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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第74章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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〃She should not bother me;〃 said Tom sulkily。

Norman sent Mary away; pacifying her by promises that he would not
revenge her quarrel upon Tom; and then; turning the basket upside
down; and perching himself astride on it; he began: 〃That is the
kindest; most forgiving little sister I ever did see。  What possesses
you to treat her so ill?〃

〃I wasn't going to hurt her。〃

〃But why drive her away?  Why don't you come to read?〃  No answer;
and Norman; for a moment; felt as if Tom were really hopelessly ill…
conditioned and sullen; but he persevered in restraining his desire
to cuff the ill…humour out of him; and continued; 〃Come! there's
something wrong; and you will never be better till it is out。  Tell
medon't be afraid。  Those fellows have been at you again?〃

He took Tom by the arm to draw him nearer; but a cry and start of
pain were the result。  〃So they have licked you?  Eh?  What have they
been doing?〃

〃They said they would spiflicate me if I told!〃 sighed Tom。

〃They shall never do anything to you;〃 and; by…and…by; a sobbing
confession was drawn forth; muttered at intervals; as low as if Tom
expected the strings of onions to hear and betray him to his foes。
Looking on him as a deserter; these town…boys had taken advantage of
his brother's absence to heap on him every misery they could inflict。
There had been a wager between Edward Anderson and Sam Axworthy as to
what Tom could be made to do; and his personal timidity made him a
miserable victim; not merely beaten and bruised; but forced to
transgress every rule of right and wrong that had been enforced on
his conscience。  On Sunday; they had profited by the absence of their
dux to have a jollification at a little public…house; not far from
the playing…fields; and here had Tom been dragged in; forced to
partake with them; and frightened with threats that he had treated
them all; and was liable to pay the whole bill; which; of course; he
firmly believed; as well as that he should be at least half murdered
if he gave his father any suspicion that the whole had not been
consumed by himself。  Now; though poor Tom's conscience had lost many
scruples during the last spring; the offence; into which he had been
forced; was too heinous to a child brought up as he had been to be
palliated even in his own eyes。  The profanation of Sunday; and the
carousal in a public…house; had combined to fill him with a sense of
shame and degradation; which was the real cause that he felt himself
unworthy to come and read with his sisters。  His grief and misery
were extreme; and Norman's indignation was such as could find no
utterance。  He sat silent; quivering with anger; and clenching his
fingers over the handle of the hoe。

〃I knew it!〃 sighed Tom。  〃None of you will ever speak to me again!〃

〃You!  Why; August; man; I have better hopes of you than ever。  You
are more really sorry now than ever you were before。〃

〃I had never been at the Green Man before;〃 said poor Tom; feeling
his future life stained。

〃You never will again!〃

〃When you are gone〃and the poor victim's voice died away。

〃Tom; you will not stay after me。  It is settled that when I go to
Balliol; you leave Stoneborough; and go to Mr。 Wilmot as pupil。
Those scamps shall never have you in their clutches again。〃

It did not produce the ecstasy Norman had expected。  The boy still
sat on the ground; staring at his brother; as if the good news hardly
penetrated the gloom; and; after a disappointing silence; recurred to
the most immediate cause of distress:  〃Eight shillings and tenpence
halfpenny!  Norman; if you would only lend it to me; you shall have
all my tin till I have made it upsixpence a week; and half…a…crown
on New Year's Day。〃

〃I am not going to pay Mr。 Axworthy's reckoning;〃 said Norman; rather
angrily。  〃You will never be better till you have told my father the

〃Do you think they will send in the bill to my father?〃 asked Tom; in

〃No; indeed! that is the last thing they will do;〃 said Norman; 〃but
I would not have you come to him only for such a sneaking reason。〃

〃But the girls would hear it。  Oh; if I thought Mary and Margaret
would ever hear itNorman; I can't〃

Norman assured him that there was not the slightest reason that these
passages should ever come to the knowledge of his sisters。  Tom was
excessively afraid of his father; but he could not well be more
wretched than he was already; and he was brought to assent when
Norman showed him that he had never been happy since the affair of
the blotting…paper; when his father's looks and tones had become
objects of dread to his guilty conscience。  Was not the only means of
recovering a place in papa's esteem to treat him with confidence?

Tom answered not; and would only shudder when his brother took upon
him to declare that free confession would gain pardon even for the
doings at the Green Man。

Tom had grown stupefied and passive; and his sole dependence was on
Norman; so; at last; he made no opposition when his brother offered
to conduct him to his father and speak for him。  The danger now was
that Dr。 May should not be forthcoming; and the elder brother was as
much relieved; as the younger was dismayed; to see; through the
drawing…room window; that he was standing beside Margaret。

〃Papa; can you come and speak to me;〃 said Norman; 〃at the door?〃

〃Coming!  What now?〃 said the doctor; entering the hall。  〃What; Tom;
my boy; what is it?〃 as he saw the poor child; white; cold; almost
sick with apprehension; with every pulse throbbing; and looking
positively ill。  He took the chilly; damp hand; which shook
nervously; and would fain have withdrawn itself。

