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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第125章

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none of those comforts you have around you。 I feel that I am called 

back   to   those   amongst   whom   my   lot   was   first   cast。   I   feel   drawn 

again towards the hills where I used to be blessed in carrying the 

word of life to the sinful and desolate。” 

    “You feel! yes;” said Mrs。 Poyser; returning from a parenthetic 

glance   at   the   cows;   “that’s   allays   the   reason   I’m   to   sit   down   wi’; 

when you’ve a mind to do anything contrairy。 What do you want to 

be preaching for more   than   you’re   preaching  now?  Don’t  you  go 

off;   the    Lord    knows      where;     every    Sunday      a…preaching       and 

praying?  An’   haven’t  you   got   Methodists   enow   at   Treddles’on   to 

go and look at; if church…folks’s faces are too handsome to please 

George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics 

… Page 625…

                                     Adam Bede                                       625 

you? An’ isn’t there them i’ this parish as you’ve got under hand; 

and   they’re   like   enough   to   make   friends   wi’   Old   Harry   again   as 

soon as your back’s turned? There’s that Bessy Cranage—she’ll be 

flaunting i’ new finery three weeks after you’re gone; I’ll be bound。 

She’ll no more go on in her new ways without you than a dog ’ull 

stand on its hind…legs when there’s nobody looking。 But I suppose 

it  doesna   matter  so  much about   folks’s   souls   i’   this   country;   else 

you’d   be   for   staying   with   your   own   aunt;   for   she’s   none   so   good 

but what you might help her to be better。” 

    There was a certain something in Mrs。 Poyser’s voice just then; 

which she did not wish to be noticed; so she turned round hastily 

to   look   at  the   clock;   and    said:  “See    there!    It’s  tea…time;   an’   if 

Martin’s i’ the rick…yard; he’ll like a cup。 Here; Totty; my chicken; 

let mother put your bonnet on; and then you go out into the rick… 

yard   and   see   if   Father’s   there;   and   tell   him   he   mustn’t   go   away 

again without coming t’ have a cup o’ tea; and tell your brothers to 

come in too。” 

    Totty  trotted off in her flapping  bonnet;   while   Mrs。   Poyser  set 

out the bright oak table and reached down the tea…cups。 

    “You   talk   o’   them   gells   Nancy   and   Molly   being   clever   i’   their 

work;”   she   began   again;   “it’s   fine   talking。   They’re   all   the   same; 

clever or  stupid—one   can’t  trust  ’em   out  o’   one’s sight  a   minute。 

They want somebody’s eye on ’em constant if they’re to be kept to 

their   work。   An’   suppose   I’m   ill   again   this   winter;   as    I  was    the 

winter  before   last?   Who’s   to   look   after   ’em   then;   if   you’re   gone? 

An’ there’s that blessed child—something’s sure t’ happen to her— 

they’ll   let   her   tumble   into   the   fire;   or   get   at   the  kettle  wi’  the 

boiling lard in’t; or some mischief as ’ull lame her for life; an’ it’ll 

be all your fault; Dinah。” 

George Eliot                                                           ElecBook Classics 

… Page 626…

                                    Adam Bede                                       626 

    “Aunt;”   said     Dinah;   “I   promise     to  come     back   to  you    in  the 

winter  if  you’re   ill。   Don’t   think   I   will   ever   stay  away   from   you   if 

you’re   in   real   want   of   me。   But;   indeed;   it   is   needful   for   my   own 

soul   that   I   should   go   away   from   this   life   of   ease   and   luxury   in 

which I have all things too richly to enjoy—at least that I should go 

away for a short space。 No one can know but myself what are my 

inward needs; and the besetments I am most in danger from。 Your 

wish for me to stay is not a call of duty which I refuse to hearken to 

because it is against my own desires; it is a temptation that I must 

resist; lest the love of the creature should become like a mist in my 

soul shutting out the heavenly light。” 

    “It   passes   my   cunning   to   know   what   you   mean   by   ease   and 

luxury;”   said   Mrs。   Poyser;   as   she   cut   the   bread   and   butter。   “It’s 

true there’s good victual enough about  you;  as   nobody  shall  ever 

say I don’t provide enough and to spare; but if there’s ever a bit o’ 

odds an’ ends as nobody else ’ud eat; you’re sure to pick it out 。 。 。 

but   look   there!   There’s   Adam   Bede   a…carrying   the   little   un   in。   I 

wonder how it is he’s come so early。” 

    Mrs。 Poyser hastened to the door for the pleasure of looking at 

her darling in a new position; with love in her eyes but reproof on 

her tongue。 

    “Oh   for   shame;   Totty!   Little   gells   o’   five   year   old   should   be 

ashamed to be carried。 Why; Adam; she’ll break your arm; such a 

big gell as that; set her down—for shame!” 

