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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第148章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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〃natives;〃 went into hysterics on finding that her young lady would
take out no maid but a little hard…working village girl; and though
transferred in the most flattering manner to Mrs。 Rivers's service;
shed a tear for every stitch she set in the trousseau; and assured
her betrothed butler that; if Miss Rivers would only have heard
reason; she would have followed her to the world's end; rather than
that her beautiful hair should never look like anything again。

So the wedding…day came; and grass and trees wore a fitting suit of
crisp hoariness。  Nothing could be quieter。  Meta was arrayed by the
sobbing Bellairs in her simple bridal white; wrapped herself in a
large shawl; took her brother's arm; and walked down the frosty path
with him and Mrs。 Arnott; as if going merely to the daily service。

The time had not been made known; and there was hardly an addition to
the ordinary congregation; except the May family and Dr。 Spencer; but
the Christmas evergreens still adorned aisle and chancel; and over
the altar stood the motto that Meta herself had woven of holly; on
that Christmas Eve of grief and anxiety; without knowing how it would
speak to her。

  Fear not; for behold I bring unto you glad tidings of great joy;
  that shall be unto you and to all people。

Fear not; for length of voyage; for distance from kindred; for
hardship; privation; misunderstanding; disappointment。  The glad
tidings are to all people; even to the utmost parts of the earth。  Ye
have your portion in the great joyye have freely cast in your lot
with those; whose feet are beautiful on the mountains; who bear the
good tidings。  Fear not; for He is with you; who will never forsake。

Thus Dr。 May read the words with swelling heart; as he looked at his
son's clear; grave; manful look; even as it had been when he made his
Confirmation vowhis natural nervous excitability quelled by a
spirit not his own; and chastened into strong purpose; and the bride;
her young face the more lovely for the depth of enthusiasm restrained
by awe and humility; as she stood without trembling or faltering; the
strength of innocence expressed in the whole bearing of her slight
figure in her white drapery。  Around were the four sisterly bride's…
maids; their black dresses showing that these were still the twilight
days of mourning; and that none would forget her; whose prayers might
still bless their labour of love。

When Margaret Agatha May; on her husband's arm; turned for a last
look at the altar of her own church; 〃Fear not;〃 in evergreen
letters; was the greeting she bore away。

Ethel was left at the Grange for the ensuing fortnighta time of
unusual leisure both to her and to Flora; which they both prized
highly; for it taught them to know each other as they had never done
before。  Flora's confidence to her aunt had been a good thing for
her; though so partial; it opened the way for further unreserve to
one who knew the circumstances better; and; as to dread of Ethel;
that could seldom prevail in her presence; partly from long habit;
partly from her deficiency of manner; and still more from her true
humility and affection。  Gradually she arrived at the perception of
the history of her sister's mind; understood what gloom had once
overshadowed it; and how; since light had once shone upon her; she
shrank not merely from the tasks that had become wearisome to her;
but from the dread of losing among them her present peace。

〃They are your duty;〃 argued Ethel。  〃Duty brings peace。〃

〃They were not;〃 said Flora。

〃They are now;〃 said Ethel。

〃Dinners and parties; empty talk and vain show;〃 said Flora
languidly。  〃Are you come to their defence; Ethel?  If you could
guess how sick one gets of them; and how much worse it is for them
not to be hateful!  And to think of bringing my poor little girl up
to the like; if she is spared!〃

〃If they are not duties; I would not do them;〃 said Ethel。

〃Ethel;〃 cried her sister; raising herself from her couch eagerly; 〃I
will say it to you!  What should you think of George resigning his
seat; and living in peace here?〃

〃Would he?〃 said Ethel。

〃If I wished it。〃

〃But what would he do with himself?〃 said Ethel; not in too
complimentary a strain。

〃Yachting; farming; Cochin…Chineseor something;〃 said Flora。
〃Anything not so wearing as this!〃

〃That abominable candidate of Tomkins's would come in!〃 exclaimed
Ethel。  〃Oh; Flora; that would be horrid!〃

〃That might be guarded against;〃 said Flora。  〃Perhaps Sir Henry
But oh! let us leave politics in peace while we can。  I thought we
should do some great good; but it is all a maze of confusion。  It is
so hard to know principles from parties; and everything goes wrong!
It is of no use to contend with it!〃

〃It is never vain to contend with evil;〃 said Ethel。

〃We are not generalising;〃 said Flora。  〃There is evil nearer home
than the state of parties; and I can't see that George's being in
Parliamentbeing what he isis anything like the benefit to things
in generalthat it is temptation and plague to me; besides the risk
of London life for the baby; now and hereafter。〃

〃I can't say that I think it is;〃 said Ethel。  〃How nice it would be
to have you here!  I am so glad you are willing to give it up。〃

〃It would have been better to have given it up untastedlike
Norman;〃 sighed Flora。  〃I will talk to George。〃

〃But; Flora;〃 said Ethel; a little startled; 〃you ought not to do
such a thing without advice。〃

〃There will be worry enough before it is done!〃 sighed Flora。  〃No
fear of that!〃

