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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第136章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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her mind; was applying the words to him; whose head rested in the
Pacific isle; while; in the place which he had chosen; was laid the
foundation of the temple that he had given unto the Lord。

There came forth the procession: the minster choristers; Dr。 Spencer
as architect; and; in her white dress; little Gertrude; led between
Harry and Hector; Margaret's special choice for the occasion; and
followed by the Stoneborough clergy。

             Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness。

It came in well with the gentle; meek; steadfast face of the young
curate of Cocksmoor; as he moved on in his white robe; and the
sunlight shone upon his fair hair; and calm brow; thankful for the
past; and hoping; more than fearing; for the future。

The prayers were said; and there was a pause; while Dr。 Spencer and
the foreman advanced to the machine and adjusted it。  The two youths
then led forward the little girl; her innocent face and large blue
eyes wearing a look of childish obedient solemnity; only half
understanding what she did; yet knowing it was something great。

It was very pretty to see her in the midst of the little gathering
round the foundation; the sturdy workman smiling over his hod of
mortar; Dr。 Spencer's silver locks touching her flaxen curls as he
held the shining trowel to her; and Harry's bright head and hardy
face; as he knelt on one knee to guide the little soft hand; while
Hector stood by; still and upright; his eyes fixed far away; as if
his thoughts were roaming to the real founder。

The Victoria coins were placedGertrude scooped up the mass of
mortar; and spread it about with increasing satisfaction; as it went
so smoothly and easily; prolonging the operation; till Harry drew her
back; while; slowly down creaked the ponderous corner…stone into the
bed that she had prepared for it; and; with a good will; she gave
three taps on it with her trowel。

Harry had taken her hand; when; at the sight of Dr。 May; she broke
from him; and; as if taking sudden fright at her own unwonted part;
ran; at full speed; straight up to her father; and clung to him;
hiding her face as he raised her in his arms and kissed her。

Meanwhile the strain arose:

             Thou heavenly; new Jerusalem;
             Vision of peace; in Prophet's dream;
             With living stones; built up on high;
             And rising to the starry sky

The blessing of peace seemed to linger softly and gently in the
fragrant summer breeze; and there was a pause ere the sounds of
voices awoke again。

〃Etheldred〃 Mr。 Wilmot stood beside her; ere going to unrobe in the
school 〃Etheldred; you must once let me say; God bless you for

As she knelt beside her sister's sofa; on her return home; Margaret
pressed something into her hand。  〃If you please; dearest; give this
to Dr。 Spencer; and ask him to let it be set round the stem of the
chalice;〃 she whispered。

Ethel recognised Alan Ernescliffe's pearl hoop; the betrothal ring;
and looked at her sister without a word。

〃I wish it;〃 said Margaret gently。  〃I shall like best to know it

So Margaret joined in Alan's offering; and Ethel dared say no more;
as she thought how the 〃relic of a frail love lost〃 was becoming the
〃token of endless love begun。〃  There was more true union in this;
than in clinging to the mere tangible emblemfor broken and weak is
all affection that is not knit together above in the One Infinite


Of lowly fields you think no scorn;
Yet gayest gardens would adorn;
   And grace wherever set;
Home; seated in your lowly bower;
Or wedded; a transplanted flower;
   I bless you; Margaret。CHARLES LAMB。

George Rivers had an antipathy to ladies' last words keeping the
horses standing; and his wife and sister dutifully seated themselves
in the carriage at once; without an attempt to linger。

Four of the young gentlemen were to walk across to Abbotstoke and
dine at the Grange; and Tom; who; reasoning from analogy; had sent on
his black tie and agate studs; was so dismally disconcerted on
finding that Norman treated his own going as a matter of course; that
Richard; whose chief use of his right of primogeniture was to set
himself aside; discovered that he was wanted at home; and that Tom
would be much better at the Grange; offering; at the same time; to
send Norman's dressing things by Dr。 Spencer。

〃Which;〃 observed Thomas; 〃he would never have recollected for

〃Tom would have had to lend him the precious studs。〃〃He would not
have had them; who would wear imitation?〃  〃I say; Tom; what did you
give for them?〃  〃Better ask what the Jew gave for them; that bought
them at Windsor Fair; not a bad imitation; eitherpity they weren't
Malachite; but; no doubt; the Jew thought green would be personal。〃
〃As if they had any business to talk; who didn't know a respectable
stud when they saw itHarry; especially; with his hat set on the
back of his head; like a sailor on the stage〃(a leap to set it to
rightsa skirmish; knocking Tom nearly into the ditch)。  〃Fine
experience of the stageall came from Windsor Fair。〃  〃Ay; Hector
might talk; but didn't he pay a shilling to see the Irish giant。  He
wouldn't confess; but it was a famous take ingiant had potatoes in
his shoes。〃  〃Not he; he was seven feet ten high。〃  〃Ay; when he
stood upon a stoolHector would swallow anythingeven the lady of a
million postage stamps had not stuck in his throathe had made
Margaret collect for her。〃  〃And; had not Tom; himself; got a bottle
of ointment to get the red out of his hair?〃(great fury)。  〃His
hair wasn't reddidn't want to change the colournot half so red as
Hector's own。〃  〃What was it then? lively auburn?〃  But for fear of
Norman's losing his bearings; Harry would fetch a carrot; to compare。
〃Better colour than theirs could ever be。〃  〃Then what was the
ointment for? to produce whiskers? that was the reason Tom oiled
himself like a Loyalty islanderhis hair was so shiny; that Harry
recommended a top…knot; like theirs; etc。〃

