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小说: 心理学与生活 字数: 每页3500字

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Stimulus can bee a Conditioned Stimulus (CS)–a previously 
neutral stimulus that es to elicit a conditioned response。 

e) A Conditioned Stimulus; after being paired with the UCS; 
acquires the power to elicit the UCR。 When the UCR is elicited 
by the CS; however; it is called the Conditioned Response 

f) A Conditioned Response is produced by the presentation of the 



g) In summary; nature provides the association between the 
Unconditioned Stimulus and the Unconditioned Response。 By 
repeatedly pairing the Conditioned Stimulus with the 
Unconditioned Stimulus; the Conditioned Stimulus begins to elicit 
a Conditioned Response。 

B。 Processes of Conditioning 
1。 Acquisition is the process by which the CR is first elicited by the CS and 
by which elicitation gradually increases in frequency over repeated 
2。 Timing is critical in classical conditioning。 The UCS and the CS must 
be presented close enough together so that they are perceived to be 
associated。 Four types of temporal patterns are used in research。 They 
a) Delayed Conditioning; in which the CS es prior to and 
stays on at least until the UCS is presented。 Usually the most 
effective conditioning paradigm。 The optimal time interval 
between the UCS and the CS varies depending on the nature 
of the CS and the CR。 

b) Trace Conditioning; in which the CS is turned off before the 
UCS is presented。 

c) Simultaneous Conditioning; in which the CS and the UCS are 
presented at the same time。 Conditioning is generally poor 
with this paradigm。 

d) Backward Conditioning; in which the CS is presented after the 
UCS。 Conditioning is generally very poor with this paradigm。 

3。 Extinction is said to have occurred when the CR no longer appears in 
the presence of the CS 
4。 Spontaneous Recovery; reappearance of a weak CR when the CS is 
presented again after extinction; without renewed pairing with the 
5。 If the UCS and the CS are again paired after extinction; the UCS and 
the CS association will be learned more quickly。 The difference in the 
time taken to learn the association initially and to relearn the 
association after extinction is called Savings。 

6。 Stimulus Generalization is the extension of elicitation of the CR to 
stimuli similar to the CS。 If the CS is a tone; a similar tone may produce 
the CR。 
7。 Stimulus Discrimination is the process by which an organism learns to 
respond differently to stimuli that are distinct from but similar to the 
C。 Focus on Acquisition 
1。 Robert Rescorla’s work demonstrated that contingency; not just 
contiguity; is necessary for classical conditioning to occur 
2。 In addition to contingency; the CS must reliably predict the UCS 


3。 The informativeness of the CS is also crucial to classical conditioning 
4。 Blocking is the ability of the first CS to reduce the informativeness of 
the second CS because of the organism’s previous experience 
5。 A Neutral Stimulus will only bee a Conditioned Stimulus if it is 
both appropriately contingent and informative 
D。 Applications of Classical Conditioning 
1。 Classical conditioning does not involve conscious thought; but does 
involve emotions and preferences 
2。 Fear conditioning involves the pairing of a neutral stimulus with a fear…
provoking object。 Fear conditioning is a powerful form of classical 
conditioning; is resistant to extinction; and can occur after only one 
pairing of the CS and the UCS。 
3。 Learning to Be a Drug Addict 
a) If a drug addict does drugs in the same ritualistic manner in 
the same environment consistently; the ritualistic manner and 
the environment themselves may bee CS。 They e to 
predict the occurrence of the UCS; the drug; and they warn the 
body that the drug is about to be done。 The body can then 
prepare a pensatory response that allows the body; in an 
effort to maintain homeostasis; to counteract partially the 
impact of the drug。 

b) Because of this pensatory response; if the drug is taken in 
the same manner and in the same environment consistently; 
greater doses of the drug are needed to maintain the same 
high。 If; after doing drugs in the same environment repeatedly; 
the drug user does drugs in a new environment; the CS (the 
environment) will not be present; and the body will not 
produce the pensatory response。 Because the body is not 
prepared for ingestion of the drug; the drug user is much more 
likely to overdose。 

4。 Harnessing Classical Conditioning 
a) Psychoneuroimmunology has emerged to explore the interaction 
of psychology; the nervous system; and the immune system。 
One goal of psychoneuroimmunology is to allow conditioning 
to replace high doses of medications that have serious side 
effects。 As with drug users for which the environment 
bees a CS; the environment can be associated with 
beneficial drugs so that the environment elicits a positive 
conditioned response。 

