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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第128章

小说: adam bede(亚当[1].比德) 字数: 每页3500字

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although   it   was    a   newly   bought     book—Wesley’s        abridgment      of 

Madame   Guyon’s   life;   which   was   full   of   wonder   and   interest   for 

him。   Seth   had   said   to   Adam;   “Can   I   help   thee   with   anything   in 

here to…night? I don’t want to make a noise in the shop。” 

    “No; lad;” Adam answered; “there’s nothing but what I must do 

myself。 Thee’st got thy new book to read。” 

    And    often;   when     Seth   was    quite   unconscious;      Adam;    as   he 

paused  after  drawing   a   line   with   his   ruler;   looked   at   his   brother 

with a kind smile dawning in his eyes。 He knew “th’ lad liked to sit 

full o’ thoughts he could give no account of; they’d never come t’ 

anything; but  they  made   him   happy;”   and   in   the   last   year   or   so; 

Adam had been getting more and more indulgent to Seth。 It was 

part   of   that   growing   tenderness   which   came   from   the   sorrow   at 

work within him。 

    For Adam; though you see him quite master of himself; working 

hard     and   delighting     in  his   work    after   his  inborn     inalienable 

nature; had not outlived his sorrow—had not felt it slip from him 

as a temporary burden; and leave him the same man again。 Do any 

of us? God forbid。 It would be a poor result of all our anguish and 

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our  wrestling  if  we   won nothing  but  our  old selves  at   the   end   of 

it—if    we    could    return    to  the   same     blind    loves;   the   same    self… 

confident blame; the same light thoughts of human suffering; the 

same frivolous gossip over blighted human lives; the   same   feeble 

sense      of  that    Unknown         towards     which      we    have    sent    forth 

irrepressible cries in our loneliness。 Let us rather be thankful that 

our sorrow lives in us as an indestructible force; only changing its 

form; as forces do; and passing from pain into sympathy—the one 

poor  word   which  includes all   our   best   insight   and   our   best   love。 

Not that this transformation of pain into sympathy had completely 

taken place in Adam yet。 There was still a great remnant of pain; 

and     this  he   felt  would     subsist    as   long   as  her    pain   was    not   a 

memory; but an existing thing; which he must think of as renewed 

with   the   light   of   every   new   morning。   But   we   get   accustomed   to 

mental      as  well   as   bodily   pain;    without;     for  all  that;   losing   our 

sensibility   to   it。   It   becomes   a   habit   of   our   lives;   and   we   cease   to 

imagine   a   condition   of   perfect   ease   as   possible   for   us。   Desire   is 

chastened   into   submission;   and   we   are   contented   with   our   day 

when we have been able to bear our grief in silence and act as if 

we were not  suffering。   For  it  is   at  such  periods   that  the   sense  of 

our    lives   having     visible   and    invisible    relations;    beyond      any   of 

which  either  our   present   or   prospective   self   is   the   centre;   grows 

like a muscle that we are obliged to lean on and exert。 

    That   was   Adam’s   state   of   mind   in   this   second   autumn   of   his 

sorrow。      His   work;    as   you    know;    had    always     been    part    of  his 

religion;     and    from    very    early    days    he   saw    clearly    that   good 

carpentry   was   God’s   will—was   that   form   of  God’s   will   that   most 

immediately        concerned       him。    But   now     there   was    no   margin     of 

dreams for him beyond this daylight reality; no holiday…time in the 

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working…day world; no moment in the distance   when duty  would 

take off her iron glove and breast…plate and clasp him gently into 

rest。   He   conceived   no   picture   of   the   future   but   one   made   up   of 

hard…working         days    such    as   he   lived   through;      with   growing 

contentment and intensity of interest; every fresh week。 Love; he 

thought; could never be anything to  him but  a living memory—a 

limb lopped off; but not gone from consciousness。 He did not know 

that the power of loving was all the while gaining new force within 

him; that the new sensibilities bought by a deep experience were 

so   many   new   fibres   by   which   it   was   possible;   nay;   necessary   to 

him;   that   his   nature   should   intertwine   with   another。   Yet   he   was 

aware that common affection and friendship   were   more   precious 

to him than they used to be—that he clung more to his mother and 

Seth;     and    had    an    unspeakable       satisfaction     in  the    sight   or 

imagination of any small addition to their happiness。 The Poysers; 

too—hardly        three   or  four   days    passed    but   he  felt  the   need   of 

seeing   them   and   interchanging   words   and   looks   of   friendliness 

with  them。   He   would   have   felt   this;   probably;   even   if   Dinah   had 

not   been   with   them;   but   he   had   only   said   the   simplest   truth   in 

telling Dinah that he put her above all other friends in the world。 

Could anything be more natural? For  in   the darkest  moments   of 

memory        the   thought    of   her   always    came     as   the   first  ray   of 

returning comfort。 The early days of gloom at the Hall Farm had 

been gradually turned into soft moonlight by her presence; and in 

the cottage; too; for she had come at every spare moment to soothe 

and   cheer   poor   Lisbeth;   who   had   been   stricken   with   a   fear   that 

subdued       even    her   querulousness        at  the   sight   of  her   darling 

