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意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺-第21章

小说: 意大利童话 作者:卡尔维诺 字数: 每页3500字

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  At that moment; the parrot was interrupted by a servant bearing a letter for the merchant's daughter。 It was from the king; who had finally managed to get it to her。 But the girl was eager to hear what happened next in the tale; which had reached the most exciting part; so she said; 〃I will receive no letters until my father returns。 Parrot; go on with your story。〃 
  The servant took the letter away; and the parrot continued。 〃In the morning the jailers noticed the prisoner had not eaten a thing and they told the queen。 The queen sent for her; and the maiden told her that her son was alive and in the dungeon a prisoner of four sorcerers; who took him out every night at midnight for exercise。 The queen dispatched twelve soldiers armed with crowbars; who killed the sorcerers and freed her son。 Then she gave him as a husband to the maiden who had saved him。〃 
  The serant knocked again; insisting that the young lady read the king's letter。 〃Very well。 Now that the story is over; I can read the letter;〃 said the merchant's daughter。 
  〃But it's not finished yet; there's still some more to e;〃 the parrot hastened to say。 〃Just listen to this: the maiden was not interested in marrying the queen's son。 She settled for a purse of money and a man's outfit and moved on to another city。 The son of this city's king was ill; and no doctor knew how to cure him。 From midnight to dawn he raved like one possessed。 The maiden showed up in man's attire; claiming to be a foreign doctor and asking to be left with the youth for one night。 The first thing she did was look under the bed and find a trapdoor。 She opened it and went down into a long corridor; at the end of which a lamp was burning。〃 
  At that moment the servant knocked and announced there was an old woman to see the young lady; whose aunt she claimed to be。 (It was not an aunt; but the old woman sent by the king。) But the merchant's daughter was dying to know the oute of the tale; so she said she was receiving no one。 〃Go on; parrot; go on with your story。〃 
  Thus the parrot continued。 〃The maiden walked down to that light and found an old woman boiling the heart of the king's son in a kettle; in revenge for the king's execution of her son。 The maiden removed the heart from the kettle; carried it back to the king's son to eat; and he got well。 The king said; 'I promised half of my kingdom to the doctor who cured my son。 Since you are a woman; you will marry my son and bee queen。'〃 
  〃It's a fine story;〃 said the merchant's daughter。 〃Now that it's over; I can receive that woman who claims to be my aunt。〃 
  〃But it's not quite over;〃 said the parrot。 〃There's still some more to e。 Just listen to this。 The maiden in doctor's disguise also refused to marry that king's son and was off to another city whose king's son was under a spell and speechless。 She hid under the bed; at midnight; she saw two witches ing through the window and remove a pebble from the young man's mouth; whereupon he could speak。 Before leaving; they replaced the pebble; and he was again mute。〃 
  Someone knocked on the door; but the merchant's daughter was so absorbed in the story that she didn't even hear the knock。 The parrot continued。 
  〃The next night when the witches put the pebble on the bed; she gave the bedclothes a jerk and it dropped on the floor。 Then she reached out for it and put it in her pocket。 At dawn the witches couldn't find it and had to flee。 The king's son was well; and they named the maiden physician to the court。〃 
  The knocking continued; and the merchant's daughter was all ready to say 〃e in;〃 but first she asked the parrot; 〃Does the story go on; or is it over?〃 
  〃It goes on;〃 replied the parrot。 〃Just listen to this。 The maiden wasn't interested in remaining as physician to the court; and moved on to another city。 The talk there was that the king of this city had gone mad。 He'd found a doll in the woods and fallen in love with it。 He stayed shut up in his room admiring it and weeping because it was not a real live maiden。 The girl went before the king。 'That is my dool!' she exclaimed。 'And this is my bride!' replied the king on seeing that she was the doll's living image。〃 
  There was another knock; and the parrot was at a total loss to continue the story。 〃Just a minute; just a minute; there's still a tiny bit more;〃 he said; but he had no idea what to say next。 
  〃e on; open up; it's your father;〃 said the merchant's voice。 
  〃Ah; here we are at the end of the story;〃 announced the parrot。 〃The king married the maiden; and they lived happily ever after。〃 
  The girl finally ran to open the door and embraced her father just back from his trip。 
  〃Well done; my daughter!〃 said the merchant。 〃I see you've remained faithfully at home。 And how is the parrot doing?〃 
  They went to take a look at the bird; but in his place they found a handsome youth。 〃Forgive me; sir;〃 said the youth。 〃I am a king who put on a parrot's disguise; because I am in love with your daughter。 Aware of the intentions of a rival king to abduct her; I came here beneath a parrot's plumage to entertain her in an honorable manner and at the same time to prevent my rival from carrying out his schemes。 I believe I have succeeded in both purposes; and that I can now ask for your daughter's hand in marriage。〃 
  The merchant gave his consent。 His daughter married the king who had told her the tale; and the other king died of rage。 
  〃The Parrot〃 (Il pappagallo) from paretti; 2; Monferrato; Piedmont。 
  See my remarks on this folktale in the Introduction; p。 xxx…xxxi。 I have taken the liberty of doctoring the two versions published by parettithe Piedmontese one and a Tuscan one; from Pisa (1)and I heightened the suspense by placing the interruptions at the crucial moments。 
  Copyright: Italian Folktales Selected and Retold by Italo Calvino; 
  translated by George Martin; 
  Pantheon Books; New York 1980 

The Twelve Oxen 
  There were twelve brothers who fell out with their father; and all twelve of them left home。 They built themselves a house in the woods and made their living as carpenters。 Meanwhile their parents had a baby girl; who was a great fort to them。 The child grew up without ever meeting her twelve brothers。 She had only heard them mentioned; and she longed to see them。 
  One day she went to bathe at a fountain; and the first thing she did was remove her coral necklace and hang it on a twig。 A raven came by; grabbed the necklace; and flew off with it。 The girl ran into the woods after the raven and found her brothers' house。 No one was at home; so she cooked the noodles; spooned them onto the brothers' plates; and hid under a bed。 The brothers returned and; finding the noodles ready and waiting; sat down and ate。 But then they grew uneasy; suspecting the witches had played a joke on them; for the woods were full of witches。 
  One of the twelve kept watch the next day and saw the girl jump out from under the bed。 When the brothers learned she was not a witch but their own little sister; they made a great to…do over her and insisted that she remain with them。 But they cautioned her to speak to no one in the woods; because the place was full of witches。 
  One evening when the girl went to prepare supper; she found that the fire had gone out。 To save time; she went to a nearby cottage to get a light。 An old woman at the cottage graciously gave her the light; but said that; in exchange; she would e to the girl on the morrow and suck a bit of blood from her little finger。 
  〃I can't let anyone in the house;〃 said the girl。 〃My brothers forbid it。〃 
  〃You don't even have to open the door;〃 replied the old woman。 〃When I knock

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