III。 Operant Conditioning: Learning About Consequences 
A。 The Law of Effect 
1。 The Law of Effect; developed by Edward Thorndike; simply states that 
behaviors that are followed by pleasant; positive consequences are 
likely to increase in frequency 
2。 For Thorndike; learning involved an association between a stimulus 


and a response; a stimulus–response connection 

3。 These stimulus–response connections are learned gradually and 
mechanistically through blind trial and error 
B。 Experimental Analysis of Behavior 
1。 B。 F。 Skinner outlined a research program called the experimental 
analysis of behavior; whose purpose was to discover the ways that 
environmental conditions affect the likelihood that a given response 
will occur 
2。 Operant Conditioning procedures were developed by Skinner to allow 
the experimental analysis of behavior and modify the probability of 
different types of operant behavior as a function of the environmental 
consequences they produce 
3。 An Operant is any behavior that is emitted by an organism and can be 
characterized in terms of the observable effects it has on the 
C。 Reinforcement Contingencies 
1。 A reinforcement contingency is a consistent relationship between a 
response and the changes in the environment that it produces 
2。 A reinforcer is any stimulus that; when made contingent on a response; 
increases the probability of that response 
a) A Positive Reinforcer is any stimulus that—when made 
contingent on a behavior—increases the probability of that 
behavior over time 

b) A Negative Reinforcer is any stimulus that; when removed; 
reduced; or prevented; increases the probability of a given 
response over time 

3。 Operant Extinction occurs as reinforcement is withheld 
4。 A Punisher is any stimulus that—when it is made contingent on a 
response—decreases the probability of that response over time。 
a) A Positive Punisher is when a behavior is followed by the 
delivery of an aversive stimulus 

b) A Negative Punisher is when a behavior is followed by the 
removal of an appetitive; or positive; stimulus 

5。 Punishment always reduces the probability of a response occurring 
6。 Reinforcement always increases the probability of a response occurring 
7。 Discriminative Stimuli; through their associations with reinforcement 
or punishment; e to set the context for that behavior 
8。 The Three…Term Contingency is the sequence of discriminative stimulus– 
behavior–consequence that Skinner believed could explain most human 

9。 Behavior analysts assume that behaviors; even apparently self…
destructive and irrational behaviors; persist because they are being 



10。 Secondary gains are subtle reinforcers; such as attention; sympathy; or 
release from responsibility; that reinforce behaviors that may have 
obvious associated negative consequences 
D。 Properties of Reinforcers 
1。 Primary reinforcers; such as food and water; are reinforcers that are 
biologically determined 
2。 Conditioned reinforcers are otherwise neutral stimuli that have; over 
time; bee associated with primary reinforcers。 Money; grades; 
smiles of approval; and gold stars can all act as conditioned 
a) Teachers and researchers often find conditioned reinforcers 
more effective and easier to use than primary reinforcers 

(i) Few primary reinforcers are available in the classroom 
(ii) Conditioned reinforcers can be dispensed rapidly 
(iii) Conditioned reinforcers are portable 
(iv) The reinforcing effect of conditioned reinforcers may be 
more immediate 
b) Token economies are contexts; such as psychiatric hospitals 
and prisons; in which desired behaviors are explicitly defined 
and in which tokens are given by staff for performance of 
these behaviors。 The tokens can later be redeemed for 
privileges or goods。 

c) The Premack Principle suggests that a more probable activity 
can be used to reinforce a less probable one。 According to the 
Premack Principle; a reinforcer may be any event or activity 
that is valued by the organism。 

E。 Schedules of Reinforcement 
1。 Reinforcers can be delivered according to either ratio or interval 
schedules。 Each of these schedules can be used with a fixed or variable 
pattern of reinforcement。 

2。 The Partial Reinforcement Effect states that responses acquired under 
schedules of partial reinforcement are more resistant to extinction than 
those acquired with continuous reinforcement 
3。 In a Fixed…Ratio Schedule (FR); reinforcement es after the organism 
has emitted a fixed number of responses。 FR schedules produce high 
response rates because there is a direct correlation between 
responding and reinforcement。 
4。 In a Variable…Ratio Schedule (VR); the average number of responses 
between reinforcements remains constant; but the actual number of 
responses between reinforcements varies around this average。 VR 
schedules produce the highest response rates and the greatest 
resistance to extinction。 


5。 In a Fixed…Interval Schedule (FI); reinforcement is delivered for the first 
response made after a fixed period of time has elapsed。 Response rates 
under a FI schedule show a scalloped pattern。 Immediately after 
reinforcement; response rates are low; but; as the time interval nears 
expiration; response rates increase。 
6。 In a Variable…Interval Schedule (VI); the average time interval between 
reinforcements is predetermined。 This schedule generates a moderate 
but stable response rate。 
F。 Shaping 
1。 Shaping is a method of behavior modification in which successive 
approximations to the desired behavior are reinforced。 For shaping to 
be effective; what constitutes progress toward the target behavior must 
be defined; and differential reinforcement schedules must be used to 
refine behavior。 
2。 Chaining is a technique used to teach sequences of actions。 In 
chaining; the last response of the sequence is reinforced first。 
3。 Each link in the behavior chain serves as a discriminative stimulus for 

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