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小说: rz.thegunsofavalon 字数: 每页3500字

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 We halted for lunch; ate well; and continued on; the shadows slowly slipping away about us。 The sky became a dark but brilliant blue; the sky of Amber。 The earth was black among rocks and the bright green of the grass。 The trees and the shrubs had a moist lucency to their foliage。 The air was sweet and clean。
 By nightfall; we were passing among the massive trees at the fringes of Arden。 We bivouacked there; posting a very heavy guard。 Ganelon; now wearing khakis and a beret; sat with me long into the night; going over the maps I had drawn。 We still had about forty miles to go before we hit the mountains。
 The trucks gave out the following afternoon。 They went through several transformations; stalled repeatedly; and finally refused to start at all。 We pushed them into a ravine and cut branches to cover them over。 We distributed the ammo and the rest of the rations and continued on。
 We departed the hard; dirt roadway after that and worked our way through the woods themselves。 As I still knew them well; it was less of a problem than it might have been。 It slowed us; naturally; but lessened chances of surprise by one of Julian's patrols。 The trees were quite large; as we were well into Arden proper; and the topography sprang back into mind as we moved。
 We encountered nothing more menacing than foxes; deer; rabbits; and squirrels that day。 The smells of the place and its green; gold; and brown brought back thoughts of happier times。 Near sunset; I scaled a forest giant and was able to make out the range that held Kolvir。 A storm was playing about its peaks just then and its clouds hid their highest portions。
 The following noon we ran into one of Julian's patrols。 I do not really know who surprised whom; or who was more surprised。 The firing broke out almost immediately。 I shouted myself hoarse stopping it; as everyone seemed anxious to try out his weapon on a live target。 It was a small group … a dozen and a half men … and we got all of them。 We suffered only one minor casualty; from one of our men wounding another … or perhaps the man had wounded himself。 I never got the story straight。 We moved on quickly then; because we had made a hell of a racket and I had no idea as to the disposition of other forces in the vicinity。
 We gained considerable distance and altitude by nightfall; and the mountains were in sight whenever there was a clear line of vision。 The storm clouds still clung to their peaks。 My troops were excited over the day's slaughter and took a long while getting to sleep that night。
 The next day we reached the foothills; successfully avoiding two patrols。 I pushed us on and up well after nightfall; to reach a place of cover I had had in mind。 We bedded down at an altitude perhaps half a mile higher than we had the previous night。 We were under the cloud cover; but there was no rainfall; despite a constant atmospheric tension of the sort that precedes a storm。 I did not sleep well that night。 I dreamed of the burning cat head; and of Lorraine。
 In the morning; we moved out under gray skies; and I pushed the troops remorselessly; heading steadily upward。 We heard the sounds of distant thunder; and the air was alive and electric。
 About mid…morning; as I led our file up a twisted; rocky route; I heard a shout from behind me; followed by several bursts of gunfire。 I headed back immediately。
 A small knot of men; Ganelon among them; stood staring down at something; talking in low voices。 I pushed my way through。
 I could not believe it。 Never in my memory had one been seen this near to Amber。 Perhaps twelve feet in length; bearing that terrible parody of a human face on the shoulders of a lion; eagle…like wings folded above its now bloody sides; a still…twitching tail like that of a scorpion; I had glimpsed the manticora once in isles far to the south; a frightful beast that had always held a spot near the top on my unclean list。
 〃It tore Rall in half; it tore Rall in half;〃 one of the men kept repeating。
 About twenty paces away; I saw what was left of Rall。 We covered him over with a tarp and weighted it down with rocks。 That was really about all that we could do。 If nothing else; it served to restore a quality of wariness that had seemed to vanish after the previous day's easy victory。 The men were silent and cautious as we continued on our way。
 〃Quite a thing; that;〃 Ganelon said。 〃Has it the intelligence of a man?〃
 〃I do not really know。〃
 〃I've a funny; nervous feeling; Corwin。 As though something terrible is about to happen。 I don't know how else to put it。〃
 〃I know。〃
 〃You feel it; too?〃
 He nodded。
 〃Maybe it's the weather;〃 I said。 He nodded again; more slowly。
 The sky continued to darken as we climbed; and the thunder never ceased。 Flashes of heat lightning occurred in the west; and the winds grew stronger。 Looking up; I could see great masses of clouds about the higher peaks。 Black; bird…like shapes were constantly outlined against them。
 We encountered another manticora later; but we dispatched it with no damage to ourselves。 About an hour later; we were attacked by a flock of large; razor…beaked birds; the like of which I had never seen before。 We succeeded in driving them off; but this; too; disturbed me。
 We kept climbing; wondering when the storm was going to begin。 The winds increased in velocity。
 It grew quite dark; though I knew the sun had not yet set。 The air took on a misty; hazy quality as we neared the cloud clusters。 A feeling of dampness worked it way into everything。 The rocks were more slippery。 I was tempted to call a halt; but we were still a good distance from Kolvir and I did not want to strain the rations situation; which I had calculated quite carefully。