    “Nay;   nay;”   said   Adam;   “I   can   lift   her   with   my   hand—I’ve   no 

need to take my arm to it。” 

    Totty; looking as serenely unconscious of remark as a fat white 

puppy; was set down at the   door…place;   and   the   mother  enforced 

her reproof with a shower of kisses。 

George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics 

… Page 627…

                                     Adam Bede                                         627 

    “You’re surprised to see me at this hour o’ the day;” said Adam。 

    “Yes;     but   come    in;”   said   Mrs。   Poyser;     making      way   for   him; 

“there’s no bad news; I hope?” 

    “No;   nothing   bad;”   Adam   answered;   as   he   went   up   to   Dinah 

and   put   out   his   hand   to   her。   She   had   laid   down   her   work   and 

stood   up;   instinctively;   as   he   approached   her。   A   faint   blush   died 

away from her pale cheek as she put her hand in his and looked up 

at him timidly。 

    “It’s    an   errand      to  you     brought     me;     Dinah;”     said    Adam; 

apparently       unconscious        that   he   was    holding     her   hand    all  the 

while;     “mother’s      a  bit  ailing;   and    she’s   set   her   heart   on    your 

coming to stay the night with her; if you’ll be so kind。 I told her I’d 

call and ask you as I came from the village。 She overworks herself; 

and   I   can’t   persuade   her   to   have   a   little   girl   t’   help   her。   I   don’t 

know what’s to be done。” 

    Adam   released   Dinah’s   hand   as   he   ceased   speaking;   and   was 

expecting   an   answer;   but   before   she   had   opened   her   lips            Mrs。 

Poyser said; “Look there now!  I   told   you   there   was   folks   enow  t’ 

help     i’  this  parish;   wi’out   going   further   off。    There’s     Mrs。    Bede 

getting as old and cas’alty as can be; and she won’t let anybody but 

you   go   a…nigh   her   hardly。   The   folks   at   Snowfield   have   learnt   by 

this time to do better wi’out you nor she can。” 

    “I’ll   put   my   bonnet   on   and   set   off   directly;   if   you   don’t   want 

anything done first; Aunt;” said Dinah; folding up her work。 

    “Yes;   I   do   want   something   done。   I   want   you   t’   have   your   tea; 

child; it’s all ready—and you’ll have a cup; Adam; if y’ arena in too 

big a hurry。” 

    “Yes; I’ll have a cup; please; and then I’ll walk with Dinah。 I’m 

going straight home; for I’ve got a lot o’ timber valuations to write 

George Eliot                                                            ElecBook Classics 

… Page 628…

                                   Adam Bede                                      628 


    “Why;     Adam;   lad;   are   you   here?”     said  Mr。   Poyser;    entering 

warm and coatless; with the two black…eyed boys behind him; still 

looking as much like  him as   two  small   elephants   are like   a large 

one。   “How   is   it   we’ve   got   sight   o’   you   so   long   before   foddering… 


    “I   came   on   an   errand   for   Mother;”   said   Adam。   “She’s   got   a 

touch   of   her   old   complaint;   and   she   wants   Dinah   to   go   and   stay 

with her a bit。” 

    “Well; we’ll spare her  for  your  mother  a   little   while;”   said   Mr。 

Poyser。     “But    we   wonna     spare    her   for  anybody     else;   on’y   her 


    “Husband!” said Marty; who was at the most prosaic and literal 

period of the boyish mind。 “Why; Dinah hasn’t got a husband。” 

    “Spare her?” said Mrs。 Poyser; placing a seed…cake on the table 

and then seating herself to pour out the tea。 “But we must spare 

her;   it   seems;   and   not   for   a  husband    neither;   but   for   her   own 

megrims。   Tommy;   what  are   you  doing  to   your   little   sister’s   doll? 

Making the child naughty; when she’d be good if you’d let her。 You 

shanna have a morsel o’ cake if you behave so。” 

    Tommy; with true brotherly sympathy; was amusing himself by 

turning      Dolly’s   skirt   over   her   bald    head    and    exhibiting     her 

truncated body to the general scorn—an indignity which cut Totty 

to the heart。 

    “What   do   you   think   Dinah’s   been   a…telling   me   since       dinner… 

time?” Mrs。 Poyser continued; looking at her husband。 

    “Eh! I’m a poor un at guessing;” said Mr。 Poyser。 

    “Why; she means to go back to Snowfield again; and work i’ the 

mill; and starve herself; as she used to do; like a creatur as has got 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 629…

                                   Adam Bede                                      629 

no friends。” 

    Mr。 Poyser did not readily find words to express his unpleasant 

astonishment; he only looked from his wife to Dinah; who had now 

seated     herself    beside    Totty;    as   a  bulwark      against    brotherly 

playfulness; and was busying herself with the children’s tea。 If he 

had     been    given   to  making      general    reflections;    it  would    have 

occurred      to  him   that   there   was    certainly   a  change     come    over 

Dinah;   for   she   never   used   to   change   colour;   but;   as   it   was;  he 

merely   observed   that   her   face   was   flushed   at   that   moment。   Mr。 

Poyser   thought   she   looked   the   prettier   for   it:   it   was   a   flush   no 

deeper than the petal of a monthly rose。 Perhaps it came because 

her uncle was looking at her so fixedly;   but  there   is no  knowing; 

for just then Adam was saying; with quiet sur

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