Norman was; like the others; in such towering glee; and took so full
a share of the witticisms; that were the more noisily applauded; the
worse they were; that Harry suggested that 〃old June had lost his
way; and found his spirits in Drydalehe must have met with a
private grog…shop in the plantationswould not Tom confess〃〃not
he; it was all in private。  He thought it was laughing…gas; or the
reaction of being fried all the morning; holding forth in that Town
Hall。  He had longed to make a speech himselfno end of the good it
would have done the old stagers to come out with something to the
purpose。  What would old Hoxton have thought of it?

They shall dive for alligators; catch the wild goats by the beard;
Whistle to the cockatoos; and mock the hairy…faced baboon;
Worship mighty Mumbo Jumbo in the mountains of the moon。
I myself; in far Timbuctoo; leopard's blood shall daily quaff;
Ride a tiger hunting; mounted on a thoroughbred giraffe。

〃Not you; Tom!〃 cried Hector。

You; the swell; the Eton fellow!  You; to seek such horrid places。
You to haunt with squalid negroes; blubber lips; and monkey faces。
Fool; again the dream; the fancy; don't I know the words are mad;
For you count the gray barbarian lower than the Brocas cad!

〃Nay; it is the consequence of misanthropy at the detection of the
frauds of unsophisticated society;〃 said Norman。

                    The edge of life is rusted;
 The agate studs and whisker ointment left him very much disgusted。

〃Perhaps it was Miss Rivers forsaking him。  Was not that rather
spider…hearted; Tom?〃

〃Come; Harry; it is time to have done。  We are getting into civilised
societyhere's Abbotstoke。〃

〃Poor Norman; he is very far gone!  He takes that scarecrow for
civilised society!〃

〃Much better clothed than the society you have been accustomed to;
July。〃  〃What a prize his wardrobe would be to the Black Prince!〃
〃Don't insult your betters!〃  〃Which?  The scarecrow; or the Black

Norman tried to call his companions to order; for they were close
upon the village; and he began to tax himself with unbecoming levity;
the effect of spirits pitched rather low; which did not easily find
their balance; under unwonted exhilaration; but Harry's antics were
less easily repressed than excited; and if Tom had not heard the
Grange clock strike half…past six; and had not been afraid of not
having time to array himself; and watch over Harry's neckcloth; they
would hardly have arrived in reasonable time。  Dr。 May had gone home;
and there was no one in the drawing…room; but; as Norman was
following the boys upstairs; Flora opened her sitting…room door; and
attracted his attention by silently putting her cold fingers into his
hand; and drawing him into the room。

〃Dear Norman; this is pleasant;〃 she said affectionately; but in a
voice so sunken; that all gladness seemed to be dead within; and the
effect was far more mournful than if she had not attempted to smile

〃I will give you till Dr。 Spencer comes;〃 she said。  〃Then Norman can
dress; and you must be a good child; and come down to me。〃

The playfulness ill suited the wan; worn face that seemed to have
caught a gray tint from her rich poplin; her full toilet making the
contrast almost more painful; and; as she closed the door; her
brother could only exclaim; 〃Poor Flora!〃

〃She is so kind;〃 said the voice of the white figure that moved
towards him。  〃Oh; if we could comfort her!〃

〃I trust to her own kindness working comfort to her; at last;〃 said
Norman。  〃But is she often thus?〃

〃Whenever she is not bearing up for George's sake;〃 said Meta。  〃She
never says anything when she is alone with me; only she does not
struggle with her looks。〃

〃It must be very trying for you。〃

〃Nay; I feel grateful to her for even so far relaxing the restraint。
If I could but do her any good。〃

〃You cannot help doing her good;〃 said Norman。

Meta sighed; and shook her head slightly; as she said; 〃She is so
gentle and considerate。  I think this has been no fresh pain to her
to…day; but I cannot tell。  The whole day has been a strange

〃The two strands of joy and grief have been very closely twisted;〃
said Norman。  〃That rose is shedding its fragrant leaves in its
glory; and there is much that should have chastened the overflowing
gladness of to…day。〃

〃As I was thinking;〃 whispered Meta; venturing nearer to him; and
looking into his face with the sweet reliance of union in thought。
She meant him to proceed; but he paused; saying; 〃You were thinking…〃

〃I had rather hear it from you。〃

〃Was it not that we were taught to…day what is enduring; and gives
true permanence and blessedness to suchto what there was between
Ernescliffe and Margaret?〃

Her dewy eyes; and face of deep emotion; owned that he had
interpreted her thought。

〃Theirs would; indeed; be a disheartening example;〃 he said; 〃if it
did not show the strength and peace that distance; sickness; death;
cannot destroy。〃

〃Yes。  To see that church making Margaret happy as she lies smiling
on her couch; is a lesson of lessons。〃

〃That what is hallowed must be blest;

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