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小说: 英语谚语词典 字数: 每页3500字

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  Promises are like piecrust; made to be broken。 (2100)
  Promise is debt。 (2101)
  Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them。 (1887)
  Prove thy friend ere thou have need。 (1881)
  Providence is always on the side of the big 'strongest' battalions。 (736)
  Public money is like holy water; every one helps himself to it。 (2102)
  Punctuality is the politeness of kings。 (85)
  Punctuality is the soul of business。 (84)
  Push generally succeeds in business。 (390)
  Put two halfpennies 'pennies' in a purse; and they will draw together。 (855)
  Put your shoulder to the wheel。 (319)
  Questioning is the door of knowledge。 (543)
  Quietness is best。 (1401)
    Rain before seven; fine before eleven。 (2103)
  Remember thou are but a man。 (2104)
  Reputation is often got without merit and lost without fault。 (952)
  Revolutions are not made with rosewater。 (2105)
  Rewards allure men to brave danger。 (788)
  Riches and virtue do not often keep each other pany。 (1017)
  Riches are gotten with pain; kept with care; and lost with grief。 (1006)
  Riches are the root of all evil。 (1010)
  Riches bring care and fear。 (1022)
  Riches do not always bring happiness。 (1001)
  Riches either serve or govern the possessor。 (1013)
  Riches have wings。 (1024)
  Riches serve a wise man but mand a fool。 (1014)
  Roll my log and I’ll roll yours。 (2106)
  Rome was not built in a day。 (808)
  Sadness and gladness succeed each other。 (425)
  Satan reproves sin。 (2107)
  Save money against a rainy day。 (872)
  Save something for the man that rides on the white horse。 (862)
  Saving is getting。 (844)
  Say well is good; but do well is better。 (592)
  Saying and doing are two things。 (657)
  Saying is one thing and doing another。 (658)
  Scanderbeg’s sword must have Scanderbeg’s arm。 (795)
  Science has no enemy but the ignorant。 (557)
  Science is organized knowledge。 (556)
  Second thoughts are best。 (613)
  Seeing is believing。 (2108)
  Seize the present day; trusting the morrow as little as may be。 (56)
  Seize time by the forelock。 (76)
  Self do; self have。 (2109)
  Self…trust is the essence of heroism。 (963)
  Self trust is the first secret of success。 (392)
  Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear。 (2110)
  Shallow streams make most din。 (487)
  Short accounts make long friends。 (1863)
  Short acquaintance brings repentance。 (1923)
  Short pleasure; long lament。 (428)
  Show me a liar; and I will show you a thief。 (1628)
  Sickness is felt; but health not at all。 (1081)
  Sickness shows us what we are。 (1087)
  Silence does seldom harm。 (1394)
  Silence gives 'means' consent。 (1391)
  Silence is golden; but speech is silver 'silvern'。 (1389)
  Silence is sometimes the severest criticism。 (1392)
  Silence is the best ornament of a woman。 (1398)
  Silly '=Good' child is soon ylered '=taught'。 (289)
  Six feet of earth makes all men equal。 (1150)
  Skill and confidence are an unconquered army。 (2111)
  Skill is no burden。 (562)
  Sloth is the key of 'to' poverty。 (1481)
  Sloth turneth the edge of wit。 (1484)
  Slow and steady wins the race。 (2112)
  Small gains bring great wealth。 (867)
  Soft fire makes sweet malt。 (2113)
  Soft words are hard arguments。 (668)
  So many countries; so many customs。 (573)
  So many men; so many minds。(466)
  Something is better than nothing。 (457)
  Sometimes gain is to lose。 (1220)
  Sometimes words hurt more than swords。 (688)
  Soon learnt; soon forgotten。 (370)
  Sooner or later; the truth es to light。 (498)
  Soon ripe; soon rotten。 (446)
  Sorrow es unsent for。 (2114)
  Sound love is not soon forgotten。 (150)
  Spare the rod and spoil the child。 (294)
  Spare when you’re young; and spend when you’re old。 (863)
  Sparing is a great revenue。 (860)
  Speak 'Talk' of the devil and he will appear。 (2115)
  Speak without thinking is shooting without aiming。 (599)
  Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim。 (600)
  Speech is silver 'silvern'; (but) silence is gold 'golden'。 (1388)
  Speech is the index of the mind。 (639)
  Speech is the picture of the mind。 (640)
  Speech shows what a man is。 (641)
  Spend not where you may save; spare not where you must spend。 (871)
  Sport is sweetest when there be no spectators。 (2116)
  Step by step the ladder is ascended。 (809)
  Still waters run deep。 (1397)
  Stolen pleasures are sweet 'sweetest'。 (429)
  Stolen waters are sweet。 (430)
  Stone dead 'Stone…dead' has no fellow。 (1160)
  Straws show which way the wind blows。 (1642)
  Stretch your arm no farther than your sleeve will reach。 (869)
  Strike the iron while it is hot。 (78)
  Strike while the iron is hot。 (77)
  Study sickness while you are well。 (1077)
    Success belongs to the persevering。 (388)
  Successful crime is called virtue。 (401)
  Success has many fathers; but failure is an orphan。 (396)
  Success has many friends。 (397)
  Success is never blamed。 (393)
  Table friendship soon changes。 (1885)
  Take a hair of the dog that bit you。 (1533)
  Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves。 (853)
  Take honour from me and my life is done。 (944)
  Take time when time eth; lest time steal away。 (72)
