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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第141章

小说: adam bede(亚当[1].比德) 字数: 每页3500字

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towards eight years since they parted。” 

    “Yes;”   said   Dinah;   “Adam   was   greatly   moved   this   morning   at 

the thought of the  change  he  should   see in  the  poor  young  man; 

from   the   sickness   he   has   undergone;   as   well   as   the   years   which 

have   changed  us   all。   And   the   death   of   the   poor   wanderer;   when 

she was coming back to us; has been sorrow upon sorrow。” 

    “See; Addy;” said Seth; lowering the young one to his arm now 

and pointing; “there’s Father coming—at the far stile。” 

    Dinah     hastened     her   steps;   and    little  Lisbeth   ran    on  at  her 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

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utmost   speed   till   she   clasped   her   father’s   leg。   Adam   patted   her 

head and lifted her up to kiss her; but Dinah could see the marks 

of agitation on his face as she approached him; and he put her arm 

within his in silence。 

    “Well;   youngster;   must   I   take   you?”   he   said;   trying   to   smile; 

when      Addy     stretched     out   his   arms—ready;        with    the   usual 

baseness of infancy; to give up his Uncle Seth at once; now there 

was some rarer patronage at hand。 

    “It’s cut me a good deal; Dinah;” Adam said at last; when they 

were walking on。 

    “Didst find him greatly altered?” said Dinah。 

    “Why; he’s altered and yet not altered。 I should ha’ known him 

anywhere。 But his colour’s changed; and he looks sadly。 However; 

the doctors say he’ll soon be set right in his own country air。 He’s 

all sound in th’ inside; it’s only the fever shattered him so。 But he 

speaks just the same; and smiles at me just as he did when he was 

a lad。 It’s wonderful how he’s always had just the same sort o’ look 

when he smiles。” 

    “I’ve never seen him smile; poor young man;” said Dinah。 

    “But    thee  wilt   see   him   smile;   to…morrow;”      said   Adam。     “He 

asked after thee the first thing when he began to come round; and 

we could talk to one another。 ‘I hope she isn’t altered;’ he said; ‘I 

remember   her   face   so   well。’   I   told   him   ‘no;’”   Adam   continued; 

looking fondly at the eyes that were turned towards his; “only a bit 

plumper;   as   thee’dst   a   right   to   be   after   seven   year。   ‘I   may   come 

and see her to…morrow; mayn’t I?’ he said; ‘I long to tell her how 

I’ve thought of her all these years。’” 

    “Didst tell him I’d always used the watch?” said Dinah。 

    “Aye; and we talked a deal about thee; for he says he never saw 

George Eliot                                                        ElecBook Classics 

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a woman a bit like thee。 ‘I shall turn Methodist some day;’ he said; 

‘when she preaches out of doors; and go to hear her。’ And I said; 

‘Nay; sir; you can’t do that; for Conference has forbid the women 

preaching; and she’s given it up; all but talking to the people a bit 

in their houses。’” 

    “Ah;”    said   Seth;   who    could   not  repress    a  comment       on  this 

point; “and a sore pity it was o’ Conference; and if Dinah had seen 

as I did; we’d ha’ left the Wesleyans and joined a body that ’ud put 

no bonds on Christian liberty。” 

    “Nay;    lad;   nay;”   said  Adam;     “she   was    right   and   thee   wast 

wrong。 There’s no rules so wise but what it’s a pity for somebody 

or   other。   Most   o’   the   women   do   more   harm   nor   good   with   their 

preaching—they’ve not got Dinah’s gift nor her sperrit—and she’s 

seen that; and she thought it right to set th’ example o’ submitting; 

for  she’s   not  held  from   other  sorts   o’   teaching。   And   I   agree   with 

her; and approve o’ what she did。” 

    Seth was silent。 This was a standing subject of difference rarely 

alluded     to;  and   Dinah;    wishing    to  quit  it  at  once;   said;  “Didst 

remember; Adam; to speak to Colonel Donnithorne the words my 

uncle and aunt entrusted to thee?” 

    “Yes; and he’s going to the Hall Farm with Mr。 Irwine the day 

after to…morrow。 Mr。 Irwine came in while we were talking about 

it; and he would have it as the Colonel must see nobody but thee 

to…morrow。 He said—and he’s in the right of it—as it’ll be bad for 

him t’ have his feelings stirred with seeing many people one after 

another。 ‘We must get you strong and hearty;’ he said; ’that’s the 

first  thing  to  be   done   Arthur;   and   then   you   shall   have   your   own 

way。 But I shall keep you under your old tutor’s thumb till then。’ 

Mr。 Irwine’s fine and joyful at having him home again。” 

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   Adam was silent a little while; and then said; 

    “It was very cutting when we first saw one another。 He’d never 

heard about poor Hetty till Mr。 Irwine met him in London; for the 

letters   missed   him   on   his   journey。   The   first   thing   he   said   to   me; 

when we’d got hold o’ one another’s hands was; ‘I could never do 

anything      for  her;   Adam—she        lived   long   enough      for  all  the 

suffering—and        I’d  thought     so  of  the   time   when     I  might    do 

something for her。 But you told me the truth when you said to me 

once; “There’s a sort of wrong that can never be made up for。”’” 

    “Why; there’s Mr。 and Mrs。 Poyser coming in at the yard gate;” 

said Seth。 

    “So   there   is;”  said  Dinah。    “Run;   Lisbeth;    run   to  meet   Aunt 

Poyser。 Come in; Adam; and rest; it has been a hard day for thee。” 

                                    The End 

George Eliot                                                      ElecBook Classics 

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George Eliot                                                             ElecBook Classics 

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