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意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第13章

小说: 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 字数: 每页3500字

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; and the army got lost in it。 Meanwhile; the shepherd had grown thirsty and; having nothing with him to drink; removed one of the three apples from the cage and cut into it。 A tiny voice said; 〃Gently; please; or you'll hurt me。〃 Gently; he finished cutting the apple; ate one half; and put the other in his pocket。 At length he came to a well near his house; where he reached into his pocket for the rest of the apple。 In its place was a tiny; tiny lady。 
  〃I'm lovely Bargaglina;〃 she said; 〃and I like cake。 Go get me a cake; I'm famished。〃 
  The well was one of those closed wells; with a hole in the center; so the shepherd seated the lady on the rim; telling her to wait there until he came back with the cake。 
  Meanwhile; a servant known as Ugly Slave came to the well for water。 She spied the lovely little lady and said; 〃How e you're so little and beautiful while I'm so big and ugly?〃 And she grew so furious that she threw the tiny creature into the well。 
  The shepherd returned and was heartbroken to find lovely Bargaglina gone。 
  Now his mother also went to that well for water; and what should she find in her bucket one day but a fish。 She took it home and fried it。 They ate it and threw the bones out the window。 There where they fell; a tree grew up and got so big that it shut out all the light from the house。 The shepherd therefore cut it down and chopped it up for firewood; which he brought inside。 By that time his mother had died; and he lived there all by himself; now punier then ever; since no matter what he tried; he couldn't grow any bigger。 Every day he went out to the pasture and came back home at night。 How great was his amazement upon finding the dishes and pans he'd used in the morning all washed for him when he came home! He couldn't imagine who was doing this。 At last he decided to hide behind the door and find out。 Whom should he then see but a very dainty maiden emerge from the woodpile; wash the dishes; sweep the house; and make his bed; after which she opened the cupboard and helped herself to a cake。 
  Out sprang the shepherd; asking; 〃Who are you? How did you get in?〃 
  〃I'm lovely Bargaglina;〃 replied the maiden; 〃the girl you found in your pocket in place of the apple half。 Ugly Slave threw me into the well; and I turned into a fish; then into fishbones thrown out the window。 From fishbones I changed into a tree seed; next into a tree that grew and grew; and finally into firewood you cut。 Now; every day while you're away; I bee lovely Bargaglina。〃 
  Thanks to the rediscovery of lovely Bargaglina; the shepherd grew by leaps and bounds; and lovely Bargaglina along with him。 Soon he was a handsome youth and married lovely Bargaglina。 They had a big feast。 I was there; under the table。 They threw me a bone; which hit me on the nose and stuck for good。 
  (Inland vicinity of Genoa) 
  〃The Little Shepherd〃 (Il pastore che non cresceva mai) from Guarnerio (Due fole nel dialetto del contado genovese collected by P。 E。 Guarnerio; Genoa; 1892); Torriglia; near Genoa; told by the countrywoman Maria Banchero。 
  A feature of this Genoese variant of the widespread tale of the 〃three oranges〃 includes encounters with creatures like those in the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch  tiny fairies rocking in nutshells or eggshells。 We meet the same beings in another Genoese version (Andrews; 51)。 
  Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
  translated by George Martin; 
  Pantheon Books; New York 1980 

Silver Nose 
  There was once a widowed washerwoman with three daughters。 All four of them worked their fingers to the bone washing; but they still went hungry。 One day the oldest daughter said to her mother; 〃I intend to leave home; even if I have to go and work for the Devil。〃 
  〃Don't talk like that; daughter;〃 replied the mother。 〃Goodness knows what might happen to you。〃 
  Not many days afterward; they received a visit from a gentleman attired in black。 He was the height of courtesy and had a silver nose。 
  〃I am aware of the fact that you have three daughters;〃 he said to the mother。 〃Would you let one e and work for me?〃 
  The mother would have consented at once; had it not been for that silver nose which she didn't like the looks of。 She called her oldest girl aside and said; 〃No man on earth has a silver nose。 If you go off with him you might well live to regret it; so watch out。〃 
  The daughter; who was dying to leave home; paid no attention to her mother and left with the man。 They

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