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意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第10章

小说: 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 字数: 每页3500字

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The captain wheeled around and saw three crones。 One had eyelashes that dragged on the ground; another lips that hung down to her feet; and the third teeth that grazed her knees。 
Well; well; he thought to himself。 Now I can tell her something that will make her laugh。 If she doesn't laugh over what I've just seen; she'll never laugh at anything! 
He went home and said to his bride; 〃Just listen to this。 Today I was in the woods and went into a hovel to get out of the rain。 I go in and what should I see but three crones: one with eyelashes that dragged on the ground; another with lips that hung down to her feet; and the third with teeth that grazed her knees。 And they called each other: 'O Columbina;' 'O Columbara;' 'O Columbun!'〃 
The bride's face brightened instantly; and she burst out laughing; and laughed and laughed。 〃Order the wedding banquet right away。 But I'm asking one favor of you: since those three crones made me laugh so hard; let me invite them to the banquet。〃 
Invite them she did。 For the three old women a separate round table was set up; but so small that what with the eyelashes of one; the lips of the other; and the teeth of the third; you no longer knew what was what。 
When dinner was over; the bridegroom asked Columbina; 〃Tell me; good lady; why are your lashes so long?〃 
〃That's from straining my eyes to spin fine thread!〃 said Columbina。 
〃And you; why are your lips so thick?〃 
〃That es from always rubbing my finger on them to wet the thread!〃 said Columbara。 
〃And you; how on earth did your teeth get so long?〃 
〃That's from biting the knot of the thread!〃 said Columbun。 
〃I see;〃 said the bridegroom; and he turned to his wife。 〃Go get the spindle。〃 When she brought it to him; he threw it into the fire。 〃You'll spin no more for the rest of your life!〃 
So the big; fat bride lived happily ever after。 
(Riviera ligure di ponente) 
〃And Seven!〃 (E sette!) from Andrews; 4; 23; 47。 (The first two were collected in Menton; the third near Ventimiglia。) 
Marriage anecdotes and fairy…tale initiation motifs (the secret name to remember) are blended in this old story widespread in Europe (of English; Swedish; or German origin; according to scholars); subjected to literary treatment in the seventeenth century in Naples (Basile; IV; 4) and well known throughout Italy。 
Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
translated by George Martin; 
Pantheon Books; New York 1980 

There was a widow with a son named Jack; who at thirteen wanted to leave home to seek his fortune。 His mother said to him; 〃What do you expect to do out in the world? Don't you know you're still a little boy? When you're able to fell that pine tree behind our house with one kick; then you can go。〃 
Every day after that; as soon as he rose in the morning; Jack would get a running start and jump against the trunk of the tree with both feet; but the pine never budged an inch and he fell flat on his back。 He would get up again; shake the dirt off; and go back inside。 
At last one fine morning he jumped with all his might; and the tree gave way and toppled to the ground; his roots in the air。 Jack ran and got his mother who; surveying the felled tree; said; 〃You may now go wherever you wish; my son。〃 Jack bid her farewell and set out。 
After walking for days and days he came to a city whose king had a horse named Rondello that no one had ever been able to ride。 People constantly tried; but were thrown just when it appeared they would succeed。 Looking on; Jack soon realized that the horse was afraid of its own shadow; so he volunteered to break Rondello himself。 He began by going up to the horse in the stable; talking to it and patting it; then he suddenly jumped into the saddle and rode the animal outside straight into the sun。 That way it couldn't see any shadow to frighten it。 Jack took a steady hold of the reins; pressed his knees to the horse; and galloped off。 A quarter of an hour later Rondello was as docile as a lamb; but let no one ride him after that but Jack。 
From then on; Jack served the king; who was so fond of him that the other servants grew jealous and plotted to get rid of him。 
Now the king had a daughter who had been kidnapped in her infancy by the sorcerer Body…without…Soul; and no one had heard of her since。 The servants went to the king claiming Jack had boasted to everybody he would free her。 The king sent for him。 Jack was amazed and said this was the first he had even heard of the king's daughter。 But the fact that anyone had dared make light of the episode concerning his daughter so infuriated the king that he said; 〃Either you free her; or I'll have you beheaded。〃 
Since there was no calming the king now; Jack asked for a rusty sword they kept hanging on the wall; saddled Rondello; and rode off。 Crossing a forest; he saw a lion motioning him to stop。 Although a bit uneasy; Jack disliked the idea of running away; so he dismounted and asked what the lion wanted。 
〃Jack;〃 said the lion; 〃as you can see; there are four of us here: myself; a dog; an eagle; and an ant。 We have a dead donkey to parcel among us。 Since you have a sword; carve the animal and give us each a portion。〃 Jack cut off the donkey's head and gave it to the ant。 〃Here you are。 This will make you a nice home and supply you with all the food you'll ever want。〃 Next he cut off the hoofs and gave them to the dog。 〃Here's something to gnaw on as long as you like。〃 He cut out the entrails and gave them to the eagle。 〃This is your food; which you can carry to the treetops where you perch。〃 All the rest he gave to the lion; which as the biggest of the four deserved the largest portion。 He got back on his horse and started off; only to hear his name called。 〃Dear me;〃 he thought; 〃I must have made some mistake in dividing the parts。〃 But the lion said 

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