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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第75章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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〃I see; I see!〃 said Norman; carried along by the indignation and
tenderness that agitated his father's voice in his vehemence〃it is
the only thing to be done。〃

〃It would be sharing the guilt to hide it;〃 said Dr。 May。

〃Very well;〃 said Norman; still reluctantly。  〃What do you wish me to
do?  You see; as dux; I know nothing about it。  It happened while I
was away。〃

〃True; true;〃 said his father。  〃You have learned it as brother; not
as senior boy。  Yes; we had better have you out of the matter。  It is
I who complain of their usage of my son。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Norman; with gratitude。

〃You have not told me the names of these fellows!  No; I had best not
know them。〃

〃I think it might make a difference;〃 hesitated Norman。

〃No; no; I will not hear them。  It ought to make none。  The fact is
the same; be they who they may。〃

The doctor let himself out at the garden gate; and strode off at a
rapid pace; conscious perhaps; in secret; that if he did not at once
yield to the impulse of resentment; good nature would overpower the
sense of justice。  His son returned to the house with a heavy sigh;
yet honouring the generosity that had respected his scruples; when
merely his own worldly loss was involved; but set them aside when the
good of others was concerned。  By…and…by Dr。 May reappeared。  The
head…master had been thoroughly roused to anger; and had begged at
once to examine May junior; for whom his father was now come。

Tom was quite unprepared for such formidable consequences of his
confession; and began by piteous tears and sobs; and when these had;
with some difficulty; been pacified; he proved to be really so unwell
and exhausted; that his father could not take him to Minster Street;
and was obliged to leave him to his brother's keeping; while he
returned to the school。

Upon this; Dr。 Hoxton came himself; and the sisters were extremely
excited and alarmed by the intelligence that he was in the study with
papa and Tom。

Then away went the gentlemen; and Mary was again called to comfort
Tom; who; broken down into the mere longing for sympathy; sobbed out
all his troubles to her; while her eyes expanded more and more in
horror; and her soft heart giving way; she cried quite as pitifully;
and a great deal more loudly; and so the other sisters learned the
whole; and Margaret was ready for her father when he came in; in the
evening; harassed and sorrowful。  His anger was all gone now; and he
was excessively grieved at finding that the ringleaders; Samuel
Axworthy and Edward Anderson; could; in Dr。 Hoxton's opinion; receive
no sentence but expulsion; which was to be pronounced on them on

Sam Axworthy was the son of a low; uneducated man; and his best
chance had been the going to this school; but he was of a surly;
obstinate temper; and showed so little compunction; that even such
superabundant kindness as Dr。 May's could not find compassion for
him; especially since it had appeared that Tom had been by no means
the only victim; and that he had often been the promoter of the like
malpractices; which many boys were relieved to be forced to expose。

For Edward Anderson; however; or rather for his mother; Dr。 May was
very sorry; and had even interceded for his pardon; but Dr。 Hoxton;
though slow to be roused; was far less placable than the other
doctor; and would not hear of anything but the most rigorous justice。

〃Poor Mrs。 Anderson; with her pride in her children!〃 Flora spoke it
with a shade of contemptuous pity; but it made her father groan。

〃I shall never be able to look in her face again!  I shall never see
that boy without feeling that I have ruined him!〃

〃He needed nobody to do that for him;〃 said Flora。

〃With every disadvantage!〃 continued Dr。 May; 〃unable even to
remember his father!  Why could I not be more patient and

〃Oh; papa!〃 was the general cryNorman's voice giving decision to
the sisters' exclamation。

〃Perhaps;〃 said Margaret; 〃the shock may be the best thing for him。〃

〃Right; Margaret;〃 said her father。  〃Sometimes such a thing is the
first that shows what a course of evil really is。〃

〃They are an affectionate family too;〃 said Margaret; 〃and his
mother's grief may have an effect on him。〃

〃If she does not treat him as an injured hero;〃 said Flora; besides;
I see no reason for regret。  These are but two; and the school is not
to be sacrificed to them。〃

〃Yes; 〃said Norman; 〃I believe that Ashe will be able to keep much
better order without Axworthy。  It is much better as it is; but Harry
will be very sorry to hear it; and I wish this half was over。〃

Poor Mrs。 Anderson! her shower of notes rent the heart of the one
doctor; but were tossed carelessly aside by the other。  On that
Sunday; Norman held various conversations with his probable
successor; Ashe; a gentle; well…disposed boy; hitherto in much dread
of the post of authority; but owning that; in Axworthy's absence; the
task would be comparatively easy; and that Anderson would probably
originate far less mischief。

Edward Anderson himself fell in Norman's way in the street; and was
shrinking aside; when a word; of not unfriendly greeting; caused him
to quicken his steps; and say; hesitatingly; 〃I say; how is August?〃

〃Better; thank you; he will be all right in a day or two。〃

〃I say; we would not have bullied him so; if he had not been in such
a fright at nothing。〃

〃I dare say not。〃

〃I did not mean it all; but that sort of thing makes a fellow go on;〃
continued Edward; hanging down his head; very sorrowful and downcast。

