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小说: 万物简史英文版_比尔·布莱森 字数: 每页3500字

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for a long time; astronomers assumed that the moon and earth either formed together orthat the earth captured the moon as it drifted by。 we now believe; as you will recall from anearlier chapter; that about 4。5 billion years ago a mars…sized object slammed into earth;blowing out enough material to create the moon from the debris。 this was obviously a verygood thing for us鈥攂ut especially so as it happened such a long time ago。 if it had happened in1896 or last wednesday clearly we wouldn鈥檛 be nearly so pleased about it。 which brings us toour fourth and in many ways most crucial consideration:

timing。the universe is an amazingly fickle and eventful place; and our existence within itis a wonder。 if a long and unimaginably plex sequence of events stretching back 4。6billion years or so hadn鈥檛 played out in a particular manner at particular times鈥攊f; to take justone obvious instance; the dinosaurs hadn鈥檛 been wiped out by a meteor when they were鈥攜oumight well be six inches long; with whiskers and a tail; and reading this in a burrow。

we don鈥檛 really know for sure because we have nothing else to pare our own existenceto; but it seems evident that if you wish to end up as a moderately advanced; thinking society;you need to be at the right end of a very long chain of outes involving reasonable periodsof stability interspersed with just the right amount of stress and challenge (ice ages appear tobe especially helpful in this regard) and marked by a total absence of real cataclysm。 as weshall see in the pages that remain to us; we are very lucky to find ourselves in that position。

and on that note; let us now turn briefly to the elements that made us。

there are ninety…two naturally occurring elements on earth; plus a further twenty or so thathave been created in labs; but some of these we can immediately put to one side鈥攁s; in fact;chemists themselves tend to do。 not a few of our earthly chemicals are surprisingly littleknown。 astatine; for instance; is practically unstudied。 it has a name and a place on theperiodic table (next door to marie curie鈥檚 polonium); but almost nothing else。 the problem isn鈥檛 scientific indifference; but rarity。 there just isn鈥檛 much astatine out there。 the mostelusive element of all; however; appears to be francium; which is so rare that it is thought thatour entire planet may contain; at any given moment; fewer than twenty francium atoms。

altogether only about thirty of the naturally occurring elements are widespread on earth; andbarely half a dozen are of central importance to life。

as you might expect; oxygen is our most abundant element; accounting for just under 50percent of the earth鈥檚 crust; but after that the relative abundances are often surprising。 whowould guess; for instance; that silicon is the second most mon element on earth or thattitanium is tenth? abundance has little to do with their familiarity or utility to us。 many of themore obscure elements are actually more mon than the better…known ones。 there is morecerium on earth than copper; more neodymium and lanthanum than cobalt or nitrogen。 tinbarely makes it into the top fifty; eclipsed by such relative obscurities as praseodymium;samarium; gadolinium; and dysprosium。

abundance also has little to do with ease of detection。 aluminum is the fourth mostmon element on earth; accounting for nearly a tenth of everything that鈥檚 underneath yourfeet; but its existence wasn鈥檛 even suspected until it was discovered in the nineteenth centuryby humphry davy; and for a long time after that it was treated as rare and precious。 congressnearly put a shiny lining of aluminum foil atop the washington monument to show what aclassy and prosperous nation we had bee; and the french imperial family in the sameperiod discarded the state silver dinner service and replaced it with an aluminum one。 thefashion was cutting edge even if the knives weren鈥檛。

nor does abundance necessarily relate to importance。 carbon is only the fifteenth mostmon element; accounting for a very modest 0。048 percent of earth鈥檚 crust; but we wouldbe lost without it。 what sets the carbon atom apart is that it is shamelessly promiscuous。 it isthe party animal of the atomic world; latching on to many other atoms (including itself) andholding tight; forming molecular conga lines of hearty robustness鈥攖he very trick of naturenecessary to build proteins and dna。 as paul davies has written: 鈥渋f it wasn鈥檛 for carbon; lifeas we know it would be impossible。 probably any sort of life would be impossible。鈥潯etcarbon is not all that plentiful even in humans; who so vitally depend on it。 of every 200atoms in your body; 126 are hydrogen; 51 are oxygen; and just 19 are carbon。

2other elements are critical not for creating life but for sustaining it。 we need iron tomanufacture hemoglobin; and without it we would die。 cobalt is necessary for the creation ofvitamin b12。 potassium and a very little sodium are literally good for your nerves。

molybdenum; manganese; and vanadium help to keep your enzymes purring。 zinc鈥攂less it鈥攐xidizes alcohol。

we have evolved to utilize or tolerate these things鈥攚e could hardly be here otherwise鈥攂ut even then we live within narrow ranges of acceptance。 selenium is vital to all of us; buttake in just a little too much and it will be the last thing you ever do。 the degree to whichorganisms require or tolerate certain elements is a relic of their evolution。 sheep and cattlenow graze side by side; but actually have very different mineral requirements。 modern cattleneed quite a lot of copper because they evolved in parts of europe and africa where copperwas abundant。 sheep; on the other hand; evolved in copper…poor areas of asia minor。 as arule; and not surprisingly; our tolerance for elements is directly proportionate to their2of the remaining four; three are nitrogen and the remaining atom is divided among all the other elements。

