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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第21章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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it is time to take measures。  Don't you see; Margaret?〃

〃It is time; as you say;〃 answered Margaret reflectingly; and sadly
surveying the bright boy; rosy cheeked; round faced; and blue eyed;
with the childish gladsomeness of countenance; that made it strange
that his lot in life should be already in the balance。

〃I know what you will all tell me; that it is a hard life; but I must
get my own living some way or other; and I should like that way the
best;〃 said he earnestly。

〃Should you like to be always far from home?〃

〃I should come home sometimes; and bring such presents to Mary; and
baby; and all of you; and I don't know what else to be; Margaret。  I
should hate to be a doctorI can't abide sick people; and I couldn't
write sermons; so I can't be a clergyman; and I won't be a lawyer; I
vow; for Harvey Anderson is to be a lawyerso there's nothing left
but soldiers and sailors; and I mean to be a sailor!〃

〃Well; Harry; you may do your duty; and try to do right; if you are a
sailor; and that is the point。〃

〃Ay; I was sure you would not set your face against it; now you know
Alan Ernescliffe。〃

〃If you were to be like him〃 Margaret found herself blushing; and
broke off。

〃Then you will ask papa about it?〃

〃You had better do so yourself。  Boys had better settle such serious
affairs with their fathers; without setting their sisters to
interfere。  What's the matter; Harryyou are not afraid to speak to

〃Only for one thing;〃 said Harry。 〃Margaret; I went out to shoot pee…
wits last Saturday with two fellows; and I can't speak to papa while
that's on my mind。〃

〃Then you had better tell him at once。〃

〃I knew you would say so; but it would be like a girl; and it would
be telling of the two fellows。〃

〃Not at all; papa would not care about them。〃

〃You see;〃 said Harry; twisting a little; 〃I knew I ought not; but
they said I was afraid of a gun; and that I had no money。  Now I see
that was chaff; but I didn't then; and Norman wasn't there。〃

〃I am so glad you have told me all this; Harry dear; for I knew you
had been less at home of late; and I was almost afraid you were not
going on quite well。〃

〃That's what it is;〃 said Harry。  〃I can't stand things at all; and I
can't go moping about as Norman does。  I can't live without fun; and
now Norman isn't here; half the time it turns to something I am sorry
for afterwards。〃

〃But; Harry; if you let yourself be drawn into mischief here for want
of Norman; what would you do at sea?〃

〃I should be an officer!〃

〃I am afraid;〃 said Margaret; smiling; 〃that would not make much
difference inside; though it might outside。  You must get the self…
control; and leave off being afraid to be said to be afraid。〃

Harry fidgeted。  〃I should start fresh; and be out of the way of the
Andersons;〃 he said。  〃That Anderson junior is a horrid fellowhe
spites Norman; and he bullied me; till I was big enough to show him
that it would not doand though I am so much younger; he is afraid
of me。  He makes up to me; and tries to get me into all the mischief
that is going。〃

〃And you know that; and let him lead you?  Oh; Harry!〃

〃I don't let him lead me;〃 said Harry indignantly; 〃but I won't have
them say I can't do things。〃

Margaret laughed; and Harry presently perceived what she meant; but
instead of answering; he began to boast; 〃There never was a May in
disgrace yet; and there never shall be。〃

〃That is a thing to be very thankful for;〃 said Margaret; 〃but you
know there may be much harm without public disgrace。  I never heard
of one of the Andersons being in disgrace yet。〃

〃Noshabby fellows; that just manage to keep fair with old Hoxton;
and make a show;〃 said Harry。  〃They look at translations; and copy
old stock verses。  Oh; it was such fun the other day。  What do you
think?  Norman must have been dreaming; for he had taken to school;
by mistake; Richard's old Gradus that Ethel uses; and there were ever
so many rough copies of hers sticking in it。〃

〃Poor Ethel!  What consternation she would be in!  I hope no one
found it out。〃

〃Why; Anderson junior was gaping about in despair for sense for his
verseshe comes on that; and slyly copies a whole set of her old
ones; done when sheNorman; I meanwas in the fifth form。  His
subject was a river; and hers Babylon; but; altering a line or two;
it did just as well。  He never guessed I saw him; and thought he had
done it famously。  He showed them up; and would have got some noted
good mark; but that; by great good luck; Ethel had made two of her
pentameters too short; which he hadn't the wit to find out; thinking
all Norman did must be right。  So he has shown up a girl's verses
isn't that rare?〃 cried Harry; dancing on his chair with triumph。

〃I hope no one knows they were hers?〃

〃Bless you; no!〃 said Harry; who regarded Ethel's attainments as
something contraband。  〃D'ye think I could tell?  No; that's the only
pity; that he can't hear it; but; after all; I don't care for
anything he does; now I know he has shown up a girl's verses。〃

〃Are these verses of poor Ethel's safe at home?〃

〃Yes; I took care of that。  Mind you don't tell anyone; Margaret; I
never told even Norman。〃

