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rubaiyat of omar khayyam-第5章

小说: rubaiyat of omar khayyam 字数: 每页3500字

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 They say the Lion and the Lizard keep

 The courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep:

   And Bahram; that great Hunterthe Wild Ass

 Stamps o'er his Head; but cannot break his Sleep。


 I sometimes think that never blows so red

 The Rose as where some buried Caesar bled;

   That every Hyacinth the Garden wears

 Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head。


 And this reviving Herb whose tender Green

 Fledges the River…Lip on which we lean

   Ah; lean upon it lightly! for who knows

 From what once lovely Lip it springs unseen!


 Ah; my Beloved; fill the Cup that clears

 TO…DAY of past Regrets and future Fears:

   To…morrowWhy; To…morrow I may be

 Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n thousand Years。


 For some we loved; the loveliest and the best

 That from his Vintage rolling Time hath prest;

   Have drunk their Cup a Round or two before;

 And one by one crept silently to rest。


 And we; that now make merry in the Room

 They left; and Summer dresses in new bloom;

   Ourselves must we beneath the Couch of Earth

 Descendourselves to make a Couchfor whom?


 Ah; make the most of what we yet may spend;

 Before we too into the Dust descend;

   Dust into Dust; and under Dust to lie;

 Sans Wine; sans Song; sans Singer; andsans End!


 Alike for those who for TO…DAY prepare;

 And those that after some TO…MORROW stare;

   A Muezzin from the Tower of Darkness cries;

 〃Fools! your Reward is neither Here nor There。〃


 Why; all the Saints and Sages who discuss'd

 Of the Two Worlds so wiselythey are thrust

   Like foolish Prophets forth; their Words to Scorn

 Are scatter'd; and their Mouths are stopt with Dust。


 Myself when young did eagerly frequent

 Doctor and Saint; and heard great argument

   About it and about: but evermore

 Came out by the same door where in I went。


 With them the seed of Wisdom did I sow;

 And with mine own hand wrought to make it grow;

   And this was all the Harvest that I reap'd

 〃I came like Water; and like Wind I go。〃


 Into this Universe; and Why not knowing

 Nor Whence; like Water willy…nilly flowing;

   And out of it; as Wind along the Waste;

 I know not Whither; willy…nilly blowing。


 What; without asking; hither hurried Whence?

 And; without asking; Whither hurried hence!

   Oh; many a Cup of this forbidden Wine

 Must drown the memory of that insolence!


 Up from Earth's Center through the Seventh Gate

 I rose; and on the Throne of Saturn sate;

   And many a Knot unravel'd by the Road;

 But not the Master…knot of Human Fate。


 There was the Door to which I found no Key;

 There was the Veil through which I might not see:

   Some little talk awhile of ME and THEE

 There wasand then no more of THEE and ME。


 Earth could not answer; nor the Seas that mourn

 In flowing Purple; of their Lord Forlorn;

   Nor rolling Heaven; with all his Signs reveal'd

 And hidden by the sleeve of Night and Morn。


 Then of the THEE IN ME who works behind

 The Veil; I lifted up my hands to find

   A lamp amid the Darkness; and I heard;



 Then to the Lip of this poor earthen Urn

 I lean'd; the Secret of my Life to learn:

   And Lip to Lip it murmur'd〃While you live;

 〃Drink!for; once dead; you never shall return。〃


 I think the Vessel; that with fugitive

 Articulation answer'd; once did live;

   And drink; and Ah! the passive Lip I kiss'd;

 How many Kisses might it takeand give!


 For I remember stopping by the way

 To watch a Potter thumping his wet Clay:

   And with its all…obliterated Tongue

 It murmur'd〃Gently; Brother; gently; pray!〃


 And has not such a Story from of Old

 Down Man's successive generations roll'd

   Of such a clod of saturated Earth

 Cast by the Maker into Human mold?


 And not a drop that from our Cups we throw

 For Earth to drink of; but may steal below

   To quench the fire of Anguish in some Eye

 There hiddenfar beneath; and long ago。


 As then the Tulip for her morning sup

 Of Heav'nly Vintage from the soil looks up;

   Do you devoutly do the like; till Heav'n

 To Earth invert youlike an empty Cup。


 Perplext no more with Human or Divine;

 To…morrow's tangle to the winds resign;

   And lose your fingers in the tresses of

 The Cypress…slender Minister of Wine。


 And if the Wine you drink; the Lip you press;

 End in what All begins and ends inYes;

   Think then you are TO…DAY what YESTERDAY

 You wereTO…MORROW you shall not be less。


 So when that Angel of the darker Drink

 At last shall find you by the river…brink;

   And; offering his Cup; invite your Soul

 Forth to your Lips to quaffyou shall not shrink。


 Why; if the Soul can fling the Dust aside;

 And naked on the Air of Heaven ride;

   Were't not a Shamewere't not a Shame for him

 In this clay carcass crippled to abide?


