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true; the crime has no…what did the ancients call it?…no sculpture of limitations? No time limit for punishing perpetrators。 Individuals from the foray party might be long dead; but not the species or Galactic clan they represent; which can still be sanctioned; from the eldest patron race down to the youngest client。 Even a million years is short by the reckoning of the Great Library; whose memory spans a thousand times that long。〃
〃But the sages don't think we'll even be around in a million years! The ancestors' plan…the Scrolls…〃
〃Gene raiders can't count on that; Sara。 It's too serious a felony。〃
Sara shook her head。 〃All right; let's say some distant descendants of the Six are still around by then; telling blurry legends about something that happened long ago。 Who would believe their story?〃
Engril lifted her shoulders。 〃I can't say。 Records show there are many jealous; even feuding; factions among the oxygen…breathing clans of the Five Galaxies。 Perhaps all it would take is a hint; just a clue; to put rivals on the scent。 Given such a hint; they might sift the biosphere of Jijo for stronger proof。 The entire crime could e unraveled。〃
Silence fell as Sara pondered。 In Galactic society; the greatest treasures were biological…especially those rare natural species rising now and then out of fallow worlds。 Species with a spark called Potential。 Potential to be uplifted。 To be adopted by a patron race and given a boost…through teaching and genetic manipulation…crucial to cross the gap from mere clever beasts to starfaring citizens。 Crucial; unless one believed the Earthlihgs' legend of lonely transcendence。 But who in all the Five Galaxies credited that nonsense?
Both wilderness and civilization had roles to play in the process by which intelligent life renewed itself。 Neither could do it alone。 The plex; draconian rules of migration…including forced abandonment of planets; systems; even whole galaxies…were meant to give biospheres time to recover and cultivate feral potential。 New races were then apportioned for adoption; according to codes time…tested over aeons。
The raiders hoped to bypass those codes。 To find something precious here on Jijo; off limits and ahead of schedule。 But then; even if they made a lucky strike; what could they do with their treasure?
Take some mated pairs far away from here; to some world the thieves already control; and seed the stock quietly; nudging them along with gene infusions so they fit into a natural…seeming niche。 Then wait patiently for millennia; or much longer; till the time seems right to 〃find〃 the treasure; right under their noses。 Eureka!
〃So you're saying;〃 she resumed; 〃the raiders may not want to leave witnesses。 But then why land here on the Slope? Why not beyond the Sunrise Desert; or even the small continent on the far side of Jijo; instead of barging in on us!〃
Engril shook her head。 〃Who can say? The forayers claim to want our expertise; and they say they're willing to pay for it。 But we are the ones likely to pay in the end。〃
Sara felt her heart thud。 〃They have to kill us all。〃
〃There may be less drastic answers。 But that's the one that strikes the sages as most practical。〃
〃From the raiders' point of view; of course。〃
Sara absorbed this quietly。 To think; part of me looked forward to meeting Galactics; and maybe asking to peek at their portable libraries。
Through the door to Engril's workshop; she glimpsed the copier's assistants hard at work。 One girl piloted a coelostat; a big mirror on a long arm that followed the sun; casting a bright beam through the window onto whatever document was being duplicated。 A moving slit scanned that reflected light across a turning drum of precious metal; cranked by two strong men; causing it to pick up carbon powder from a tray; pressing it on fresh pages; making photostatic duplicates of drawings; art works; designs…anything but typescript text; which was cheaper to reproduce on a printing press。
Since this technology came to Jijo; nothing so dire had ever been copied。
〃This is awful news;〃 Sara murmured。
Engril agreed。 〃Alas; child; it's not the worst。 Not by far。〃 The old woman motioned toward the report。 〃Read on。〃
Hands trembling; Sara turned more sheets over。 Her own memory of the starship was of a blurry tablet; hurtling overhead; shattering the peaceful life of Dolo Village。 Now sketches showed the alien cylinder plain as day; even more fearsome standing still than it had seemed in motion。 Measurements of its scale; prepared by engineering adepts using arcane means of triangulation; were hard to believe。
Then she turned another page and saw two of the plunderers themselves。
She stared; dismayed; at the portrayal。 〃My God。〃
Engril nodded。 〃Indeed。 Now you see why we delayed printing a new edition of the Dispatch。 Already some hotheads among the qheuens and urs; and even a few traeki and hoon; have begun muttering about human collusion。 There's even talk of breaking the Great Peace。
〃Of course; it may never e to that。 If the interlopers find what they seek soon enough; there may not he time for war to break out among the Six。 We human exiles may get to prove our loyalty in the most decisive way…by dying alongside everyone else。〃
Engril's bleak prospect made awful sense。 But Sara looked at the older woman; shaking her head。 〃You're wrong。 That's not the worst thing。〃 Her voice was hoarse with worry。 Engril looked back at her; puzzled。 〃What could be worse than annihilation of every sapient being on the Slope?〃
