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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第31章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Sufficient guarantee;〃 said her father; smiling archly as he looked
up to his son; whose fair face had coloured deep red。  〃You will keep
the Unready in order; Ritchie。〃

〃He does;〃 said Margaret; 〃he has taken her education into his hands;
and I really believe he has taught her to hold up her frock and stick
in pins。〃

〃And to know her right hand from her left; eh; Ethel?  Well; you
deserve some credit; then。  Suppose we ask Mr。 Wilmot to tea; and
talk it over。〃

〃Oh; thank you; papa!  When shall it be?  To…morrow?〃

〃Yes; if you like。  I have to go to the town…council meeting; and am
not going into the country; so I shall be in early。〃

〃Thank you。  Oh; how very nice!〃

〃And what about cost?  Do you expect to rob me?〃

〃If you would help us;〃 said Ethel; with an odd shy manner; 〃we meant
to make what we have go as far as may be; but mine is only fifteen
and sixpence。〃

〃Well; you must make interest with Margaret for the turn…out of my
pocket to…morrow。〃

〃Thank you; we are very much obliged;〃 said the brother and sister
earnestly; 〃that is more than we expected。〃

〃Ha! don't thank too soon。  Suppose to…morrow should be a blank day!〃

〃Oh; it won't!〃 said Ethel。  〃I shall tell Norman to make you go to
paying people。〃

〃There's avarice!〃 said the doctor。  〃But look you here; Ethel; if
you'll take my advice; you'll make your bargain for Tuesday。  I have
a note appointing me to call at Abbotstoke Grange on Mr。 Rivers; at
twelve o'clock; on Tuesday。  What do you think of that; Ethel?  An
old banker; rich enough for his daughter to curl her hair in bank…
notes。  If I were you; I'd make a bargain for him。〃

〃If he had nothing the matter with him; and I only got one guinea out
of him!〃

〃Prudence! Well; it may be wiser。〃

Ethel ran up to her room; hardly able to believe that the mighty
proposal was made; and it had been so readily granted; that it seemed
as if Richard's caution had been vain in making such a delay; that
even Margaret had begun to fear that the street of by…and…by was
leading to the house of never。  Now; however; it was plain that he
had been wise。  Opportunity was everything; at another moment; their
father might have been harassed and oppressed; and unable to give his
mind to concerns; which now he could think of with interest; and
Richard could not have caught a more favourable conjuncture。

Ethel was in a wild state of felicity all that evening and the next
day; very unlike her brother; who; dismayed at the open step he had
taken; shrank into himself; and in his shyness dreaded the discussion
in the evening; and would almost have been relieved; if Mr。 Wilmot
had been unable to accept the invitation。  So quiet and grave was he;
that Ethel could not get him to talk over the matter at all with her;
and she was obliged to bestow all her transports and grand projects
on Flora or Margaret; when she could gain their ears; besides conning
them over to herself; as an accompaniment to her lessons; by which
means she tried Miss Winter's patience almost beyond measure。  But
she cared notshe saw a gathering school and rising church; which
eclipsed all thought of present inattentions and gaucheries。  She
monopolised Margaret in the twilight; and rhapsodised to her heart's
content; talking faster and faster; and looking more and more
excited。  Margaret began to feel a little overwhelmed; and while
answering 〃yes〃 at intervals; was considering whether Ethel had not
been flying about in an absent inconsiderate mood all day; and
whether it would seem unkind to damp her ardour; by giving her a hint
that she was relaxing her guard over herself。  Before Margaret had
steeled herself; Ethel was talking of a story she had read; of a
place something like Cocksmoor。  Margaret was not ready with her
recollection; and Ethel; saying it was in a magazine in the drawing…
room chiffonier; declared she would fetch it。

Margaret knew what it was to expect her visitors to return 〃in one
moment;〃 and with a 〃now…or…never〃 feeling she began; 〃Ethel; dear;
wait;〃 but Ethel was too impetuous to attend。  〃I'll be back in a
twinkling;〃 she called out; and down she flew; in her speed whisking
away; without seeing it; the basket with Margaret's knitting and all
her notes and papers; which lay scattered on the floor far out of
reach; vexing Margaret at first; and then making her grieve at her
own impatient feeling。

Ethel was soon in the drawing…room; but the right number of the
magazine was not quickly forthcoming; and in searching she became
embarked in another story。  Just then; Aubrey; whose stout legs were
apt to carry him into every part of the house where he was neither
expected nor wanted; marched in at the open door; trying by dint of
vehement gestures to make her understand; in his imperfect speech;
something that he wanted。  Very particularly troublesome she thought
him; more especially as she could not make him out; otherwise than
that he wanted her to do something with the newspaper and the fire。
She made a boat for him with an old newspaper; a very hasty and frail
performance; and told him to sail it on the carpet; and be Mr。
Ernescliffe going away; and she thought him thus safely disposed of。
Returning to her book and her search; with her face to the cupboard;
and her book held up to catch the light; she was soon lost in her
story; and thought of nothing more till suddenly roused by her
father's voice in the hall; loud and peremptory with alarm; 〃Aubrey!
put that down!〃  She looked; and beheld Aubrey brandishing a great
flaming paperhe dropped it at the exclamationit fell burning on
the carpet。  Aubrey's white pinafore!  Ethel was springing up; but in
her cramped; twisted position she could not do so quickly; and even
as he called; her father strode by her; snatched at Aubrey's merino
frock; which he crushed over the scarcely lighted pinafore; and
trampled out the flaming paper with his foot。  It was a moment of
dreadful fright; but the next assured them that no harm was done。

