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专门替中国人写的英语语法 作者:不详-第4章

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5。  I          (live) in Taipei when I was a child。 When I was six years old; I          (move) to Taiwan and          (live) there ever since。 
6。  He          (be) an honest person all his life。 That is why so many people          (like) him。 
7。  It          (be) my birthday tomorrow。 Yet I          (have) a test the day after tomorrow。 So I          (study) in the library tomorrow night。 
8。  He          (be) a strong kid when he was young。 Now although he          (be) seventy years old; he          (be) still quite healthy。 
9。  I          (have) this car for nine years。 I          (sell) it and          (buy) a new one next year。 
10。 He          (take) a bath every morning。 Today; since he          (get) up very late; he          (go) to school directly without taking a bath。 

第六章 否定句子(Negative Sentences) 
6§1 否定句的基本规则 
肯定句子  否定句子 
I like music。  I don’t like music。 
He loves swimming。  He does not love swimming。 
They have e to work。  They have not e to work。 
Mary went to see a movie yesterday。  Mary did not go to see a movie yesterday。 
John is a good boy。  John is not a good boy。 
I will go to New York tomorrow。  I will not go to New York tomorrow。 
He can sing。  He can not sing。 
You may go now。  You may not go now。 
He should sleep early。  He should not sleep early。 
It is raining now。  It is not raining now。 
It rains very often here。  It does not rain very often here。 
He has a lot of money。  He does not have a lot of money。 
It is exciting to see this game。  It is not exciting to see this game。 
He asked me three questions。  He did not ask me three questions。 
1。Verb to be 后面可以直接加not。例如: 
He is not a good teacher。 
Mary was not very happy when she was young。 
They are not strong boys。 
Peter is not ing。 
John is not going to work。 
He has not written any letter。 
They will not e。 
He cannot swim。 
They should not cry very often。 
Tom had not eaten any thing before you came。 
He may never eat cakes in the future。 
John has not lived here。 
He does not smoke。 
He did not go。 
I do not love sports。 
You do not like to eat fish。 
They do not swim very well。 
We did not see that movie。 
在英文中,我们可以用have to来代替must,以下是have to的例子: 
He has to go to Chicago tomorrow。(他明天应该去芝加哥) 
They had to buy three tickets to go to the concert。(他们必须买三张票去听音乐会) 
I have to work very hard。(我必须努力工作) 
含有have to的句子,如要改成否定句子,必须在have to前面加do或它的变形,请看以下的例子: 
肯定句子  否定句子 
He has to eat a lot of food。   He does not have to eat a lot of food。 
He had to leave。  He did not have to leave。 
I have to write that letter。  I do not have to write that letter。 
1。  I saw your brother last night。 
2。  I like apples。 
3。  She is a beautiful girl。 
4。  They can play violin very well。 
5。  Mr。 Chang must answer the following questions。 
6。  He went to see his brother last night。 
7。  He could sing many songs。 
8。  He will buy this car。 
9。  It rained heavily last night。 
10。 I have lived here for three years。 
11。 He has to see his mother。 
12。 He had to stay here yesterday。 
6§2 No; Never和Any的用法 
1。I saw no students here。 
2。There are no lakes in this country。 
3。I have no money。 
4。I had no choice。 
5。He has no friends。 
1。I did not see any student here。 
2。We can not find any lake in this country。 
3。I do not have any money。 
4。I did not have any choice。 
5。He does not have any friends。 
I have never gone there。 
He has never written any song。 
They have never washed their clothes。 
1。  I have          money。 
2。  A selfish person does          have any friends。 
3。  man is entirely alone。 
4。  one is living here。 We can          get into this house。 
5。  a single person loves me。 
6。  one loves me。 
7。  The person whom I saw did          e。 
8。  I did          go to work yesterday。 
9。  I had          work to do yesterday。 
10。 I can          find any one in this hall。 
11。 I have          gone to America。 
12。 He has          written to me。 