Sara lifted the sketch; showing a man and a woman; unmistakably human; caught unawares by a hidden artist as they looked down haughtily on Jijo's savages。
〃Our lives mean nothing;〃 she said; tasting bitter words。 〃We were doomed from the moment our ancestors planted their outlaw seed on this world。 But these〃…she shook the paper angrily…〃these fools are dabbling in an ancient game no human being could possibly know how to play well。
〃They'll perform their theft; then slay us to erase all witnesses; only to get caught anyway。
〃And when that happens; the real victim will be Earth。〃
THEY HAVE FOUND THE VALLEY OF THE innocents。 We tried hard to conceal it; did we not; my rings? Sending them to a far…off vale…the glavers; lorniks; chimpanzees; and zookirs。 And those children of our Six who came to Gathering with their parents; before the ship pierced our lives。
Alas; all efforts at concealment were unavailing。 A robot from the black station followed their warm trail through the forest to a sanctuary that was not as secret as we hoped。
Among our sage pany; Lester was the least surprised。
〃They surely expected us to try hiding what we value most。 They must have sought the deep…red heat spoor of our refugees; before it could dissipate。〃 His rueful smile conveyed regret but also respect。 〃It's what I would have done; if I were them。〃
Anglic is a strange language; in which the subjunctive form allows one to make suppositions about impossible might…have…beens。 Thinking in that tongue; i (within my/our second ring…of…cognition) understood Lester's expression of grudging admiration; but then i found it hard to translate for my/our other selves。
No; our human sage is not contemplating betrayal。
Only through insightful empathy can he/we learn to understand the invaders。
Ah; but our foes learn about us much faster。 Their robots flutter over the once…secret glen; recording; analyzing…then swooping to nip cell or fluid samples from frightened lorniks or chimps。 Next; they want us to send individuals of each species for study; and seek to learn our spoken lore。 Those g'Kek who know zookirs best; the humans who work with chimps; and those qheuens whose lorniks win medallions at festivals…these 〃native experts〃 must e share their rustic expertise。 Though the interlopers speak softly of paying well (with trinkets and beads?); there is also implied pulsion and threat。
our rings quiver; surprised; when Lester expresses satisfaction。
〃They must think they've uncovered our most valued secrets。〃
〃Have they not?〃 plains Knife…Bright Insight; snapping a claw。 〃Are not our greatest treasures those who depend on us?〃
Lester nods。 〃True。 But we could never have hidden them for long。 Not when higher life…forms are the very thing the invaders desire。 It's what they expect us to conceal。
〃But now; if they are smug; even satiated for a while; we may distract them from learning about other things; possible advantages that offer us…and our dependents…a slim ray of hope。〃
〃How can that ve?〃 demanded Ur…Jah; grizzled and careworn; shaking her black…streaked mane。 〃As you said…what can we conceal? They need only pose their foul questions; and those profane rovots gallop forth; piercing any secret to its hoof and heart。〃
〃Exactly;〃 Lester said。 〃So the important thing is to keep them from asking the right questions。〃
HIS FIRST WAKING THOUGHT WAS THAT HE MUST be buried alive。 That he lay…alternately shivering and sweltering…in some forgotten sunless crypt。 A place for the dying or the dead。
But then; he wondered muzzily; what stony place ever felt like this? So sweaty。 Threaded by a regular; thudding rhythm that made the padded floor seem to tremble beneath him。
Still semi…incoherent…with eyelids stubbornly stuck closed…he recalled how some river hoons sang of an afterlife spent languishing within a narrow fetid space; listening endlessly to a tidal growl; the pulse…beat of the universe。 That fate seemed all too plausible in Dwer's fading delirium; while he struggled to shake off the wrappers of sleep。 It felt as if fiendish imps were poking away with sharp utensils; taking special pains with his fingers and toes。
As more roiling thoughts swam into focus; he realized the clammy warmth was not the rank breath of devils。 It carried an aroma much more familiar。
So was the incessant vibration; though it seemed higher…pitched; more uneven than the throaty version he'd grown up with; resounding through each night's slumber; when he was a boy。
It's a water wheel。 I'm inside a dam!
The chalky smell stung his sinuses with memory。 A qheuen dam。
His rousing mind pictured a hive of twisty chambers; packed with spike…clawed; razor…tooth creatures; scrambling over each other's armored backs; separated by just one thin wall from a murky lake。 In other words; he was in one of the safest; most heartening places he could ask。
But。。。 how? The last thing I recall was lying naked in a snowstorm; halfway gone; with no help in sight。
Not that Dwer was astonished to be alive。 I've always been lucky; he thought; though it dared fate to muse on it。 Anyway; Ifni clearly wasn't finished with him quite yet; not when there were still more ways to lure him down trails of surprise and fate。
It took several tries to open his heavy; reluctant eyelids; and at first the chamber seemed a dim blur。 Tardy tears washed and diffused the sole light…a flame…flicker ing from his left。
〃Uh!〃 Dwer jerked back as a dark shape loomed。 The shadow resolved into a stubby face; black eyes glittering; tongue lolling between