〃But all your school…fellows aren't like these?  You have Hector

〃He's a nice fellow enough; but he is little; and down in the school。
'Twould be making a fourth form of myself to be after him。  The fact
is; Margaret; they are a low; ungentlemanly lot just now; about sixth
and upper fifth form;〃 said Harry; lowering his voice into an anxious
confidential tone; 〃and since Norman has been less amongst them;
they've got worse; and you see; now home is different; and he isn't
like what he was; I'm thrown on them; and I want to get out of it。  I
didn't know that was it before; but Richard showed me what set me on
thinking of it; and I see she knew all about it。〃

〃That she did!  There is a great deal in what you say; Harry; but you
know she thought nothing would be of real use but changing within。
If you don't get a root of strength in yourself; your ship will be no
better to you than schoolthere will be idle midshipmen as well as
idle school…boys。〃

〃Yes; I know;〃 said Harry; 〃but do you think papa will consent?  She
would not have minded。〃

〃I can't tell。  I should think he would; but if any scheme is to come
to good; it must begin by your telling him of the going out

Harry sighed。  〃I'd have done it long ago if she was here;〃 he said。
〃I never did anything so bad before without telling; and I don't like
it at all。  It seems to come between him and me when I wish him good…

〃Then; Harry; pray do tell him。  You'll have no comfort if you

〃I know I shan't; but then he'll be so angry!  And; do you know;
Margaret; 'twas worse than I told you; for a covey of partridges got
up; and unluckily I had got the gun; and I fired and killed one; and
that was regular poaching; you know!  And when we heard some one
coming; how we did cut!  Axthe other fellow; I mean; got it; and
cooked it in his bedroom; and ate it for supper; and he laughs about
it; but I have felt so horrid all the week!  Suppose a keeper had got
a summons!〃

〃I can only say again; the only peace will be in telling。〃

〃Yes; but he will be so angry。  When that lot of fellows a year or
two ago did something like it; and shot some of the Abbotstoke
rabbits; don't you remember how much he said about its being
disgraceful; and ordering us never to have anything to do with their
gunnery?  And he will think it so very bad to have gone out on a lark
just now!  Oh; I wish I hadn't done it。〃

〃So do I; indeed; Harry! but I am sure; even it he should be angry at
first; he will he pleased with your confessing。〃

Harry looked very reluctant and disconsolate; and his sister did not
wonder for Dr。 May's way of hearing of a fault was never to be
calculated on。  〃Come; Harry;〃 said she; 〃if he is ever so angry;
though I don't think he will be; do you think that will be half as
bad as this load at your heart?  Besides; if you are not bold enough
to speak to him; do you think you can ever be brave enough for a

〃I will;〃 said Harry; and the words were hardly spoken; before his
father's hand was on the door。  He was taken by surprise at the
moment of trial coming so speedily; and had half a mind to retreat by
the other door; he was stayed by the reflection that Margaret would
think him a coward; unfit for a sailor; and he made up his mind to
endure whatever might betide。

〃Harry here?  This is company I did not expect。〃

〃Harry has something to say to you; papa。〃

〃Eh! my boy; what is it?〃 said he kindly。

〃Papa; I have killed a partridge。  Two fellows got me to hire a gun;
and go out shooting with them last Saturday;〃 said Harry; speaking
firmly and boldly now he had once begun。 〃We meant only to go after
pee…wits; but a partridge got up; and I killed it。〃

Then came a pause。  Harry stopped; and Dr。 May waited; half expecting
to hear that the boy was only brought to confession by finding
himself in a scrape。  Margaret spoke。  〃And he could not be happy
till he had told you。〃

〃Is it so?  Is that the whole?〃 said the doctor; looking at his son
with a keen glance; between affection and inquiry; as if only waiting
to be sure the confession was free; before he gave his free

〃Yes; papa;〃 said Harry; his voice and lip losing their firmness; as
the sweetness of expression gained the day on his father's face。
〃Only that I know'twas very wrongespecially nowand I am very
sorryand I beg your pardon。〃

The latter words came between sighs; fast becoming sobs; in spite of
Harry's attempts to control them; as his father held out his arm; and
drew him close to him。

〃That's mamma's own brave boy;〃 he said in his earin a voice which
strong feeling had reduced to such a whisper; that even Margaret
could not hearshe only saw how Harry; sobbing aloud; clung tighter
and tighter to him; till he said 〃Take care of my arm!〃 and Harry
sprang back at least a yard; with such a look of dismay; that the
doctor laughed。  〃No harm done!〃 said he。  〃I was only a little in
dread of such a young lion!  Comeback; Harry;〃 and he took his hand。
〃It was a bad piece of work; and it will never do for you to let
yourself be drawn into every bit of mischief that is on foot; I
believe I ought to give you a good lecture on it; but I can't do it;
after such a straightforward confession。  You must have gone through
enough in the last week; not to be likely to do it again。〃

〃Yes; papathank you。〃

〃I suppose I must not ask you any questions about it; for fear of
betraying the fellows;〃 said Dr。 May; half smiling。

〃Thank you; papa;〃 said Harry; infinitely relieved and grateful; and
quite content for some space to lean in silence against the chair;
with that encircling arm round him; while some talk passed between
his father and Margaret。

What a world of thought passed through the boy's young soul in that
space!  First; there was a thrill of intense; burning love to his
father; scarcely less fondness to his sweet motherly sister; a
clinging feeling to every chair and table of that room; which seemed

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