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rubaiyat of omar khayyam-第2章

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the wings of a poetical expression; that might serve indifferently for

either。  Omar was too honest of Heart as well of Head for this。

Having failed (however mistakenly) of finding any Providence but

Destiny; and any World but This; he set about making the most of it;

preferring rather to soothe the Soul through the Senses into

Acquiescence with Things as he saw them; than to perplex it with vain

disquietude after what they might be。  It has been seen; however; that

his Worldly Ambition was not exorbitant; and he very likely takes a

humorous or perverse pleasure in exalting the gratification of Sense

above that of the Intellect; in which he must have taken great

delight; although it failed to answer the Questions in which he; in

common with all men; was most vitally interested。

For whatever Reason; however; Omar as before said; has never been

popular in his own Country; and therefore has been but scantily

transmitted abroad。  The MSS。 of his Poems; mutilated beyond the

average Casualties of Oriental Transcription; are so rare in the East

as scarce to have reacht Westward at all; in spite of all the

acquisitions of Arms and Science。  There is no copy at the India

House; none at the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris。  We know but of

one in England: No。 140 of the Ouseley MSS。 at the Bodleian; written

at Shiraz; A。D。 1460。  This contains but 158 Rubaiyat。  One in the

Asiatic Society's Library at Calcutta (of which we have a Copy);

contains (and yet incomplete) 516; though swelled to that by all kinds

of Repetition and Corruption。  So Von Hammer speaks of his Copy as

containing about 200; while Dr。 Sprenger catalogues the Lucknow MS。 at

double that number。  The Scribes; too; of the Oxford and Calcutta

MSS。 seem to do their Work under a sort of Protest; each beginning

with a Tetrastich (whether genuine or not); taken out of its

alphabetical order; the Oxford with one of Apology; the Calcutta with

one of Expostulation; supposed (says a Notice prefixed to the MS。)

to have arisen from a Dream; in which Omar's mother asked about his

future fate。  It may be rendered thus:

 〃O Thou who burn'st in Heart for those who burn

  In Hell; whose fires thyself shall feed in turn;

    How long be crying; 'Mercy on them; God!'

  Why; who art Thou to teach; and He to learn?〃

The Bodleian Quatrain pleads Pantheism by way of Justification。

 〃If I myself upon a looser Creed

  Have loosely strung the Jewel of Good deed;

  Let this one thing for my Atonement plead:

  That One for Two I never did misread。〃

  〃Since this paper was written〃 (adds the Reviewer in a note); 〃we

  have met with a Copy of a very rare Edition; printed at Calcutta in

  1836。  This contains 438 Tetrastichs; with an Appendix containing 54

  others not found in some MSS。〃

The Reviewer; to whom I owe the Particulars of Omar's Life;

concludes his Review by comparing him with Lucretius; both as to

natural Temper and Genius; and as acted upon by the Circumstances in

which he lived。  Both indeed were men of subtle; strong; and

cultivated Intellect; fine Imagination; and Hearts passionate for

Truth and Justice; who justly revolted from their Country's false

Religion; and false; or foolish; Devotion to it; but who fell short of

replacing what they subverted by such better Hope as others; with no

better Revelation to guide them; had yet made a Law to themselves。

Lucretius indeed; with such material as Epicurus furnished; satisfied

himself with the theory of a vast machine fortuitously constructed;

and acting by a Law that implied no Legislator; and so composing

himself into a Stoical rather than Epicurean severity of Attitude; sat

down to contemplate the mechanical drama of the Universe which he was

part Actor in; himself and all about him (as in his own sublime

description of the Roman Theater) discolored with the lurid reflex of

the Curtain suspended between the Spectator and the Sun。  Omar; more

desperate; or more careless of any so complicated System as resulted

in nothing but hopeless Necessity; flung his own Genius and Learning

with a bitter or humorous jest into the general Ruin which their

insufficient glimpses only served to reveal; and; pretending sensual

pleasure; as the serious purpose of Life; only diverted himself with

speculative problems of Deity; Destiny; Matter and Spirit; Good and

Evil; and other such questions; easier to start than to run down; and

the pursuit of which becomes a very weary sport at last!

  Professor Cowell。

With regard to the present Translation。  The original Rubaiyat (as;

missing an Arabic Guttural; these Tetrastichs are more musically

called) are independent Stanzas; consisting each of four Lines of

equal; though varied; Prosody; sometimes all rhyming; but oftener (as

here imitated) the third line a blank。  Somewhat as in the Greek

Alcaic; where the penultimate line seems to lift and suspend the Wave

that falls over in the last。  As usual with such kind of Oriental

Verse; the Rubaiyat follow one another according to Alphabetic

Rhymea strange succession of Grave and Gay。  Those here selected are

strung into something of an Eclogue; with perhaps a less than equal

proportion of the 〃Drink and make…merry;〃 which (genuine or not)

recurs over…frequently in the Original。  Either way; the Result is sad

enough: saddest perhaps when most ostentatiously merry: more apt to

move Sorrow than Anger toward the old Tentmaker; who; after vainly

endeavoring to unshackle his Steps from Destiny; and to catch some

authentic Glimpse of TO…MORROW; fell back upon TO…DAY (which has

outlasted so many To…morrows!) as the only Ground he had got to stand

upon; however momentarily slipping from under his Feet。

'From the Third Edition。'

