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小说: 论语(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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  〃the mean man does not know the ordinances of heaven; and consequently doesnot stand in awe of them。 he is disrespectful to great men。 he makes sport ofthe words of sages。〃
  confucius said; 〃those who are born with the possession of knowledge are thehighest class of men。 those who learn; and so readily get possession ofknowledge; are the next。 those who are dull and stupid; and yet pass thelearning; are another class next to these。 as to those who are dull and stupidand yet do not learn;…they are the lowest of the people。〃
  confucius said; 〃the superior man has nine things which are subjects withhim of thoughtful consideration。 in regard to the use of his eyes; he is anxiousto see clearly。 in regard to the use of his ears; he is anxious to heardistinctly。 in regard to his countenance; he is anxious that it should be benign。in regard to his demeanor; he is anxious that it should be respectful。 in regardto his speech; he is anxious that it should be sincere。 in regard to his doingof business; he is anxious that it should be reverently careful。 in regard towhat he doubts about; he is anxious to question others。 when he is angry; hethinks of the difficulties his anger may involve him in。 when he sees gain to begot; he thinks of righteousness。〃
  confucius said; 〃contemplating good; and pursuing it; as if they could notreach it; contemplating evil! and shrinking from it; as they would fromthrusting the hand into boiling water:…i have seen such men; as i have heardsuch words。
  〃living in retirement to study their aims; and practicing righteousness tocarry out their principles:…i have heard these words; but i have not seen suchmen。〃
  the duke ching of ch'i had a thousand teams; each of four horses; but on theday of his death; the people did not praise him for a single virtue。 po…i andshu…ch'i died of hunger at the foot of the shau…yang mountains; and the people;down to the present time; praise them。
  〃is not that saying illustrated by this?〃
  ch'an k'ang asked po…yu; saying; 〃have you heard any lessons from yourfather different from what we have all heard?〃
  po…yu replied; 〃no。 he was standing alone once; when i passed below the hallwith hasty steps; and said to me; 'have you learned the odes?' on my replying'not yet;' he added; if you do not learn the odes; you will not be fit toconverse with。' i retired and studied the odes。
  〃another day; he was in the same way standing alone; when i passed by belowthe hall with hasty steps; and said to me; 'have you learned the rules ofpropriety?' on my replying 'not yet;' he added; 'if you do not learn the rulesof propriety; your character cannot be established。' i then retired; and learnedthe rules of propriety。
  〃i have heard only these two things from him。〃
  ch'ang k'ang retired; and; quite delighted; said; 〃i asked one thing; and ihave got three things。 i have heard about the odes。 i have heard about the rulesof propriety。 i have also heard that the superior man maintains a distantreserve towards his son。〃
  the wife of the prince of a state is called by him fu zan。 she calls herselfhsiao t'ung。 the people of the state call her chun fu zan; and; to the people ofother states; they call her k'wa hsiao chun。 the people of other states alsocall her chun fu zan。
  yang ho wished to see confucius; but confucius would not go to see him。 onthis; he sent a present of a pig to confucius; who; having chosen a time when howas not at home went to pay his respects for the gift。 he met him; however; onthe way。
  ho said to confucius; 〃e; let me speak with you。〃 he then asked; 〃can hebe called benevolent who keeps his jewel in his bosom; and leaves his country toconfusion?〃 confucius replied; 〃no。〃 〃can he be called wise; who is anxious tobe engaged in public employment; and yet is constantly losing the opportunity ofbeing so?〃 confucius again said; 〃no。〃 〃the days and months are passing away;the years do not wait for us。〃 confucius said; 〃right; i will go into office。〃
  the master said; 〃by nature; men are nearly alike; by practice; they get tobe wide apart。〃
  the master said; 〃there are only the wise of the highest class; and thestupid of the lowest class; who cannot be changed。〃
  the master; having e to wu…ch'ang; heard there the sound of stringedinstruments and singing。
  well pleased and smiling; he said; 〃why use an ox knife to kill a fowl?〃
  tsze…yu replied; 〃formerly; master; i heard you say;…'when the man of highstation is well instructed; he loves men; when the man of low station is wellinstructed; he is easily ruled。'〃
  the master said; 〃my disciples; yen's words are right。 what i said was onlyin sport。〃
  kung…shan fu…zao; when he was holding pi; and in an attitude of rebellion;invited the master to visit him; who was rather inclined to go。
  tsze…lu was displeased。 and said; 〃indeed; you cannot go! why must you thinkof going to see kung…shan?〃
  the master said; 〃can it be without some reason that he has invited me? ifany one employ me; may i not make an eastern chau?〃
  tsze…chang asked confucius about perfect virtue。 confucius said; 〃to be ableto practice five things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue。〃 hebegged to ask what they were; and was told; 〃gravity; generosity of soul;sincerity; earnestness; and kindness。 if you are grave; you will not be treatedwith disrespect。 if you are generous; you will win all。 if you are sincere;people will repose trust in you。 if you are earnest; you will acplish much。if you are kind; this will enable you to employ the services of others。
  pi hsi inviting him to visit him; the master was inclined to go。
  tsze…lu said; 〃master; formerly i have heard you say; 'when a man in his ownperson is guilty of doing evil; a superior man will not associate with him。' pihsi is in rebellion; holding possession of chung…mau; if you go to him; whatshall be said?〃
  the master said; 〃yes; i did use these words。 but is it not said; that; if athing be really hard; it may be ground without being made thin? is it not said;that; if a thing be really white; it may be steeped in a dark fluid withoutbeing made black?
