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aeroplanes and dirigibles of war-第24章

小说: aeroplanes and dirigibles of war 字数: 每页3500字

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he had determined from personal experience; having conducted

aerial operations while military were moving to and fro under the

cover of the trees。  He declared that the cover was efficient and

that under the circumstances the laying out of extensive orchards

in strategical places should be carried out without any delay。

This; he urged; was a national and not a private obligation。  He

advocated the bestowal of subsidies on the farmers to encourage

the planting of fruit trees。  He suggested that the trees should

be provided by the State; and given to all who were prepared to

plant them; that substantial prizes should be awarded to

encourage the rapid growth thereof; and that annual prizes should

be awarded to the man who would undertake their cultivation and

pruning; not from the fruit…yielding point of view; but for

facilitating the movement of troops beneath their dense branches。

He even urged the military acquisition of suitable land and its

determined; skilful; and discreet exploitation by those who loved

the Fatherland。  He emphasised the necessity for keeping such

orchards under military control; only vouchsafing sufficient

powers to the local authorities to ensure the desired

consummation。  He maintained that; if the work were prosecuted

upon the right lines and sufficient financial assistance were

given; the purpose in view could be achieved without saddling the

war department with any unremunerative or excessive burden。  He

admitted that the process of raising fruit trees to the stage

when they would afford adequate cover would be tedious and

somewhat prolonged; but argued that the military advantages; such

as enabling troops to move below the welcome shelter with

absolute freedom and without physical fatigue; would be an ample


The utility of such cover to artillery was another factor he did

not fail to emphasise。  He dwelt seriously upon the difficulty of

rendering permanent gun emplacements and heavy artillery

invisible to the airman by resort to the usual type of gun

shields。  The latter may be located with ease by alert airmen;

