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 hair。 the purple spilled from the cup she was holding。 the carnations of the painting had withered察but the eyes were still wonderful in their depth and brilliancy of colour。 they seemed to follow him wherever he went。

yet one had ancestors in literature as well as in ones own race察nearer perhaps in type and temperament察many of them察and certainly with an influence of which one was more absolutely conscious。 there were times when it appeared to dorian gray that the whole of history was merely the record of his own life察not as he had lived it in act and circumstance察but as his imagination had created it for him察as it had been in his brain and in his passions。 he felt that he had known them all察those strange terrible figures that had passed across the stage of the world and made sin so marvellous and evil so full of subtlety。 it seemed to him that in some mysterious way their lives had been his own。

the hero of the wonderful novel that had so influenced his life had himself known this curious fancy。 in the seventh chapter he tells how察crowned with laurel察lest lightning might strike him察he had sat察as tiberius察in a garden at capri察reading the shameful books of elephantis察while dwarfs and peacocks strutted round him and the flute´player mocked the swinger of the censer察and察as caligula察had caroused with the green´shirted jockeys in their stables and supped in an ivory manger with a jewel´frontleted horse察and察as domitian察had wandered through a corridor lined with marble mirrors察looking round with haggard eyes for the reflection of the dagger that was to end his days察and sick with that ennui察that terrible taedium vitae察that es on those to whom life denies nothing察and had peered through a clear emerald at the red shambles of the circus and then察in a litter of pearl and purple drawn by silver´shod mules察been carried through the street of pomegranates to a house of gold and heard men cry on nero caesar as he passed by察and察as elagabalus察had painted his face with colours察and plied the distaff among the women察and brought the moon from carthage and given her in mystic marriage to the sun。

over and over again dorian used to read this fantastic chapter察and the two chapters immediately following察in which察as in some curious tapestries or cunningly wrought enamels察were pictured the awful and beautiful forms of those whom vice and blood and weariness had made monstrous or mad此filippo察duke of milan察who slew his wife and painted her lips with a scarlet poison that her lover might suck death from the dead thing he fondled察pietro barbi察the venetian察known as paul the second察who sought in his vanity to assume the title of formosus察and whose tiara察valued at two hundred thousand florins察was bought at the price of a terrible sin察gian maria visconti察who used hounds to chase living men and whose murdered body was covered with roses by a harlot who had loved him察the borgia on his white horse察with fratricide riding beside him and his mantle stained with the blood of perotto察pietro riario察the young cardinal archbishop of florence察child and minion of sixtus iv察whose beauty was equalled only by his debauchery察and who received leonora of aragon in a pavilion of white and crimson silk察filled with nymphs and centaurs察and gilded a boy that he might serve at the feast as ganymede or hylas察ezzelin察whose melancholy could be cured only by the spectacle of death察and who had a passion for red blood察as other men have for red winethe son of the fiend察as was reported察and one who had cheated his father at dice when gambling with him for his own soul察giambattista cibo察who in mockery took the name of innocent and into whose torpid veins the blood of three lads was infused by a jewish doctor察sigismondo malatesta察the lover of isotta and the lord of rimini察whose effigy was burned at rome as the enemy of god and man察who strangled polyssena with a napkin察and gave poison to ginevra deste in a cup of emerald察and in honour of a shameful passion built a pagan church for christian worship察charles vi察who had so wildly adored his brothers wife that a leper had warned him of the insanity that was ing on him察and who察when his brain had sickened and grown strange察could only be soothed by saracen cards painted with the images of love and death and madness察and察in his trimmed jerkin and jewelled cap and acanthuslike curls察grifonetto baglioni察who slew astorre with his bride察and simonetto with his page察and whose eliness was such that察as he lay dying in the yellow piazza of perugia察those who had hated him could not choose but weep察and atalanta察who had cursed him察blessed him。

there was a horrible fascination in them all。 he saw them at night察and they troubled his imagination in the day。 the renaissance knew of strange manners of poisoning poisoning by a helmet and a lighted torch察by an embroidered glove and a jewelled fan察by a gilded pomander and by an amber chain。 dorian gray had been poisoned by a book。 there were moments when he looked on evil simply as a mode through which he could realize his conception of the beautiful。

Chapter 12

chapter 12

it was on the ninth of november察the eve of his own thirty´eighth birthday察as he often remembered afterwards。

he was walking home about eleven oclock from lord henrys察where he had been dining察and was wrapped in heavy furs察as the night was cold and foggy。 at the corner of grosvenor square and south audley street察a man passed him in the mist察walking very fast and with the collar of his grey ulster turned up。 he had a bag in his hand。 dorian recognized him。 it was basil hallward。 a strange sense of fear察for which he could not account察came over him。 he made no sign of recognition and went on quickly in the direction of his own house。

but hallward had seen him。 dorian heard him first stopping on the pavement and then hurrying after him。 in a few moments察his hand was on his arm。

