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aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第13章

小说: aeroplanes and dirigibles of war 字数: 每页3500字

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military strategy and tactics were somewhat nonplussed by the

appearance of this new factor。  At the time it was an entirely

unknown quantity。  It is true that aircraft had been employed in

the Balkan and the Italo…Ottoman campaigns; but upon such a

limited scale as to afford no comprehensive idea of their

military value and possibilities。

The belligerents; therefore; were caught somewhat at a

disadvantage; and an appreciable period of time elapsed before

the significance of the aerial force could be appreciated; while

means of counter acting or nullifying its influences had to be

evolved simultaneously; and according to the exigencies of the

moment。  At all events; the protagonists were somewhat loth to

utilise the dirigible upon an  elaborate scale or in an

aggressive manner。  It was employed more after the fashion of a

captive balloon; being sent aloft from a point well behind the

front lines of the force to which it was attached; and well out

of the range of hostile guns。  Its  manoeuvres were somewhat

circumscribed; and were carried out at a safe distance from the

enemy; dependence being placed upon the advantages of an

elevated position for the gathering of information。

But as the campaign progressed; the airships became more daring。 

Their ability to soar to a great height offered them complete

protection against gun…fire; and accordingly sallies over the

hostile lines were carried out。  But even here a certain

hesitancy became manifest。  This was perfectly excusable; for the

simple reason that the dirigible; above all; is a fair…weather

craft; and disasters; which had overtaken these vessels time

after time; rendered prudence imperative。  Moreover; but little

was known of the range and destructiveness of anti…aircraft guns。

In the duty of reconnoitring the dirigible possesses one great

advantage over its heavier…than…air rival。  It can remain

virtually stationary in the air; the propellers revolving at just

sufficient speed to off…set the wind and tendencies to drift。  In

other words; it has the power of hovering over a position;

thereby enabling the observers to complete their task carefully

and with deliberation。

On the other hand; the means of enabling an aeroplane to hover

still remain to be discovered。  It must travel at a certain speed

through the air to maintain its dynamic equilibrium; and this

speed is often too high to enable the airman to complete his

reconnaissance with sufficient accuracy to be of value to the

forces below。  All that the aeroplane can do is to circle above a

certain position until the observer is satisfied with the data he

has collected。

But hovering on the part of the dirigible is not without

conspicuous drawbacks。  The work of observation cannot be

conducted with any degree of accuracy at an excessive altitude。 

Experience has proved that the range of the latest types of anti…

aircraft weapons is in excess of anticipations。  The result is

that the airship is useless when hovering beyond the zone of

fire。  The atmospheric haze; even in the clearest weather;

obstructs the observer's vision。  The caprices of this obstacle

are extraordinary; as anyone who has indulged in ballooning

knows fully well。  On a clear summer's day I have been able to

see the ground beneath with perfect distinctness from a height of

4;500 feet; yet when the craft had ascended a further two or

three hundred feet; the panorama was blurred。  A film of haze

lies between the balloon and the ground beneath。  And the

character of this haze is continually changing; so that the

aerial observer's task is rendered additionally difficult。  Its

effects are particularly notice able when one attempts to

photograph the view unfolded below。  Plate after plate may be

exposed and nothing will be revealed。  Yet at a slightly lower

altitude the plates may be exposed and perfectly sharp and

well…defined images will be obtained。

Seeing that the photographic eye is keener and more searching

than the human organ of sight; it is obvious that this haze

constitutes a very formidable obstacle。  German military

observers; who have accompanied the Zeppelins and Parsevals on

numerous aerial journeys under varying conditions of weather;

have repeatedly drawn attention to this factor and its caprices;

and have not hesitated to venture the opinion that it would

interfere seriously with military aerial reconnaissances; and

also that it would tend to render such work extremely hazardous

at times。

When these conditions prevail the dirigible must carry out its

work upon the broad lines of the aeroplane。  It must descend to

the level where a clear view of the ground may be obtained; and

in the interests of safety it has to keep on the move。  To

attempt to hover within 4;000 feet of the ground is to court

certain disaster; inasmuch as the vessel offers a magnificent and

steady target which the average gunner; equipped with the latest

sighting devices and the most recent types of guns; scarcely

could fail to hit。

But the airman in the aeroplane is able to descend to a

comparatively low level in safety。  The speed and mobility of his

machine constitute his protection。  He can vary his altitude;

