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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第128章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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apartments; fiercely indignant。  〃Well!〃 said he; advancing eagerly
on Dr。 May; 〃has she confessed?〃

〃But Flora!〃 said Dr。 May; instead of answering him。  Flora lay on
her bed; her face hidden on her pillow; only now and then moaning。

〃Flora; my poor; poor child!〃 said her father; bending down to raise
her; and taking her hand。

She moved away; so as to bury her face more completely; but there was
life in the movement; and he was sufficiently reassured on her
situation to be able to attend to George; who was only impatient to
rush off to take his revenge。  He led him into the outer room; where
Meta was waiting; and forced upon his unwilling conviction that it
was no case for the law。  The child had not been killed by any one
dose; but had rather sunk from the want of stimulus; to which she had
been accustomed。  As to any pity for the woman; George would not hear
of it。  She was still; in his eyes; the destroyer of bis child; and;
when he found the law would afford him no vengeance; he insisted that
she should be turned out of his house at once。

〃George!〃 called a hollow voice from the next room; and hurrying
back; they saw Flora sitting up; and; as well as trembling limbs
allowed; endeavouring to rise to her feet; while burning spots were
in her cheeks。

〃George; turn me out of the house too!  If Preston killed her; I
did!〃 and she gave a ghastly laugh。

George threw his arms round her; and laid her on her bed again; with
many fond words; and strength which she had not power to withstand。
Dr。 May; in the meantime; spoke quickly to Meta in the doorway。  〃She
must go。  They cannot see her again; but has she any friends in

〃I think not。〃

〃Find out。  She must not be sent adrift。   Send her to the Grange; if
nothing better offers。  You must judge。〃

He felt that he could confide in Meta's discretion and promptitude;
and returned to the parents。

〃Is she gone?〃 said George; in a whisper; which he meant should be
unheard by his wife; who had sunk her face in her pillows again。

〃Going。  Meta is seeing to it。〃

〃And that woman gets off free!〃 cried George; 〃while my poor little
girl〃 and; no longer occupied by the hope of retribution; he gave
way to an overpowering burst of grief。

His wife did not rouse herself to comfort him; but still lay
motionless; excepting for a convulsive movement that passed over her
frame at each sound from him; and her father felt her pulse bound at
the same time with corresponding violence; as if each of his deep…
drawn sobs were a mortal thrust。  Going to him; Dr。 May endeavoured
to repress his agitation; and lead him from the room; but he could
not; at first; prevail on him to listen or understand; still less; to
quit Flora。  The attempt to force on him the perception that his
uncontrolled sorrow was injuring her; and that he ought to bear up
for her sake; only did further harm; for; when he rose up and tried
to caress her; there was the same torpid; passive resistance; the
same burying her face from the light; and the only betrayal of
consciousness in the agonised throbs of her pulse。

He became excessively distressed at being thus repelled; and; at
last; yielded to the impatient signals of Dr。 May; who drew him into
the next room; and; with brief; strong; though most affectionate and
pitying words; enforced on him that Flora's brainnay; her life; was
risked; and that he must leave her alone to his care for the present。
Meta coming back at the same moment; Dr。 May put him in her charge;
with renewed orders to impress on him how much depended on

Dr。 May went back; with his soft; undisturbing; physician's footfall;
and stood at the side of the bed; in such intense anxiety as those
only can endure who know how to pray; and to pray in resignation and

All was still in the darkening twilight; but the distant roar of the
world surged without; and a gaslight shone flickering through the
branches of the trees; and fell on the rich dress spread on the
couch; and the ornaments on the toilet…table。  There was a sense of
oppression; and of being pursued by the incongruous world; and Dr。
May sighed to silence all around; and see his poor daughter in the
calm of her own country air; but she had chosen for herself; and here
she lay; stricken down in the midst of the prosperity that she had

He could hear every respiration; tightened and almost sobbing; and he
was hesitating whether to run the risk of addressing her; when; as if
it had occurred to her suddenly that she was alone and deserted; she
raised up her head with a startled movement; but; as she saw him; she
again hid her face; as if his presence were still more intolerable
than solitude。

〃Flora! my own; my dearestmy poor child! you should not turn from
me。  Do I not carry with me the like self…reproachful conviction?〃

Flora let him turn her face towards him and kiss her forehead。  It
was burning; and he brought water and bathed it; now and then
speaking a few fond; low; gentle words; which; though she did not
respond; evidently had some soothing effect; for she admitted his
services; still; however; keeping her eyes closed; and her face
turned towards the darkest side of the room。  When he went towards
the door; she murmured; 〃Papa!〃 as if to detain him。

〃I am not going; darling。  I only wanted to speak to George。〃

〃Don't let him come!〃 said Flora。

〃Not till you wish it; my dear。〃

George's step was heard; his hand was on the lock; and again Dr。 May
was conscious of the sudden rush of blood through all her veins。  He
quickly went forward; met him; and shut him out; persuading him; with
difficulty; to remain outside; and giving him the occupation of
sending out for an anodynesince the best hope; at present; lay in
encouraging the torpor that had benumbed her crushed faculties。

