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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第104章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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doubtfully; and the children's clamorous anxiety seemed to render him
the more silent。

Hector Ernescliffe discovered a jackdaw's nest in the chimney;
whereupon the whole train rushed off to investigate; leaving the two
doctors and Ethel standing together in the empty parlour; Dr。 May
pressing; Dr。 Spencer raising desultory objections; but so evidently
against his own wishes; that Ethel said; 〃Now; indeed; you must not
disappoint us all。〃

〃No;〃 said Dr。 May; 〃it is a settled thing。〃

〃No; no; thanks; thanks to you all; but it cannot be。  Let me go;〃
and he spoke with emotion。  〃You are very kind; but it is not to be
thought of。〃

〃Why not?〃 said Dr。 May。  〃Spencer; stay with me;〃 and he spoke with
a pleading; almost dependent air。  〃Why should you go?〃

〃It is of no use to talk about it。  You are very kind; but it will
not do to encumber you with a lone man; growing old。〃

〃We have been young together;〃 said Dr。 May。

〃And you must not leave papa;〃 added Ethel。

〃No;〃 said Dr。 May。  〃Trouble may be at hand。  Help us through with
it。  Remember; these children have no uncles。〃

〃You will stay?〃 said Ethel。

He made a sign of assenthe could do no more; and just then Gertrude
came trotting back; so exceedingly smutty; as to call everybody's
attention。  Hector had been shoving Tom half…way up the chimney; in
hopes of reaching the nest; and the consequences of this amateur
chimney…sweeping had been a plentiful bespattering of all the
spectators with soot; that so greatly distressed the young ladies;
that Mary and Blanche had fled away from public view。

Dr。 Spencer's first act of possession was to threaten to pull Tom
down by the heels for disturbing his jackdaws; whereupon there was a
general acclamation; and Dr。 May began to talk of marauding times;
when the jackdaws in the Minster tower had been harried。

〃Ah!〃 said Dr。 Spencer; as Tom emerged; blacker than the outraged
jackdaws; and half choked; 〃what do you know about jackdaws' nests?
You that are no Whichcote scholars。〃

〃Don't we?〃 cried Hector; 〃when there is a jackdaw's nest in Eton
Chapel; twenty feet high。〃

〃Old Grey made that!〃 said Tom; who usually acted the part of esprit
fort to Hector's credulity。

〃Why; there is a picture of it on Jesse's book;〃 said Hector。

〃But may not we get up on the roof; to see if we can get at the nest;
papa? 〃 said Tom。

〃You must ask Dr。 Spencer。  It is his house。〃

Dr。 Spencer did not gainsay it; and proceeded even to show the old
Whichcote spirit; by leading the assault; and promising to take care
of Aubrey; while Ethel retained Gertrude; and her father too; for Dr。
May had such a great inclination to scramble up the ladder after
them; that she; thinking it a dangerous experiment for so helpless an
arm; was obliged to assure him that it would create a sensation among
the gossiphood of Stoneborough; if their physician were seen
disporting himself on the top of the house。

〃Ah!  I'm not a physician unattached; like him;〃 said Dr。 May;
laughing。  〃Hullo! have you got up; Tom?  There's a door up there。
I'll show you〃

〃No; don't papa。  Think of Mrs。 Ledwich; and asking her to see two
trustees up there!〃 said Ethel。

〃Ah!  Mrs。 Ledwich; what is to be done with her; Ethel?〃

〃I am sure I can't tell。  If Flora were but at home; she would manage

〃Spencer can manage anything!〃 was the answer。  〃That was the
happiest chance imaginable that you came home with me; and so we came
to go by the same train。〃

Ethel was only afraid that time was being cruelly wasted; but the
best men; and it is emphatically the best that generally are sohave
the boy strong enough on one side or other of their natures; to be a
great provocation to womankind; and Dr。 Spencer did not rest from his
pursuit till the brood of the jackdaws had been discovered; and two
gray…headed nestlings kidnapped; which were destined to a wicker cage
and education。  Little Aubrey was beyond measure proud; and was
suggesting all sorts of outrageous classical names for them; till
politely told by Tom that he would make them as great prigs as
himself; and that their names should be nothing but Jack and Jill。

〃There's nothing for it but for Aubrey to go to school;〃 cried Tom;
sententiously turning round to Ethel。

〃Ay; to Stoneborough;〃 said Dr。 Spencer。

Tom coloured; as if sorry for his movement; and hastened away to make
himself sufficiently clean to go in quest of a prison for his

Dr。 Spencer began to bethink him of the paper that he had been so
eagerly drawing up; and looking at his own begrimed hands; asked
Ethel whether she would have him for a trustee。

〃Will the other eight ladies?〃 said Ethel; 〃that's the point。〃

〃Ha; Spencer! you did not know what you were undertaking。  Do you
wish to be let off?〃 said Dr。 May。

〃Not I;〃 said the undaunted doctor。  〃Come; Ethel; let us hear what
should be done。〃

〃There's no time;〃 said Ethel; bewildered。  〃The court will be only
on the day after to…morrow。〃

〃Ample time!〃 said Dr。 Spencer; who seemed ready to throw himself
into it with all his might。  〃What we have to do is this。  The ladies
to be propitiated are〃

〃Nine Muses; to whom you will have to act Apollo;〃 said Dr。 May; who;
having put his friend into the situation; had a mischievous delight
in laughing at him; and watching what he would do。

