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小说: 万物简史英文版_比尔·布莱森 字数: 每页3500字

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a hundred years after his death; a statue of lavoisier was erected in paris and muchadmired until someone pointed out that it looked nothing like him。 under questioning thesculptor admitted that he had used the head of the mathematician and philosopher the marquisde condorcet鈥攁pparently he had a spare鈥攊n the hope that no one would notice or; havingnoticed; would care。 in the second regard he was correct。 the statue of lavoisier…cum…condorcet was allowed to remain in place for another half century until the second worldwar when; one morning; it was taken away and melted down for scrap。

in the early 1800s there arose in england a fashion for inhaling nitrous oxide; or laughinggas; after it was discovered that its use 鈥渨as attended by a highly pleasurable thrilling。鈥潯or the next half century it would be the drug of choice for young people。 one learned body; theaskesian society; was for a time devoted to little else。 theaters put on 鈥渓aughing gasevenings鈥潯here volunteers could refresh themselves with a robust inhalation and thenentertain the audience with their ical staggerings。

it wasn鈥檛 until 1846 that anyone got around to finding a practical use for nitrous oxide; asan anesthetic。 goodness knows how many tens of thousands of people suffered unnecessaryagonies under the surgeon鈥檚 knife because no one thought of the gas鈥檚 most obvious practicalapplication。

i mention this to make the point that chemistry; having e so far in the eighteenthcentury; rather lost its bearings in the first decades of the nineteenth; in much the way thatgeology would in the early years of the twentieth。 partly it was to do with the limitations ofequipment鈥攖here were; for instance; no centrifuges until the second half of the century;severely restricting many kinds of experiments鈥攁nd partly it was social。 chemistry was;generally speaking; a science for businesspeople; for those who worked with coal and potashand dyes; and not gentlemen; who tended to be drawn to geology; natural history; and physics。

(this was slightly less true in continental europe than in britain; but only slightly。) it isperhaps telling that one of the most important observations of the century; brownian motion;which established the active nature of molecules; was made not by a chemist but by a scottishbotanist; robert brown。 (what brown noticed; in 1827; was that tiny grains of pollensuspended in water remained indefinitely in motion no matter how long he gave them tosettle。 the cause of this perpetual motion鈥攏amely the actions of invisible molecules鈥攚aslong a mystery。)things might have been worse had it not been for a splendidly improbable character namedcount von rumford; who; despite the grandeur of his title; began life in woburn;massachusetts; in 1753 as plain benjamin thompson。 thompson was dashing and ambitious;鈥渉andsome in feature and figure;鈥潯ccasionally courageous and exceedingly bright; butuntroubled by anything so inconveniencing as a scruple。 at nineteen he married a rich widowfourteen years his senior; but at the outbreak of revolution in the colonies he unwisely sidedwith the loyalists; for a time spying on their behalf。 in the fateful year of 1776; facing arrest鈥渇or lukewarmness in the cause of liberty;鈥潯e abandoned his wife and child and fled justahead of a mob of anti…royalists armed with buckets of hot tar; bags of feathers; and anearnest desire to adorn him with both。

he decamped first to england and then to germany; where he served as a military advisorto the government of bavaria; so impressing the authorities that in 1791 he was named countvon rumford of the holy roman empire。 while in munich; he also designed and laid out thefamous park known as the english garden。

in between these undertakings; he somehow found time to conduct a good deal of solidscience。 he became the world鈥檚 foremost authority on thermodynamics and the first toelucidate the principles of the convection of fluids and the circulation of ocean currents。 healso invented several useful objects; including a drip coffeemaker; thermal underwear; and atype of range still known as the rumford fireplace。 in 1805; during a sojourn in france; hewooed and married madame lavoisier; widow of antoine…laurent。 the marriage was not asuccess and they soon parted。 rumford stayed on in france; where he died; universallyesteemed by all but his former wives; in 1814。

but our purpose in mentioning him here is that in 1799; during a paratively briefinterlude in london; he founded the royal institution; yet another of the many learnedsocieties that popped into being all over britain in the late eighteenth and early nineteenthcenturies。 for a time it was almost the only institution of standing to actively promote theyoung science of chemistry; and that was thanks almost entirely to a brilliant young mannamed humphry davy; who was appointed the institution鈥檚 professor of chemistry shortlyafter its inception and rapidly gained fame as an outstanding lecturer and productiveexperimentalist。

soon after taking up his position; davy began to bang out new elements one afteranother鈥攑otassium; sodium; magnesium; calcium; strontium; and aluminum or aluminium;depending on which branch of english you favor。