whereas if the guns were under cover of fruit trees they would be

able to accomplish their deadly mission without betraying their

presence to the aerial scout。  Moreover; by pruning the trees in

such a manner as to ensure free movement beneath; the artillery

would be able to advance without betraying the fact to the enemy。

This authority vigorously insisted that the work should be

carried out without a moment's delay  as it was vital to the

Fatherland。  In the light of recent events; and the excellent

cover which is offered by the orchards of the territory he cited

as an illustration of his contention; such a disclosure is

pregnant with meaning。  It throws a new light upon the thorough

methods with which the Germans carried out their military

preparations; and incidentally shows that they were fully alive

to every possible development。  Fruit…raising as a complement to

military operations may be a new line of discussion; but it

serves to reveal the German in his true light; ready for every

contingency; and shows how thoroughly he appreciates the danger

from the man in the clouds。



When the airship and the aeroplane became accepted units of

warfare it was only natural that efforts should be concentrated

upon the evolution of ways and means to compass their destruction

or; at least; to restrict their field of activity。  But aircraft

appeared to have an immense advantage in combat。  They possess

virtually unlimited space in which to manoeuvre; and are able to

select the elevation from which to hurl their missiles of


There is another and even more important factor in their favour。 

A projectile fired; or even dropped; from a height; say of 5;000

feet; is favourably affected by the force of gravity; with the

result that it travels towards the earth with accumulating energy

and strikes the ground with decisive force。

On the other hand; a missile discharged into space from a weapon

on the earth has to combat this action of gravity; which

exercises a powerful nullifying influence upon its flight and

velocity; far in excess of the mere resistance offered by the

air。  In other words; whereas the projectile launched from

aloft has the downward pull of the earth or gravitational force

in its favour; the shell fired from the ground in the reverse

direction has to contend against this downward pull and its

decelerating effect。

At the time when aircraft entered the realms of warfare very

little was known concerning the altitudes to which projectiles

could be hurled deliberately。  Certain conclusive information

upon this point was available in connection with heavy howitzer

fire; based on calculations of the respective angles at which the

projectile rose into the air and fell to the ground; and of the

time the missile took to complete its flight from the gun to the

objective。  But howitzer fire against aircraft was a sheer

impossibility: it was like using a six…inch gun to kill a fly on

a window pane at a thousand yards' range。  Some years ago certain

experiments in aerial firing with a rifle were undertaken in

Switzerland。  The weapon was set vertically muzzle upwards and

discharged。  From the time which elapsed between the issue of the

bullet from the muzzle until it struck the earth it was possible

to make certain deductions; from which it was estimated that the

bullet reached an altitude of 600 feet or so。  But this was

merely conjecture。

Consequently when artillerists entered upon the study of fighting

air…craft with small arms and light guns; they were compelled to

struggle in the dark to a very pronounced extent; and this

darkness was never satisfactorily dispelled until the present

war; for the simple reason that there were no means of getting

conclusive information。  The German armament manufacturers

endeavoured to solve the problem by using smoking shells or

missiles fitted with what are known as tracers。  By following the

ascensional path of the projectiles as revealed by the smoke it

was possible to draw certain conclusions。  But these were by no

means convincing or illuminating; as so many factors affected the


Despite the peculiar and complex difficulties associated with the

problem it was attacked some what boldly。  In this trying field

of artillery research the prominent German armament

manufacturers; Krupp of Essen and Ehrhardt of Dusseldorf; played

a leading part; the result being that before the airship or the

aeroplane was received within the military fold; the

anti…aircraft gun had been brought into the field of applied

science。  The sudden levelling…up serves to illustrate the

enterprise of the Germans in this respect as well as their

perspicacity in connection with the military value of aircraft。

Any gun we can hope to employ against aircraft with some degree

of success must fulfil special conditions; for it has to deal

with a difficult and elusive foe。  Both the lighter…than…air and

the heavier than…air craft possess distinctive features and

varying degrees of mobility。  Taking the first…named; the

facility with which it can vary its altitude is a disconcerting

factor; and is perplexing to the most skilful gunner; inasmuch as

he is called upon to judge and change the range suddenly。

On the other hand; the artilleryman is favoured in certain

directions。  The range of utility of the airship is severely

limited。  If its avowed mission is reconnaissance and conclusive

information concerning the disposition of forces; artillery and

so forth is required; experience has proved that such work cannot

be carried out satisfactorily or with any degree of accuracy at a

height exceeding 5;000 feet; and a distance beyond six miles。 

But even under these circumstances the climatic conditions must

be extremely favourable。  If the elements are unpropitious the

airship must venture nearer to its objective。  These data were

not difficult to collect; inasmuch as they were more or less

available from the results of military observations with captive

balloons; the conditions being somewhat similar。  With the

ordinary captive balloon it has been found that; in clear

weather; a radius of about 3 3/4 miles at the maximum elevation

constitutes its range of reliable utility。

With the aeroplane; however; the conditions are very dissimilar。 

In the first place the machine owing to its diminutive size as

compared with the airship; offers a small and inconspicuous

target。  Then there is its high independent speed; which is far

beyond that of the airship。  Furthermore its mobility is greater。 

It can wheel; turn sharply to the right or to the left; and

pursue an irregular undulating flight in the horizontal plane;

which renders it well nigh impossible for a gunner to pick it up。 

The machine moves at a higher relative speed than that at which

the gun can be trained。  It is the rapid and devious variation

which so baffles the gunner; who unless he be highly skilled and

patient; is apt to commence to fire wildly after striving for a

few moments; and in vain; to pick up the range; he trusts to luck

or depends upon blind…shooting; which invariably results in a

waste of ammunition。

A gun; to be of tangible destructive efficiency when directed

against aircraft; especially those depending upon the gas…bag for

equilibrium; must be of special design。  It must be capable of

firing at an angle only a few degrees less than the absolute

vertical; and in order to follow the rapid and involved movements

of its objective; must be so mobile that it can be trained

through a complete circle at any angle of inclination less than

its maximum。  At the same time; if the weapon is being used in

field operations it must be mounted upon a carriage of adequate

mobility to enable it to follow the airship; and thereby keep

pace with the latter; so that the aerial craft may be sorely

harassed if not actually hit。  The automobile is the obvious

vehicle for this duty; and it has accordingly been extensively

used in this service。

The automobile and the gun mounted thereon follow widely

different lines。  Some vehicles are designed especially for this

duty; while others are improvisations; and be it noted; in

passing; that many of the latter have proved more serviceable

than the former。  Still; the first…named is to be preferred;

inasmuch as necessarily it is designed to meet the all…round

requirements imposed; and consequently is better able to stand up

to the intended work; whereas the extemporised vehicle is only

serviceable under favourable conditions。

The Krupp Company has evolved many designs of anti…aircraft

motor…driven guns〃Archibalds〃 the British airmen term them with

emphatic levit

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