〃If it had only been fair bullying; but to take him to that placeto
teach him falsehood〃said Norman。

Edward's eyes were full of tears; he almost owned the whole。  He had
not thought of such things; and then Axworthy It was more evident
from manner than words that the boy did repent and was greatly
overcome; both by his own disgrace and his mother's distress; wishing
earnestly to redeem his character; and declaring; from the bottom of
his heart; that he would avoid his former offences。  He was
emboldened at last to say; with hesitation; 〃Could not you speak to
Dr。 Hoxton for me?〃

〃My father has said all he could in your behalf。〃

Edward's eye glanced towards Norman in wonder; as he recollected that
the Mays must know that a word from him would have saved Norman from
unjust punishment and the loss of the scholarship; and he said;
〃Good…night;〃 and turned aside to his own home; with a heavy sigh。

Norman took another turn; looked up at the sky; twisted his hands
together in perplexity; mumbled something about hating to do a thing
when it was all for no use; and then marched off towards Minster
Street; with a pace like his father's the day before。

When he came forth again from Dr。 Hoxton's study; he did not believe
that his intercession had produced the least effect; and there was a
sense of vexation at the position which he had assumed。  He went
home; and said nothing on the subject; but when; on Monday; the
school was assembled; and the judgment announced; it was Axworthy
alone whose friends had been advised to remove him。

Anderson received a severe punishment; as did all those who had
shared in the revel at the Green Man。  Even Tom; and another little
boy; who had been likewise drawn in; were obliged to stay within
narrow bounds; and to learn heavy impositions; and a stern reprimand
and exhortation were given to the school collectively。  Anderson; who
had seen from the window that turn towards Minster Street; drew his
own conclusions; and was not insensible to the generosity that had
surpassed his hopes; though to his faltering attempt at thanks;
Norman replied that he did not believe it was owing to him; and never
exposed himself to Flora's wonder by declaring at home what he had

So the last weeks of the half…year passed away with the boys in a
subdued; but hopeful manner; and the reformation; under Norman's
auspices; progressed so well; that Ashe might fairly expect to reap
the benefit of the discipline; established at so much cost。

Mr。 Wilmot had looked on; and given his help; but he was preparing to
leave Stoneborough; and there was great concern at the parting with
such a friend。  Ethel; especially; mourned the loss to Cocksmoor;
and; for though hers had been the executive part; his had been the
head; and he was almost equally grieved to go from the newly…begun

Margaret lamented the loss of her kind counsellor; and the ready
hearer of her anxieties for the children。  Writing could ill supply
the place of their conversations; and she feared likewise that her
father would feel the want of his companionship。  The promise of
visits; and the intercourse kept up by Tom's passing to and fro; was
the best consolation。

Poor Margaret had begun to flag; both in strength and spirits; as
winter approached; but there came a revival in the shape of 〃Ship
Letters!〃  Alan wrote cheerfully and graphically; with excellent
accounts of Harry; who; on his side; sent very joyous and
characteristic despatches; only wishing that he could present Mary
with all the monkeys and parrots he had seen at Rio; as well as the
little ruby…crested humming…birds; that always reminded him of Miss

With the Christmas holidays; Hector Ernescliffe came from Eton; as to
a home; and was received by Margaret as a sort of especial charge。
It was pretty to see how he turned to her as something peculiarly his
own; and would sit on a footstool by her; letting himself be drawn
into confidence; and dwelling on his brother's past doings; and on
future schemes for Maplewood。  For the rest; he restored to the house
the atmosphere of boy; which had somewhat departed with Harry。  Mary;
who had begun to be tamed down; ran more wild than ever; to the utter
despair of Miss Winter; and Tom; now that his connection with the
Whichcote foundation was over; and he was no more cowed by the sight
of his tyrants; came out in a new light。  He put on his boy…nature;
rioted like the rest; acquired colour in his cheeks; divested his
jacket of perpetual dust; had his hair cut; brushed up a crest on his
head; and ran about no longer a little abject; but a merry lad。

Ethel said it was a change from Horrid…locks to Harfagre; Margaret
said little; but; like her father; she blessed Norman in her heart
for having given back the boy to his father's confidence; and saved
him so far from the terrible course of deceit and corruption。  She
could not much take to heart the mad exploits of the so…called boys;
even though she spent three hours in heart…beatings on Christmas Eve;
when Hector; Mary; Tom; Blanche; and the dog Toby; were lost the
whole day。  However; they did come back at six o'clock; having been
deluded by an old myth of George Larkins; into starting for a common;
three miles beyond Cocksmoor; in search of mistletoe; with scarlet
berries; and yellow holly; with leaves like a porcupine!  Failing
these wonders; they had been contenting themselves with scarlet
holly; in the Drydale plantations; when a rough voice exclaimed; 〃Who
gave you leave to take that?〃 whereupon Tom had plunged into a
thicket; and nearly 〃scratched out both his eyes〃; but Hector 

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