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小说: 英语谚语词典 字数: 每页3500字

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  Never cast your pearls before swine。 (1698)
  Never challenge a fool to do wrong。 (1586)
  Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today。 (48)
  Never do things by halves。 (314)
  Never hang a man twice for one offenece。 (1541)
  Never judge from appearances。 (1406)
  Never judge people by their appearance。 (1407)
  Never offer to teach fish to swim。 (2076)
  Never put off till tomorrow what can 'may' be done today。 (51)
  Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today。 (52)
  Never think yourself above your business。 (380)
    Never too late to mend。 (1303)
  Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you。 (2077)
  Never trust another what you should do yourself。 (962)
  Never trust to fine words。 (961)
  New lords 'kings'; new laws。 (700)
  Nobody but has his faults。 (1265)
  Nobody is without faults。 (1266)
  No cross; no crown。 (1206)
  No fence against (an) ill fortune。 (1370)
  No fence against (for) ill fortune。 (1371)
  No fool like an old fool。 (1603)
  No fool to the old fool。 (1604)
  No friendship lives long that owes its rise to the pot。 (1886)
  No gains without pains。 (329)
  No good building without a good foundation。 (1513)
  No great loss but some small profit。 (1227)
  No great loss without some small gain。 (1228)
  No herb will cure love。 (1113)
  No joy without alloy 'annoy'。 (423)
  No living man all things can。 (479)
  No love is foul; no prison fair。 (162)
  No man can call again yesterday。 (40)
  No man can do two things at once。 (2078)
  No man can make a good coat with bad cloth。 (451)
    No man ever became thoroughly bad all at once。 (2079)
  No man is born wise。 (881)
  No man is content。 (2080)
  No man is indispensable。 (1263)
  No man is the worst for knowing the worst of himself。 (841)
    No man is wise at all times。 (920)
  No man 'one' is without his faults。 (1264)
  No man loves his fetters; be they made of gold。 (452)
  No mill; no meal。 (328)
  None but the brave deserves the fair。 (792)
  None of us are infallible。 (1267)
  None so deaf as those who won’t hear。 (2081)
  No news is good news。 (2082)
    No one can call back yesterday。 (38)
  No one wise at all times。 (921)
  No pains; no gains。(330)
  No pleasure without pain。 (421)
  No road is long with good pany。 (1872)
  No root; no fruit。 (1650)
  No rose without a thorn。 (1640)
  No smoke without some fire。 (474)
  No song; no supper。 (331)
  Not all butter that the cow yields。 (1718)
  Not everyone can succeed。 (398)
  Nothing es out of the sack but what was in it。 (440)
  Nothing endures but truth。 (494)
  Nothing is a greater misfortune than not being able to bear misfortune。 (1373)
  Nothing is dearer to a man than a friend in need。 (1849)
  Nothing is difficult to the man who will try。 (781)
  Nothing is ever done in a hurry。 (2083)
  Nothing is impossible to a willing heart。 (2084)
  Nothing is stolen without hands。 (2085)
  Nothing so certain 'sure' as death。 (1127)
  Nothing succeeds like success。 (387)
  Nothing to be got without pains but poverty。 (1186)
  Nothing venture; nothing have 'gain; win'。 (797)
  Nothing ventured; nothing gained。 (798)
  Nothing worse than a familiar enemy。 (1952)
  No time like the present。 (21)
  Not to say well; but to do well。 (591)
  Nought venture; nought have 'gain; win'。 (799)
  No vice goes alone。 (1506)
    No way is impossible to courage。 (780)
  Now for it! (23)
  No wisdom like silence。 (1393)
  No words can be the disguise of base intentions。 (698)
  Now or never! (24)
  No wrong without remedy。(1532)

