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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第67章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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Ethel was at first vehement in her defence; then when stronger
evidence was adduced of the woman's dishonesty; she was dreadfully
shocked; and wanted to give up all connection with her; and in both
moods was equally displeased with Richard for pausing; and not going
all lengths with her。

Mr。 Wilmot was appealed to; and did his best to investigate; but the
only result was to discover that no one interrogated had any notion
of truth; except John Taylor; and he knew nothing of the matter。  The
mass of falsehood; spite; violence; and dishonesty; that became
evident; was perfectly appalling; and not a clue was to be found to
the truthscarcely a hope that minds so lost to honourable feeling
were open to receive good impressions。  It was a great distress to
Ethelit haunted her night and dayshe lay awake pondering on the
vain hopes for her poor children; and slept to dream of the angry
faces and rude accusations。  Margaret grew quite anxious about her;
and her elders were seriously considering the propriety of her
continuing her labours at Cocksmoor。

Mr。 Wilmot would not be at Stoneborough after Christmas。  His
father's declining health made him be required at home; and since
Richard was so often absent; it became matter of doubt whether the
Misses May ought to be allowed to persevere; unassisted by older
heads; in such a locality。

This doubt put Ethel into an agony。  Though she had lately been
declaring that it made her very unhappy to goshe could not bear the
sight of Mrs。 Green; and that she knew all her efforts were vain
while the poor children had such homes; she now only implored to be
allowed to go on; she said that the badness of the people only made
it more needful to do their utmost for them; there were no end to the
arguments that she poured forth upon her ever kind listener;

〃Yes; dear Ethel; yes; but pray be calm; I know papa and Mr。 Wilmot
would not put a stop to it if they could possibly help it; but if it
is not proper〃

〃Proper! that is as bad as Miss Winter!〃

〃Ethel; you and I cannot judge of these thingsyou must leave them
to our elders〃

〃And men always are so fanciful about ladies〃

〃Indeed; if you speak in that way; I shall think it is really hurting

〃I did not mean it; dear Margaret;〃 said Ethel; 〃but if you knew what
I feel for poor Cocksmoor; you would not wonder that I cannot bear

〃I do not wonder; dearest; but if this trial is sent you; perhaps it
is to train you for better things。〃

〃Perhaps it is for my fault;〃 said Ethel。  〃Oh; oh; if it be that I
am too unworthy!  And it is the only hope; no one will do anything to
teach these poor creatures if I give it up。  What shall I do;

Margaret drew her down close to her; and whispered; 〃Trust them
Ethel; dear。  The decision will be whatever is the will of God。  If
He thinks fit to give you the work; it will come; if not; He will
give you some other; and provide for them。〃

〃If I have been too neglectful of home; too vain of persevering when
no one but Richard would!〃 sighed Ethel。

〃I cannot see that you have; dearest;〃 said Margaret fondly; 〃but
your own heart must tell you that。  And now; only try to be calm and
patient。  Getting into these fits of despair is the very thing to
make people decide against you。〃

〃I will!  I will!  I will try to be patient;〃 sobbed Ethel; 〃I know
to be wayward and set on it would only hurt。  I might only do more
harmI'll try。  But oh; my poor children!〃

Margaret gave a little space for the struggle with herself; then
advised her resolutely to fix her attention on something else。  It
was a Saturday morning; and time was more free than usual; so
Margaret was able to persuade her to continue a half…forgotten
drawing; while listening to an interesting article in a review; which
opened to her that there were too many Cocksmoors in the world。

The dinner…hour sounded too soon; and as she was crossing the hall to
put away her drawing materials; the front door gave the click
peculiar to Dr。 May's left…handed way of opening it。  She paused; and
saw him enter; flushed; and with a look that certified her that
something had happened。

〃Well; Ethel; he is come。〃

〃Oh; papa; Mr。 Ernes〃

He held up his finger; drew her into the study; and shut the door。
The expression of mystery and amusement gave way to sadness and
gravity as he sat down in his arm…chair; and sighed as if much
fatigued。  She was checked and alarmed; but she could not help
asking; 〃Is he here?〃

〃At the Swan。  He came last night; and watched for me this morning as
I came out of the hospital。  We have been walking over the meadows to

No wonder Dr。 May was hot and tired。

〃But is he not coming?〃 asked Ethel。

〃Yes; poor fellow; but hush; stop; say nothing to the others。  I must
not have her agitated till she has had her dinner in peace; and the
house is quiet。  You know she cannot run away to her room as you

〃Then he is really come for that?〃 cried Ethel breathlessly; and;
perceiving the affirmative; added; 〃But why did he wait so long?〃

〃He wished to see his way through his affairs; and also wanted to
hear of her from Harry。  I am afraid poor July's colours were too

〃And why did he come to the Swan instead of to us?〃

〃That was his fine; noble feeling。  He thought it right to see me
first; that if I thought the decision too trying for Margaret; in her
present state; or if I disapproved of the long engagement; I might
spare her all knowledge of his coming。〃

