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the daisy chain, or aspirations-第88章

小说: the daisy chain, or aspirations 字数: 每页3500字

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that you like this man?〃

〃I did not think that you would be against it;〃 said Flora; in a
choked voice; her face still averted。

〃Heaven knows; I would not be against anything for your happiness; my
dear;〃 he answered; 〃but have you considered what it would be to
spend your life with a man that has not three ideas! not a resource
for occupying himselfa regular prey to ennuione whom you could
never respect!〃  He had grown more and more vehement; and Flora put
her handkerchief to her eyes; for tears of actual disappointment were

〃Come; come;〃 he said; touched; but turning it off by a smile; 〃we
will not talk of it any more to…night。  It is your first offer; and
you are flattered; but we know

             'Colours seen by candle…light;
              Will not bear the light of day。'

There; good…night; Flora; my dearwe will have a…tete…a…tete in the
study before breakfast; when you have had time to look into your own

He kissed her affectionately; and went upstairs with her; stopping at
her door to give her another embrace; and to say 〃Bless you; my dear
child; and help you to come to a right decision〃

Flora was disappointed。  She had been too highly pleased at her
conquest to make any clear estimation of the prize; individually
considered。  Her vanity magnified her achievement; and she had come
home in a flutter of pleasure; at having had such a position in
society offered to her; and expecting that her whole family would
share her triumph。  Gratified by George Rivers's admiration; she
regarded him with favour and complacency; and her habit of
considering herself as the most sensible person in her sphere made
her so regard his appreciation of her; that she was blinded to his
inferiority。  It must be allowed that he was less dull with her than
with most others。

And; in the midst of her glory; when she expected her father to be
delighted and gratefulto be received as a silly girl; ready to
accept any proposal; her lover spoken of with scorn; and the
advantages of the match utterly passed over; was almost beyond
endurance。  A physician; with eleven children dependent on his
practice; to despise an offer from the heir of such a fortune!  But
that was his customary romance!  She forgave him; when it occurred to
her that she was too important; and valuable; to be easily spared;
and a tenderness thrilled through her; as she looked at the sleeping
Margaret's pale face; and thought of surrendering her and little
Daisy to Ethel's keeping。  And what would become of the housekeeping?
She decided; however; that feelings must not sway herout of six
sisters some must marry; for the good of the rest。  Blanche and Daisy
should come and stay with her; to be formed by the best society; and;
as to poor dear Ethel; Mrs。 Rivers would rule the Ladies' Committee
for her with a high hand; and; perhaps; provide Cocksmoor with a
school at her sole expense。  What a useful; admirable woman she would
be!  The doctor would be the person to come to his senses in the
morning; when he remembered Abbotstoke; Mr。 Rivers; and Meta。

So Flora met her father; the next morning; with all her ordinary
composure; in which he could not rival her; after his sleepless;
anxious night。  His looks of affectionate solicitude disconcerted
what she had intended to say; and she waited; with downcast eyes; for
him to begin。

〃Well; Flora;〃 he said at last; 〃have you thought?〃

〃Do you know any cause against it?〃 said Flora; still looking down。

〃I know almost nothing of him。  I have never heard anything of his
character or conduct。  Those would be a subject of inquiry; if you
wish to carry this on〃

〃I see you are averse;〃 said Flora。  〃I would do nothing against your

〃My wishes have nothing to do with it;〃 said Dr。 May。  〃The point is…
…that I must do right; as far as I can; as well as try to secure your
happiness; and I want to be sure that you know what you are about。〃

〃I know he is not clever;〃 said Flora; 〃but there may be many solid
qualities without talent。〃

〃I am the last person to deny it; but where are these solid
qualities?  I cannot see the recommendation!〃

〃I place myself in your hands;〃 said Flora; in a submissive tone;
which had the effect of making him lose patience。

〃Flora; Flora! why will you talk as if I were sacrificing you to some
dislike or prejudice of my own!  Don't you think I should only
rejoice to have such a prosperous home offered to you; if only the
man were worthy?〃

〃If you do not think him so; of course there is an end of it;〃 said
Flora; and her voice showed suppressed emotion。

〃It is not what I think; in the absence of proof; but what you think;
Flora。  What I want you to do is thisto consider the matter fairly。
Compare him withI'll not say with Normanbut with Richard; Alan;
Mr。 Wilmot。  Do you think you could rely on himcome to him for
advice?〃  (Flora never did come to any one for advice。)  〃Above all
do you think him likely to be a help; or a hindrance; in doing

〃I think you underrate him;〃 said Flora steadily; 〃but; of course; if
you dislike itthough; I think; you would change your mind if you
knew him better〃

〃Well;〃 he said; as if to himself; 〃it is not always the most
worthy;〃 then continued; 〃I have no dislike to him。  Perhaps I may
find that you are right。  Since your mind is made up; I will do this:
first; we must be assured of his father's consent; for they may very
fairly object; since what I can give you is a mere nothing to them。
Next; I shall find out what character he bears in his regiment; and
watch him well myself; and; if nothing appear seriously amiss; I will
not withhold my consent。  But; Flora; you should still consider
whether he shows such principle and right feeling as you can trust