〃One and two; Ethel; and Mrs。 Rivers!〃

〃Rather eight and nine;〃 said Ethel; 〃though Flora may be somebody

〃Seven then;〃 said Dr。 Spencer。  〃Well then; Ethel; suppose we set
out on our travels this afternoon。  Visit these ladies; get them to
call a meeting to…morrow; and sanction their three trustees。〃

〃You little know what a work it is to call a meeting; or how many
notes Miss Rich sends out before one can be accomplished。〃

〃Faint heartyou know the proverb; Ethel。  Allons。  I'll call on
Mrs。 Ledwich〃

〃Stay;〃 said Dr。 May。  〃Let Ethel do that; and ask her to tea; and we
will show her your drawing of the school。〃

So the remaining ladies were dividedEthel was to visit Miss
Anderson; Miss Boulder; and Mrs。 Ledwich; Dr。 Spencer; the rest; and
a meeting; if possible; be appointed for the next day。

Ethel did as she was told; though rather against the grain; and her
short; abrupt manner was excused the more readily; that Dr。 Spencer
had been a subject of much mysterious speculation in Stoneborough;
and to gain any intelligence respecting him; was a great object; so
that she was extremely welcome wherever she called。

Mrs。 Ledwich promised to come to tea; and instantly prepared to walk
to Miss Rich; and authorise her to send out the notes of summons to
the morrow's meeting。  Ethel offered to walk with her; and found Mrs。
and Miss Rich in a flutter; after Dr。 Spencer's call; the daughter
just going to put on her bonnet and consult Mrs。 Ledwich; and both
extremely enchanted with Dr。 Spencer; who 〃would be such an

The hour was fixed and the notes sent out; and Ethel met Dr。 Spencer
at the garden gate。

〃Well!〃 he said; smiling; 〃I think we have fixed them offhave not

〃Yes; but is it not heartless that everything should be done through
so much nonsense?〃

〃Did you ever hear why the spire of Ulm Cathedral was never
finished?〃 said Dr。 Spencer。

〃No; why not?〃

〃Because the citizens would accept no help from their neighbours。〃

〃I am glad enough of help when it comes in the right way; and from
good motives。〃

〃There are more good motives in the world than you give people credit
for; Ethel。  You have a good father; good sense; and a good
education; and you have some perception of the system by which things
like this should be done。  Unfortunately; the system is in bad hands
here; and these good ladies have been left to work for themselves;
and it is no wonder that there is plenty of little self…importance;
nonsense; and the like; among them; but for their own sakes we should
rather show them the way; than throw them overboard。〃

〃If they will be shown;〃 said Ethel。

〃I can't say they seemed to me so very formidable;〃 said Dr。 Spencer。
〃Gentle little women。〃

〃Oh! it is only Mrs。 Ledwich that stirs them up。  I hope you are
prepared for that encounter。〃

Mrs。 Ledwich came to tea; sparkling with black bugles; and was very
patronising and amiable。  Her visits were generally subjects of great
dread; for she talked unceasingly; laid down the law; and overwhelmed
Margaret with remedies; but to…night Dr。 Spencer took her in hand。
It was not that he went out of his ordinary self; he was always the
same simple…mannered; polished gentleman; but it was this that told
she was evidently somewhat in awe of himthe refinement kept her in
check。  She behaved very quietly all the evening; admired the plans;
consented to everything; and was scarcely Mrs。 Ledwich!

〃You will get on now; Ethel;〃 said Dr。 May afterwards。  〃Never fear
but that he will get the Ladies' Committee well in hand。〃
〃Why do you think so; papa?〃

〃Never you fear。〃

That was all she could extract from him; though he looked very arch。
The Ladies' Committee accepted of their representatives with full
consent; and the indefatigable Dr。 Spencer next had to hunt up the
fellow trustee。  He finally contrived to collect every one he wanted
at Fordholm; the case was laid before the Collegethe College was
propitious; and by four o'clock in the evening; Dr。 Spencer laid
before Ethel the promise of the piece of land。

Mary's joy was unbounded; and Ethel blushed; and tried to thank。
This would have been the summit of felicity a year ago; and she was
vexed with herself for feeling that though land and money were both
in such safe hands; she could not care sufficiently to feel the
ecstasy the attainment of her object would once have given to her。
Then she would have been frantic with excitement; and heedless of
everything; now she took it so composedly as to annoy herself。

〃To think of that one week at Oxford having so entirely turned this
head of mine!〃

Perhaps it was the less at home; because she had just heard that
George and Flora had accepted an invitation to Glenbracken; but
though the zest of Cocksmoor might be somewhat gone; she called
herself to order; and gave her full attention to all that was planned
by her champion。

Never did man plunge into business more thoroughly than he; when he
had once undertaken it。  He was one of those men who; from gathering
particulars of every practical matter that comes under their notice;
are able to accomplish well whatever they set their hand to; and
building was not new to him; though his former subjectsa church and
mission station in Indiabore little remembrance to the present。

He bought a little round dumpling of a white pony; and trotted all
over the country in search of building materials and builders; he
discovered trees in distant timber…yards; he brought home specimens
of stone; one in each pocket; to compare and analyse; he went to
London to look at model schools; he drew plans each more neat and
beautiful than the last; he compared builders' estimates; and wrote
letters to the National Society; so as to be able to begin in the

In the meantime he was settling himself; furnishing h

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