 'Tis but a Tent where takes his one day's rest

 A Sultan to the realm of Death addrest;

   The Sultan rises; and the dark Ferrash

 Strikes; and prepares it for another Guest。


 And fear not lest Existence closing your

 Account; and mine; should know the like no more;

   The Eternal Saki from that Bowl has pour'd

 Millions of Bubbles like us; and will pour。


 When You and I behind the Veil are past;

 Oh; but the long; long while the World shall last;

   Which of our Coming and Departure heeds

 As the Sea's self should heed a pebble…cast。


 A Moment's Halta momentary taste

 Of BEING from the Well amid the Waste

   And Lo!the phantom Caravan has reach'd

 The NOTHING it set out fromOh; make haste!


 Would you that spangle of Existence spend

 About THE SECRETquick about it; Friend!

   A Hair perhaps divides the False from True

 And upon what; prithee; may life depend?


 A Hair perhaps divides the False and True;

 Yes; and a single Alif were the clue

   Could you but find itto the Treasure…house;

 And peradventure to THE MASTER too;


 Whose secret Presence through Creation's veins

 Running Quicksilver…like eludes your pains;

   Taking all shapes from Mah to Mahi and

 They change and perish allbut He remains;


 A moment guessedthen back behind the Fold

 Immerst of Darkness round the Drama roll'd

   Which; for the Pastime of Eternity;

 He doth Himself contrive; enact; behold。


 But if in vain; down on the stubborn floor

 Of Earth; and up to Heav'n's unopening Door;

   You gaze TO…DAY; while You are Youhow then

 TO…MORROW; when You shall be You no more?


 Waste not your Hour; nor in the vain pursuit

 Of This and That endeavor and dispute;

   Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape

 Than sadden after none; or bitter; Fruit。


 You know; my Friends; with what a brave Carouse

 I made a Second Marriage in my house;

   Divorced old barren Reason from my Bed;

 And took the Daughter of the Vine to Spouse。


 For 〃Is〃 and 〃Is…not〃 though with Rule and Line

 And 〃UP…AND…DOWN〃 by Logic I define;

   Of all that one should care to fathom; I

 was never deep in anything butWine。


 Ah; by my Computations; People say;

 Reduce the Year to better reckoning?Nay;

   'Twas only striking from the Calendar

 Unborn To…morrow and dead Yesterday。


 And lately; by the Tavern Door agape;

 Came shining through the Dusk an Angel Shape

   Bearing a Vessel on his Shoulder; and

 He bid me taste of it; and 'twasthe Grape!


 The Grape that can with Logic absolute

 The Two…and…Seventy jarring Sects confute:

   The sovereign Alchemist that in a trice

 Life's leaden metal into Gold transmute;


 The mighty Mahmud; Allah…breathing Lord;

 That all the misbelieving and black Horde

   Of Fears and Sorrows that infest the Soul

 Scatters before him with his whirlwind Sword。


 Why; be this Juice the growth of God; who dare

 Blaspheme the twisted tendril as a Snare?

   A Blessing; we should use it; should we not?

 And if a Cursewhy; then; Who set it there?


 I must abjure the Balm of Life; I must;

 Scared by some After…reckoning ta'en on trust;

   Or lured with Hope of some Diviner Drink;

 To fill the Cupwhen crumbled into Dust!


 Of threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!

 One thing at least is certainThis Life flies;

   One thing is certain and the rest is Lies;

 The Flower that once has blown for ever dies。


 Strange; is it not? that of the myriads who

 Before us pass'd the door of Darkness through;

   Not one returns to tell us of the Road;

 Which to discover we must travel too。


 The Revelations of Devout and Learn'd

 Who rose before us; and as Prophets burn'd;

   Are all but Stories; which; awoke from Sleep

 They told their comrades; and to Sleep return'd。


 I sent my Soul through the Invisible;

 Some letter of that After…life to spell:

   And by and by my Soul return'd to me;

 And answer'd 〃I Myself am Heav'n and Hell:〃


 Heav'n but the Vision of fulfill'd Desire;

 And Hell the Shadow from a Soul on fire;

   Cast on the Darkness into which Ourselves;

 So late emerged from; shall so soon expire。


 We are no other than a moving row

 Of Magic Shadow…shapes that come and go

   Round with the Sun…illumined Lantern held

 In Midnight by the Master of the Show;


 But helpless Pieces of the Game He plays

 Upon this Chequer…board of Nights and Days;

   Hither and thither moves; and checks; and slays;

 And one by one back in the Closet lays。


 The Ball no question makes of Ayes and Noes;

 But Here or There as strikes the Player goes;

   And He that toss'd you down into the Field;

 He knows about it allHE knowsHE knows!


 The Moving Finger writes; and; having writ;

 Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit

   Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line;

 Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it。


 And that inverted Bowl they call the Sky;

 Whereunder crawling coop'd we live and die;

   Lift not your hands to It for helpfor It

 As impotently moves as you or I。

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