  〃am i a bitter gourd? how can i be hung up out of the way of being eaten?〃
  the master said; 〃yu; have you heard the six words to which are attached sixbecloudings?〃 yu replied; 〃i have not。〃
  〃sit down; and i will tell them to you。
  〃there is the love of being benevolent without the love of learning;…thebeclouding here leads to a foolish simplicity。 there is the love of knowingwithout the love of learning;…the beclouding here leads to dissipation of mind。there is the love of being sincere without the love of learning;…the becloudinghere leads to an injurious disregard of consequences。 there is the love ofstraightforwardness without the love of learning;…the beclouding here leads torudeness。 there is the love of boldness without the love of learning;…thebeclouding here leads to insubordination。 there is the love of firmness withoutthe love of learning;…the beclouding here leads to extravagant conduct。〃
  the master said; 〃my children; why do you not study the book of poetry?
  〃the odes serve to stimulate the mind。
  〃they may be used for purposes of self…contemplation。
  〃they teach the art of sociability。
  〃they show how to regulate feelings of resentment。
  〃from them you learn the more immediate duty of serving one's father; andthe remoter one of serving one's prince。
  〃from them we bee largely acquainted with the names of birds; beasts; andplants。〃
  the master said to po…yu; 〃do you give yourself to the chau…nan and theshao…nan。 the man who has not studied the chau…nan and the shao…nan is like onewho stands with his face right against a wall。 is he not so?〃 the master said;〃'it is according to the rules of propriety;' they say。…'it is according to therules of propriety;' they say。 are gems and silk all that is meant by propriety?'it is music;' they say。…'it is music;' they say。 are hers and drums all that ismeant by music?〃
  the master said; 〃he who puts on an appearance of stern firmness; whileinwardly he is weak; is like one of the small; mean people;…yea; is he not likethe thief who breaks through; or climbs over; a wall?〃
  the master said; 〃your good; careful people of the villages are the thievesof virtue。〃
  the master said; to tell; as we go along; what we have heard on the way; isto cast away our virtue。〃
  the master said; 〃there are those mean creatures! how impossible it is alongwith them to serve one's prince!
  〃while they have not got their aims; their anxiety is how to get them。 whenthey have got them; their anxiety is lest they should lose them。
  〃when they are anxious lest such things should be lost; there is nothing towhich they will not proceed。〃
  the master said; 〃anciently; men had three failings; which now perhaps arenot to be found。
  〃the high…mindedness of antiquity showed itself in a disregard of smallthings; the high…mindedness of the present day shows itself in wild license。 thestern dignity of antiquity showed itself in grave reserve; the stern dignity ofthe present day shows itself in quarrelsome perverseness。 the stupidity ofantiquity showed itself in straightforwardness; the stupidity of the present dayshows itself in sheer deceit。〃
  the master said; 〃fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldomassociated with virtue。〃
  the master said; 〃i hate the manner in which purple takes away the luster ofvermilion。 i hate the way in which the songs of chang confound the music of theya。 i hate those who with their sharp mouths overthrow kingdoms and families。〃
  the master said; 〃i would prefer not speaking。〃
  tsze…kung said; 〃if you; master; do not speak; what shall we; your disciples;have to record?〃
  the master said; 〃does heaven speak? the four seasons pursue their courses;and all things are continually being produced; but does heaven say anything?〃
  zu pei wished to see confucius; but confucius declined; on the ground ofbeing sick; to see him。 when the bearer of this message went out at the door;the master took his lute and sang to it; in order that pei might hear him。
  tsai wo asked about the three years' mourning for parents; saying that oneyear was long enough。
  〃if the superior man;〃 said he; 〃abstains for three years from theobservances of propriety; those observances will be quite lost。 if for threeyears he abstains from music; music will be ruined。 within a year the old grainis exhausted; and the new grain has sprung up; and; in procuring fire byfriction; we go through all the changes of wood for that purpose。 after aplete year; the mourning may stop。〃
  the master said; 〃if you were; after a year; to eat good rice; and wearembroidered clothes; would you feel at ease?〃 〃i should;〃 replied wo。
  the master said; 〃if you can feel at ease; do it。 but a superior man; duringthe whole period of mourning; does not enjoy pleasant food which he may eat; norderive pleasure from music which he may hear。 he also does not feel at ease; ifhe is fortably lodged。 therefore he does not do what you propose。 but now youfeel at ease and may do it。〃
  tsai wo then went out; and the master said; 〃this shows yu's want of virtue。it is no

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