〃Thank you; papa。  I know you will do all that is kind。〃

〃Mind; you must not consider it an engagement; unless all be

〃I will do as you please。〃

Ethel perceived that something was in agitation; but the fact did not
break upon her till she came to Margaret; after the schoolroom
reading; and heard Dr。 May declaiming away in the vehement manner
that always relieved him。

〃Such a cub!〃  These were the words that met her ear; and she would
have gone away; but he called her。  〃Come in; Ethel; Margaret says
you guessed at this affair!〃

〃At what affair!〃 exclaimed Ethel。  〃Oh; it is about Flora。  Poor
man; has he done it?〃

〃Poor!  He is not the one to be pitied!〃 said her father。

〃You don't mean that she likes him?〃

〃She does though!  A fellow with no more brains than a turnip

〃She does not mean it?〃 said Ethel。

〃Yes; she does!  Very submissive; and proper spoken; of course; but
bent on having him; so there is nothing left for me but to consent
provided Mr。 Rivers does; and he should turn out not to have done
anything outrageous; but there's no hope of thathe has not the
energy。  What can possess her?  What can she see to admire?〃

〃He is good…natured;〃 said Margaret; 〃and rather good…looking〃

〃Flora has more sense。  What on earth can be the attraction?〃

〃I am afraid it is partly the grandeur〃 said Ethel。  She broke off
short; quite dismayed at the emotion she had xcited。  Dr。 May stepped
towards her; almost as if he could have shaken her。

〃Ethel;〃 he cried; 〃I won't have such motives ascribed to your

Ethel tried to recollect what she had said that was so shocking; for
the idea of Flora's worldly motives was no novelty to her。  They had
appeared in too many instances; and; though frightened at his anger;
she stood still; without unsaying her words。

Margaret began to explain away。 〃Ethel did not mean; dear papa〃

〃No;〃 said Dr。 May; his passionate manner giving way to dejection。
〃The truth is; that I have made home so dreary; that my girls are
ready to take the first means of escaping。〃

Poor Margaret's tears sprang forth; and; looking up imploringly; she
exclaimed; 〃Oh; papa; papa! it was no want of happiness!  I could not
help it。  You know he had come before〃

Any reproach to her had been entirely remote from his thoughts; and
he was at once on his knee beside her; soothing and caressing;
begging her pardon; and recalling whatever she could thus have
interpreted。  Meanwhile; Ethel stood unnoticed and silent; making no
outward protestation; but with lips compressed; as in her heart of
hearts she passed the resolutionthat her father should never feel
this pain on her account。  Leave him who might; she would never
forsake him; nothing but the will of Heaven should part them。  It
might be hasty and venturesome。  She knew not what it might cost her;
but; where Ethel had treasured her resolve to work for Cocksmoor;
there she also laid up her secret vowthat no earthly object should
be placed between her and her father。

The ebullition of feeling seemed to have restored Dr。 May's calmness;
and he rose; saying; 〃I must go to my work; the man is coming here
this afternoon。〃

〃Where shall you see him?〃 Margaret asked。

〃In my study; I suppose。  I fear there is no chance of Flora's
changing her mind first。  Or do you think one of you could talk to
her; and get her fairly to contemplate the real bearings of the
matter?〃  And; with these words; he left the room。

Margaret and Ethel glanced at each other; and both felt the
impenetrability of Flora's nature; so smooth; that all thrusts glided

〃It will be of no use;〃 said Ethel; 〃and; what is more; she will not
have it done。〃

〃Pray try; a few of your forcible words would set it in a new light。〃

〃Why!  Do you think she will attend to me; when she has not chosen to
heed papa?〃 said Ethel; with an emphasis of incredulity。  〃No;
whatever Flora does; is done deliberately; and unalterably。〃

〃Still; I don't know whether it is not our duty;〃 said Margaret。

〃More yours than mine;〃 said Ethel。

Margaret flushed up。  〃Oh; no; I cannot!〃 she said; always timid; and
slightly defective in moral courage。  She looked so nervous and
shaken by the bare idea of a remonstrance with Flora; that Ethel
could not press her; and; though convinced that her representation
would be useless; she owned that her conscience would rest better
after she had spoken。  〃But there is Flora; walking in the garden
with Norman;〃 she said。  〃No doubt he is doing it。〃

So Ethel let it rest; and attended to the children's lessons; during
which Flora came into the drawing…room; and practised her music; as
if nothing had happened。

Before the morning was over; Ethel contrived to visit Norman in the
dining…room; where he was wont to study; and asked him whether he had
made any impression on Flora。

〃What impression do you mean?〃

〃Why; about this concern;〃 said Ethel; 〃this terrible man; that makes
papa so unhappy。〃

〃Papa unhappy!  Why; what does he know against him?  I thought the
Riverses were his peculiar pets。〃

〃The Riverses!  As if; because one liked the sparkling stream; one
must like a muddy ditch。〃

〃What harm do you know of him?〃 said Norman; with much surprise and
anxiety; as if he feared that he had been doing wrong; in ignorance。

〃Harm!  Is he not a regular oaf?〃

〃My dear Ethel; if you wait to marry till you fin

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