and the Ninth Pathway put you in an interesting
predicament。 The Seventh Pathway tells you to municate your deepest
feelings; and the Ninth Pathway says for you to withhold your
munication; if possible; until you are perceptive; centered; and loving。
What this means is that you are always ready to be pletely open and to
municate with people; but if you are caught in the grip of a disturbing
emotion; you give yourself a little time to work on your addiction  rather
than acting out the fight…or…flight feeling you have triggered。
A part of your growth into higher consciousness will be associated with how
perceptively you handle these two Pathways。 You can use the Ninth Pathway
to hide  or you can use it to delay your responses to people long enough to
give the other Pathways an opportunity to rescue you from the negative
emotions you have triggered。 Always remember that you cannot put off for
long your making an up…front munication of your deepest feelings if you
wish to be conscious; perceptive; and loving。 Unexpressed feelings act like a
cancer in your brain that malignantly spreads  warping your perceptions and
bringing you alienation and suffering。 You thus learn to use the Seventh and
Ninth Pathways to create more and more aliveness and beauty in all of your
relationships with other people。
Chapter 8
Discovering My Conscious Awareness
The Twelve Pathways give you a plete solution to every emotional
problem in your life。 Whenever you experience unfortable emotional
waves; you will find that the Pathways are always ready to steer you around
the rocks into the peaceful waters。
I am continually calming the restless scanning of my rational mind in
order to perceive the finer energies that enable me to unitively merge
with everything around me。
When our wonderful bioputers are dominated by our addictions; our
consciousness is scattered and harried。 Our consciousness is then like a
television set that drifts from the channel; that turns off when we want to use
it; that sometimes won’t stay turned off when we wish to sleep; that is subject
to fading; and that will tune in only the lower channels。 We would not
tolerate this type of performance from a television set; but unfortunately most
of us are so accustomed to the poor performance of our minds that we often
accept such inefficiency as “normal。”
What is meant when the Tenth Pathway tells you to calm the restless scanning
of your rational mind? As you grow in awareness; you will begin to realize
that the activity of your rational mind is generally sparked by your security;
sensation; and power motivations。 You are trying to hold onto something you
do have

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