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观音玄义 性恶问题之探讨-第4章

小说: 观音玄义 性恶问题之探讨 字数: 每页3500字

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        all  dharmas  and inevitably  is inclusive  of vice。
        Those  who  are of this  opinion  believe  that  the
        Tien…tai  thought  is of nature…possession; and must
        lead  to the idea  of vice; which  forms  one of its
        features。  If we look  at such  a problem  from  the
        standpoints  of conditional causation; the mean; and
        realitythe  teachings  of the Tien…tai  school; we
        are easy to find that the nature…possession  and the
        idea of vice are contradictory to each other。

             Yet; in The Significance  of Kuangyin ‘Sutra‘
        some ideas  are stated  not so well


        that  they raise some difficulities to the theory
        of reality。

             In  order  to solve  the  problems  mentioned
        above; the following chapters intend to make a study
        of the structure  and system of The Significance  of
        Kuangyin  ‘Sutra‘; then to have an understanding  of
        the virtue and vice in developing cause; and finally
        to take  a look  at the  vice  problem  through  the
        Tien…tai   conditional   causation;  the  mean;  and

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