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小说: jamesclavell.noblehouse 字数: 每页3500字

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 Nine Carat Chu almost dropped the phone。 He had discussed and arranged that very ploy with his wife and his sons and Lily。 It had been easy to find a relation who would lend a babe in arms for a fee。
 〃Eh;〃 he spluttered in shock; 〃am I a liar? Me who fairly; for modest cash; gave his only virgin daughter to be your son's whore and only love。〃 He used the English words carefully; his daughter Lily having coached him for hours so that he could say it properly。 〃By all the gods we've protected your great name at no charge! When we went to claim my poor daughter's body we did not tell the deadly police who desire; oh ko; yes; who desire to find out who the writer was to trap the Werewolves! All gods curse those evil sons of whores! Haven't four Chinese papers already offered rewards for the name of the writer; heya? It is only fair I offer the letters to you before collecting the newspapers' reward; heya?〃
 Patiently he had listened to the stream of invective that had begun the negotiation。 Several times both sides had pretended they were going to put the phone down; but neither side broke off the bargaining。 At length it was left that if a photocopy of one of the other letters was sent to Noble House Chen as proof that it and the others were no forgery; then 〃it might be; Honorable Su; the other letters … and this one … might be worth a very modest amount of Fragrant Grease。〃
 Nine Carat Chu chortled to himself now。 Oh yes; he thought contentedly; Noble House Chen will pay handsomely; particularly when he reads the parts about himself。 Oh if those were printed surely it would hold him up to ridicule before all Hong Kong and take his face away forever。 Now; how much should I settle f… 
 A sudden roar surrounded him and he almost fell over。 His heart began pounding; his breath short。 He held on to the rails and peered at the distant tote。 〃Who 。。。 what are the numbers?〃 he asked; then screeched over the noise and tugged at his neighbors。 〃The numbers; tell me the numbers!〃
 〃The winner's eight; Buccaneer; the gelding of the Noble House。 Ayeeyah; can't you see the tai…pan leading him into the winner's circle now? Buccaneer's paying 7 to 1。〃
 〃The second? Who was the second horse?〃
 〃Number five; Winsome Lady; 3 to 1 for a place。 。。。 What's wrong; old man; have you a palsy?〃
 〃No 。。。 no 。。。〃 Weakly Nine Carat Chu groped away。 At length he found a small empty patch of concrete and spread his racing form on the wet concrete and sat down; his head on his knees and arms; his mind sweeping him into the ecstasy of winning the first leg。 Oh oh oh! And nothing to do now but wait; and if the time of waiting is too long I will use one more of the White Powders; yes; and that will leave me the last to see me through tonight's work。 Now; all gods concentrate! The first leg was won by my own shrewdness。 Please concentrate on the fifth! Seven and one! All gods concentrate。 。。。
 * * *
 Over by the winner's circle the stewards and owners and officials clustered。 Dunross had intercepted his horse and congratulated the jockey。 Buccaneer had run a fine race and now as he led the gelding into the winner's circle amid another burst of cheering and congratulations he kept his exuberance deliberately open。 He wanted to let the world see his pleasure and confidence; very aware that winning this race was an immense omen; over and above the fact of winning。 The omen would be doubled and tripled if he won with Noble Star。 Two horses in the double quinella would absolutely set Gornt and his allies back on their heels。 And if Murtagh works his magic or if Tiptop keeps his bargain to swap the money for Brian Kwok or if Tightfist or Lando or Four Fingers 。。。
 〃Hey; Mr。 Dunross; sir; congratulations!〃
 Dunross glanced at the crowd on the rails。 〃Oh hello; Mr。 Choy;〃 he said; recognizing Four Finger Wu's Seventh Son and supposed nephew。 He went closer and shook hands。 〃Did you have the winner?〃
 〃Yes sir; sure; I'm with the Noble House all the way! We're on the double quinella; my uncle and me。 We just won the first leg five and eight; and we've seven and eight in the fifth。 He's got 10;000 riding; me; my whole week's salary!〃
 〃Then let's hope we win; Mr。 Choy。〃
 〃You can say that again; tai…pan;〃 the young man said with his easy American familiarity。
 Dunross smiled and walked over to Travkin。 〃Are you sure Johnny Moore can't ride Noble Star? I don't want Tom Wong。〃
 〃I told you; tai…pan; Johnny's sicker than a drunken cossack。〃
 〃I need the win。 Noble Star is to win。〃
 Travkin saw Dunross look at Buccaneer speculatively。 〃No; tai…pan; please don't ride Noble Star。 The going's bad; very bad and very dangerous and it'll get worse as they hack up the turf。 Kristos! I suppose that'll only make you want to ride her more。〃
 〃My future could ride on that race … and the face of the Noble House。〃
 〃I know。〃 Angrily the gnarled old Russian slapped the switch he carried perpetually against his ancient jodhpurs; shining with use。 〃And I know you're better than all the other jockeys but that turf's danger… 〃
 〃I don't trust anyone in this; Alexi。 I can't afford any mistake。〃 Dunross dropped his voice。 〃Was the first race fixed?〃
 Travkin stared back levelly。 〃They weren't doped; tai…pan。 Not to my knowledge。 The police doctor has put the fear of God into those who might be tempted。〃
 〃Good。 But was it fixed?〃
 〃It wasn't my race; tai…pan。 I'm only interested in my horses and my races。 I didn't watch that race。〃
 〃That's convenient; Alexi。 Seems that none of the other trainers did either。〃