abundance in the earth鈥檚 crust。 we have evolved to expect; and in some cases actually need;the tiny amounts of rare elements that accumulate in the flesh or fiber that we eat。 but step upthe doses; in some cases by only a tiny amount; and we can soon cross a threshold。 much ofthis is only imperfectly understood。 no one knows; for example; whether a tiny amount ofarsenic is necessary for our well…being or not。 some authorities say it is; some not。 all that iscertain is that too much of it will kill you。

the properties of the elements can bee more curious still when they are bined。

oxygen and hydrogen; for instance; are two of the most bustion…friendly elements around;but put them together and they make inbustible water。

3odder still in bination aresodium; one of the most unstable of all elements; and chlorine; one of the most toxic。 drop asmall lump of pure sodium into ordinary water and it will explode with enough force to kill。

chlorine is even more notoriously hazardous。 though useful in small concentrations forkilling microorganisms (it鈥檚 chlorine you smell in bleach); in larger volumes it is lethal。

chlorine was the element of choice for many of the poison gases of the first world war。 and;as many a sore…eyed swimmer will attest; even in exceedingly dilute form the human bodydoesn鈥檛 appreciate it。 yet put these two nasty elements together and what do you get? sodiumchloride鈥攎on table salt。

by and large; if an element doesn鈥檛 naturally find its way into our systems鈥攊f it isn鈥檛soluble in water; say鈥攚e tend to be intolerant of it。 lead poisons us because we were neverexposed to it until we began to fashion it into food vessels and pipes for plumbing。 (notincidentally; lead鈥檚 symbol is pb; for the latin plumbum; the source word for our modernplumbing。) the romans also flavored their wine with lead; which may be part of the reasonthey are not the force they used to be。 as we have seen elsewhere; our own performance withlead (not to mention mercury; cadmium; and all the other industrial pollutants with which weroutinely dose ourselves) does not leave us a great deal of room for smirking。 when elementsdon鈥檛 occur naturally on earth; we have evolved no tolerance for them; and so they tend to beextremely toxic to us; as with plutonium。 our tolerance for plutonium is zero: there is no levelat which it is not going to make you want to lie down。

i have brought you a long way to make a small point: a big part of the reason that earthseems so miraculously acmodating is that we evolved to suit its conditions。 what wemarvel at is not that it is suitable to life but that it is suitable to our life鈥攁nd hardlysurprising; really。 it may be that many of the things that make it so splendid to us鈥攚ell…proportioned sun; doting moon; sociable carbon; more magma than you can shake a stick at;and all the rest鈥攕eem splendid simply because they are what we were born to count on。 noone can altogether say。

other worlds may harbor beings thankful for their silvery lakes of mercury and driftingclouds of ammonia。 they may be delighted that their planet doesn鈥檛 shake them silly with itsgrinding plates or spew messy gobs of lava over the landscape; but rather exists in apermanent nontectonic tranquility。 any visitors to earth from afar would almost certainly; atthe very least; be bemused to find us living in an atmosphere posed of nitrogen; a gassulkily disinclined to react with anything; and oxygen; which is so partial to bustion thatwe must place fire stations throughout our cities to protect ourselves from its livelier effects。

but even if our visitors were oxygen…breathing bipeds with shopping malls and a fondness for3oxygen itself is not bustible; it merely facilitates the bus tion of other things。 this is just as well; for ifoxygen were corn bustible; each time you lit a match all the air around you would bur into flame。 hydrogen gas;on the other hand; is extremely corn bustible; as the dirigible hindenburg demonstrated on may 6; 193 inlakehurst; new jersey; when its hydrogen fuel burst explosive) into flame; killing thirty…six people。

action movies; it is unlikely that they would find earth ideal。 we couldn鈥檛 even give themlunch because all our foods contain traces of manganese; selenium; zinc; and other elementalparticles at least some of which would be poisonous to them。 to them earth might not seem awondrously congenial place at all。

the physicist richard feynman used to make a joke about a posteriori conclusions; as theyare called。 鈥測ou know; the most amazing thing happened to me tonight;鈥潯e would say。 鈥渋saw a car with the license plate arw 357。 can you imagine? of all the millions of licenseplates in the state; what was the chance that i would see that particular one tonight?

amazing!鈥潯is point; of course; was that it is easy to make any banal situation seemextraordinary if you treat it as fateful。

so it is possible that the events and conditions that led to the rise of life on earth are notquite as extraordinary as we like to think。 still; they were extraordinary enough; and one thingis certain: they will have to do until we find some better。


thank goodness for the atmosphere。 it keeps us warm。 without it; earth would be alifeless ball of ice with an average te

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