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小说: 英语谚语词典 字数: 每页3500字

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  Two dogs strive for a bone; the third runs away with it。 (1778)
  Two of a trade seldom 'never' agree。 (1460)
  Two is pany; (but) three is none。 (232)
  Two negatives make an affirmative。 (461)
  Two of a trade can never agree。 (1461)
  Two wrongs don’t make a right。 (1306)
  Union is strength。 (488)
  Unkindness destroys love。 (172)
  Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress; which is great and tall; but bears no fruit。 (662)
  Use is (a) second nature。 (573)
  Vain glory blossoms but never bears。 (1443)
  Vanity is the food of fools。 (954)
  Venture a small fish to catch a great one。 (2140)
  Vice rules where gold reigns。 (1517)
  Virtue and courtesy go hand in hand。 (771)
  Virtue and happiness are mother and daughter。 (772)
    Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man。 (777)
  Virtue is a jewel of great price。 (766)
  Virtue is beyond price。 (767)
  Virtue is fairer far than beauty。 (768)
  Virtue is her 'its' own reward。 (764)
  Virtue is the only true nobility。 (763)
  Virtue is to herself the best reward。 (765)
  Virtue is like a rich stone; best plain set。 (769)
  Virtue never grows old。 (770)
  Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms。 (2141)
  Walls have ears。 (2142)
  War is death’s feast。 (741)
  War is the sport of kings。 (742)
  War makes thieves; and peace hangs them。 (743)
  Wash your dirty linen at home。 (249)
  Waste not; want not。 (874)
  Water afar quencheth not fire。 (482)
  Wealth is best known by want。 (991)
  Wealth is easier gained than guided。 (1020)
  Wealth is not his who has it; but his who enjoys it。 (989)
  Wealth is nothing without health。 (1072)
  Wealth is the test of a man’s character。 (988)
  Wealth makes worship。 (986)
  Wealth of words is not eloquence。 (584)
  Weapon bode 'breed' peace。 (751)
  We are not born for ourselves。 (1119)
  We die but once。 (1140)
  Wedlock is a padlock。 (206)
  Weeds want no sowing。 (1644)
  We knows not what is good until we have lost it。 (1212)
  We learn not at school; but in life。 (359)
  We lose in hake; but gain in herring。 (1232)
  Well begun is half done。 (2143)
  Well fed; well bred。 (2144)
  We must not lie; and cry; God help us。 (2145)
  We never know the worth of water till the well is dry。 (2146)
  We see not what is in the wallet behind。 (1287)
  We shall lie all alike in our graves。 (1153)
  We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault。 (1892)
  We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget the favour received。 (761)
  What can’t be cured must be endured。 (1104)
  Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well。 (311)
  What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave 'tomb'。 (364)
  What is learned in the cradle lasts 'is carried' till 'to' the grave 'tomb'。 (363)
  What is lost in the hundred will found in the shire。 (1230)
  What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander。 (1694)
  What is soon learnt is soon forgotten。 (371)
  What is wealth good for; if it brings melancholy? (1023)
  What may be done at any time will be done at no time。 (339)
  What’s lost is lost。 (1222)
  What the heart thinks the tongue speaks。 (636)
  What the king wills; that the law wills。 (704)
  What we lose in hake we shall have in herring。 (1231)
  What youth is used to; age remembers。 (572)
  When a dog is drowning; every one offers him drink。 (1797)
  When a man is going down…hill; everyone will give him a push。 (1384)
  When anger blinds the mind; truth disappears。 (1450)
  When angry; count ten before you speak; if very angry; count a hundred。 (1451)
  When an opportunity is neglected; it never es back to you。 (64)
  When a proud man hears another praised; he thinks himself injured。 (1554)
  When Greek meet Greek; then es the tug of war。 (754)
  When Greeks joined Greeks; then was the tug of war。 (755)
  When guns speak it is too late to argue。 (745)
  When in Rome; do as the Romans do。 (578)
  When I lent I had a friend; when I asked he was unkind。 (1034)
  When love puts in; friendship is gone。 (154)
  When poverty es in at the door; love flies out of the window。 (171)
  When pride rides; shame lacqueys。 (1549)
  When the belly is full; the bones would be at rest。 (1048)
  When the calf is stolen; the farmer mends the stall。 (94)
  When the cat’s away; the mice will play。 (1758)
  When the fox preacheth; then beware your geese。 (1806)
  When the heart is afire; some sparks will fly out at the mouth。 (643)
  When the horse is stolen; (you) lock the stable door。 (93)
  When the owl sings; the nightingale will hold her peace。 (1669)
  When the tree is fallen; every one runs to it with his axe。 (1385)
  When the weasel and the cat make a marriage; it is a very ill presage。 (1766)
  When the well is full; it will run over。 (484)
  When the wolf grows old; the crows ride him。 (1830)
