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小说: 英语谚语词典 字数: 每页3500字

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  The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf。 (1819)
  The longest day must have an end。 (1375)
  The longest pole knocks the most persimmons。 (735)
  The love that is too violent will not last long。 (127)
  The maintaining of one vice costs more than ten virtues。 (1518)
  The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything。 (1274)
  The mill cannot grind with the water that is past。 (71)
  The mills of God grind slowly。 (710)
  The money the miser hoards will do him no good。 (996)
  The more noble the more humble。 (838)
  The more riches a fool hath; the greater fool he is。 (1583)
  The more women look in their glass; the less they look to their house。 (235)
  The morning sun never lasts a day。 (5)
  The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself。 (840)
  The mother’s breath is aye sweet。 (266)
  The mountains have brought forth a mouse。 (1755)
  The noisy fowler catches no bird。 (1661)
  The old goose plays not with foxes。 (1808)
  The outsider sees the best of the game。 (2122)
  The ox is never woe; till he to the harrow go。 (1717)
  The ox when weariest treads surest。 (1719)
  The path to glory is always rugged。 (782)
  The poor man wants much; the miser everything。 (1195)
  The pot calls the kettle black。 (1285)
  The proof of the pudding is in the eating。 (669)
  The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood。 (1842)
  There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it。 (1236)
  There are faults from which none of us is 'are' free。 (1284)
  There are no birds of this year in last year’s nests。 (57)
  There are spots (even) in 'on' the sun。 (1261)
  There are two sides to every question。 (478)
  There is a black sheep in every flock。 (1714)
  There is a crook 'an affliction; a trial' in the lot of every one。 (1382)
  There is always something to be cut off young trees if they are to grow well。 (300)
  There is a skeleton in every house。 (251)
  There is a skeleton in the cupboard。 (252)
  There is a tide in the affairs of men。 (60)
  There is a time for all things。 (67)
  There is a time for everything。 (68)
  There is a time to speak and a time to be silent。 (1390)
  There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous。 (507)
  There is great difference between word and deed。 (597)
  There is many a fair thing full false。 (1630)
  There is many a true word spoken in jest。 (633)
  There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy。 (1915)
  There is no accounting for tastes。 (2123)
  There is no better looking…glass than an old friend。 (1852)
  There is no end to learning。 (361)
  There is no escape 'flying' from fate。 (1369)
  There is no fool like an old fool。 (1601)
  There is no fool to the old fool。 (1602)
  There is no friend so faithful as a good book。 (517)
  There is no greater riches than health。 (1064)
  There is no joy without alloy。 (424)
  There is no man but errs。 (1257)
  There is no man but has his faults。 (1258)
  There is no man without faults。 (1259)
  There is no medicine against death。 (1129)
  There is no place like home。 (244)
  There is no pleasure without pain。 (422)
  There is no pot so ugly that it can’t find a lid。 (225)
  There is no royal road to learning。 (360)
  There is no rule without an exception。 (2124)
  There is no satiety in study。 (362)
  There is no smoke without fire。 (475)
  There is nothing permanent except change。 (460)
  There is no time like the present。 (22)
  There is no time to lose。 (63)
  There is no trusting to appearance。 (1418)
  There is no virtue that poverty destroyeth not。 (776)
  There is no wealth above the wealth of health。 (1063)
  There is no wheat without chaff。 (456)
  There is small choice in rotten apples。 (2125)
  There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade。(1036)
  The reward of suffering is experience。 (1326)
  The rich never want for kindred。 (985)
  The rotten apple injures its neighbours。 (2126)
  The scalded cat fears cold water。 (1336)
  The scalded dog fears cold water。 (1337)
  The sea has fish for every man。 (59)
  The secret of success is constancy of purpose。 (389)
  The secret of wealth lieth in the letters SAVE。 (848)
  The shortest answer is doing the thing。 (324)
  The sleeping fox catches no poultry。 (1804)
  The smaller the mind the greater the conceit。 (1565)
  The snail slides up the tower at last though the swallow mounteth it sooner。 (1666)
  The swan sings when death es。 (1693)
  The tail does often catch the fox。 (1814)
  The thread breaks where it is weakest。 (438)
  The three foundations of learning: seeing much; suffering much; and studying much。 (540)
  The tiger that has once tasted blood is never sated with the taste of it。 (1833)
  The tongue breaks bone; though itself has none。 (692)
  The tongue ever turns to the aching teeth。 (2127)
  The tongue is not made of steel; yet it cuts。 (687)
  The tongue is not steel; yet it cuts。 (693)
  The tongue of idle persons is never idle。 (1480)
  The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping。 (1798)
  The tree is known by its 'his' fruit。 (445)