第七章 问句(Questions) 
7§1 答案只是〝Yes〞或〝No〞的问题 
原来句子  问句 
I am a boy。  Am I a boy? 
He has a car。  Does he have a car? 
I gave him three books。  Did I give him three books? 
He cannot work。  Can he work? 
He has not seen me。  Has he seen me? 
They like your novel。  Do They like your novel? 
The sun sets in the west。  Does the sunset in the west? 
They are good teachers。  Are they good teachers? 
He will not go to a concert tonight。  Will he go to a concert tonight? 
He is going to swim。  Is he going to swim? 
They must eat vegetables。  Must they eat vegetables? 
They have to go。  Do they have to go? 
I walked two kilometers yesterday。  Did I walk two kilometers yesterday? 
It is raining now。  Is it raining now? 
(1)    凡动词是verb to be的,变成问句时,动词移到主语前面去。
原来句子  问句 
You are a girl。  Are you a girl? 
He was a teacher。  Was he a teacher? 
They were all old。  Were they all old? 
This song is beautiful。  Is this song beautiful? 
Peter is a good student。  Is Peter a good student? 
(2)    动词不是verb to be,也没有助动词,改成问句时,必须加助动词do或他的变形,这个助动词必须在主语的前面。
原来句子  问句 
I like music。  Do I like music? 
He likes sports。  Does he like sports? 
Peter went to America。  Did Peter go to America? 
He ate three apples last night。  Did he eat three apples last night? 
Her mother calls her every week。  Does her mother call her every week? 
(3)    句子中间如已有助动词,改成问句时,只要将助动词移到主动词前面即可。
原来句子  问句 
He did not eat。  Did he eat? 
He has gone to America。  Has he gone to America? 
She can dance。  Can she dance? 
I will see you tonight。  Will I see you tonight? 
They are going to Washington。  Are they going to Washington? 
Don’t you like music? 
Doesn’t he play piano? 
Aren’t you his brother? 
Isn’t he a good student? 
Didn’t he go to school? 
Hasn’t he lived here? 
Won’t he leave tomorrow? 
Don’t you like music? 
No; I don’t like music。 
Yes; I like music。 
Isn’t he Chinese? 
Yes; he is。 
No; he isn’t。 
1。    你喜欢他吗? 
2。    他是美国人吗? 
3。    你昨天有没有去教堂? 
4。    他曾经到过日本吗? 
5。    你要去台北吗? 
6。    他不喜欢体育吗? 
7。    你从未去过日本吗? 
8。    他有一个妹妹吗? 
9。    他们都是学生吗? 
10。   你的哥哥昨天见过我爸爸吗? 
7§2 回答不只是〝yes〞和〝no〞的问句 
Where did you buy this book? 
Where did you see him? 
How do you like America? 
Whom do you like? 
Which cake do you want? 
Whose book is this? 
What kind of method is this? 
Which country were you born in? 
Which do you want; an apple or an orange? 
Whom do you like most; your brother or your sister? 
Where did you go last night? 
When did you meet your father? 
When did you read this book? 
Whom did you give this book to? 
Who gave you this car? 
Who wrote this letter? 
Who took my pen away? 
Who wants to go with me? 
Who can sing this song? 
1。    你在哪里买这本书的? 
2。    他什么时候到美国去的? 
3。    他爸爸的名字是什么? 
4。    这是谁的书? 
5。    你从哪里来的? 
6。    你要哪一本书? 
7。    这个孩子是谁? 
8。    他最喜欢谁? 
9。    他叫什么名字? 
10。   你昨天到哪里去了? 
11。   这是谁的狗? 
1。    did you go last night? 
2。    book do you like? 
3。    is your brother? 
4。    is his name? 
5。    wrote this letter? 
6。    did you give this book to? 
7。    gave you this book? 
8。    car is this? 
9。    dog is this? 
10。   movie did you see? 
11。   can speak English? 
12。   did you speak to? 
13。   kind of car is this? 
14。   fruit do you like most? 
15。   does not swim? 

第八章    被动语气(Passive Voice) 
8§1 及物动词和不及物动词 
1。   He was a teacher before。 
2。   He went to school yesterday。 
3。   He hit a dog。 
4。   I saw you yesterday。 
5。   He walks to school every day。 
6。   He sent this book to me。 
7。   They are good students。 
8。   He wrote two novels。 
9。   They ate all of the apples。 
10。 He swims every morning。 
在以上的例子中,第3、4、6、8及9句子中的动词都是及物动词(transitive verbs)。这些动词后面都跟着一个名词,而这个名词是动词的宾语(object),其它句子的动词,都是不及物动词,因为他们都没有任何宾语。 
句子  主语  及物动词  宾语 
He hit a dog。  He  hit  dog 
I saw you yesterday。  I  saw  you 
He sent his book to me。  He  sent  his book 
He wrote two novels。  He  wrote  two novels 
They ate all of the apples。  They  ate  all of the apples 
一旦动词是及物动词,我们就可以将这个句子由原来的主动语气(active voice)改成被动语气(passive voice)。但我们也要警告读者,不要轻易用被动语气,因为有时被动语气的句子是不自然的。 
8§2 没有助动词的被动语气 
(1)    原有宾语变成名词 
(2)    动词变成verb to be+过去分词(past participle) 
(3)    原有主语变成在动词后面,但前面加by。 
I saw a cat。
A cat was seen by me。 
最重要的是,verb to be的时态必须和原句子的相同,以上的例子中,动词是过去式,所以verb to be也是过去式。除此以外,verb to be也要配合新的主语。请看以下的例子: 
I saw two cats。 
Two cats were seen by me。 

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