〃Stop a minute;〃 said Ethel; as if poor Flora could have done
anything but lie still on her sofa。  〃I think you ought to consider
well before you set it going。〃

〃Have not I longed for it day and night?  It is an escape from peril
for ourselves and our child。〃

〃I can't be sure!〃 said Ethel。  〃It may be more wrong to make George
desert the post which〃

〃Which I thrust him into;〃 said Flora。  〃My father told me as much。〃

〃I did not mean you to say that!  But it is a puzzle。  It seems as if
it were right to give up such things; yet; when I recollect the
difficulty of carrying an election right at Stoneborough; I think
papa would be very sorry。  I don't think his interest would bring in
any sound man but his son…in…law; and George himself seems to like
his parliamentary life better than anything else。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Flora hesitatingly; for she knew it was truehe liked to
think himself important; and it gave him something to think of; and
regular occupationnot too active or onerous; but she could not tell
Ethel what she herself felt; that all she could do for him could not
prevent him from being held cheap by the men among whom she had
placed him。

〃Then;〃 said Ethel; as she heard her affirmative; 〃I don't think it
is for his dignity; for you to put him into Parliament to please you
and then take him out to please you。〃

〃I'll take care of his dignity;〃 said Flora shortly。

〃I know you would do it well〃

〃I am sick of doing things well!〃 said poor Flora。  〃You little know
how I dread reading up all I must read presently!  I shall lose all I
have scarcely gained。  I cannot find peace any way; but by throwing
down the load I gave my peace for。〃

〃Whether this is truth or fancy;〃 said Ethel thoughtfully。  〃If you
would ask some one competent。〃

〃Don't you know there are some things one cannot ask?〃 said Flora。
〃I don't know why I spoke to you!  Ah! come in!  Why; George; that is
a finer egg than ever;〃 as he entered with a Shanghai egg in each
hand; for her to mark with the date when it had been laid。  Poultry
was a new hobby; and Ethel had been hearing; in her tete…a…tete
dinners with George; a great deal about the perfections of the
hideous monsters that had obtained fabulous prices。  They had been
the best resource for conversation; but she watched; with something
between vexation and softness; how Flora roused herself to give her
full attention and interest to his prosing about his pets; really
pleased as it seemed; and; at last; encouraging him actually to fetch
his favourite cock to show her; when she went through the points of
perfection of the ungainly mass of feathers; and did not at all allow
Ethel to laugh at the unearthly sounds of disapproval which handling

〃And this is our senator!〃 thought Ethel。  〃I wonder whether
Honorius's hen was a Shanghai!  Poor Flora is rightit is poor work
to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! but; putting him into the
place is one thing; taking him out another。  I wish she would take
advice; but I never knew her do that; except as a civil way of
communicating her intentions。  However; she is not quite what she
was!  Poor dear!  Aunt Flora will never believe what a beautiful
creature she used to be!  It seems wrong to think of her going back
to that horrid London; but I can't judge。  For my part; I'd rather do
work; than no work for George; and he is a good; kind…hearted fellow
after all!  I won't be a crab!〃

So Ethel did her best; and said the cock had a bright eyeall she
could say for himand George instructed her to admire the awkward
legs; and invited her to a poultry show; at Whitford; in two days'
timeand they sent him away to continue his consultations with the
poultry woman; which pullets should be preferred as candidates for a

〃Meta set him upon this;〃 said Flora。  〃I hope you will go; Ethel。
You see he can be very happy here。〃

〃Still;〃 said Ethel; 〃the more I think; the more sure I am that you
ought to ask advice。〃

〃I have asked yours;〃 said Flora; as if it were a great effort。  〃You
don't know what to sayI shall do what I see to be the only way to

〃I do know what to say;〃 said Ethel; 〃and that is; do as the Prayer…
book tells you; in any perplexity。〃

〃I am not perplexed;〃 said Flora。

〃Don't say so。  This is either the station to which God has called
you; or it is not。〃

〃He never called me to it。〃

〃But you don't know whether you ought to leave it。  If you ought not;
you would be ten times more miserable。  Go to Richard; Florahe
belongs to you as much as Ihe has authority besides。〃


〃He is the clearest of us all in practical matters;〃 said Ethel;
preventing what she feared would be disparaging。  〃I don't mean only
that you should ask him about this Parliament matter alone; but I am
sure you would be happier and more settled if you talked things over
with him beforebefore you go to church。〃

〃You don't know what you propose。〃

〃I do;〃 said Ethel; growing bolder。  〃You have been going all this
time by feeling。  You have never cleared up; and got to the bottom
of; your troubles。〃

〃I could not talk to any one。〃

〃Not to any one but a clergyman。  Now; to enter on such a thing is
most averse to your nature; and I do believe that; for that very
reason; it would be what would do you most good。  You say you have
recovered sense of Oh; Flora! I can't talk of what you have gone
through; but if you have only a vague feeling that seems as if lying
still would be the only way to keep it; I don't think it can be
altogether sound; or the 'quiet conscience' that is meant。〃

〃Oh; Ethel!  Ethel!  I have never told you what I have und

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