1he discovered so many elements not somuch because he was serially astute as because he developed an ingenious technique ofapplying electricity to a molten substance鈥攅lectrolysis; as it is known。 altogether hediscovered a dozen elements; a fifth of the known total of his day。 davy might have done farmore; but unfortunately as a young man he developed an abiding attachment to the buoyantpleasures of nitrous oxide。 he grew so attached to the gas that he drew on it (literally) three orfour times a day。 eventually; in 1829; it is thought to have killed him。

fortunately more sober types were at work elsewhere。 in 1808; a dour quaker named johndalton became the first person to intimate the nature of an atom (progress that will bediscussed more pletely a little further on); and in 1811 an italian with the splendidlyoperatic name of lorenzo romano amadeo carlo avogadro; count of quarequa and cerreto;made a discovery that would prove highly significant in the long term鈥攏amely; that twoequal volumes of gases of any type; if kept at the same pressure and temperature; will containidentical numbers of molecules。

two things were notable about avogadro鈥檚 principle; as it became known。 first; itprovided a basis for more accurately measuring the size and weight of atoms。 usingavogadro鈥檚 mathematics; chemists were eventually able to work out; for instance; that atypical atom had a diameter of 0。00000008 centimeters; which is very little indeed。 andsecond; almost no one knew about avogadro鈥檚 appealingly simple principle for almost fiftyyears。

2partly this was because avogadro himself was a retiring fellow鈥攈e worked alone;corresponded very little with fellow scientists; published few papers; and attended nomeetings鈥攂ut also it was because there were no meetings to attend and few chemicaljournals in which to publish。 this is a fairly extraordinary fact。 the industrial revolution was1the confusion over the aluminum/aluminium spelling arose b cause of some uncharacteristic indecisiveness ondavys part。 when he first isolated the element in 1808; he called it alumium。 for son reason he thought better ofthat and changed it to aluminum four years later。 americans dutifully adopted the new term; but mai britishusers disliked aluminum; pointing out that it disrupted the …ium pattern established by sodium; calcium; andstrontium; so they added a vowel and syllable。

2the principle led to the much later adoption of avogadros number; a basic unit of measure in chemistry; whichwas named for avogadro long after his death。 it is the number of molecules found in 2。016 grams of hydrogengas (or an equal volume of any other gas)。 its value is placed at 6。0221367 x 1023; which is an enormously largenumber。 chemistry students have long amused themselves by puting just how large a number it is; so i canreport that it is equivalent to the number of popcorn kernels needed to cover the united states to a depth of ninemiles; or cupfuls of water in the pacific ocean; or soft drink cans that would; evenly stacked; cover the earth to adepth of 200 miles。 an equivalent number of american pennies would be enough to make every person on eartha dollar trillionaire。 it is a big number。

driven in large part by developments in chemistry; and yet as an organized science chemistrybarely existed for decades。

the chemical society of london was not founded until 1841 and didn鈥檛 begin to produce aregular journal until 1848; by which time most learned societies in britain鈥攇eological;geographical; zoological; horticultural; and linnaean (for naturalists and botanists)鈥攚ere atleast twenty years old and often much more。 the rival institute of chemistry didn鈥檛 e intobeing until 1877; a year after the founding of the american chemical society。 becausechemistry was so slow to get organized; news of avogadro鈥檚 important breakthrough of 1811didn鈥檛 begin to bee general until the first international chemistry congress; in karlsruhe;in 1860。

because chemists for so long worked in isolation; conventions were slow to emerge。 untilwell into the second half of the century; the formula h2o2might mean water to one chemistbut hydrogen peroxide to another。 c2h4could signify ethylene or marsh gas。 there was hardlya molecule that was uniformly represented everywhere。

chemists also used a bewildering variety of symbols and abbreviations; often self…invented。

sweden鈥檚 j。 j。 berzelius brought a much…needed measure of order to matters by decreeing thatthe elements be abbreviated on the basis of their greek or latin names; which is why theabbreviation for iron is fe (from the latin ferrum ) and that for silver is ag (from the latinargentum )。 that so many of the other abbreviations accord with their english names (n fornitrogen; o for oxygen; h for hydrogen; and so on) reflects english鈥檚 latinate nature; not itsexalted status。 to indicate the number of atoms in a molecule; berzelius employed asuperscript notation; as in h2o。 later; for no special reason; the fashion became to render thenumber as subscript: h2o。

despite the occasional tidyings…up; chemistry by the second half of the nineteenth centurywas in something of a mess; which is why everybody was so pleased by the rise toprominence in 1869 of an odd and crazed…looking professor at the university of st。 petersburgnamed dmitri ivanovich mendeleyev。

mendeleyev (also sometimes spelled mendeleev or mendel茅ef) was born in 1834 attobolsk; in the far west of siberia; into a well…educated; reasonably prosperous; and verylarge family鈥攕o large; in fact; that history has lost track of exactly how many mendeleyevsthere were: some sources say there were fourteen children; some say seventeen。 all agree; atany rate; that dmitri was the youngest。 luck was not always with the mendeleyevs。 whendmitri was small his father; the headmaster of a local school; went blind and his mother hadto go out to work。 clearly an extraordinary woman; she eventually became the manager of asuccessful glass factory。 all went well until 1848; when the factory burned down and thefamil

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