Adam’s grief…worn face。 He had become used to watching her light 

quiet movements; her pretty loving ways to the children; when he 

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went   to   the   Hall   Farm;   to   listen   for   her   voice   as   for   a   recurrent 

music;   to   think   everything   she   said   and   did   was   just   right;   and 

could not  have   been   better。   In   spite   of   his   wisdom;   he   could   not 

find fault with her for her overindulgence of the children; who had 

managed to convert Dinah the preacher; before whom a circle   of 

rough      men     had     often    trembled      a   little;  into   a   convenient 

household       slave—though   Dinah          herself    was   rather    ashamed      of 

this weakness; and had some inward conflict as   to  her  departure 

from the precepts of Solomon。 Yes; there was one thing that might 

have   been   better;   she   might   have   loved   Seth   and   consented   to 

marry   him。   He   felt   a   little   vexed;   for   his   brother’s   sake;   and   he 

could     not   help   thinking     regretfully    how    Dinah;     as  Seth’s    wife; 

would have made their home as happy as it could be for them all— 

how she was the one being that would have soothed their mother’s 

last days into peacefulness and rest。 

    “It’s   wonderful       she   doesn’t     love   th’   lad;”   Adam      had    said 

sometimes to himself; “for anybody ’ud think he was   just cut  out 

for her。 But her heart’s so taken up with other things。 She’s one o’ 

those women that feel no drawing towards having a husband and 

children o’ their own。 She thinks she should be filled up with her 

own   life   then;   and   she’s   been   used   so   to   living   in   other   folks’s 

cares; she can’t bear the thought of her heart being shut up from 

’em。   I   see   how   it   is;   well   enough。   She’s   cut   out   o’   different   stuff 

from most women: I saw that long ago。 She’s never easy but when 

she’s    helping     somebody;       and    marriage      ’ud   interfere    with   her 

ways—that’s true。 I’ve no right to be contriving and thinking it ’ud 

be better if she’d have Seth; as if I was wiser than she is—or than 

God   either;   for   He   made   her   what   she   is;   and   that’s   one   o’   the 

greatest     blessings     I’ve   ever    had   from     His   hands;     and   others 

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besides me。” 

    This   self…reproof  had   recurred   strongly   to   Adam’s   mind   when 

he    gathered     from    Dinah’s     face   that   he  had    wounded       her   by 

referring   to   his   wish   that   she   had   accepted   Seth;   and   so   he   had 

endeavoured to put into the strongest words his confidence in her 

decision   as   right—his   resignation   even   to   her   going   away   from 

them   and   ceasing   to   make   part   of   their   life   otherwise     than   by 

living in their thoughts; if that separation were chosen by herself。 

He felt sure she knew quite well enough how much he cared to see 

her  continually—to  talk   to  her  with  the   silent  consciousness   of   a 

mutual   great   remembrance。   It   was   not   possible   she   should   hear 

anything       but    self…renouncing        affection     and    respect     in   his 

assurance that he was contented for her to go away; and yet there 

remained an uneasy feeling in his mind that he had not said quite 

the right thing—that; somehow; Dinah had not understood him。 

    Dinah must have risen a little before the sun the next morning; 

for   she    was   downstairs      about    five   o’clock。   So   was    Seth;    for; 

through  Lisbeth’s obstinate refusal to  have any  woman…helper in 

the  house;   he   had   learned   to   make   himself;   as   Adam   said;   “very 

handy in the housework;” that he might save his mother from too 

great  weariness;  on   which  ground  I   hope   you   will   not   think   him 

unmanly; any more than you can have thought the gallant Colonel 

Bath     unmanly      when     he  made     the   gruel   for  his   invalid   sister。 

Adam; who had sat up late at his writing; was still asleep; and was 

not likely; Seth said; to be down till breakfast…time。 Often as Dinah 

had visited Lisbeth during the last eighteen months; she had never 

slept in the cottage since that night after Thias’s death; when; you 


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