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走进我的交易室 中英对照版-第45章

小说: 走进我的交易室 中英对照版 字数: 每页3500字

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s; while a private trader has the luxury of waiting for the best moment。
You are under no obligation to buy or sell。 You have the freedom of standing aside; but most private traders throw away this awesome advantage。 People get sucked into the excitement of the game。 They jump in instead of waiting for the best trades。 Remember; the idea is to trade well; not to trade often。
Getting the Data
Real…time data tends to be pricey; and you must cover its cost before taking home a dime。 Many exchanges make fortunes selling real…time data; forcing vendors to delay free broadcasts to the public。 The 20…minute delay preserves entertainment value; but trying to use that data for day…trading is like driving a car with cardboard for a windshield; looking out through a side window。 Day…trading is a very fast game; played by some very clever people。 Trying to pete against them on the basis of delayed data is a joke。
Most day…traders use software to display; chart; and analyze their data。 Real…time analytic software has been around for years; but the great NASDAQ bull market led to an upsurge in the popularity of Level 2 quotes; which show who is bidding and offering what stock。 This is ballyhooed as the new road to riches。 Most of those riches go to vendors and brokers who benefit from hyperactive trading。 I haven’t noticed any improvement in the overall performance of private traders with Level 2 quotes。 The early users may have had an advantage a few years ago; when the concept was new; but once it became popular; the edge disappeared。 This is a mon story with new technologies … early users get an edge; the tool bees a fad; and the edge fades away。
A day…trader needs a dedicated puter; good analytic software; and a fast connection to the Internet。 This setup may cost several thousand dollars; plus a monthly bill of a few hundred dollars for live data and exchange fees。 You can reduce the cost of data by following just one market; which is not a bad idea because it helps keep you focused。
Some professional futures traders dispense with puters altogether。 They quit their day jobs and go on the floor。 Some move to a city that has an exchange where they buy or lease a seat。 Costs are higher on bigger exchanges that handle high volumes in popular markets; and cheaper on smaller exchanges in lesser markets。 The best way to learn is to get a job as a clerk on the floor and work for someone; but this option is open only to the young … the floor generally doesn’t hire people over 25。 They want them young; pliable; and without any preconceived ideas。
The great paradox of day…trading is that it demands the highest level of discipline; while attracting the most impulsive; addictive; and gambling…prone personalities。 If trading is a thrill; then day…trading provides the best rush。 It is a joy to recognize a pattern on your screen; put in an order; and watch the market explode in a stiff rise; stuffing thousands of dollars into your pockets。 A former military pilot said that day…trading was more exciting than sex or flying jet aircraft。
Corporate traders are in the market because their panies gave them jobs。 Private traders enter for reasons that are partly rational and partly irrational。 The only rational reason is to make money; but a profitable day…trade delivers such a great high that it sweeps most people off their feet。 Flooded with pleasure; they go looking for the next high and lose money。
The purpose of any business is to make money。 A well…run business also gratifies many of its owners’ and employees’ psychological needs; but money is the pivot of the enterprise。 Traders who bee hooked on thrills take their eyes off the money and jump into impulsive trades。 Vendors encourage day…traders because losers spend like drunken sailors on software; data; systems; and even coaches; most of whom have never traded or busted out。 Go into any port area; and you’ll see plenty of bars; brothels; and tattoo parlors。 Go into day…trading; and you’ll see more vendors than you can shake a stick at。 There is money to be made from turkeys whose market life is measured in months or weeks。
Successful day…traders test patterns and systems; measure risks and rewards; and focus on building equity。 Winners tend to be emotionally cool。 If day…trading attracts you; you must answer several questions:
Are you successfully trading with end…of…day charts? If the answer is “no;” stay away from day…trading。 You need a minimum of one year successful trading experience before attempting to day…trade。
Do you have an addictive streak? If you have a history of drinking; drugs; overeating; or gambling; stay as far away as possible from day…trading because it will trigger your addictive tendency and destroy your account。
你容易上瘾吗? 如果你曾经醉酒,吸毒,激动或赌博,尽量远离日内交易,因为它会让你上瘾,并摧毁你的账户。
Do you have a written business plan? How much money will you trade? In what markets? How will you choose entries and exits? How will you manage risks; use stops; and allocate capital? Do not go near day…trading without a written plan。 Be sure to keep separate records for day…trading and position trading。 Find out which one is more profitable for you。
Choosing the Market
Day…trading pares to position trading like flying to driving。 fortably seated behind the wheel of a car you can lean back; listen to music; use a cell phone; and even glance at a magazine while stopped at a red light。 Do not attempt that in a jet。
Day…trading demands total concentration on a single market。 It is like serial monogamy … you may trade several markets in your career; but only one at any given time。 What market will you choose? The two essential features of a good day…trading market are high liquidity and volatility。
Liquidity refers to the average daily volume of your trading vehicle … the higher; the better。 It is easy to join a huge crowd and just as easy to leave without drawing attention to yourself and distorting the market with your order。 When you place a market order to buy or sell a thinly traded stock or a modity; you give the pros a license to skin you alive in slippage。 If you use a limit order; it may never get filled。 Trading a big liquid market; such as IBM or soybeans; allows you to get in and out more easily with less slippage。
Volatility refers to the average daily range of your trading vehicle。 The greater the distance between the high and the low of the day; the bigger your target。 Shooting at a big target is easier than shooting at a tiny one。 Remember our discussion of channels? If you know how to trade; you will get more money from a wide channel; at any level of skill。 Someone who trades at C level and  takes 10% from a channel will get 1 point from a 10…point channel; but 2 points from a 20…point channel。 A C…level trader has no business day…trading; but even an A trader wants as big a target as possible。
You can find good liquidity and volatility in the leading stocks; futures; and currencies。 Another important feature of a day…trading market is its personality。 Some markets move smoothly; others like to jump。 Bonds; for example; tend to spend a day or two in a very narrow range; then explode; moving more in half an hour than in several preceding days; and then fall asleep again。 Trading them is like infantry fighting … 90% sheer boredom and 10% sheer terror。

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