  When war begins; then hell openeth。 (744)
  When you are at Rome; do as Rome does。 (579)
  When you go to Rome; do as Rome does。 (580)
  Where drums beat; laws are silent。 (717)
  Wherever an ass falleth; there will he never fall again。 (1749)
  Where love fails; we espy all faults。 (166)
  Wheresoever the carcase is; there will the ravens be gathered together。 (1678)
  Where the deer is slain; some of her blood will lie。 (1841)
  Where there are reeds; there is water。 (1646)
  Where there is a will; there is a way。 (2147)
  Where there is life; there is hope。 (1055)
  Where the water is shallow; no vessel will ride。 (2148)
  While the dog gnaws bone; panions would be none。 (1777)
  While you trust to the dog; the wolf slips into the sheepfold。 (1823)
  Who holds the purse rules the house。 (977)
  Who keeps pany with the wolf will learn to howl。 (1828)
  Who knows most; says 'speaks' least。 (616)
  Who loses liberty loses all。 (1239)
  Who makes everything right must rise early。 (1043)
  Who marrieth for love without money; hath good nights and sorry days。 (202) 
  Whom a serpent has bitten a lizard alarms。 (1341)
  Whom a serpent has bitten fears a lizard。 (1342)
  Whom an adder bites; dreads a lizard。 (1343)
  Whom the gods love die young。 (2149)
  Whom we love best to them we can say least。 (147)
  Who repairs not his gutter repairs his whole house。 (47)
  Who shows mercy to an enemy denies it to himself。 (1947)
  Whoso learns young; forgets not when he is old。 (365)
  Who swims in sin shall sink in sorrow。 (1495)
  Who waits for time; loses time。 (98)
  Wickedness does no go altogether unrequited。 (1490)
  Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst。 (486)
    Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand。 (548)
  Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it。 (551)
    Wisdom is better than gold or silver。 (549)
  Wisdom is more to be envied than riches。 (550)
  Wisdom is only found in truth。 (502)
  Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body。 (553)
  Wise men are silent; fools talk。 (902)
  Wise men bee wiser as they grow older; ignorant men more ignorant。 (903)
  Wise men change their minds; fools never do。 (895)
  Wise men have their mouth in their heart; fools their heart in their mouth。 (901)
  Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes; fools by their own。 (898)
  Wise men love truth; whereas fools shut it。 (900)
  Wit bought is better than wit taught。 (928)
  Without a friend; the world is wilderness。 (1899)
  Without confidence there is no friendship。 (1929)
  Without health life is no life。 (1084)
  Without learning; without eyes。 (541)
  Without respect; love cannot go far。 (168)
    With time and patience the leaf of the mulberry bees satin。 (806)
  Wit once bought is worth twice taught。 (1316)
  Wits are wealth。 (924)
  Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit。 (930)
  Woe to him that is alone。 (1402)
  Wonders are many; and nothing is more wonderful than man。 (462)
  Words are but wind。 (649)
  Words are the voice of the heart。 (644)
  Words are the wise man’s counters and the fool’s money。 (620)
  Words cut 'hurt' more than swords。 (691)
  Words pay no debts。 (652)
  Work bears witness who does well。 (320)
  Work makes the workman。 (316)
  Work today; for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow。 (53)
  Would you know your daughter; see her in pany。 (305)
  Write down the advice of him who loves you; though you like it not at present。 (1924)
  Wrong laws make short governance。 (716)
  Wrong never es right。 (1307)
  Years bring wisdom。 (926)
  Yesterday will not be called again。 (39)
  You are your greatest enemy if you are a coward; but if you are brave; you are your greatest friend。 (793)
  You can have no more of the fox than the skin。 (1813)
  You cannot eat your cake and have your cake。 (454)
  You cannot have two forenoons in the same day。 (31)
  You cannot lose what you never had。 (1223)
  You cannot make a crab walk straight。 (578)
  You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear。 (1700)
  You cannot see the wood for trees。 (1649)
  You cannot sell the cow and sup the milk。 (1721)
  You can’t touch pitch without being defiled。 (2138)
  You can take a horse to the water; but you cannot make him drink。 (1737)
  You have no goats; and yet you sell kids。 (1710)
  You may delay; but time will not。 (88)
  You may 'could' go farther and fare worse。 (2150)
  You may know the horse by his harness。 (1729)
  You must lose a fly to catch a trout。 (1225)
  Young cocks love no coops。 (1685)
  Young saints; old devils。 (1514)
  Your conversation is the mirror of your thoughts。 (645)
  Your father’s honour is to you but a second…hand honour。 (949)
  Your money burns (a hole) in your pocket。 (1028)
    Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse。 (554)
  Zeal without knowledge is fire without light。 (555)
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