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小说: 英语谚语词典 字数: 每页3500字

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  Art is long; life is short。 (1057)
  As a man is; so is his pany。 (1919)
  As a man lives; so shall he die。 (1125)
  As a man’s heart is; so does he speak。 (637)
  A scalded cat dreads 'fears' (even) cold water。 (1335)
  A scalded dog thinks cold water hot。 (1338)
  As is the husband; so is the wife。 (222)
  A small leak will sink a great ship。 (1281)
  A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner。 (787)
  A soft answer turns 'turneth' away wrath。 (684)
  A sound mind in a sound body。 (1074)
  A spot is most seen on the finest cloth。 (1270)
  As soon goes the young lamb’s skin to the market as the old ewe’s。 (1711)
  As the house is to the man; so is the nest to the bird and the cave to the animal。 (255)
  As the life is; so is the end。 (1124)
  As the old cock crows; the young (one) learns。 (263)
  As the touchstone tries gold; so gold tries man。 (785)
  As the twig is bent so the tree is inclined。 (288)
  As the wind blows; you must set your sail。 (79)
  A stitch in time saves nine。 (46)
  A straw shows which way the wind blows。 (1643)
  A swine over fat is the cause of his own bane。 (1697)
  As we sow; so shall we reap。 (443)
  A table friend is a variable friend。 (1884)
  A thief knows a thief as a wolf knows a wolf。 (1827)
  A thing of beauty is a joy for ever。 (413)
  At need one sees who his friend is。 (1857)
  A tree is known by its fruit。 (444)
  A tree must be bent while it is young。 (296)
  A true friend is one soul in two bodies。 (1850)
  A useful trade is a mine of gold。 (561)
  A valiant man’s look is more than a coward’s sword。 (794)
    Avarice blinds our eyes。 (1974)
  Avarice increases with wealth。 (994)
  A vaunter and a liar are near akin。 (1618)
  Avoid the ford on which your friend was drowned。 (1344)
  A wager is a fool’s argument。 (1580)
  A watched kettle 'pot' never boils。 (1975)
    A watched pot 'pan' is long in boiling。 (1976)
  A wicked book is the wickeder because it cannot repent。 (523)
  A wicked man is his own hell。 (1497)
  A wife is not to be chosen by the eye only。 (216)
  A willful fault has no excuse and deserves no pardon。 (1528)
  A wise head makes a close mouth。 (617)
  A wise man cares not for what he cannot have。 (908)
  A wise man changes his mind; a fool never will。 (894)
  A wise man hears one word and understand two。 (891)
  A wise man is never less alone than when (he is) alone。 (892)
  A wise man thinks all that he says; a fool says all that he thinks。 (899)
  A wise man will make tools of what es to hand。 (888)
    A wonder lasts but nine days。 (1977)
  A wooer should open his ears more than his eyes。 (217)
  A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled。 (630)
  A word in season is most precious。 (660)
  A word in time is worth two afterwards。 (661)
  A word is enough to the wise。 (909)
  A word is no arrow; but it can pierce the heart。 (689)
  A word spoken cannot be recalled。 (628)
  A word spoken is an arrow let fly。 (631)
  A word spoken is past recalling。 (627)
  A work ill done must be twice done。 (309)
  A worm will turn。 (1978)
  A young man idle; an old man needy。 (1474)
  A young man married is a man that’s marred。 (207)
A young twig is easier twisted than an old tree。 (299)
Bad luck always es in threes。 (1364)
  Bad news has wings。 (1520)
  Bad workmen often blame their tools。 (1979)
  Bare words; no bargain。 (663)
  Barking dogs seldom bite。 (1782)
  Beard the lion in his den。 (1834)
  Bear with evil and expect good。 (815)
  Beauty and folly are often panions。 (1599)
  Beauty is but skin deep。 (1416)
  Beauty is in the beholder’s eye。 (178)
  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 'gazer'。 (179)
  Beauty is potent; but money is more potent。 (992)
  Beauty is truth; truth beauty。 (511)
  Beauty lies in lover’s eyes。(180)
  Be considerate toward the poor。 (1192)
  Before gold; even kings takes off their hats。 (983)
  Before you make a friend; eat a bushel of salt with him。 (1860)
  Beggars must 'should' be no choosers。 (1121)
  Be it ever so humble; there is no place like home。 (238)
  Be just to all; but trust not all。 (959)
  Believe no tales from the enemy。 (1940)
  Be slow to promise and quick to perform。 (648)
  Best to bend while ’tis a twig。 (298)
  Be swift to hear; slow to speak。 (606)
  Better a glorious death than a shameful life。 (1167)
  Better an open enemy than a false friend。 (1914)
  Better a witty fool than a foolish wit。 (906)
  Better be alone than in bad pany。 (1907)
  Better be half hanged than ill wed。 (210)
  Better be poor than wicked。 (1185)
  Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion。 (1771)
  Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse。 (1748)
  Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry。 (1980)
  Better be upright and want; than wicked and have abundance。 (1505)
  Better die standing than live kneeling。 (1172)
  Better die with honour than live with shame。 (1168)
  Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt。 (1203)
  Better late than never。 (325)
  Better lose the saddle than the horse。 (1218)
  Better master one than engage with ten。 (326)
  Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose。 (655)