  Obedience is the first duty of a soldier。 (756)
  Of all war(s); peace is the end。 (752)
  Of evil grain; no good seed can e。 (1515)
  Of idleness es no goodness。 (1465)
  Of saving; es having。 (856)
  Of soup and love; the first is the best。 (159)
  Often and little eating makes a man fat。 (1049)
  Old acquaintances will soon be remembered。 (1920)
  Old bees yield no honey。 (1651)
  Old birds are not caught with new nets。 (1663)
  Older and wiser。 (2086)
  Old foxes want no tutors。 (1810)
  Old friends and old wine are best。 (1895)
  Old habits die hard。 (579)
  Old love will not be forgotten。 (151)
  Old oxen have stiff horns。 (1723)
  Old use and wont legs about the fire。 (580)
  Old vessels must leak。 (2087)
  Old wood is best to burn; old book to read。 (521)
  Old wood is best to burn; old horse to ride。 (1735)
  Omelets are not made without breaking of eggs。 (2088)
  Once a devil; always a devil。 (1539)
  Once a knave; ever a knave。 (1538)
  Once a use; for ever a custom。 (574)
  Once bit 'bitten' twice shy。 (1330)
  Once is no custom。 (581)
  Once is no rule。 (582)
  One barking dog sets all the streets barking。 (1779)
  One boy is more trouble than a dozen girls。 (302)
  One butcher does not fear many sheep。 (1709)
  One careless move loses the whole game。 (1234)
  One chick keeps a hen busy。 (275)
  One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine。 (2089)
  One enemy can do more hurt than ten friends can do good。 (1953)
  One enemy 'foe' is too many; and a hundred friends too few。 (1951)
  One enemy is too much。 (1950)
  One false move may lose the game。 (1279)
  One false step will make a great difference。 (1280)
  One father can support ten children; ten children cannot support one father。 (276)
  One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters。 (264)
  One flower makes no garland。 (1639)
  One foot is better than two crutches。 (433)
  One good turn deserves another。 (759)
  One hand washes another 'the other'。 (2090)
  One hour today is worth two tomorrow。 (26)
  One law for the rich; and another for the poor。 (721)
  One lie makes 'calls for' many。 (1609)
  One lie needs seven lies to wait upon it。 (1610)
  One lining broken; the whole chain is broken。 (2091)
  One love drives out another。 (169)
  One love expels another。 (170)
  One mail drives out another。 (2092)
  One man may steal a horse; while another may not look over the hedge。 (2093)
  One man’s fault is another man’s lesson。 (1349)
  One mischief 'misfortune' es on the neck of another。 (1362)
  One misfortune calls up another。 (1360)
  One misfortune rides upon another’s back。 (1361)
  One never loses anything by politeness。 (1229)
  One of these days is none of these days。 (54)
  One penny with right is better than a thousand without right。 (834)
  One scabbed sheep will mar a whole flock。 (1705)
  One sheep follows another。 (1703)
  One should not run with the hare and hunt with the hounds。 (1800)
  One sin opens the door for another。 (1509)
  One swallow does not make a summer。 (1665)
  One’s words reflect one’s thinking。 (638)
  One today is worth two tomorrows。 (25)
  One who never made a mistake; never made anything。 (1302)
  One woe doth tread upon another’s heels。 (1363)
  Only that which is honestly got is gain。 (1240)
  Only the good die young。 (1164)
  Opportunities do not wait。 (62)
  Opportunity seldom knocks twice。 (61)
  Oppression maketh a wise man mad。 (2094)
  Other people’s defects are good teachers。 (1350)
  Other times; other manners。 (571)
  Our own actions are our security; not others’ judgements。 (681)
  Out of debt; out of danger。 (1209)
  Out of sight; out of mind。 (2095)
  Pain is forgotten where gain follows。 (2096)
  Pains to get; care to keep; fear to lose。 (1005)
  Pardoning the bad is injuring the good。 (1524)
  Patience and application will carry us through。 (813)
  Patience is a flower that grows not in every one’s garden。 (822)
  Patience is a virtue。 (812)
  Patience is the plaster of all sores。 (814)
  Patient men win the day。 (817)
  Peace with sword in hand; ’Tis safest making。 (746)
  Pen and ink is wit’s plough。 (887)
  Penny and penny; laid up; will be many。 (854)
  Penny wise and pound foolish。 (883)
  People are more convinced by words than by blows。 (685)
  People do not know the blessing of health till they lose it。 (1079)
  Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth。 (810)
  Perseverance is the only road to success。 (807)
  Pigs may fly; but they are very unlikely birds。 (1699)
  Pitchers have ears。 (2097)
  Pity is a level for quickening love。 (173)
  Pleasant hours fly past。 (36)
  Please one’s eye and plague one’s heart。 (431)
  Pleasure has a sting in its tail。 (419)
  Poison is poison though it es in a golden cup。 (1440)
  Poor and content is rich and rich enough。 (1183)
  Poor and liberal; rich and covetous。 (1198)
  Poor but honest。 (832)
  Poor folk 'men' are fain of little。 (1199)
  Poor without debt is better than a prince。 (1193)
  Pouring oil on the fire is no way to quench it。 (481)
  Poverty acquaints men with strange bedfellows。 (1878)
  Poverty and love are hard to hide。 (1187)
  Poverty breeds strife。 (1188)
  Poverty is a pain; but no disgrace。 (1180)
  Poverty is no disgrace。 (1181)
  Poverty is no sin。 (1178)
  Poverty is not a crime。 (1177)
  Poverty is not a disgrace; but theft is a disgrace。 (1179)
  Poverty is not a sufficient cause for disgrace; but poverty without resolution to help oneself; is a disgrace。 (1182)
  Poverty is the mother of health。 (1176)
  Poverty is the reward of idleness。 (1482)
  Poverty makes a man mean。 (1190)
  Poverty makes strange bedfellows。 (1879)
  Poverty on an old man’s back is a heavy burden。 (1191)
  Poverty parteth fellowship。 (1189)
  Poverty tries friends。 (1877)
  Poverty wants many things; and covetousness 'avarice' all。 (1196)
  Practice makes perfect。 (2098)
  Praise is not pudding。 (2099)
  Praise no man till he is dead。 (1128)
  Prefer loss to unjust gain。 (1243)
  Prevention is better than cure。 (1106)
  Pride and grace dwell never in one place。 (1555)
  Pride feels 'finds' no cold。 (1557)
  Pride goes before a fall。 (1542)
  Pride goes before; and shame follows after。 (1548)
  Pride goes before destruction。 (1543)
  Pride goeth before; and shame eth after。 (1547)
  Pride is the mask of one’s own faults。 (1560)
  Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak。 (1558)
  Pride must be pinched。 (1556)
  Pride never left his master without a fall。 (1545)
  Pride that apes humility。 (1559)
  Pride will have a fall。 (1544)
  Procrastination is the thief of time。 (86)
  Promises are like piecrust; made to be broken。 (2100)
  Promise is debt。 (2101)
  Prosperity mak

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