 We achieved perhaps another four miles and several thousand feet in elevation before we were forced to stop。 It was pitch black by then; the only illumination at all ing from the intermittent flashes of lightning。 We camped in a large circle on a hard; bare slope; sentries all about the perimeter。 The thunder came like long flourishes of martial music。 The temperature plummeted。 Even had I permitted fires; there was nothing burnable about。 We settled down for a cold; clammy; dark time。
 The manticoras attacked several hours later; sudden and silent。 Seven men died and we killed sixteen of the beasts。 I have no idea how many others fled。 I cursed Eric as I bound my wounds and wondered from what shadow he had drawn the things。
 During what passed for morning; we advanced perhaps five miles toward Kolvir before bearing off to the west。 It was one of three possible routes we could follow; and I had always considered it the best for a possible attack。 The birds came to plague us again; several times; with greater numbers and persistency。 Shooting a few of them; though; was all it took to route the entire flock。
 Finally; we rounded the base of a huge escarpment; our way taking us outward and upward through thunder and mist; until we were afforded a sudden vista; sweeping down and out for dozens of miles across the Valley of Garnath that lay to our right。
 I called a halt and moved forward to observe。
 When last I had seen that once lovely valley; it had been a twisted wilderness。 Now; things were even worse。 The black road cut through it; running to the base of Kolvir itself; where it halted。 A battle was raging within the valley。 Mounted forces swirled together; engaged; wheeled away。 Lines of foot soldiers advanced; met; fell back。 The lightning kept flashing and striking among them。 The dark birds swept about them like ashes on the wind。
 The dampness lay like a cold blanket。 The echoes of the thunder bounced about the peaks。 I stared; puzzling; at the conflict far below。
 The distance was too great for me to determine the batants。 At first it occurred to me that someone else might be about the same thing I was … that perhaps Bleys had survived and returned with a new army。
 But no。 These were ing in from the west; along the black road。 And I saw now that the birds acpanied them; and bounding forms that were neither horses nor men。 The manticoras; perhaps。
 The lightnings fell upon them as they came; scattering; burning; blasting。 As I realized that they never struck near the defenders; I recalled that Eric had apparently gained some measure of control over that device known as the Jewel of Judgment; with which Dad had exercised his will upon the weather about Amber。 Eric had employed it against us with considerable effect five years earlier。
 So the forces from Shadow about which I had been hearing reports; were even stronger than I had thought。 I had envisioned harassment; but not a pitched battle at the foot of Kolvir。 I looked down at the movements within the blackness。 The road seemed almost to writhe from the activity about it。
 Ganelon came and stood beside me。 He was silent for a long while。
 I did not want him to ask me; but I felt powerless to say it except as answer to a question。
 〃What now; Corwin?〃
 〃We must increase the pace;〃 I said。 〃I want to be in Amber tonight。〃
 We moved again。 The going was better for a time; and that helped。 The storm without rain continued; its lightnings and thunders increasing in brilliance and volume。 We moved through a constant twilight。
 When we came to a safe…seeming place later that afternoon … a place within five miles of the northern skirts of Amber … I halted us again; for rest and a final meal。 We had to scream at one another in order to be heard; so I could not address the men。 I simply passed the word along concerning our proximity and the need for readiness。
 I took my rations with me and scouted on ahead while the others rested。 About a mile farther along; I mounted a steep upturn; pausing when I achieved its crest。 There was a battle of some sort in progress on the slopes ahead。
 I kept out of sight and observed。 A force out of Amber was engaged with a larger body of attackers which must have either preceded us up the slope or arrived by different means。 I suspected the latter; inasmuch as we had seen no signs of recent passage。 The engagement explained our own good fortune in not encountering defensive patrols on the way up。
 I moved nearer。 While the attackers could have e up by one of the two other routes; I saw additional evidence that this need not have been the case。 They were still arriving; and it was a most fearsome sight; for they were airborne。
 They swept in from the west like great gusts of windblown leaves。 The aerial movement I had witnessed from the distance had been of greater variety than the belligerent bird life。 The attackers came in on winged; two…legged; dragon…like creatures; the closest parallel with which I was familiar being a heraldic beast; the wyvern。 I had never seen a non…decorative wyvern before; but then I had never felt any great desire to go looking for one。
 Among the defenders were numerous archers; who took a deadly toll of these in flight。 Sheets of pure hell erupted among them also; as the lightnings flashed and flared; sending them like cinders toward the ground。 But still they came on; landing; so that both man and beast could attack those entrenched。 I looked for and located the pulsating glow given off by the Jewel of Judgment when it has been tu

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