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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第119章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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〃I heard that from Aunt Flora。  A famous lot of news I picked up

〃Aunt Flora!〃

〃Did you not know he had been at Auckland?〃 said Dr。 May。  〃Aunt
Flora had to nurse him well after all he had undergone。  Did you not
think her very like mamma; Harry?〃

〃Mamma never looked half so old!〃 cried Harry indignantly。

〃Flora was five years younger!〃

〃She has got her voice and way with her;〃 said Harry; 〃but you will
soon see。  She is coming home soon。〃

There was a great outcry of delight。

〃Yes; there is some money of Uncle Arnott's that must be looked
after; but he does not like the voyage; and can't leave his office;
so perhaps Aunt Flora may come alone。  She had a great mind to come
with me; but there was no good berth for her in this schooner; and I
could not wait for another chance。  I can't think what possessed the
letters not to come!  She would not write by the first packet;
because I was so ill; but we both wrote by the next; and I made sure
you had them; or I would have written before I came。〃

The words were not out of his mouth before the second post was
brought in; and there were two letters from New Zealand!  What would
they not have been yesterday?  Harry would have burned his own; but
the long closely…written sheets were eagerly seized; as; affording
the best hope of understanding his adventures; as it had been written
at intervals from Auckland; and the papers; passing from one to the
other; formed the text for interrogations on further details; though
much more was gleaned incidentally in tete…a…tetes; by Margaret;
Norman; or his father; and no one person ever heard the whole
connectedly from Harry himself。

〃What was the first you knew of the fire; Harry?〃 asked Dr。 May;
looking up from the letter。

〃Owen shaking me awake; and I thought it was a hoax;〃 said Harry。
〃But it was true enough; and when we got on deck; there were clouds
of smoke coming up the main hatch…way。〃

Margaret's eyes were upon him; and her lips formed the question; 〃And

〃He met us; and told us to be steadybut there was little need for
that!  Every man there was as cool and collected as if it had been no
more than the cook's stoveand we should have scorned to be
otherwise!  He put his hand on my shoulder and said; 'Keep by me;'
and I did。〃

〃Then there was never much hope of extinguishing the fire?〃

〃No; if you looked down below the forecastle it was like a furnace;
and though the pumps were at work; it was only to gain time while the
boats were lowered。  The first lieutenant told off the men; and they
went down the side without one word; only shaking hands with those
that were left。〃

〃Oh; Harry! what were you thinking of?〃 cried Blanche。

〃Of the powder;〃 said Harry。

Ethel thought there was more in that answer than met the ear; and
that Harry; at least; had thought of the powder to…night at church。

〃Mr。 Ernescliffe had the command of the second cutter。  He asked to
take me with him; I was glad enough; and Owenhe is mate; you know
went with us。〃

As to telling how he felt when he saw the good ship Alcestis blown to
fragments; that was past Harry; and all but Blanche were wise enough
not to ask。  She had by way of answer; 〃Very glad to be safe out of

Nor was Harry willing to dwell on the subsequent days; when the
unclouded sun had been a cruel foe; and the insufficient stores of
food and water did; indeed; sustain life; but a life of extreme
suffering。  What he told was of the kindness that strove to save him;
as the youngest; from all that could be spared him。  〃If I dropped
asleep at the bottom of the boat; I was sure to find some one shading
me from the sun。  If there was an extra drop of water; they wanted me
to have it。〃

〃Tell me their names; Harry!〃 cried Dr。 May。  〃If ever I meet one of

〃But the storm; Harry; the storm?〃 asked Blanche。  〃Was that not

〃Very comfortable at first; Blanche;〃 was the answer。  〃Oh; that

〃But when it grew so very bad?〃

〃We did not reck much what happened to us;〃 said Harry。  〃It could
not be worse than starving。  When we missed the others in the
morning; most of us thought them the best off。〃

Mary could not help coming round to kiss him; as if eyes alone were
not enough to satisfy her that here he was。

Dr。 May shuddered; and went on reading; and Margaret drew Harry down
to her; and once more by looks craved for more minute tidings。

〃All that you can think;〃 murmured Harry; 〃the very life and soul of
us allso kind; and yet discipline as perfect as on board。  But
don't now; Margaret〃

The tone of the don't; the reddening cheek; liquid eye; and heaving
chest; told enough of what the lieutenant had been to one; at least;
of the desolate boat's crew。

〃Oh; Harry; Harry!  I can't bear it!〃 exclaimed Mary。  〃How long did
it last?  How did it end?〃

〃Fifteen days;〃 said Harry。  〃It was time it should end; for all the
water we had caught in the storm was gonewe gave the last drop to
Jones; for we thought him dying; one's tongue was like a dry sponge。〃

〃How did it end?〃 repeated Mary; in an agony。

〃Jennings saw a sail。  We thought it all a fancy of weakness; but
'twas true enough; and they saw our signal of distress!〃