Her father would not even venture to rouse her to be undressed; he
gave her the medicine; and let her lie still; with as little movement
as possible; standing by till her regular breathings showed that she
had sunk into a sleep; when he went into the other room and found
that George had also forgotten his sorrows in slumber on the sofa;
while Meta sat sadly presiding over the tea equipage。

She came up to meet him; her question expressed in her looks。

〃Asleep;〃 he said; 〃I hope the pulses are quieter。  All depends on
her wakening。〃

〃Poor; poor Flora!〃 said Meta; wiping away her tears。

〃What have you done with the woman?〃

〃I sent her to Mrs。 Larpent's。  I knew she would receive her and keep
her till she could write to her friends。  Bellairs took her; but I
could hardly speak to her〃

〃She did it ignorantly;〃 said Dr。 May。

〃I could never be so merciful and forbearing as you;〃 said Meta。

〃Ah! my dear; you will never have the same cause!〃

They could say no more; for George awoke; and the argument of his
exclusion had to be gone through again。  He could not enter into it
by any means; and when Dr。 May would have made him understand that
poor Flora could not acquit herself of neglect; and that even his
affection was too painful for her in the present state; he broke into
a vehement angry defence of her devotion to her child; treating Dr。
May as if the accusation came from him; and when the doctor and Meta
had persuaded him out of this; he next imagined that his father…in…
law feared that he was going to reproach his wife; and there was no
making him comprehend more than that; if she were not kept quiet; she
might have a serious illness。

Even then he insisted on going to look at her; and Dr。 May could not
prevent him from pressing his lips to her forehead。  She half opened
her eyes; and murmured 〃good…night;〃 and by this he was a little
comforted; but he would hear of nothing but sitting up; and Meta
would have done the same; but for an absolute decree of the doctor。

It was a relief to Dr。 May that George's vigil soon became a sound
repose on the sofa in the dressing…room; and he was left to read and
muse uninterruptedly。

It was far past two o'clock before there was any movement; then Flora
drew a long breath; stirred; and; as her father came and drew her
hand into his; before she was well awake; she gave a long; wondering
whisper; 〃Oh; papa! papa!〃 then sitting up; and passing her hand over
her eyes; 〃Is it all true?〃

〃It is true; my own poor dear;〃 said Dr。 May; supporting her; as she
rested against his arm; and hid her face on his shoulder; while her
breath came short; and she shivered under the renewed perception
〃she is gone to wait for you。〃

〃Hush!  Oh; don't! papa!〃 said Flora; her voice shortened by anguish。
〃Oh; think why〃

〃Nay; Flora; do not; do not speak as if that should exclude peace or
hope!〃 said Dr。 May entreatingly。  〃Besides; it was no wilful
neglectyou had other duties〃

〃You don't know me; papa;〃 said Flora; drawing her hands away from
him; and tightly clenching them in one another; as thoughts far too
terrible for words swept over her。

〃If I do not; the most Merciful Father does;〃 said Dr。 May。  Flora
sat for a minute or two; her hands locked together round her knees;
her head bowed down; her lips compressed。  Her father was so far
satisfied that the bodily dangers he had dreaded were averted; but
the agony of mind was far more terrible; especially in one who
expressed so little; and in whom it seemed; as it were; pent up。

〃Papa!〃 said Flora presently; with a resolution of tone as if she
would prevent resistance; 〃I must see her!〃

〃You shall; my dear;〃 said the doctor at once; and she seemed
grateful not to be opposed; speaking more gently; as she said; 〃May
it be nowwhile there is no daylight?〃

〃If you wish it;〃 said Dr。 May。

The dawn; and a yellow waning moon; gave sufficient light for moving
about; and Flora gained her feet; but she was weak and trembling; and
needed the support of her father's arm; though hardly conscious of
receiving it; as she mounted the same stairs; that she had so often
lightly ascended in the like doubtful morning light; for never; after
any party; had she omitted her visit to the nursery。

The door was locked; and she looked piteously at her father as her
weak push met the resistance; and he was somewhat slow in turning the
key with his left hand。  The whitewashed; slightly furnished room
reflected the light; and the moonbeams showed the window…frame in
pale and dim shades on the blinds; the dewy air breathed in coolly
from the park; and there was a calm solemnity in the atmosphereno
light; no watcher present to tend the babe。  Little Leonora needed
such no more; she was with the Keeper; who shall neither slumber nor

So it thrilled across her grandfather; as he saw the little cradle
drawn into the middle of the room; and; on the coverlet; some pure
white rosebuds and lilies of the valley; gathered in the morning by
Mary and Blanche; little guessing the use that Meta would make of
them ere nightfall。

The mother sank on her knees; her hands clasped over her breast; and
rocking herself to and fro uneasily; with a low; irrepressible

〃Will you not see her face?〃 whispered Dr。 May。

〃I may not touch her;〃 was the answer; in the hollow voice; and with
the w

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