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myself beaten and bandied by the swelling waters。 Those who were

with me took notice of my intrepidity。〃'171'

'171' From Thomas C。 Upham's Life and Religious Opinions and

Experiences of Madame de la Mothe Guyon; New York; 1877; ii。 48;

i。 141; 413; abridged。

The contempt of danger which religious enthusiasm produces may be

even more buoyant still。  I take an example from that charming

recent autobiography; 〃With Christ at Sea;〃 by Frank Bullen。  A

couple of days after he went through the conversion on shipboard

of which he there gives an account

〃It was blowing stiffly;〃 he writes; 〃and we were carrying a

press of canvas to get north out of the bad weather。  Shortly

after four bells we hauled down the flying…jib; and I sprang out

astride the boom to furl it。  I was sitting astride the boom when

suddenly it gave way with me。  The sail slipped through my

fingers; and I fell backwards; hanging head downwards over the

seething tumult of shining foam under the ship's bows; suspended

by one foot。  But I felt only high exultation in my certainty 

of eternal life。  Although death was divided from me by a hair's

breadth; and I was acutely conscious of the fact; it gave me no

sensation but joy。  I suppose I could have hung there no longer

than five seconds; but in that time I lived a whole age of

delight。  But my body asserted itself; and with a desperate

gymnastic effort I regained the boom。  How I furled the sail I

don't know; but I sang at the utmost pitch of my voice praises to

God that went pealing out over the dark waste of waters。〃'172'

'172' Op。 cit。; London; 1901; p。 230。

The annals of martyrdom are of course the signal field of triumph

for religious imperturbability。  Let me cite as an example the

statement of a humble sufferer; persecuted as a Huguenot under

Louis XIV:

〃They shut all the doors;〃 Blanche Gamond writes; 〃and I saw six

women; each with a bunch of willow rods as thick as the hand

could hold; and a yard long。  He gave me the order; 'Undress

yourself;' which I did。  He said; 'You are leaving on your shift;

you must take it off。'  They had so little patience that they

took it off themselves; and I was naked from the waist up。 They

brought a cord with which they tied me to a beam in the kitchen。 

They drew the cord tight with all their strength and asked me;

'Does it hurt you?' and then they discharged their fury upon me;

exclaiming as they struck me; 'Pray now to your God。'  It was the

Roulette woman who held this language。  But at this moment I

received the greatest consolation that I can ever receive in my

life; since I had the honor of being whipped for the name of

Christ; and in addition of being crowned with his mercy and his

consolations。  Why can I not write down the inconceivable

influences; consolations; and peace which I felt interiorly?  To

understand them one must have passed by the same trial; they were

so great that I was ravished; for there where afflictions abound

grace is given superabundantly。  In vain the women cried; 'We

must double our blows; she does not feel them; for she neither

speaks nor cries。'  And how should I have cried; since I was

swooning with happiness within?〃'173'

'173' Claparede et Goty:  Deux Heroines de la Foi; Paris; 1880;

p。 112。

The transition from tenseness; self…responsibility; and worry; to

equanimity; receptivity; and peace; is the most wonderful of all

those shiftings of inner equilibrium; those changes of the

personal centre of energy; which I have analyzed so often; and

the chief wonder of it is that it so often comes about; not by

doing; but by simply relaxing and throwing the burden down。  This

abandonment of self…responsibility seems to be the fundamental

act in specifically religious; as distinguished from moral

practice。  It antedates theologies and is independent of

philosophies。  Mind…cure; theosophy; stoicism; ordinary

neurological hygiene; insist on it as emphatically as

Christianity does; and it is capable of entering into closest

marriage with every speculative creed。'174'  Christians who have

it strongly live in what is called 〃recollection;〃 and are never

anxious about the future; nor worry over the outcome of the day。 

Of Saint Catharine of Genoa it is said that 〃she took cognizance

of things; only as they were presented to her in succession;

MOMENT BY MOMENT。〃  To her holy soul; 〃the divine moment was the

present moment; 。 。 。 and when the present moment was estimated

in itself and in its relations; and when the duty that was

involved in it was accomplished; it was permitted to pass away as

if it had never been; and to give way to the facts and duties of

the moment which came after。〃'175'  Hinduism; mind…cure; and

theosophy all lay great emphasis upon this concentration of the

consciousness upon the moment at hand。

'174' Compare these three different statements of it:  A。 P。

Call:  As a Matter of Course; Boston; 1894; H。 W。 Dresser: 

Living by the Spirit; New York and London; 1900; H。 W。 Smith: 

The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life; published by the Willard

