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but its members give an undertaking to contribute a nominal 
amount towards the winding up of the pany in the event of a shortfall 
when it closes down。 It cannot distribute its profits to its members; and is 
therefore eligible to apply for charitable status if necessary。 You may find 
this type of pany being used by a business as a means of isolating part 
of its activities; such as clubs or sports associations that are not part of its 
profit…generating business。 
A co…operative is an enterprise owned and controlled by the people working 
in it。 Once in danger of being extinct; the workers’ co…operative is 
enjoying something of a eback; and there are over 4;370 operating in 
the UK; employing 195;000 people。 They are growing at the rate of 20 per 
cent per annum。
180 The Thirty…Day MBA 
Help and advice on business corporate 
A Guidance Note entitled ‘Business Ownership’ is available from panies 
House (wwwpanieshouse。gov。uk 》 Guidance Booklets)。 
Business Link (businesslink。gov。uk 》 Taxes; returns and payroll 》 
Choosing and se。。ing up a legal structure 》 Legal structure: the basics) has 
a guide to pu。。ing your business on a proper legal footing; explaining the 
tax and other implications of different ownership structures。 
Cooperatives UK (cooperatives…ukop 》 Services 》 Co…operative 
Development) is the central membership organization for co…operative 
enterprises throughout the UK。 This link is to the regional network。 
Desktop Lawyer (desktoplawyer。uk 》 BUSINESS 》 BUSINESS 
START…UP 》 Choosing a business structure 》 The Partnership) has a 
summary of the pros and cons of partnerships as well as inexpensive partnership 
Trading regulations 
Organizations are heavily regulated in almost every sphere of their trading 
operations。 Some types of business require a permit before they can even 
start trading and all businesses have to ply with certain standards when 
it es to advertising; holding information or offering credit。 These are the 
regulations that govern the trading activities of most business ventures。 
Getting a licence or permit 
Some businesses; such as those working with food or alcohol; employment 
agencies; mini…cabs and hairdressers; need a licence or permit before they 
can set up in business at all。 Even playing music in public; recorded or live; 
or pu。。ing table and chairs on a pavement means ge。。ing permission from 
someone。 Your local authority planning department can advise you on 
what rules will apply to your business。 You can also use this Business Link 
website (businesslink。gov。uk 》 Your type of business) from which 
you can use their interactive tool to find out which permits; licences and 
registrations will apply and where to get more information。 
Advertising and descriptive standards 
Any advertising or promotion you undertake concerning your business 
and its products and services; including descriptions on packaging; leaflets 
and instructions and those given verbally; have to ply with the relevant 
Business Law 181 
regulations。 You can’t just make any claims you believe to be appropriate 
for your business。 Such claims must be decent; honest; truthful and take 
into account your wider responsibilities to consumers and anyone else 
likely to be affected; if you say anything that is misleading or fails to meet 
any of these tests then you could leave yourself open to being sued。 
The five bodies concerned with se。。ing the standards and enforcing the 
rules are: 
。 The Advertising Authority (asa。uk 》 Advertising Codes) for 
printed ma。。er; newspapers; magazines and so forth and the internet。 
。 Of (wwwof。uk 》 About Of 》 pliance; Accessibility 
and Diversity) is responsible for ensuring advertisements on television 
and radio ply with rules on what can and cannot be advertised; 
including any special conditions such as the timing and content of 
material aimed at children。 
。 The Financial Services Authority (fsa。gov。uk 》 Being regulated 
》 Financial Promotions) has the responsibility to see that financial 
promotions are clear; fair and not misleading。 
。 The Office of Fair Trading (o。。。gov。uk 》 Advice and resources 》 
Resource base 》 Approved codes of practice) is responsible for ensuring 
that advertisements are not misleading or make unfair or exaggerated 
parisons with other products and services and to help consumers 
find businesses that have high standards of customer service。 
。 Trading Standards (tradingstandards。gov。uk 》 For business 》 
guidance leaflets 》 Trade Descriptions) covers anything such as quantity; 
size; position; method of manufacture; strength; performance; place 
of manufacture; date; brand name; conformity with any recognized 
standard or history。 
plaints; returns and refunds 
Customers buying products are entitled to expect that the goods are ‘fit 
for purpose’ in that they can do what they claim; and; if the customer has 
informed you of a particular need; that they are suitable for that purpose。 
The goods also have to be of ‘satisfactory quality’; that is; durable and 
without defects that would affect performance or prevent their enjoyment。 
For services; you must carry out the work with reasonable skill and care and 
provide it within a reasonable amount of time。 The word reasonable is not 
defined and is applied in relation to each type of service。 So; for example; 
repairing a shoe might reasonably be expected to take a week; while three 
months would be unreasonable。 
If goods or services don’t meet these conditions; customers can claim a 