  Talking mends no holes。 (651)
  Talk much; and err much。 (670)
  Talk of the evil; and he is sure to appear。 (2117)
  Teaching others teaches yourself。 (357)
  Teach your grandmother to suck eggs。 (1566)
  Temperance is the best physic。 (1097)
  That’s good wisdom which is wisdom in the end。 (931)
  That trial is not fair where affection is the judge。 (726)
  That which is evil is soon learnt。 (1502)
  The belly is not filled with fair words。 (666)
  The best 'greatest' fish keep 'swim near' the bottom。 (1399)
  The best fish smell when they are three days old。 (2118)
  The best go first。 (1165)
  The best hearts are always the bravest。 (779)
  The best horse needs breaking; and the aptest child needs teaching。 (1743)
  The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good。 (2119)
  The best man stumbles。 (1293)
  The best mirror is an old friend。 (1851)
  The best of friends must part。 (1922)
  The best of us can make mistakes。 (1294)
  The best physicians are Dr。 Diet; Dr。 Quiet; and Dr。 Merryman。 (1095)
  The best workman sometimes blunders。 (1298)
  The bird loves her nest。 (1653)
  The bird that can sing and won’t sing must be made to sing。 (1655)
  The black ox has trod on his foot。 (1727)
  The boast of arrogance soon turns to shame。 (1564)
  The braying of an ass does not reach heaven。 (1750)
  The burnt child fears the fire。 (1332)
  The calmest husbands make the stormiest wives。 (209)
  The cat and dog may kiss; yet are none the better friends。 (1765)
  The chief aim of man is not to get money。 (997)
  The childhood shows the man; as morning shows the day。 (287)
  The child is father of the man。 (286)
  The coat 'garment; tailor' makes the man。 (1428)
  The course of true love never did run smooth。 (149)
  The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it。 (1720)
  The cow that’s first up gets the first of the dew。 (1716)
  The crow thinks his own bird fairest。 (1676)
  The cuckoo es in April; and stays the month of May; sings a song at Midsummer; and then goes away。 (1667)
  The dainties of the great are the tears of the poor。 (1200)
  The darkest hour is that before the dawn。 (470)
  The day is short but the work is much。 (44)
  The dead don’t bite。(1158)
  The death of wolves is the safety of the sheep。 (1822)
  The dog that has been beaten with a stick is afraid of its shadow。 (1339)
  The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf。 (1706)
  The end crowns all。 (2120)
  The end justifies 'sanctifies' the means。 (2121)
  The end makes all equal。 (1152)
  The evil 'evils' we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear。 (1531)
  The evil wound is cured but not the evil name。 (1523)
  The excellence of a wife consists not in her beauty; but in her virtue。 (230)
  The face is no index to the heart。 (1425)
  The face is no index of heart 'mind'。 (1431)
  The father buys; the son bigs; the grandchild sells; and his son thigs。 (280)
  The fault of the ass must not be laid upon the packsaddle。 (1751)
  The fault of the horse is put on the saddle。 (1740)
  The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man。 (784)
  The first blow is half the battle。 (385)
  The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice。 (775)
  The first wealth is health。 (1062)
  The follies of youth are food for repentance in old age。 (1600)
  The fowler’s pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught。 (1660)
  The fox is known by his brush。 (1815)
  The fox may grow grey; but never good。 (1803)
  The fox smells his own stink first。 (1812)
  The fox’s wiles will never enter the lion’s head。 (1809)
  The fox that had lost its tail would persuade others out of theirs。 (1816)
  The friend is known in the time of difficulty。 (1858)
  The good or ill hap of a good or ill wife。 (211)
  The good seaman is known in bad weather。 (786)
  The greater the crime; the higher the gallows。 (712)
  The greatest hate springs from the greatest love。 (164)
  The greatest liars talk most of themselves。 (1626)
  The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none。 (1291)
  The greatest talkers are always the least doers。 (673)
  The great fish eat up the small。 (733)
  The ground…work of all happiness is health。 (1061)
  The habit 'cowl; hood' does not make the monk。 (1414)
  The handsomest flower is not the sweetest。 (1434)
  The head is recognized by the tongue。 (642)
  The healthful man can give counsel to the sick。 (1076)
  The heart that once truly loves never forgets。 (148)
  The honest penny is better than the stolen dollar。 (833)
  The joy of the heart makes the face merry。 (409)
  The kettle calls the pot black。 (1286)
  The last drop makes the cup run over。 (485)
  The law is not the same at morning and at night。 (705)
  The least said the better。 (604)
  The least said; the soonest mended。 (1395)
  The leopard can never change its spots。 (1831)
  The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb。 (1707)
  The lion is known by his claws 'paws'。 (1836)
  The lion is not so fierce as he is painted。 (1839)
  The lion’s skin is never cheap。 (1837)
  The living man who does not learn is dark; dark like one walking in the night。 (367)
  The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf。 (1819)
  The lon

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