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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第61章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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am disappointed in you。  A boy who can choose such a time; and such
subjects; for insolent; unfeeling; practical jokes; cannot be in a
fit state for Confirmation。〃

〃Oh; papa! papa!〃 cried the two girls; in tones of entreatywhile
Harry; with a burning face and hasty step; dashed upstairs without a

〃You have been as bad!〃 said Dr。 May。  〃I say nothing to you; Mary;
you knew no better; but; to see you; Ethel; first encouraging him in
his impertinence; and terrifying Margaret so; that I dare say she may
be a week getting over it; and now defending him; and calling her
silly; is unbearable。  I cannot trust one of you!〃

〃Only listen; papa!〃

〃I will have no altercation; I must go back to Margaret; since no one
else has the slightest consideration for her。〃

An hour had passed away; when Richard knocked at Ethel's door to tell
her that tea was ready。

〃I have a great mind not to go down;〃 said Ethel; as he looked in;
and saw her seated with a book。

〃What do you mean?〃

〃I cannot bear to go down while poor Harry is so unjustly used。〃

〃Hush; Ethel!〃

〃I cannot hush。  Just because Margaret fancies robbers and murderers;
and all sorts of nonsense; as she always did; is poor Harry to be
accused of wantonly terrifying her; and shut up; and cut off from
Confirmation? and just when he is going away; too!  It is unkind; and
unjust; and〃

〃Ethel; you will be sorry〃

〃Papa will be sorry;〃 continued Ethel; disregarding the caution。  〃It
is very unfair; that I will say so。  It was all nonsense of
Margaret's; but he will always make everything give way to her。  And
poor Harry just going to sea!  No; Ritchie; I cannot come down; I
cannot behave as usual。〃

〃You will grieve Margaret much more;〃 said Richard。

〃I can't help thatshe should not have made such a fuss。〃

Richard was somewhat in difficulties how to answer; but at that
moment Harry's door; which was next; was slightly opened; and his
voice said; 〃Go down; Ethel。  The captain may punish any one he
pleases; and it is mutiny in the rest of the crew to take his part。〃

〃Harry is in the right;〃 said Richard。  〃It is our duty not to
question our father's judgments。  It would be wrong of you to stay

〃Wrong?〃 said Ethel。

〃Of course。  It would be against the articles of war;〃 said Harry;
opening his door another inch。  〃But; Ritchie; I say; do tell me
whether it has hurt Margaret。〃

〃She is better now;〃 said Richard; 〃but she has a headache; chiefly;
I believe; from distress at having brought this on you。  She is very
sorry for her fright。〃

〃I had not the least intention of frightening the most fearsome
little tender mouse on earth;〃 said Harry。

〃No; indeed!〃 said Ethel。

〃And at another time it would not have signified;〃 said Richard;
〃but; you know; Margaret always was timid; and now; the not being
able to move; and the being out of health; has made her nerves weak;
so that she cannot help it。〃

〃The fault was in our never heeding her when we were so eager to hear
Harry's story;〃 said Ethel。  〃That was what made the palpitation so
bad。  But; now papa knows all; does he not understand about Harry?〃

〃He was obliged to go out as soon as Margaret was better;〃 said
Richard; 〃and was scarcely come in when I came up。〃

〃Go down; Ethel;〃 repeated Harry。  〃Never mind me。  Norman told me
that sort of joke never answered; and I might have minded him。〃

The voice was very much troubled; and it brought back that burning
sensation of indignant tears to Ethel's eyes。

〃Oh; Harry! you did not deserve to be so punished for it。〃

〃That is what you are not to say;〃 returned Harry。  〃I ought not to
have played the trick; andand just now toobut I always forget

The door shut; and they fancied they heard sobs。  Ethel groaned; but
made no opposition to following her brother down to tea。  Margaret
lay; wan and exhausted; on the sofathe doctor looked very
melancholy and rather stern; and the others were silent。  Ethel had
begun to hope for the warm reaction she had so often known after a
hasty fit; but it did not readily come; Harry was boy instead of
girlthe fault and its consequence had been more seriousand the
anxiety for the future was greater。  Besides; he had not fully heard
the story; Harry; in his incoherent narration; had not excused
himself; and Margaret's panic had appeared more as if inspired by
him; than; as it was; in fact; the work of her fancy。

Thus the evening passed gloomily away; and it was not till the others
had said good…night that Dr。 May began to talk over the affair with
his eldest son; who then was able to lay before him the facts of the
case; as gathered from his sisters。  He listened with a manner as
though it were a reproof; and then said sadly; 〃I am afraid I was in
a passion。〃

〃It was very wrong in Harry;〃 said Richard; 〃and particularly unlucky
it should happen with the Andersons。〃

〃Very thoughtless;〃 said the doctor; 〃no more; even as regarded
Margaret; but thoughtlessness should not have been treated as a

〃I wish we could see him otherwise;〃 said Richard。

〃He wants〃 and there Dr。 May stopped short; and; taking up his
candle; slowly mounted the stairs; and looked into Harry's room。  The
boy was in bed; but started up on hearing his father's step; and
exclaimed; 〃Papa; I am very sorry!  Is Margaret better?〃

