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小说: rz.thegunsofavalon 字数: 每页3500字

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 tall; featureless stands of blue…gray stone。。。
 。。。 Where far off to our right the black road paced as。
 Waves of heat washed over us and the land steamed。 Bubbles popped in boiling stews that filled the craters; adding their fumes to the dank air。 Shallow puddles lay like a handful of old; bronze coins。
 The horses raced; half…maddened now; as geysers began to erupt along the trail。 Scalding waters spewed across the roadway; narrowly missing us; running in steaming; slick sheets。 The sky was brass and the sun was a mushy apple。 The wind was a panting dog with bad breath。
 The ground trembled; and far off to our left a mountain blew its top toward the heavens and buried fires after it。 An ear…splitting crash temporarily deafened us and concussion waves kept beating against our bodies。 The wagon swayed and shimmied。
 The ground continued to shake and the winds slammed us with near…hurricane force as we rushed toward a row of black…topped hills。 We left what there was of a roadway when it turned in the wrong direction and headed; bumping and shuddering; across the plain itself。 The hills continued to grow; dancing in the troubled air。
 I turned when I felt Ganelon's hand on my arm。 He was shouting something; but I could not hear him。 Then he pointed back and I followed his gesture。 I saw nothing that I had not expected to see。 The air was turbulent; filled with dust; debris; ashes。 I shrugged and returned my attention to the hills。
 A greater darkness occurred at the base of the nearest hill。 I made for it。
 It grew before me as the ground slanted downward once more; an enormous cavern mouth; curtained by a steady fall of dust and gravel。
 I cracked the whip in the air and we raced across the final five or six hundred yards and plunged into it。
 I began slowing the horses immediately; letting them relax into a walk。
 We continued to move downward; turned a corner; and came into a wide; high grotto。 Light leaked down from holes high above; dappling stalactites and falling upon quivering green pools。 The ground continued to shake; and my hearing took a turn for the better as I saw a massive stalagmite crumble and heard the faint tinkle of its fall。
 We crossed a black…bottomed chasm on a bridge that might have been limestone; which shattered behind us and vanished。
 Bits of rock rained down from overhead and sometimes large stones fell。 Patches of green and red fungus glowed in corners and cracks; streaks of minerals sparkled and bent; large crystals and flat flowers of pale stone added to the moist; eerie beauty of the place。 We wheeled through caverns like chains of bubbles and coursed a white…chested torrent until it vanished into a black hole。
 A long; corkscrew gallery took us upward once more; and I heard Ganelon's voice; faint and echoing; 〃I thought that I glimpsed movement … that might be a rider … at the crest of the mountain … just for an instant … back there。〃 We moved into a slightly brighter chamber。
 〃If it was Benedict; he's got a hard act to follow;〃 I shouted; and there came the tremors and muffled crashings as more things collapsed behind us。
 We proceeded onward and upward; until finally openings began to occur overhead; giving upon patches of clear blue sky。 The hoof clicks and the sounds of the wagon gradually assumed a normal volume and their echoes came to us also。 The tremors ceased; small birds darted above us; and the light increased in intensity。
 Then another twisting of the way; and our exit lay before us; a wide; low opening onto day。 We had to duck our heads as we passed beneath the jagged lintel。
 We bounced up and over a jutting lip of moss…covered stone; then looked upon a bed of gravel that lay like a scythed track upon the hillside; passing among gigantic trees; vanishing within them; below。 I made a clicking noise with my tongue; encouraging the horses on their way。
 〃They are very tired now;〃 Ganelon remarked。
 〃I know。 Soon they will get to rest; one way or another。〃
 The gravel crunched beneath our wheels。 The smell of the trees was good。
 〃Have you noticed it? Down there; off to the right?〃
 〃What。。。?〃 I began; turning my head。 Then; 〃Oh;〃 I finished。
 The infernal black road was with us still; perhaps a mile distant。
 〃How many shadows does it cut across?〃 I mused。
 〃All of them; it would seem;〃 Ganelon suggested。
 I shook my head slowly。
 〃I hope not;〃 I said。
 We proceeded downward; beneath a blue sky and a golden sun westering in a normal way。
 〃I was almost afraid to e out of that cave;〃 Ganelon said after a time。 〃No telling what would be on this side。〃
 〃The horses couldn't take much more。 I had to let up。 If that was Benedict we saw; his horse had better be in very good condition。 He was pushing it hard。 Then to have it face all that。。。 I think he would fall back。〃
 〃Maybe it's used to it;〃 Ganelon said; as we crunched around a bend to the right; losing sight of the cave mouth。
 〃There is always that possibility;〃 I said; and I thought of Dara again; wondering what she was doing at that moment。
 We wove our way steadily downward; shifting slowly and imperceptibly。 Our trail kept drifting to the right; and I cursed when I realized we were nearing the black road。
 〃Damn! It's as persistent as an insurance salesman!〃 I said; feeling my anger turn to something like hatred。 〃When the time is right; I am going to destroy that thing!〃
 Ganelon did not reply。 He was taking a long drink of water。 He passed me the bottle and I did; too。
 At length; we achieved level terrain; and the trail continued to twist and curve at the least excuse。 It allowed the horses to take it easy and it would slow a mounted pursuer。