While the second Edition of this version of Omar was preparing;

Monsieur Nicolas; French Consul at Resht; published a very careful and

very good Edition of the Text; from a lithograph copy at Teheran;

comprising 464 Rubaiyat; with translation and notes of his own。

Mons。 Nicolas; whose Edition has reminded me of several things; and

instructed me in others; does not consider Omar to be the material

Epicurean that I have literally taken him for; but a Mystic; shadowing

the Deity under the figure of Wine; Wine…bearer; &c。; as Hafiz is

supposed to do; in short; a Sufi Poet like Hafiz and the rest。

I cannot see reason to alter my opinion; formed as it was more than a

dozen years ago when Omar was first shown me by one to whom I am

indebted for all I know of Oriental; and very much of other;

literature。  He admired Omar's Genius so much; that he would gladly

have adopted any such Interpretation of his meaning as Mons。 Nicolas'

if he could。  That he could not; appears by his Paper in the

Calcutta Review already so largely quoted; in which he argues from the

Poems themselves; as well as from what records remain of the Poet's


   Perhaps would have edited the Poems himself some years ago。  He

  may now as little approve of my Version on one side; as of Mons。

  Nicolas' Theory on the other。

And if more were needed to disprove Mons。 Nicolas' Theory; there is

the Biographical Notice which he himself has drawn up in direct

contradiction to the Interpretation of the Poems given in his Notes。

(See pp。 13…14 of his Preface。)  Indeed I hardly knew poor Omar was so

far gone till his Apologist informed me。  For here we see that;

whatever were the Wine that Hafiz drank and sang; the veritable Juice

of the Grape it was which Omar used; not only when carousing with his

friends; but (says Mons。 Nicolas) in order to excite himself to that

pitch of Devotion which others reached by cries and 〃hurlemens。〃  And

yet; whenever Wine; Wine…bearer; &c。; occur in the Textwhich is

often enoughMons。 Nicolas carefully annotates 〃Dieu;〃 〃La Divinite;〃

&c。: so carefully indeed that one is tempted to think that he was

indoctrinated by the Sufi with whom he read the Poems。  (Note to Rub。

ii。 p。 8。)  A Persian would naturally wish to vindicate a

distinguished Countryman; and a Sufi to enroll him in his own sect;

which already comprises all the chief Poets of Persia。

What historical Authority has Mons。 Nicolas to show that Omar gave

himself up 〃avec passion a l'etude de la philosophie des Soufis〃?

(Preface; p。 xiii。)  The Doctrines of Pantheism; Materialism;

Necessity; &c。; were not peculiar to the Sufi; nor to Lucretius before

them; nor to Epicurus before him; probably the very original

Irreligion of Thinking men from the first; and very likely to be the

spontaneous growth of a Philosopher living in an Age of social and

political barbarism; under shadow of one of the Two and Seventy

Religions supposed to divide the world。  Von Hammer (according to

Sprenger's Oriental Catalogue) speaks of Omar as 〃a Free…thinker; and

a great opponent of Sufism;〃 perhaps because; while holding much of

their Doctrine; he would not pretend to any inconsistent severity of

morals。  Sir W。 Ouseley has written a note to something of the same

effect on the fly…leaf of the Bodleian MS。  And in two Rubaiyat of

Mons。 Nicolas' own Edition Suf and Sufi are both disparagingly named。

No doubt many of these Quatrains seem unaccountable unless mystically

interpreted; but many more as unaccountable unless literally。  Were

the Wine spiritual; for instance; how wash the Body with it when dead?

Why make cups of the dead clay to be filled with〃La Divinite;〃 by

some succeeding Mystic?  Mons。 Nicolas himself is puzzled by some

〃bizarres〃 and 〃trop Orientales〃 allusions and images〃d'une

sensualite quelquefois revoltante〃 indeedwhich 〃les convenances〃 do

not permit him to translate; but still which the reader cannot but

refer to 〃La Divinite。〃  No doubt also many of the Quatrains in the

Teheran; as in the Calcutta; Copies; are spurious; such Rubaiyat being

the common form of Epigram in Persia。  But this; at best; tells as

much one way as another; nay; the Sufi; who may be considered the

Scholar and Man of Letters in Persia; would be far more likely than

the careless Epicure to interpolate what favours his own view of the

Poet。  I observed that very few of the more mystical Quatrains are in

the Bodleian MS。; which must be one of the oldest; as dated at Shiraz;

A。H。 865; A。D。 1460。  And this; I think; especially distinguishes Omar

(I cannot help calling him by hisno; not Christianfamiliar name)

from all other Persian Poets: That; whereas with them the Poet is lost

in his Song; the Man in Allegory and Abstraction; we seem to have the

Manthe Bon…hommeOmar himself; with all his Humours and Passions;

as frankly before us as if we were really at Table with him; after the

Wine had gone round。

   A note to Quatrain 234 admits that; however clear the mystical

  meaning of such Images must be to Europeans; they are not quoted

  without 〃rougissant〃 even by laymen in Persia

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