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小说: 论语(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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  the master said; 〃if a man take no thought about what is distant; he willfind sorrow near at hand。〃
  the master said; 〃it is all over! i have not seen one who loves virtue as heloves beauty。〃
  the master said; 〃was not tsang wan like one who had stolen his situation?he knew the virtue and the talents of hui of liu…hsia; and yet did not procurethat he should stand with him in court。〃
  the master said; 〃he who requires much from himself and little from others;will keep himself from being the object of resentment。〃
  the master said; 〃when a man is not in the habit of saying…'what shall ithink of this? what shall i think of this?' i can indeed do nothing with him!〃
  the master said; 〃when a number of people are together; for a whole day;without their conversation turning on righteousness; and when they are fond ofcarrying out the suggestions of a small shrewdness;…theirs is indeed a hardcase。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man in everything considers righteousness tobe essential。 he performs it according to the rules of propriety。 he brings itforth in humility。 he pletes it with sincerity。 this is indeed a superiorman。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man is distressed by his want of ability。 heis not distressed by men's not knowing him。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man dislikes the thought of his name notbeing mentioned after his death。〃
  the master said; 〃what the superior man seeks; is in himself。 what the meanman seeks; is in others。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man is dignified; but does not wrangle。 he issociable; but not a partisan。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man does not promote a man simply on accountof his words; nor does he put aside good words because of the man。〃
  tsze…kung asked; saying; 〃is there one word which may serve as a rule ofpractice for all one's life?〃 the master said; 〃is not reciprocity such a word?what you do not want done to yourself; do not do to others。〃
  the master said; 〃in my dealings with men; whose evil do i blame; whosegoodness do i praise; beyond what is proper? if i do sometimes exceed in praise;there must be ground for it in my examination of the individual。
  〃this people supplied the ground why the three dynasties pursued the path ofstraightforwardness。〃
  the master said; 〃even in my early days; a historiographer would leave ablank in his text; and he who had a horse would lend him to another to ride。 now;alas! there are no such things。〃
  the master said; 〃specious words confound virtue。 want of forbearance insmall matters confounds great plans。〃
  the master said; 〃when the multitude hate a man; it is necessary to examineinto the case。 when the multitude like a man; it is necessary to examine intothe case。〃
  the master said; 〃a man can enlarge the principles which he follows; thoseprinciples do not enlarge the man。〃
  the master said; 〃to have faults and not to reform them;…this; indeed;should be pronounced having faults。〃
  the master said; 〃i have been the whole day without eating; and the wholenight without sleeping:…occupied with thinking。 it was of no use。 better plan isto learn。〃
  the master said; 〃the object of the superior man is truth。 food is not hisobject。 there is plowing;…even in that there is sometimes want。 so withlearning;…emolument may be found in it。 the superior man is anxious lest heshould not get truth; he is not anxious lest poverty should e upon him。〃
  the master said; 〃when a man's knowledge is sufficient to attain; and hisvirtue is not sufficient to enable him to hold; whatever he may have gained; hewill lose again。
  〃when his knowledge is sufficient to attain; and he has virtue enough tohold fast; if he cannot govern with dignity; the people will not respect him。
  〃when his knowledge is sufficient to attain; and he has virtue enough tohold fast; when he governs also with dignity; yet if he try to move the peoplecontrary to the rules of propriety:…full excellence is not reached。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man cannot be known in little matters; but hemay be intrusted with great concerns。 the small man may not be intrusted withgreat concerns; but he may be known in little matters。〃
  the master said; 〃virtue is more to man than either water or fire。 i haveseen men die from treading on water and fire; but i have never seen a man diefrom treading the course of virtue。〃
  the master said; 〃let every man consider virtue as what devolves on himself。he may not yield the performance of it even to his teacher。〃
  the master said; 〃the superior man is correctly firm; and not firm merely。〃
  the master said; 〃a minister; in serving his prince; reverently dischargeshis duties; and makes his emolument a secondary consideration。〃
  the master said; 〃in teaching there should be no distinction of classes。〃
  the master said; 〃those whose courses are different cannot lay plans for oneanother。〃
  the master said; 〃in language it is simply required that it convey themeaning。〃
  the music master; mien; having called upon him; when they came to the steps;the master said; 〃here are the steps。〃 when they came to the mat for the guestto sit upon; he said; 〃here is the mat。〃 when all were seated; the masterinformed him; saying; 〃so and so is here; so and so is here。〃
  the music master; mien; having gone out; tsze…chang asked; saying。 〃is itthe rule to tell those things to the music master?〃
  the master said; 〃yes。 this is certainly the rule for those who lead theblind。〃
  the head of the chi family was going to attack chwan…yu。
  zan yu and chi…lu had an interview with confucius; and said; 〃our chief;chil is going to mence operations against chwan…yu。〃
  confucius said; 〃ch'iu; is it not you who are in fault here?