Tract Repository; and now in thousands of hands。

'175' T。 C。 Upham:  Life of Madame Catharine Adorna; 3d ed。;

New York; 1864; pp。 158; 172…74。

The next religious symptom which I will note is what have called

Purity of Life。  The saintly person becomes exceedingly sensitive

to inner inconsistency or discord; and mixture and confusion grow

intolerable。  All the mind's objects and occupations must be

ordered with reference to the special spiritual excitement which

is now its keynote。  Whatever is unspiritual taints the pure

water of the soul and is repugnant。  Mixed with this exaltation

of the moral sensibilities there is also an ardor of sacrifice;

for the beloved deity's sake; of everything unworthy of him。 

Sometimes the spiritual ardor is so sovereign that purity is

achieved at a stroke we have seen examples。  Usually it is a

more gradual conquest。  Billy Bray's account of his abandonment

of tobacco is a good example of the latter form of achievement。

〃I had been a smoker as well as a drunkard; and I used to love my

tobacco as much as I loved my meat; and I would rather go down

into the mine without my dinner than without my pipe。  In the

days of old; the Lord spoke by the mouths of his servants; the

prophets; now he speaks to us by the spirit of his Son。  I had

not only the feeling part of religion; but I could hear the

small; still voice within speaking to me。  When I took the pipe

to smoke; it would be applied within; 'It is an idol; a lust;

worship the Lord with clean lips。'  So; I felt it was not right

to smoke。  The Lord also sent a woman to convince me。  I was one

day in a house; and I took out my pipe to light it at the fire;

and Mary Hawkefor that was the woman's namesaid; 'Do you not

feel it is wrong to smoke?'  I said that I felt something inside

telling me that it was an idol; a lust; and she said that was the

Lord。  Then I said; 'Now; I must give it up; for the Lord is

telling me of it inside; and the woman outside; so the tobacco

must go; love it as I may。'  There and then I took the tobacco

out of my pocket; and threw it into the fire; and put the pipe

under my foot; 'ashes to ashes; dust to dust。'  And I have not

smoked since。  I found it hard to break off old habits; but I

cried to the Lord for help; and he gave me strength; for he has

said; 'Call upon me in the day of trouble; and I will deliver

thee。'  The day after I gave up smoking I had the toothache so

bad that I did not know what to do。  I thought this was owing to

giving up the pipe; but I said I would never smoke again; if I

lost every tooth in my head。  I said; 'Lord; thou hast told us My

yoke is easy and my burden is light;' and when I said that; all

the pain left me。  Sometimes the thought of the pipe would come

back to me very strong; but the Lord strengthened me against the

habit; and; bless his name; I have not smoked since。〃

Bray's biographer writes that after he had given up smoking; he

thought that he would chew a little; but he conquered this dirty

habit; too。  〃On one occasion;〃 Bray said; 〃when at a prayer…

meeting at Hicks Mill; I heard the Lord say to me; 'Worship me

with clean lips。'  So; when we got up from our knees; I took the

quid out of my mouth and 'whipped 'en' 'threw it' under the form。

But; when we got on our knees again; I put another quid into my

mouth。  Then the Lord said to me again; 'Worship me with clean

lips。'  So I took the quid out of my mouth; and whipped 'en under

the form again; and said; 'Yes; Lord; I will。'  From that time I

gave up chewing as well as smoking; and have been a free man。〃

The ascetic forms which the impulse for veracity and purity of

life may take are often pathetic enough。  The early Quakers; for

example; had hard battles to wage against the worldliness and

insincerity of the ecclesiastical Christianity of their time。 

Yet the battle that cost them most wounds was probably that which

they fought in defense of their own right to social veracity and

sincerity in their thee…ing and thou…ing; in not doffing the hat

or giving titles of respect。 It was laid on George Fox that these

conventional customs were a lie and a sham; and the whole body of

his followers thereupon renounced them; as a sacrifice to truth;

and so that their acts and the spirit they professed might be

more in accord。

〃When the Lord sent me into the world;〃 says Fox in his Journal;

〃he forbade me to put off my hat to any; high or low: and I was

required to 'thee' and 'thou' all men and women; without any

respect to rich or poor; great or small。  And as I traveled up

and down; I was not to bid people Good…morning or Good…evening;

neither might I bow or scrape with my leg to any one。  This made

the sects and professions rage。  Oh! the rage that was in the

priests; magistrates; professors; and people of all sorts:  and

especially in priests and professors:  for though 'thou' to a

single person was according to their accidence and grammar rules;

and according to the Bible; yet they could not bear to hear it: 

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