〃Ethel!〃 cried the doctor; 〃Are you mad?  What were you thinking of?〃

Aubrey; here recollecting himself enough to be frightened at his
father's voice and manner; burst into loud cries; the doctor pressed
him closer on his breast; caressed and soothed him。  Ethel stood by;
pale and transfixed with horror。  Her father was more angry with her
than she had ever seen him; and with reason; as she knew; as she
smelled the singeing; and saw a large burnt hole in Aubrey's
pinafore; while the front of his frock was scorched and brown。  Dr。
May's words were not needed; 〃What could make you let him?〃

〃I didn't see〃 she faltered。

〃Didn't see!  Didn't look; didn't think; didn't care!  That's it;
Ethel。  'Tis very hard one can't trust you in a room with the child
any more than the baby himself。  His frock perfect tinder!  He would
have been burned to a cinder; if I had not come in!〃

Aubrey roared afresh; and Dr。 May; kissing and comforting him;
gathered him up in his left arm; and carried him away; looking back
at the door to say; 〃There's no bearing it!  I'll put a stop to all
schools and Greek; if it is to lead to this; and make you good for

Ethel was too much terrified to know where she was; or anything; but
that she had let her little brother run into fearful peril; and
grievously angered her father; she was afraid to follow him; and
stood still; annihilated; and in despair; till roused by his return;
then; with a stifled sob; she exclaimed; 〃Oh; papa!〃 and could get no
further for a gush of tears。

But the anger of the shock of terror was over; and Dr。 May was sorry
for her tears; though still he could not but manifest some
displeasure。  〃Yes; Ethel;〃 he said; 〃it was a frightful thing;〃 and
he could not but shudder again。  〃One moment later!  It is an escape
to be for ever thankful forpoor little fellow!but; Ethel; Ethel;
do let it be a warning to you。〃

〃Oh; I hopeI'll try〃 sobbed Ethel。

〃You have said you would try before。〃

〃I know I have;〃 said Ethel; choked。  〃If I could but〃

〃Poor child;〃 said Dr。 May sadly; then looking earnestly at her;
〃Ethel; my dear; I am afraid of its being with you asas it has been
with me;〃 he spoke very low; and drew her close to him。  〃I grew up;
thinking my inbred heedlessness a sort of grace; so to say; rather
manlythe reverse of finikin。  I was spoiled as a boy; and my Maggie
carried on the spoiling; by never letting me feel its effects。  By
the time I had sense enough to regret this as a fault; I had grown
too old for changing of ingrain; long…nurtured habitsperhaps I
never wished it really。  You have seen;〃 and his voice was nearly
inaudible; 〃what my carelessness has come tolet that suffice at
least; as a lesson that may spare youwhat your father must feel as
long as he lives。〃

He pressed his hand tightly on her shoulder; and left her; without
letting her see his face。  Shocked and bewildered; she hurried
upstairs to Margaret。  She threw herself on her knees; felt her arms
round her; and heard her kind soothing; and then; in broken words;
told how dreadful it had been; and how kind papa had been; and what
he had said; which was now the uppermost thought。  〃Oh; Margaret;
Margaret; how very terrible it is!  And does papa really think so?〃

〃I believe he does;〃 whispered Margaret。

〃How can he; can he bear it〃〃 said Ethel; clasping her hands。  〃Oh!
it is enough to kill oneI can't think why it did not!〃

〃He bears it;〃 said Margaret; 〃because he is so very good; that help
and comfort do come to him。  Dear papa!  He bears up because it is
right; and for our sakes; and he has a sort of rest in that perfect
love they had for each other。  He knows how she would wish him to
cheer up and look to the end; and support and comfort are given to
him; I know they are; but oh; Ethel! it does make one tremble and
shrink; to think what he has been going through this autumn;
especially when I hear him moving about late at night; and now and
then comes a heavy groanwhenever any especial care has been on his

Ethel was in great distress。 〃To have grieved him again!〃 said she;
〃and just as he seemed better and brighter!  Everything I do turns
out wrong; and always will; I can't do anything well by any chance。〃

〃Yes you can; when you mind what you are about。〃

〃But I never canI'm like him; every one says so; and he says the
heedlessness is ingrain; and can't be got rid of。〃

〃Ethel; I don't really think he could have told you so。〃

〃I'm sure he said ingrain。〃

〃Well; I suppose it is part of his nature; and that you have
inherited it; but〃Margaret paused; and Ethel exclaimed:

〃He said his was long…nurtured; yes; Margaret; you guessed right; and
he said he could not change it; and no more can I。〃

〃Surely; Ethel; you have not had so many years。  You are fifteen
instead of forty…six; and it is more a woman's work than a man's to
be careful。  You need not begin to despair。  You were growing much
better; Richard said so; and so did Miss Winter。〃

〃What's the use of it; if in one moment it is as bad as ever?  And
to…day; of all days in the year; just when papa had been so very;
very kind; and given me more than I asked。〃

〃Do you know;

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