perhaps only thirty or forty feet; with ease and rapidity; and

this erratic movement is more than sufficient to perplex the

marksmen below; although the airman is endangered if a rafale is

fired in such a manner as to cover a wide zone。

Although the aeroplane may travel rapidly it is not too fleet for

a keen observer who is skilled in his peculiar task。  He may only

gather a rough idea of the disposition of troops; their

movements; the lines of communication; and other details which

are indispensable to his commander; but in the main the

intelligence will be fairly accurate。  Undulating flight enables

him to determine speedily the altitude at which he is able to

obtain the clearest views of the country beneath。  Moreover;

owing to his speed he is able to complete his task in far less

time than his colleague operating in the dirigible; the result

being that the information placed at the disposal of his superior

officers is more to the moment; and accordingly of greater value。

Reconnoitring by aeroplane may be divided into two broad

categories; which; though correlated to a certain degree; are

distinctive; because each constitutes a specific phase in

military operations。  They are known respectively as 〃tactical〃

and 〃strategical〃 movements。  The first is somewhat limited in

its scope as compared with the latter; and has invariably to be

carried out rapidly; whereas the strategical reconnaissance may

occupy several hours。

The tactical reconnaissance concerns the corps or divisional

commander to which the warplane is attached; and consequently its

task is confined to the observation of the line immediately

facing the particular corps or division。  The aviator does not

necessarily penetrate beyond the lines of the enemy; but; as a

rule limits his flight to some distance from his outermost

defences。  The airman must possess a quick eye; because

his especial duty is to note the disposition of the troops

immediately facing him; the placing of the artillery; and any

local movements of the forces that may be in progress。 

Consequently the aviator engaged on this service may be absent

from his lines for only a few minutes; comparatively speaking;

the intelligence he acquires must be speedily communicated to the

force to which he is attached; because it may influence a local


The strategical reconnaissance; on the other hand; affects the

whole plan of campaign。  The aviators told off for this duty are

attached to the staff of the Commander…in…Chief; and the work has

to be carried out upon a far more comprehensive and elaborate

scale; while the airmen are called upon to penetrate well into

the hostile territory to a point thirty; forty; or more miles

beyond the outposts。

The procedure is to instruct the flier either to carry out his

observations of the territory generally; or to report at length

upon a specified stretch of country。  In the latter event he may

fly to and fro over the area in question until he has acquired

all the data it is possible to collect。  His work not only

comprises the general disposition of troops; defences; placing of

artillery; points where reserves are being held; high…roads;

railways; base camps; and so forth; but he is also instructed to

bring back as correct an idea as possible of what the enemy

proposes to do; so that his Commander…in…Chief may adjust his

moves accordingly。  In order to perform this task with the

requisite degree of thoroughness it is often necessary for the

airman to remain in the air for several hours continuously; not

returning; in fact; until he has completed the allotted duty。

The airman engaged in strategical aerial reconnaissance must

possess; above all things; what is known as a 〃military〃 eye

concerning the country he traverses。  He must form tolerably

correct estimates of the forces beneath and their character。  He

must possess the ability to read a map rapidly as he moves

through the air and to note upon it all information which is

likely to be of service to the General Staff。  The ability to

prepare military sketches rapidly and intelligibly is a valuable

attribute; and skill in aerial photography is a decidedly useful


Such men must be of considerable stamina; inasmuch as great

demands are made upon their powers of endurance。  Being aloft for

several hours imposes a severe tax upon the nervous system; while

it must also be borne in mind that all sorts and conditions of

weather are likely to be encountered; more particularly during

the winter。  Hail; rain; and blizzards may be experienced in

turn; while the extreme cold which often prevails in the higher

altitudes during the winter season is a fearful enemy to combat。 

Often an airman upon his return from such a reconnaissance has

been discovered to be so numbed and dazed as a result of the

prolonged exposure; that considerable time has elapsed before he

has been sufficiently restored to set forth the results of his

observations in a coherent; intelligible manner for the benefit

of the General Staff。  Under these circumstances it is not

surprising that the most skilful and experienced aviators are

generally reserved for this particular work。  In addition to the

natural accidents to which the strategical aerial observer is

exposed; the dangers arising from hostile gun…fire must not be

overlooked。  He is manoeuvring the whole time over the enemy's

firing zone; where anti…aircraft weapons are disposed

strategically; and where every effort is made by artillery to

bring him down; or compel him to repair to such a height as to

render observation with any degree of accuracy well…nigh


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