The vessel proved to be an American whaler; which had just parted
with her cargo to a homeward bound ship; and was going to refit; and
take in provisions and water at one of the Milanesian islands; before
returning for further captures。  The master was a man of the shrewd;
hard money…making cast; but; at the price of Mr。 Ernescliffe's
chronometer; and of the services of the sailors; he undertook to
convey them where they might fall in with packets bound for

The distressed Alcestes at first thought themselves in paradise; but
the vessel; built with no view; save to whales; and; with a
considerable reminiscence of the blubber lately parted with; proved
no wholesome abode; when overcrowded; and in the tropics!  Mr。
Ernescliffe's science; resolution; and constancy; had saved his men
so far; but with the need for exertion his powers gave way; and he
fell a prey to a return of the fever which had been his introduction
to Dr。 May。

〃There he was;〃 said Harry; 〃laid up in a little bit of a stifling
cabin; just like an oven; without the possibility of a breath of air!
The skin…flint skipper carried no medicine; the watershocking stuff
it waswas getting so low; that there was only a pint a day served
out to each; and though all of us Alcestes clubbed every drop we
could spare for himit was bad work!  Owen and I never were more
glad in our lives than when we heard we were to cast anchor at the
Loyalty Isles!  Such a place as it was!  You little know what it was
to see anything green!  And there was this isle fringed down close to
the sea with cocoa…nut trees!  And the bay as clear!you could see
every shell; and wonderful fishes swimming in it!  Well; every one
was for going ashore; and some of the natives swam out to us; and
brought things in their canoes; but not many; it is not encouraged by
the mission; nor by Davidfor those Yankee traders are not the most
edifying societyand the crew vowed they were cannibals; and had
eaten a man three years ago; so they all went ashore armed。〃

〃You stayed with him;〃 said Margaret。

〃Ay; it was my turn; and I was glad enough to have some fresh fruit
and water for him; but he could not take any notice of it。  Did not
I want you; papa?  Well; by and by; Owen came back; in a perfect
rapture with the place and the people; and said it was the only hope
for Mr。 Ernescliffe; to take him on shore〃

〃Then you did really go amongst the cannibals!〃 exclaimed Blanche。

〃That is all nonsense;〃 said Harry。  〃Some of them may once have
been; and I fancy the heathens might not mind a bit of 'long pig'
still; but these have been converted by the Samoans。〃

The Samoans; it was further explained; are the inhabitants of the
Navigator Islands; who; having been converted by the Church
Missionary Society; have sent out great numbers of most active and
admirable teachers among the scattered islands; braving martyrdom and
disease; never shrinking from their work; and; by teaching and
example; preparing the way for fuller doctrine than they can yet
impart。  A station of these devoted men had for some years been
settled in this island; and had since been visited by the missions of
Newcastle and New Zealand。  The young chief; whom Harry called David;
and another youth; had spent two summers under instruction at New
Zealand; and had been baptised。  They were spending the colder part
of the year at home; and hoped shortly to be called for by the
mission…ship to return; and resume their course of instruction。

Owen had come to an understanding with the chief and the Samoans; and
had decided on landing his lieutenant; and it was accordingly done;
with very little consciousness on the patient's part。  Black figures;
with woolly mop…heads; and sometimes decorated with whitewash of
lime; crowded round to assist in the transport of the sick man
through the surf; and David himself; in a white European garb; met
his guests; with dignified manners that would have suited a prince of
any land; and conducted them through the grove of palms; interspersed
with white huts; to a beautiful house consisting of a central room;
with many others opening from it; floored with white coral lime; and
lined with soft shining mats of Samoan manufacture。  This; Harry
learned; had been erected by them in hopes of an English missionary
taking up his abode amongst them。

They were a kindly people; and had shown hospitality to other
Englishmen; who had less appreciated it than these young officers
could。  They lavished every kindness in their power upon them; and
Mr。 Ernescliffe; at first; revived so much; that he seemed likely to

But the ship had completed her repairs; and was ready to sail。  The
two midshipmen thought it would be certain death to their lieutenant
to bring him back to such an atmosphere; 〃and so;〃 continued Harry's
letter to his father; 〃I thought there was nothing for it but for me
to stay with him; and that you would say so。  I got Owen to consent;
after some trouble; as we were sure to be fetched off one time or
another。  We said not a word to Mr。 Ernescliffe; for he was only
sensible now and then; so that Owen had the command。  Owen made the
skipper leave me a pistol and some powder; but I was ashamed David
should know it; and stowed it away。  As to the quarter…master; old
Jennings; whose boy you remember we picked up at the Roman camp; he
had not forgotten that; and when we were shaking hands and wishing
good…bye; he leaped up; and vowed 'he would never leave the young
gentleman that had befriended his boy; to be eaten up by them black
savage niggers。  If they made roast…pork of Mr。 May; he would be
eaten first; though he reckoned they would find him a tougher
morsel。'  I don't think Owen was sorry he volunteered; and no words
can tell what a blessing the good old fellow was to us both。

〃So there we stayed; and; at first; Mr。 Ernescliffe seemed mending。
The delirium went off; he could talk quite clearly and comfortably;
and he us

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