;dorian what an extraordinary piece of luck i have been waiting for you in your library ever since nine oclock。 finally i took pity on your tired servant and told him to go to bed察as he let me out。 i am off to paris by the midnight train察and i particularly wanted to see you before i left。 i thought it was you察or rather your fur coat察as you passed me。 but i wasnt quite sure。 didnt you recognize me拭

;in this fog察my dear basil拭why察i cant even recognize grosvenor square。 i believe my house is somewhere about here察but i dont feel at all certain about it。 i am sorry you are going away察as i have not seen you for ages。 but i suppose you will be back soon拭

;no此i am going to be out of england for six months。 i intend to take a studio in paris and shut myself up till i have finished a great picture i have in my head。 however察it wasnt about myself i wanted to talk。 here we are at your door。 let me e in for a moment。 i have something to say to you。;

;i shall be charmed。 but wont you miss your train拭─said dorian gray languidly as he passed up the steps and opened the door with his latch´key。

the lamplight struggled out through the fog察and hallward looked at his watch。 ;i have heaps of time察─he answered。 ;the train doesnt go till twelve´fifteen察and it is only just eleven。 in fact察i was on my way to the club to look for you察when i met you。 you see察i shant have any delay about luggage察as i have sent on my heavy things。 all i have with me is in this bag察and i can easily get to victoria in twenty minutes。;

dorian looked at him and smiled。 ;what a way for a fashionable painter to travel a gladstone bag and an ulster e in察or the fog will get into the house。 and mind you dont talk about anything serious。 nothing is serious nowadays。 at least nothing should be。;

hallward shook his head察as he entered察and followed dorian into the library。 there was a bright wood fire blazing in the large open hearth。 the lamps were lit察and an open dutch silver spirit´case stood察with some siphons of soda´water and large cut´glass tumblers察on a little marqueterie table。

;you see your servant made me quite at home察dorian。 he gave me everything i wanted察including your best gold´tipped cigarettes。 he is a most hospitable creature。 i like him much better than the frenchman you used to have。 what has bee of the frenchman察by the bye拭

dorian shrugged his shoulders。 ;i believe he married lady radleys maid察and has established her in paris as an english dressmaker。 anglomanie is very fashionable over there now察i hear。 it seems silly of the french察doesnt it拭butdo you knowhe was not at all a bad servant。 i never liked him察but i had nothing to plain about。 one often imagines things that are quite absurd。 he was really very devoted to me and seemed quite sorry when he went away。 have another brandy´and´soda拭or would you like hock´and´seltzer拭i always take hock´and´seltzer myself。 there is sure to be some in the next room。;

;thanks察i wont have anything more察─said the painter察taking his cap and coat off and throwing them on the bag that he had placed in the corner。 ;and now察my dear fellow察i want to speak to you seriously。 dont frown like that。 you make it so much more difficult for me。;

;what is it all about拭─cried dorian in his petulant way察flinging himself down on the sofa。 ;i hope it is not about myself。 i am tired of myself to´night。 i should like to be somebody else。;

;it is about yourself察─answered hallward in his grave deep voice察 and i must say it to you。 i shall only keep you half an hour。;

dorian sighed and lit a cigarette。 ;half an hour ─he murmured。

;it is not much to ask of you察dorian察and it is entirely for your own sake that i am speaking。 i think it right that you should know that the most dreadful things are being said against you in london。;

;i dont wish to know anything about them。 i love scandals about other people察but scandals about myself dont interest me。 they have not got the charm of novelty。;

;they must interest you察dorian。 every gentleman is interested in his good name。 you dont want people to talk of you as something vile and degraded。 of course察you have your position察and your wealth察and all that kind of thing。 but position and wealth are not everything。 mind you察i dont believe these rumours at all。 at least察i cant believe them when i see you。 sin is a thing that writes itself across a mans face。 it cannot be concealed。 people talk sometimes of secret vices。 there are no such things。 if a wretched man has a vice察it shows itself in the lines of his mouth察the droop of his eyelids察the moulding of his hands even。 somebodyi wont mention his name察but you know himcame to me last year to have his portrait done。 i had never seen him before察and had never heard anything about him at the time察though i have heard a good deal since。 he offered an extravagant price。 i refused him。 there was something in the shape of his fingers that i hated。 i know now that i was quite right in what i fancied about him。 his life is dreadful。 but you察dorian察with your pure察bright察innocent face察and your marvellous untroubled youth i cant believe anything against you。 and yet i see you very seldom察and you never e down to the studio now察and when i am away from you察and i hear all these hideous thing

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