〃Oh; papa; you won't!〃

〃I don't know but that I ought; but yet; the fact is; that I cannot。
With that fine young fellow so generously; fondly attached I cannot
find it in my heart to send him away for four years without seeing
her; and yet; poor things; it might be better for them both。  Oh;
Ethel; if your mother were but here!〃

He rested his forehead on his hands; and Ethel stood aghast at his
unexpected reception of the addresses for which she had so long
hoped。  She did not venture to speak; and presently he roused himself
as the dinner…bell rang。  〃One comfort is;〃 he said; 〃that Margaret
has more composure than I。  Do you go to Cocksmoor this afternoon?〃

〃I wished it。〃

〃Take them all with you。  You may tell them why when you are out。
I must have the house quiet。  I shall get Margaret out into the
shade; and prepare her; as best I can; before he comes at three

It was not flattering to be thus cleared out of the way; especially
when full of excited curiosity; but any such sensation was quite
overborne by sympathy in his great anxiety; and Ethel's only question
was; 〃Had not Flora better stay to keep off company?〃

〃No; no;〃 said Dr。 May impatiently; 〃the fewer the better;〃 and
hastily passing her; he dashed up to his room; nearly running over
the nursery procession; and; in a very few seconds; was seated at
table; eating and speaking by snatches; and swallowing endless
draughts of cold water。

〃You are going to Cocksmoor!〃 said he; as they were finishing。

〃It is the right day;〃 said Richard。 〃Are you coming; Flora?〃

〃Not to…day; I have to call on Mrs。 Hoxton。〃

〃Never mind Mrs。 Hoxton;〃 said the doctor; 〃you had better go to…day;
a fine cool day for a walk。〃

He did not look as if he had found it so。

〃Oh; yes; Flora; you must come;〃 said Ethel; 〃we want you。〃

〃I have engagements at home;〃 replied Flora。

〃And it really is a trying walk;〃 said Miss Winter。

〃You must;〃 reiterated Ethel。  〃Come to our room; and I will tell you

〃I do not mean to go to Cocksmoor till something positive is settled。
I cannot have anything to do with that woman。〃

〃If you would only come upstairs;〃 implored Ethel; at the door; 〃I
have something to tell you alone。〃

〃I shall come up in due time。  I thought you had outgrown closetings
and foolish secrets;〃 said Flora。

Her movements were quickened; however; by her father; who; finding
her with Margaret in the drawing…room; ordered her upstairs in a
peremptory manner; which she resented; as treating her like a child;
and therefore proceeded in no amiable mood to the room; where Ethel
awaited her in wild tumultuous impatience。

〃Well; Ethel; what is this grand secret?〃

〃Oh; Flora!  Mr。 Ernescliffe is at the Swan!  He has been speaking to
papa about Margaret。〃

〃Proposing for her; do you mean?〃 said Flora。

〃Yes; he is coming to see her this afternoon; and that is the reason
that papa wants us to be all out of the way。〃

〃Did papa tell you this?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Ethel; beginning to perceive the secret of her
displeasure; 〃but only because I was the first person he met; and
Norman guessed it long ago。  Do put on your things!  I'll tell you
all I know when we are out。  Papa is so anxious to have the coast

〃I understand;〃 said Flora; 〃but I shall not go with you。  Do not be
afraid of my interfering with any one。  I shall sit here。〃

〃But papa said you were to go。〃

〃If he had done me the favour of speaking to me himself;〃 said Flora;
〃I should have shown him that it is not right that Margaret should be
left without any one at hand in case she should be overcome。  He is
of no use in such cases; only makes things worse。  I should not feel
justified in leaving Margaret with no one else; but he is in one of
those hand…over…head moods; when it is not of the least use to say a
word to him。〃

〃Flora; how can you; when he expressly ordered you?〃

〃All he meant was; do not be in the way; and I shall not show myself
unless I am needed; when he would be glad enough of me。  I am not
bound to obey the very letter; like Blanche or Mary。〃

Ethel looked horrified by the assertion of independence; but Richard
called her from below; and; with one more fruitless entreaty; she ran

Richard had been hearing all from his father; and it was comfortable
to talk the matter over with him; and hear explained the anxiety
which frightened her; while she scarcely comprehended it; how Dr。 May
could not feel certain whether it was right or expedient to promote
an engagement which must depend on health so uncertain as poor
Margaret's; and how he dreaded the effect on the happiness of both。

Ethel's romance seemed to be turning to melancholy; and she walked on
gravely and thoughtfully; though repeating that there could be no
doubt of Margaret's perfect recovery by the time of the return from
the voyage。

Her lessons were somewhat nervous and flurried; and even the sight of
two very nice neat new scholars; of very different appearance from
the rest; and of much superior attainments; only half interested her。
Mary was enchanted at them as a pair of prodigies; actually able to
read! and had made out their names; and their former abodes; and how
they had been used to go to school; and had just come to live in the
cottage deserted by the lamented Una。

Ethel thought it quite provoking in her brother to accede to Mary's
entreaties that they should go and call on this promising
importation。  Even the children's information that they were taught
now by 〃Sister Cherry〃 failed to attract her; but Richard looked at
his watch; and decided that it was too soon to go home; and she had
to submit to her

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