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小说: 英语谚语词典 字数: 每页3500字

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  A false friend is worse than an avowed enemy。 (1911)
  A false tongue will hardly speak truth。 (1621)
  A fault confessed is half redressed。 (1276)
  A fault denied is twice mitted。 (1277)
  Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended。 (312)
  A flow of words is no proof of wisdom。 (929)
  A fool always es short of his reckoning。 (1579)
  A fool always finds a greater fool than himself。 (1582)
  A fool always rushed to the fore。 (1590)
  A fool may give a wise man counsel。 (1574)
  A fool may put somewhat in a wise man’s head。 (1575)
  A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose。(1577)
  A fool’s bolt may sometimes hit the mark。 (1576)
  A fool’s heart dances on his lips。 (1581)
  A forced kindness deserves no thanks。 (1441)
  A fox should not be of the jury at a goose’s trial。 (1807)
  A friend in court is better than a penny in purse。 (1868)
  A friend in need is a friend indeed。 (1848)
  A friend is a second self。 (1847)
  A friend is best found in adversity。 (1853)
  A friend is easier lost than found。 (1862)
  A friend is known in necessity。 (1856)
  A friend is never known till a man has need。 (1855)
  A friend is not so soon gotten as lost。 (1893)
  A friend that frowns is better than a smiling enemy。 (1937)
  A friend to all is a friend to none。 (1876)
  A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody。 (1875)
  A friend without faults will never be found。 (1891)
  After a storm es a calm。 (1400)
  After death; the doctor。 (1157)
  After dinner sit awhile; after supper walk a mile。 (1047)
  After meat; mustard。 (1966)
  A galled horse will not endure the b。 (1742)
  A gloved cat catches no mice。 (1759)
  A golden key can open any door。 (974)
  A golden key opens every door。 (975)
  A good beginning is half done。 (384)
  A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。 (515)
  A good book is the best of friends; the same today and forever。 (516)
  A good dog deserves a good bone。 (1776)
  A good example is the best sermon。 (1967)
  A good face is a letter of remendation。 (1432)
  A good fame is better than a good face。 (935)
  A good friend is my nearest relation。 (1866)
  A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold。 (1070)
  A good horse often needs a good spur。 (1731)
  A good husband makes a good wife。 (219)
  A good Jack makes a good Jill 'Gill'。 (220)
  A good lawyer; an devil neighbour。 (727)
  A good marksman may miss。 (1292)
  A good medicine tastes bitter。 (1108)
  A good name is better than a golden girdle 。 (937)
  A good name is better than gold。 (938)
  A good name is better than (great) riches。 (940)
  A good name is easier 'soon' lost (than won)。 (943)
  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches。 (941)
  A good name keeps its luster in the dark。 (942)
  A good reputation sits still; a bad one runs about。 (953)
  A good surgeon must have an eagle’s eye; a lion’s heart; and a lady’s hand。 (1101)
  A good tale is none the worse for being twice told。 (525)
  A good tongue is a good weapon。 (686)
  A good wife and health is a man’s best wealth。 (229)
  A good wife makes a good husband。 (218)
  A great ship asks deep waters。 (783)
  A great talker is a great liar。 (1625)
  A ground sweat cures all disorders。 (1155)
  A growing youth has a wolf in his belly。 (1826)
  Agues e on horseback but go away on foot。 (1091)
  A guilty conscience feels continual fear。 (1491)
  A guilty conscience is a self…accuser 'a thousand witness'。 (1493)
  A guilty conscience needs no accuser。 (1494)
  A guilty conscience never feels secure。 (1492)
  A handful of mon sense is worth a bushel of learning。 (537)
  A happy heart makes a blooming visage。 (1054)
  A healthy mind is in a healthy body。 (1075)
  A heavy purse makes a light heart。 (987)
  A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings。 (1730)
  A horse stumbles that has four legs。 (1213)
  A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats。 (1734)
  A husband must be deaf and the wife blind to have quietness。 (231)
  A kind word is never lost。 (683)
  A kite will never be a good hawk。 (1674)
  A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich。 (1197)
  A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy。 (1712)
  A lazy youth; a lousy age。 (374)
  Ale will make a cat speak。 (1762)
  A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth。 (1629)
  A lie begets a lie till they e to generations。 (1606)
  A life without a friend is a life without a sun。 (1900)
  A light heart lives long。 (1052)
  A light…heeled mother makes a heavy…heeled daughter。 (268)
  A light purse makes a heavy heart。 (990)
  A lion at home; a mouse abroad。 (1754)
  A little child is the sweetest and purest thing in the world。 (282)
  A little knowledge is a dangerous thing。 (546)
  A little labour; much health。 (1058)
  A little learning is a dangerous thing。 (547)
  A little neglect may breed great mischief。 (1278)
  A little pot 'pan' is soon hot。 (1445)
  A living dog is better than a dead lion。 (1794)
  All are brave when the enemy flies。 (1957)
  All are good lasses; but whence e the bad wives? (1968)
  All are not friends that speak us fair。 (1889)
  All are not saints that go to church。 (1436)
