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the mystery of the yellow room-第39章

小说: the mystery of the yellow room 字数: 每页3500字

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on a bench in the Palais de Justice; looking very depressed。

〃What's the matter; old man?〃 I asked。  〃You are looking very down。
cast。  How are your friends getting on?〃

〃Apart from you;〃 he said; 〃I have no friends。〃

〃I hope that Monsieur Darzac …〃

〃No doubt。〃

〃And Mademoiselle Stangerson … How is she?〃

〃Better … much better。〃

〃Then you ought not to be sad。〃

〃I am sad;〃 he said; 〃because I am thinking of the perfume of the
lady in black …〃

〃The perfume of the lady in black!  … I have heard you often refer
to it。  Tell me why it troubles you。〃

〃Perhaps … some day; some day;〃 said Rouletabille。

And he heaved a profound sigh。


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