 〃Listen; tai…pan。 I have a jockey for you。 Me。 I'll ride Noble Star。〃
 Dunross's eyes narrowed。 He glanced at the sky。 It was darker than before。 There'll be rain soon; he thought and there's much to do before the rain。 Me or Alexi? Alexi's legs are good; his hands the best; his experience immense。 But he thinks more of the horse than of winning。 〃I'll consider it;〃 he said。 〃After the fourth race I'll decide。〃
 〃I'll win;〃 the older man said; desperate for the chance to extricate himself from his agreement with Suslev。 〃I'll win even if I have to kill Noble Star。〃
 〃No need to do that; Alexi。 I'm rather fond of that horse。〃
 〃Tai…pan; listen; perhaps a favor? I've a problem。 Can I see you tonight or Sunday; Sunday or Monday late; say at Sinclair Towers?〃
 〃Why there?〃
 〃We made our deal there; I'd like to talk there。 But if it's not all right the day after。〃
 〃You're going to leave us?〃
 〃Oh no; no it's not that。 If you've time。 Please。〃
 〃All right but it can't be tonight; or Sunday or Monday; I'm going to Taipei。 I could see you Tuesday at 10:00 p。m。 How's that?〃
 〃Fine; Tuesday's fine yes; thank you。〃
 〃I'll be down after the next race。〃
 Alexi watched the tai…pan walk for the elevators。 He was near tears; an overwhelming affection for Dunross possessing him。
 His eyes went to Suslev who was in the general stands nearby。 Trying to appear casual he held up the prearranged number of fingers: one for tonight; two for Sunday; three Monday; four Tuesday。 His eyes were very good and he saw Suslev acknowledge the signal。 Matyeryebyets; he thought。 Betrayer of Mother Russia and all us Russians; you and all your KGB brethren! I curse you in the name of God; for me and all Russians if the truth be known。
 Never mind that! I'm going to ride Noble Star; he told himself grimly; one way or another。
 Dunross got into the elevator amid more congratulations and much envy。 At the top floor Gavallan and Jacques were waiting for him。 〃Is everything ready?〃 he asked。
 〃Yes;〃 Gavallan replied。 〃Gornt's there; and the others you wanted。 What's cooking?〃
 〃e along and you'll see。 By the way; Andrew; I'm switching Jacques and David MacStruan。 Jacques will take over Canada for a year; David … 〃
 Jacques's face lit up。 〃Oh thank you tai…pan。 Yes; thanks very much。 I'll make Canada very profitable; I promise。〃
 〃What about the changeover?〃 Gavallan asked。 〃Do you want Jacques to go there first or will David e here?〃
 〃He arrives Monday。 Jacques; you hand over everything to David; then next week you can both go back together for a couple of weeks。 You go via France; eh? Pick up Susanne and Avril; she should be well enough by then。 There's nothing urgent in Canada at the moment … it's more urgent here。〃
 〃Oh yes; ma foi! Yes; yes thank you; tai…pan。〃
 Gavallan said thoughtfully; 〃It'll be good to see old David。〃 He liked David MacStruan very much but he was still wondering why the change; and did this mean that Jacques was out of the running to inherit the tai…pan's mantle and David in and his own position changed; changing or threatened … if there was anything left to inherit after Monday。 And what about Kathy?
 Joss; he told himself。 What is to be will be。 Oh goddamn everything!
 〃You two go on ahead;〃 Dunross said。 〃I'll get Phillip。〃 He turned into the Chen box。 By ancient custom the pradore of the Noble House was automatically a steward。 Perhaps for the last year; Dunross thought grimly。 If Phillip doesn't deliver help in the form of Four Finger Wu; Lando Mata; Tightfist or something tangible by Sunday at midnight he's blackballed。
 〃Hello; Phillip;〃 he said; his voice friendly; greeting the other guests in the packed box。 〃You ready?〃
 〃Oh yes; yes; tai…pan。〃 Phillip Chen was looking older。 〃Congratulations on the win。〃
 〃Yes; tai…pan; a marvelous omen … we're all praying for the fifth!〃 Dianne Chen called out; trying equally hard to hide her apprehension; Kevin beside her; echoing her。
 〃Thank you;〃 Dunross said; sure that Phillip Chen had told her about their meeting。 She wore a hat with bird of paradise feathers; and too many jewels。
 〃Champagne; tai…pan?〃
 〃No thanks; later perhaps。 Sorry; Dianne; have to borrow Phillip for a moment or two。 Won't be long。〃
 Outside in the corridor he stopped a moment。 〃Any luck; Phillip?〃
 〃I've 。。。 I've talked to all the 。。。 all of them。 They're meeting tomorrow morning。〃
 〃Where? Macao?〃
 〃No; here。〃 Phillip Chen dropped his voice even more。 〃I'm sorry about 。。。 about all the mess my son's caused 。。。 yes; very sorry;〃 he said; meaning it。
 〃I accept your apology。 If it hadn't been for your carelessness and treachery; we'd never have bee that vulnerable。 Christ Jesus; if Gornt gets our balance sheets for the last few years and our interlocking corporate structures; we're up the creek without a paddle。〃
 〃I 。。。 I had a thought; tai…pan; how to extract our … how to extract the House。 After the races; could I 。。。 a little time; please?〃
 〃You're ing for drinks tonight? With Dianne?〃
 〃Yes; if 。。。 yes please。 May I bring Kevin?〃
 Dunross smiled fleetingly to himself。 The heir apparent; officially and so soon。 Karma。 〃Yes。 e along。〃
 〃What's this all about; tai…pan?〃
 〃You'll see。 Please say nothing; do nothing; just accept … with great confidence … that you're part of the package; and when I leave follow me; spread the word and good cheer。 If we fail; the House of Chen fails first; e hell; high water or typhoon!〃 He turned into the McBride box。 There were more immediate congratulations and many said it was great joss。
 〃Good God; tai…pan;〃 McBride said; 〃if Noble Star wins the fifth; wouldn't it be marvelous!〃
 〃Pilot Fish will beat Noble Star;〃 G

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