 About an hour later; I began to feel fortable and we stopped to eat。 We had just about finished our meal when Ganelon … who had not removed his gaze from the hillside … stood and shaded his eyes。
 〃No;〃 I said; leaping to my feet。 〃I don't believe it。〃
 A lone rider had emerged from the mouth of the cave。 I watched as he halted for a moment; then continued on down the trail。
 〃What do we do now?〃 Ganelon asked。
 〃Let's pick up our stuff and get moving again。 We can at least delay the inevitable a little longer。 I want more time to think。〃
 We rolled once more; still moving at a moderate pace; though my mind was racing at full speed。 There had to be a way to stop him。 Preferably; without killing him。
 But I couldn't think of any。
 Except for the black road; which was edging nearer once more; we had e into a lovely afternoon in a beautiful place。 It was a shame to dampen it with blood; particularly if it might be my blood。 Even with his blade in his left hand; I was afraid to face him。 Ganelon would be of no use to me。 Benedict would barely notice him。
 I shifted as we took another turning。 Moments later; a faint smell of smoke came to my nostrils。 I shifted slightly again。
 〃He's ing fast!〃 Ganelon announced。 〃I just saw … There's smoke! Flames! The woods are on fire!〃
 I laughed and looked back。 Half the hillside swam under smoke and an orange thing raced through the green; its crackling just then reaching my ears。 Of their own accord; the horses increased their pace。
 〃Corwin! Did you … ?〃
 〃Yes! If it were steeper and there were no trees; I'd have tried an avalanche。〃
 The air was momentarily filled with birds。 We drew nearer the black way。 Firedrake tossed his head and whinnied。 There were flecks of foam on his muzzle。 He tried to bolt; then reared and pawed the air。 Star made a frightened noise and pulled to the right。 I fought a moment; regained control; decided to let them run a bit。
 〃He's still ing!〃 cried Ganelon。
 I cursed and we ran。 Eventually; our path brought us alongside the black road。 We were on a long straightaway; and a glance back showed me that the whole hillside was ablaze; the trail running like a nasty scar down its middle。 It was then that I saw the rider。 He was almost halfway down and moving like something in the Kentucky Derby。 God! What a horse that had to be! I wondered what shadow had borne him。
 I drew on the reins; gently at first; then harder; until finally we began to slow。 We were only a few hundred feet from the black road by then; and I had seen to it that there was a place not too far ahead where the gap narrowed to thirty or forty。 I managed to rein in the horses when we reached it; and they stood there quivering。 I handed the reins to Ganelon; drew Grayswandir; and stepped down to the road。
 Why not? It was a good; clear; level area; and perhaps that black; blasted slice of land; contrasting with the colors of life and growth immediately beside it; appealed to some morbid instinct in me。
 〃What now?〃 Ganelon asked。
 〃We cannot shake him;〃 I said; 〃and if he makes it through the fire he will be here in a few minutes。 There is no sense to running any farther。 I'll meet him here。〃
 Ganelon twisted the reins around a side bar and reached for his blade。
 〃No;〃 I said。 〃You cannot affect the oute one way or the other。 Here is what I want you to do: Take the wagon on up the road and wait there with it。 If things are resolved to my satisfaction; we will be continuing on。 If they are not; surrender immediately to Benedict。 It is me that he wants; and he will be the only one left who can take you back to Avalon。 He will do it; too。 You will at least retire to your homeland that way。〃
 He hesitated。
 〃Go on;〃 I told him。 〃Do as I said。〃
 He looked down at the ground。 He unwound the reins。 He looked at me。
 〃Good luck;〃 he said; and he shook the horses forward。
 I backed off the trail; moved to a position before a small stand of saplings; and waited。 I kept Grayswandir in my hand; glanced once at the black road; then fixed my eyes on the trail。
 Before long; he appeared up near the flame line; smoke and fire all about him; burning branches falling。 It was Benedict all right; his face partly muffled; the stump of his right arm upraised to shield his eyes; ing like some ghastly escapee from hell。 Bursting through a shower of sparks and cinders; he came into the clear and plunged on down the trail。
 Soon; I could hear the hoofbeats。 A gentlemanly thing to do would be to sheathe my blade while I waited。 If I did that; though; I might not have a chance to draw it again。
 I found myself wondering how Benedict would be wearing his blade and what sort it would be。 Straight? Curved? Long? Short? He could use them all with equal facility。 He had taught me how to fence。。。
 It might be smart as well as gentlemanly to sheathe Grayswandir。 He might be willing to talk first … and this way I was asking for trouble。 As the hoofbeats grew louder; though; I realized I was afraid to put it away。
 I wiped my palm only once before he came into view。 He had slowed for the turn; and he must have seen me at the same instant I saw him。 He rode straight toward me; slowing。 But halting did not appear to be his immediate aim。
 It was almost a mystical experience。 I do not know how else to put it。 My mind outran time as he neared; and it was as though I had an eternity to ponder the approach of this man who was my brother。 His garments were filthy; his face blackened; the stump of his right arm raised; gesturing anywhere。 The great beast that he rode was striped; bl

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