refund。 If they have altered or waited an excessive amount of time before 
182 The Thirty…Day MBA 
plaining or have indicated in any other way that they have ‘accepted’; 
they may not be entitled to a refund; but may still be able to claim some 
money back for a period of up to six years。 Trading Standards ( 
tradingstandards。gov。uk 》 For business 》 guidance leaflets 》 A Trader’s 
Guide to the Civil Law Relating to the Sale and Supply of Goods and 
Services) provides a summarized guide to the relevant laws in clear plain 
Distance selling and online trading 
Selling by mail order via the internet; television; radio; telephone; fax or 
catalogue requires that you ply with some additional rules over and 
above those concerning the sale of goods and services described above。 In 
summary; you have to provide wri。。en information; an order confirmation; 
and the chance to cancel the contract。 During the cooling…off period 
customers have the unconditional right to cancel within seven working 
days; provided they have informed you in writing by le。。er; fax or e…mail。 
There are; however; a wide range of exemptions to the right to cancel; 
including: acmodation; transport; food; newspapers; audio or video 
recordings and goods made to a customer’s specification。 The Office of Fair 
Trading (o。。。gov。uk 》 Advice and resources 》 Advice for businesses 》 
Selling at a distance) publishes a guide for business on distance selling。 
Protecting customer data 
If you hold personal information on a puter on any living person; customer 
or employee for example; then there is a good chance you need to 
register under the Data Protection Act。 The rules state that the information 
held must have been obtained fairly; be accurate; held only for as long as 
necessary and held only for a lawful purpose。 
You can check if you are likely to need to register using the interactive 
tool on the Business Link website (businesslink。gov。uk 》 IT & emerce 
》 Data protection and your business 》 ply with data 
protection legislation)。 
Consumer credit licence 
If you plan to let your customers buy on credit; or hire out or lease products 
to private individuals or to businesses; then you will in all probability have 
to apply to be licensed to provide credit。 If you think you may need to be 
licensed; read the regulations on the website of the Office of Fair Trading 
(o。。。gov。uk 》 Advice and resources 》 Advice for businesses 》 Offering 
credit 》 Do you need a credit licence)。
Business Law 183 
Employing people full or part time is something of a legal minefield; starting 
with the job advert and culminating with the point at which you decide 
to part pany。 Three prehensive sources of information on the legal 
aspects of employment are: 
。 Acas (acas。uk 》 Our publications 》 Rights at work leaflets) is a 
link to free leaflets provided by the Advisory and Conciliation Service; 
who should know a thing or two about employment law。 
。 Business Link (businesslink。gov。uk 》 Employing people 》 
Recruitment and ge。。ing started)。 
。 TheSite (thesite 》 Work & Study 》 Working 》 Workers’ 
Rights) is a site run by YouthNet UK; a charity that helps young people 
have access to high…quality; impartial information as an aid to making 
decisions。 It covers everything to do with work; including drug testing 
at work。 While the site’s centre of gravity is young people; the law as 
described applies to employers。 
Advertising the job 
As with any advertising; you are governed by the laws on discrimination 
and equal opportunities。 That means that any reference to gender; age; 
nationality; sexual orientation or religion is not permi。。ed。 You can still 
describe the job and the ideal candidate in terms of their experience; knowledge; 
a。。itude and qualifications。 For tips on the sentences you can use; 
visit VizualHR (oneclickhr 》 HR Guide 》 Recruitment & 
Selection 》 Recruitment)。 The basic information; tips about the applicant; 
the organization; the job and the job package are free and very adequate; 
you have to subscribe for fuller information。 
Contracts of employment 
Employers are required to give employees a contract of employment within 
two months of their starting work。 The contract has to contain all the 
obvious things such as where the job is to be; what the responsibilities are; 
pay; holiday entitlement; as well as details on sick pay; pension; period of 
notice and the grievance and disciplinary procedure。 
Business Link (businesslink。gov。uk 》 Employing people 》 
Paperwork 》 Create a wri。。en statement of employment) has an interactive 
tool to create a document of everything you are required by law to give a 
new employee。 The law requires that all workers have a statutory right to 
at least four weeks’ paid annual leave; pro rata for part…timers; that you 
184 The Thirty…Day MBA 
pay the statutory minimum wage; dependent on the age of the employee; 
that they work within the working time limits (48 hours a week); and that 
parents are entitled to periods of paid leave when they have children (up to 
52 weeks for women and one or two weeks for men)。 
Employment records 
Employers must maintain records on employees; keeping note of absences; 
sickness; disputes; disciplinary ma。。ers; accidents; training; holidays and 
any appraisals or performance reviews。 If you have an unsatisfactory 
employee and want to dismiss them; this information will be vital。 
OyezWaterlow (oyezwaterlow。uk 》 HR Paper Forms) has a record 
keeping system priced at £78。95。 
So。。ware such as that provided by Vizual Management So

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