  Better spare at brim than at bottom。 (846)
  Better spared than ill spent。 (857)
  Better spare to have of thine own; than ask of other man。 (847)
  Better to die in glory than live in dishonour。 (1171)
  Better to do well than to say well。 (588)
  Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven。 (1981)
  Better without gold than without friend。 (1898)
  Between friends all is mon。 (1894)
  Between two stools one goes to the ground。 (449)
  Beware beginnings。 (1982)
  Beware of a silent dog and still water。 (1784)
  Beware of him who regards not his reputation。 (950)
  Big fish eat little fish。 (734)
  Bind the sack before it is full。 (1983)
  Birds of a feather flock together。 (1657)
  Bitter pills may have wholesome effort。 (1109)
  Black will take no other hue。 (1503)
  Blood is thicker than water。 (271)
  Books and friends should be few but good。 (512)
  Books are the ever…burning lamps of accumulated wisdom。 (514)
  Books; like friends; should be few and well chosen。 (513)
  Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry。 (879)
  Bought wit is dear。 (927)
  Burnt bairns dread the fire。 (1333)
  Business before pleasure。 (376)
  Business is business。 (334)
  Business is the salt of life。 (375)
  Business makes a man as well as tries him。 (377)
  Business may be troublesome; but idleness is pernicious。 (383)
  Business neglected is business lost。 (379)
  Butter to butter is no relish。 (453)
  By learning you will teaching; by teaching you will learn。 (355)
  By little and little the wolf eateth the sheep。 (1820)
  By other’s faults wise men correct their own。 (1345)
  By the side of sickness health bees sweet。 (1082)
  By the street of “Bye…and…bye” one arrives at the house of “Never”。 (1984)
  Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion。 (1985)
  Calamity is man’s true touchstone。(1374)
  Call no man happy before he is dead。 (1161)
  Call no man happy before his death 'till he dies'。 (1162)
  Call no man happy till 'until' he is dead。 (1163)
  Care and diligence bring luck。 (345)
  Care killed the cat。(1986)
  Carrion crows bewail the dead sheep and then eat them。 (1708)
  Cats hide their paws。 (1760)
  Charity begins at home; but should not end there。 (258)
  Cheats never prosper。 (1634)
  Cheek brings success。 (1987)
  Children and fools cannot lie。 (290)
  Children and fools have merry lives。 (414)
  Children are certain cares; but uncertain forts。 (303)
  Children are the parents’ riches。 (272)
  Children are what the mothers are。 (261)
  Children have the qualities of the parents。 (262)
  Children learn to creep ere they can go。 (281)
  Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye。 (215)
  Christmas es but once a year。 (6)
  Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; instruments of the wise。 (905)
  Clothes don’t make the man。 (1422)
  Clothes make the man。 (1426)
  Clumsy birds have to start flying early。 (1664)
  mon sense is not mon。 (558)
  munity of purpose makes friendship。 (1932)
  panions are odious。 (1988)
  pany in distress makes trouble 'the sorrow' less。 (1210)
  Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success。 (391)
  Confidence is a plant of slow growth。 (955)
  Congenial minds are disposed to associate。 (1989)
  Constant dropping wears away a stone。 (805)
  Constant dropping wears the stone。 (804)
  Content is happiness。 (415)
  Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue。 (778)
  Cover your head by day as much as you will; by night as much as you can。 (1046)
  Cowards die often 'many times' before their deaths。 (1990)
  Creditors have better memories than debtors。 (1991)
  Crows do not pick crow’s eyes。 (1677)
  Cry up wine and sell vinegar。 (1992)
  Custom is another nature。 (566)
  Custom is a second nature。 (565)
  Custom makes all the things easy。 (567)
  Custom reconciles us to everything。 (568)
  Custom rules the law。 (569)
  Custom without reason is but ancient error。 (571)
  Cut your coat according to your cloth。 (450)
  Danger is next neighbour to security。 (1993)
  Dangers foreseen are the sooner prevented。 (1994)
  Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares。 (306)
  Dead men tell no tales。 (1159)
  Death defies the doctor。 (1156)
  Death frees us from ills。 (1146)
  Death is mon 'sure' to all。 (1135)
  Death is the grand 'great' leveller。 (1147)
  Death levels all men。 (1148)
  Death meets us everywhere。 (1175)
  Death pays all debts 'scores'。 (1142)
  Death quits (all) scores。 (1143)
  Death spares neither small nor great。 (1149)
  Death squares all accounts。 (1144)
  Deeds are fruits; words are but leaves。 (654)
  Deeds; not words。 (593)
  Delays are dangerous。(87) 
  Deliberate slowly; execute promptly。 (336)
  Despair gives courage to a coward。 (1995)
  Desperate diseases must have desperate cures。 (1088)
  Destroy the lion while he is yet but a whelp。 (1835)
  Dexterity es by experience。 (1315)
  Diet cures more than doctors 'pills'。 (1099)
  Digging your grave with your own teeth。 (1100)
  Diligence is the mother of good fortune。 (344)
  Diligence is the mother of success。 (343)
  Dirty linen should be washed at home。 (248)
  Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom。 (1376)
  Discretion is th

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