〃Yes; she is; and I understand now; Harry; that her alarm was an
accident。  I beg your pardon for thinking for a moment that it was

〃No;〃 interrupted Harry; 〃of course I could never mean to frighten
her; but I did not leave off the moment I saw she was afraid; because
it was so very ridiculous; and I did not guess it would hurt her。〃

〃I see; my honest boy。 I do not blame you; for you did not know how
much harm a little terror does to a person in her helpless state。
But; indeed; Harry; though you did not deserve such anger as mine
was; it is a serious thing that you should be so much set on fun and
frolic as to forget all considerations; especially at such a time as
this。  It takes away from much of my comfort in sending you into the
world; and for higher thingshow can I believe you really impressed
and reverent; if the next minute〃

〃I'm not fit!  I'm not fit!〃 sobbed Harry; hiding his face。

〃Indeed; I hardly know whether it is not so;〃 said the doctor。  〃You
are under the usual age; and; though I know you wish to be a good
boy; yet I don't feel sure that these wild spirits do not carry away
everything serious; and whether it is right to bring one so
thoughtless to〃

〃No; no;〃 and Harry cried bitterly; and his father was deeply
grieved; but no more could then be said; and they parted for the
nightDr。 May saying; as he went away; 〃You understand; that it is
not as punishment for your trick; if I do not take you to Mr。 Ramsden
for a ticket; but that I cannot be certain whether it is right to
bring you to such solemn privileges while you do not seem to me to
retain steadily any grave or deep feelings。  Perhaps your mother
would have better helped you。〃

And Dr。 May went away to mourn over what he viewed as far greater
sins than those of his son。

Anger had; indeed; given place to sorrow; and all were grave the next
morning; as if each had something to be forgiven。

Margaret; especially; felt guilty of the fears which; perhaps; had
not been sufficiently combated in her days of health; and now were
beyond control; and had occasioned so much pain。  Ethel grieved over
the words she had yesterday spoken in haste of her father and sister;
Mary knew herself to have been an accomplice in the joke; and Norman
blamed himself for not having taken the trouble to perceive that
Harry had not been talking rhodomontade; when he had communicated
〃his capital scheme〃 the previous morning。

The decision as to the Confirmation was a great grief to all。  Flora
consoled herself by observing that; as he was so young; no one need
know it; nor miss him; and Ethel; with a trembling; almost sobbing
voice; enumerated all Harry's excellences; his perfect truth; his
kindness; his generosity; his flashes of intense feelingdeclared
that nobody might be confirmed if he were not; and begged and
entreated that Mr。 Wilmot might be written to; and consulted。  She
would almost have done so herself; if Richard had not shown her it
would be undutiful。

Harry himself was really subdued。  He made no question as to the
propriety of the decision; but rather felt his own unworthiness; and
was completely humbled and downcast。  When a note came from Mrs。
Anderson; saying that she was convinced that it could not have been
Dr。 May's wish that she should be exposed to the indignity of a
practical joke; and that a young lady of the highest family should
have been insulted; no one had spirits to laugh at the terms; and
when Dr。 May said; 〃What is to be done?〃 Harry turned crimson; and
was evidently trying to utter something。

〃I see nothing for it but for him to ask their pardon;〃 said Dr。 May;
and a sound was heard; not very articulate; but expressing full

〃That is right;〃 said the doctor。  〃I'll come with you。〃

〃Oh; thank you!〃 cried Harry; looking up。

They set off at once。  Mrs。 Anderson was neither an unpleasing nor
unkind personher chief defect being a blind admiration of her sons
and daughters; which gave her; in speaking of them; a tone of
pretension that she would never have shown on her own account。

Her displeasure was pacified in a moment by the sight of the confused
contrition of the culprit; coupled with his father's frank and kindly
tone of avowal; that it had been a foolish improper frolic; and that
he had been much displeased with him for it。

〃Say no morepray; say no more; Dr。 May。  We all know how to
overlook a sailor's frolic; and; I am sure; Master Harry's present
behaviour; but you'll take a bit of luncheon;〃 and; as something was
said of going home to the early dinner; 〃I am sure you will wait one
minute。  Master Harry must have a piece of my cake; and allow me to
drink to his success。〃

Poor Mr。 May! to be called Master Harry; and treated to sweet cake!
But he saw his father thought he ought to endure; and he even said;
〃Thank you。〃

The cake stuck in his throat; however; when Mrs。 Anderson and her
daughters opened their full course of praise on their dear Harvey and
dearest Edward; telling all the flattering things Dr。 Hoxton had said
of the order into which Harvey had brought the school; and insisting
on Dr。 May's reading the copy of the testimonial that he had carried
to Oxford。  〃I knew you would be kind enough to rejoice;〃 said Mrs。
Anderson; 〃and that you would have nono feeling about Mr。 Norman;
for; of course; at his age; a little matter is nothing; and it must
be better for the dear boy himself to be a little while under a
friend like Harvey; than to have authority while so young。〃

〃I believe it has done him no harm;〃 was all that the doctor could
bring himself to say; and thinking that he and his son had endured
quite enough; he took his leave as soon as Harry had convulsively
bolted the last mouthful。

Not a word was spoken all the way home。  Harry's own trouble had
overpowered even this subject of resentment。  On Sund

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