  The tree must be bent while it is young。 (297)
  The true university of these days is a collection of books。 (526)
  The truth is always green。 (495)
  The truths we least like to hear are those which it is most to our advantage to know。 (510)
  The truth will out。 (499)
  The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound。 (835)
  The used key is always bright。 (317)
  The valiant never tastes of death but once。 (789)
  The weakest goes to the wall。 (1246)
  The wealth of the mind is the only true wealth。 (1008)
  The wife is the key of the house。 (226)
  The wise hand doth not all that the foolish mouth speaks。 (890)
  The wise man is always a good listener。 (917)
  The wise man knows he knows nothing; the fool thinks he knows all。 (904)
  The wish is father to the thought。 (2128)
  The wolf and fox are both privateers。 (1817)
  The wolf may lose his teeth; but never his nature。 (1818)
  The words once spoken can never be recalled。 (629)
  The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down。 (1037)
  The worse luck now; the better another time。 (1353)
  They that do nothing learn to do ill。 (1511)
  They that marry in green; their sorrow is soon seen。 (200)
  They that reckon without their host are to reckon twice。 (2129)
  They who cannot do as they would; must do as they can。 (322)
  They 'People' who live in glass houses should not throw stones。 (1289)
  They who live longest will see most。 (1121)
  Things are seldom what they seem。 (1435)
  Things done cannot be undone。 (2130)
  Things past cannot be recalled。 (42)
  Things unreasonable are never durable。 (2131)
  Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare。 (58)
  Those who are quick to promise are generally slow to perform。 (2132)
  Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money。 (993)
  Those who eat best and drink best often do worst。 (1512)
  Those whom the gods love die young。 (1166)
  Though a lie be well drest; it is ever overe。 (1607)
  Though malice may darken truth; it cannot put it out。 (509)
  Though the fox run; the chicken hath wings。 (1680)
  Though the mills of God grind slowly; yet they grind exceedingly small。 (711)
  Though thy enemy seem a mouse; yet watch him like a lion。 (1945)
  Thrift is a great revenue。 (850)
  Thrift is good revenue。 (851)
  Thrift is the philosopher’s stone。 (852)
  Time and tide wait for no man。 (3)
  Time cures all things。 (14)
  Time dissolves all things。 (19)
  Time flies。 (1)
  Time heals all wounds。 (15)
  Time is a great healer。 (11)
  Time is money。 (2)
  Time is the best healer。 (12)
  Time is the great physician。 (13)
  Time lost cannot be recalled。 (35)
  Time marches on。 (4)
  Time past cannot be called back again。 (32)
  Times change。 (18)
  Time tames the strongest grief。 (10)
  Time tries all (the things)。 (7)
  Time tries truth。 (8)
  Time will show 'tell'。 (9)
  Time works great changes。 (17)
  Time works wonders。 (16)
  ’Tis altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly。 (1594)
  ’Tis the early bird that catches the worm。 (1652)
  To ask well is to know much。 (354)
  To a wise man one word is enough。 (912)
  To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace。 (750)
  To be virtuous is to do good。 (757)
  To deceive oneself is very easy。 (1635)
  To Err is Humane。 (1262)
  To him that does everything in its proper time; one day is worth three。 (45)
  To know everything is to know nothing。 (2133)
  Tomorrow es never。 (20)
  Too many cooks spoil the broth。 (2134)
  Too much knowledge makes the head bald。 (552)
  Too much liberty spoils all。 (2135)
  Too much pudding will choke a dog。 (1775)
  Too much spoils; too little is nothing。 (2136)
  To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting。 (372)
  To save time is to lengthen life。 (83)
  To say is one thing; to do is quite another。 (659)
  Touch pitch; and you will be defiled。 (2137)
  Tread on a worm and it will turn。 (473)
  Troubles never es singly。 (1366)
  True friendship is like sound health; the value of which is seldom known until it be lost。 (1935)
  True friendship lasts forever。 (1928)
  True love is giving; not taking。(146)
  True love never grows old。 (153)
  True love shows itself in time of need。 (152)
  True praise roots and spreads。 (2139)
  Trust not a great weight to a slender thread。 (960)
  Trust not a new friend nor an old enemy。 (1936)
  Trust thyself only; and another shall not betray thee。 (964)
  Truth and roses have thorns about them。 (506)
  Truth fears no colours。 (490)
  Truth has no answer。 (492)
  Truth hath a good face; but ill clothes。 (503)
  Truth is a lion。 (493)
  Truth is the daughter of time。 (497)
  Truth lies 'is' at the bottom of a well。 (500)
  Truth may be blamed; but shall never be shamed。 (508)
  Truth needs no colours。 (504)
  Truth never grows old。 (496)
  Truth’s best ornament is nakedness。 (505)
  Truth shines in the dark。 (491)
  Truth will out; even if buried in a golden coffin。 (501)
  Truth will prevail 'conquer'。 (489)
  Try your friend ere you trust him。 (1880)
  Two blacks do not make a white。 (1305)
  Two dogs strive for a bone; the third runs away with it。 (1778)
  Two of a trade seldom 'never' agr

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