  〃now; in regard to chwan…yu; long ago; a former king appointed its ruler topreside over the sacrifices to the eastern mang; moreover; it is in the midst ofthe territory of our state; and its ruler is a minister in direct connectionwith the sovereign: what has your chief to do with attacking it?〃
  zan yu said; 〃our master wishes the thing; neither of us two ministerswishes it。〃
  confucius said; 〃ch'iu; there are the words of chau zan; …'when he can putforth his ability; he takes his place in the ranks of office; when he findshimself unable to do so; he retires from it。 how can he be used as a guide to ablind man; who does not support him when tottering; nor raise him up whenfallen?'
  〃and further; you speak wrongly。 when a tiger or rhinoceros escapes from hiscage; when a tortoise or piece of jade is injured in its repository:…whose isthe fault?〃
  zan yu said; 〃but at present; chwan…yu is strong and near to pi; if ourchief do not now take it; it will hereafter be a sorrow to his descendants。〃
  confucius said。 〃ch'iu; the superior man hates those declining to say…'iwant such and such a thing;' and framing explanations for their conduct。
  〃i have heard that rulers of states and chiefs of families are not troubledlest their people should be few; but are troubled lest they should not keeptheir several places; that they are not troubled with fears of poverty; but aretroubled with fears of a want of contented repose among the people in theirseveral places。 for when the people keep their several places; there will be nopoverty; when harmony prevails; there will be no scarcity of people; and whenthere is such a contented repose; there will be no rebellious upsettings。
  〃so it is。…therefore; if remoter people are not submissive; all theinfluences of civil culture and virtue are to be cultivated to attract them tobe so; and when they have been so attracted; they must be made contented andtranquil。
  〃now; here are you; yu and ch'iu; assisting your chief。 remoter people arenot submissive; and; with your help; he cannot attract them to him。 in his ownterritory there are divisions and downfalls; leavings and separations; and; withyour help; he cannot preserve it。
  〃and yet he is planning these hostile movements within the state。…i amafraid that the sorrow of the chi…sun family will not be on account of chwan…yu;but will be found within the screen of their own court。〃
  confucius said; 〃when good government prevails in the empire; ceremonies;music; and punitive military expeditions proceed from the son of heaven。 whenbad government prevails in the empire; ceremonies; music; and punitive militaryexpeditions proceed from the princes。 when these things proceed from the princes;as a rule; the cases will be few in which they do not lose their power in tengenerations。 when they proceed from the great officers of the princes; as a rule;the case will be few in which they do not lose their power in five generations。when the subsidiary ministers of the great officers hold in their grasp theorders of the state; as a rule the cases will be few in which they do not losetheir power in three generations。
  〃when right principles prevail in the kingdom; government will not be in thehands of the great officers。
  〃when right principles prevail in the kingdom; there will be no discussionsamong the mon people。〃
  confucius said; 〃the revenue of the state has left the ducal house now forfive generations。 the government has been in the hands of the great officers forfour generations。 on this account; the descendants of the three hwan are muchreduced。〃
  confucius said; 〃there are three friendships which are advantageous; andthree which are injurious。 friendship with the uplight; friendship with thesincere; and friendship with the man of much observation:…these are advantageous。friendship with the man of specious airs; friendship with the insinuatingly soft;and friendship with the glib…tongued:…these are injurious。〃
  confucius said; 〃there are three things men find enjoyment in which areadvantageous; and three things they find enjoyment in which are injurious。 tofind enjoyment in the discriminating study of ceremonies and music; to findenjoyment in speaking of the goodness of others; to find enjoyment in havingmany worthy friends:…these are advantageous。 to find enjoyment in extravagantpleasures; to find enjoyment in idleness and sauntering; to find enjoyment inthe pleasures of feasting:…these are injurious。〃
  confucius said; 〃there are three errors to which they who stand in thepresence of a man of virtue and station are liable。 they may speak when it doesnot e to them to speak;…this is called rashness。 they may not speak when ites to them to speak;…this is called concealment。 they may speak withoutlooking at the countenance of their superior;…this is called blindness。〃
  confucius said; 〃there are three things which the superior man guardsagainst。 in youth; when the physical powers are not yet settled; he guardsagainst lust。 when he is strong and the physical powers are full of vigor; heguards against quarrelsomeness。 when he is old; and the animal powers aredecayed; he guards against covetousness。〃
  confucius said; 〃there are three things of which the superior man stands inawe。 he stands in awe of the ordinances of heaven。 he stands in awe of great men。he stands in awe of the words of sages。
  〃the mean man does not know the ordinances of heaven; and consequently doesnot stand in awe of them。 h

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