  All are not thieves that dogs bark at。 (1791)
  All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws。 (1763)
  All his geese are swans。 (1692)
  All flesh is grass。 (1141)
  All is fair in love and war。 (182)
  All is fish that es to his net。 (1969)
  All is not gain that is put in the purse。 (1241)
  All is not gold that glitters。 (1003)
  All is not lost that is in danger。 (1226)
    All is well that ends well。 (1970)
  All men are mortal。 (1132)
  All men must die。 (1133)
  All roads lead to Rome。 (394)
  All shall be well; Jack shall have Gill 'Jill'。 (183)
  All that lives must die。 (1134)
  All things are obedient to money。 (976)
  All things will e round to him who will but wait。(823) 
  All time is no time when it is past。 (34)
  All truth is not always to be told。 (676)
  All truth is not to be told at all times。 (677)
  All truths are not (always) to be told。 (678)
  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。 (340)
  All your swans are geese。 (1691)
  A long tongue is a sign of a short hand。 (675)
  Always taking out the meal…tub; and never putting in; soon es to the bottom。 (880)
  A maid that laughs is half taken。 (121)
  A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst。 (122)
  A man apt to promise is apt to forget。 (646)
  A man can die but once。 (1138)
  A man can only die once。 (1139)
  A man has choice to begin love; but not to end it。 (177)
  A man is as old as he feels。 (1971)
  A man is known by his friends (1917)
  A man is known by the pany he keeps。 (1918)
  A man 'one' is never too old to learn。 (348)
  A man is not good or bad for one action。 (682)
  A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge。 (1972)
  A man may talk like a wise man and yet act like a fool。 (1588)
  A man must eat a peck of salt with his friend before he knows him。 (1859)
  A man of sense talks little and listens much。 (618)
  A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds。 (680)
  A man’s house is his castle。 (253)
  A man that breaks his words; bids others to be false to him。 (647)
  A man without a friend is only half a man。 (1897)
  A merry heart goes all the way。 (410)
  A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance。 (408)
  A mill cannot grind with the water that is past。 (73)
  A miserly father makes a prodigal son。 (270)
  A miss is as good as a mile。 (1282)
  A moneyless person goes fast through the market。 (1002)
  A mother’s love never changes。 (265)
  An ape’s an ape; a varlet’s a varlet; though they be clad in silk or scarlet。 (1846)
  An army of stags led by a lion would be more formidable than one of lions led by a stag。 (1840)
    An ass endures his burden; but not more than his burden。 (1747)
  An evil lesson is soon learned。 (1501)
  A near friend is better than a far…dwelling kinsman。 (1867)
  An empty bad cannot stand upright。 (564)
  An empty barrel makes more noise than a full one。 (563)
  An enemy’s mouth seldom speaks well。 (1939)
  An enemy who lies at thy feet begging forgiveness must not feel thy sword。 (1948)
  An Englishman’s home is his castle。 (254)
  A new broom sweeps clean。 (1973)
  Anger and haste hinder good counsel。(1447)
  Anger begins in folly; and ends in repentance。 (1453)
  Anger is a short madness。 (1448)
  Anger punishes itself。 (1449)
  Anger rests in the bosom of folly。 (1454)
  Anger rusts intellect so that it cannot discern right from wrong。 (1452)
  An honest look covereth many faults。 (836)
  An honest man’s word is as good as his bond。 (830)
  An honourable death is better than a disgraceful life。 (1170)
  An hour in the morning before breakfast is worth two all the rest of the day。 (27)
  An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening。 (28)
  A nice wife and a back door will soon make a rich man poor。(223)
  An idle brain is the devil’s workshop。 (1476)
  An idle person is the devil’s cusion。 (1477)
  An idle soul shall suffer hunger。 (1483)
  An idle youth; a needy age。 (1473)
  An ill life; an ill end。 (1489)
  An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune。 (213)
  An occasion lost cannot be redeemed。 (65)
  An old dog bites sore。 (1789)
  An old dog cannot alter its way of barking。 (1790)
  An old fox is not easily snared。 (1811)
  An old physician; and a young lawyer。 (728)
  An open enemy is better than a hollow friend。 (1913)
  An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom。 (1387)
  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure。 (1107)
  An owl is the king of the night。 (1670)
  An ox is taken by the horns; and the man by the tongue。 (1724)
  Answer a fool according to his folly。 (1587)
  An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup。 (1358)
  An upright judge has more regard to justice than to men。 (725)
  A penny soul never came to twopence。 (1446)
  A penny saved is a penny gained。 (849)
  A pet lamb makes a cross ram。 (269)
  A pound of care will not pay an ounce of debt。 (1208)
  Appearance often deceives。 (1403)
  Appearances are (often) deceptive。 (1404)
  A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder。 (1534)
  A ragged colt may make a good horse。 (1736)
  A rich man’s joke is always funny。 (984)
  A rolling stone gathers no moss。 (1018)
  Art is long; life is short。 (1057)
  As a man is; so is 

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