〃Come; my dear; let us see what is amiss;〃 and before Tom knew what
he was doing; he had seated him on his knee; in the arm…chair in the
study; and was feeling his pulse。  〃There; rest your head!  Has it
not been aching all day?〃

〃I do not think he is ill;〃 said Norman; 〃but there is something he
thinks I had better tell you。〃

Tom would fain have been on his feet; yet the support of that
shoulder was inexpressibly comfortable to his aching temples; and he
could not but wait for the shock of being roughly shaken and put
down。  So; as his brother related what had occurred; he crouched and
trembled more and more on his father's breast; till; to his surprise;
he found the other arm passed round him in support; drawing him more
tenderly close。

〃My poor little fellow!〃 said Dr。 May; trying to look into the
drooping face; 〃I grieve to have exposed you to such usage as this!
I little thought it of Stoneborough fellows!〃

〃He is very sorry;〃 said Norman; much distressed by the condition of
the culprit。

〃I see itI see it plainly;〃 said Dr。 May。  〃Tommy; my boy; why
should you tremble when you are with me?〃

〃He has; been in great dread of your being displeased。〃

〃My boy; do you not know how I forgive you?〃  Tom clung round his
neck; as if to steady himself。

〃Oh; papa! I thought you would never〃

〃Nay; you need never have thought so; my boy!  What have I done that
you should fear me?〃

Tom did not speak; but nestled up to him with more confidence。
〃There! that's better!  Poor child! what he must have suffered!  He
was not fit for the place!  I had thought him looking ill。  Little
did I guess the cause。〃

〃He says his head has ached ever since Sunday;〃 said Norman; 〃and I
believe he has hardly eaten or slept properly since。〃

〃He shall never be under their power again!  Thanks to you; Norman。
Do you hear that; Tommy?〃

The answer was hardly audible。  The little boy was already almost
asleep; worn out with all he had undergone。  Norman began to clear
the sofa; that they might lay him down; but his father would not hear
of disturbing him; and; sending Norman away; sat still for more than
an hour; until the child slowly awoke; and scarcely recalling what
had happened; stood up between his father's knees; rubbing his eyes;
and looking bewildered。

〃You are better now; my boy?〃

〃I thought you would be very angry;〃 slowly murmured Tom; as the past
returned on him。

〃Never; while you are sorry for your faults; and own them freely。〃

〃I'm glad I did;〃 said the boy; still half asleep。  〃I did not know
you would be so kind。〃

〃Ah! Tom; I fear it was as much my fault as yours that you did not
know it。  But; my dear; there is a pardon that can give you better
peace than mine。〃

〃I think;〃 muttered Tom; looking down〃I think I could say my
prayers again now; if〃

〃If what; my dear?〃

〃If you would help me; as mamma used〃

There could be but one response to this speech。

Tom was still giddy and unwell; his whole frame affected by the
troubles of the last week; and Dr。 May arranged him on the sofa; and
desired him to be quiet; offering to send Mary to be his companion。
Tom was languidly pleased; but renewed his entreaty; that his
confession might be a secret from his sisters。  Dr。 May promised; and
Mary; quite satisfied at being taken into favour; asked no questions;
but spent the rest of the morning in playing at draughts with him;
and in having inflicted on her the history of the Bloody Fire King's
Ghosta work of Tom's imagination; which he was wont to extemporise;
to the extreme terror of much enduring Mary。

When Dr。 May had called Mary; he next summoned Norman; who found him
in the hall; putting on his hat; and looking very stern and

〃Norman!〃 said he hastily; 〃don't say a wordit must be doneHoxton
must hear of this。〃

Norman's face expressed utter consternation。

〃It is not your doing。  It is no concern of yours;〃 said Dr。 May;
walking impetuously into the garden。  〃I find my boy ill; broken
down; shatteredit is the usage of this crew of fellowswhat right
have I to conceal itleave other people's sons to be so served?〃

〃I believe they did so to Tom out of ill…will to me;〃 said Norman;
〃and because they thought he had ratted。〃

〃Hush! don't argue against it;〃 said Dr。 May; almost petulantly。  〃I
have stood a great deal to oblige you; but I cannot stand this。  When
it is a matter of corruption; base crueltyno; Norman; it is not
rightnot another word!〃

Norman's words had not been many; but he felt a conviction that; in
spite of the dismay and pain to himself; Dr。 May ought to meet with
submission to his judgment; and he acquiesced by silence。

〃Don't you see;〃 continued the doctor; 〃if they act thus; when your
back is turned; what is to happen next half?  'Tis not for Tom's
sake; but how could we justify it to ourselves; to expose other boys
to this usage?〃

〃Yes;〃 said Norman; not without a sigh。  〃I suppose it must be。〃

〃That is right;〃 said Dr。 May; as if much relieved。  〃I knew you must
see it in that light。  I do not mean to abuse your confidence。〃

〃No; indeed;〃 answered Norman warmly。

〃But you see yourself; that where the welfare of so many is at stake;
it would be wickednessyes; wickednessto be silent。  Could I see
that little fellow prostrated; trembling in my arms; and think of
those scamps inflicting the same on other helpless childrenaway
from their homes!〃

〃I see; I see!〃 said Norman; carried along by the indignation and
tenderness that agitated his father's voice 

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