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小说: 15-felicia 字数: 每页3500字

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fierce…looking swarm of rats。 In a moment not a tail or a

whisker was to be seen。 Each one had made for his hole as

fast as his legs could carry him; so that the Princess could

safely take her pot of pinks。 She found them nearly dying

for want of water; and hastily poured all that was left in

the pitcher upon them。 As she bent over them; enjoying

their delicious scent; a soft voice; that seemed to rustle

among the leaves; said:

〃Lovely Felicia; the day has come at last when I may

have the happiness of telling you how even the flowers

love you and rejoice in your beauty。

The Princess; quite overcome by the strangeness of

hearing a cabbage; a hen; and a pink speak; and by the

terrible sight of an army of rats; suddenly became very

pale; and fainted away。

At this moment in came Bruno。 Working hard in the

heat had not improved his temper; and when he saw that

Felicia had succeeded in finding her pinks he was so angry

that he dragged her out into the garden and shut the door

upon her。 The fresh air soon made her open her pretty

eyes; and there before her stood the Queen of the Woods;

looking as charming as ever。

〃You have a bad brother;〃she said; 〃I saw

he turned you out。 Shall I punish him for it?〃

〃Ah! no; madam;〃 she said; 〃I am not angry with


〃But supposing he was not your brother; after all;

what would you say then?〃 asked the Queen。

〃Oh! but I think he must be;〃 said Felicia。

〃What!〃 said the Queen; 〃have you not heard that you

are a Princess?〃

〃I was told so a little while ago; madam; but how could

I believe it without a single proof?〃

〃Ah! dear child;〃 said the Queen; 〃the way you speak

assures me that; in spite of your humble upbringing; you

are indeed a real princess; and I can save you from being

treated in such a way again。〃

She was interrupted at this moment by the arrival of

a very handsome young man。 He wore a coat of green

velvet fastened with emerald clasps; and had a crown of

pinks on his head。 He knelt upon one knee and kissed the

Queen's hand。

〃Ah!〃 she cried; 〃my pink; my dear son; what a happiness

to see you restored to your natural shape by Felicia's

aid!〃 And she embraced him joyfully。 Then; turning to

Felicia; she said:

〃Charming Princess; I know all the hen told you; but

you cannot have heard that the zephyrs; to whom was

entrusted the task of carrying my son to the tower where

the Queen; your mother; so anxiously waited for him;

left him instead in a garden of flowers; while they flew

off to tell your mother。 Whereupon a fairy with whom I

had quarrelled changed him into a pink; and I could do

nothing to prevent it。

〃You can imagine how angry I was; and how I tried to

find some means of undoing the mischief she had done;

but there was no help for it。 I could only bring Prince

Pink to the place where you were being brought up; hoping

that when you grew up he might love you; and by

your care be restored to his natural form。 And you see

everything has come right; as I hoped it would。 Your

giving me the silver ring was the sign that the power of

the charm was nearly over; and my enemy's last chance

was to frighten you with her army of rats。 That she did

not succeed in doing; so now; my dear Felicia; if you will

be married to my son with this silver ring your future

happiness is certain。 Do you think him handsome and

amiable enough to be willing to marry him?〃

〃Madam;〃 replied Felicia; blushing; 〃you overwhelm

me with your kindness。 I know that you are my mother's

sister; and that by your art you turned the soldiers who

were sent to kill me into cabbages; and my nurse into a

hen; and that you do me only too much honor in proposing

that I shall marry your son。 How can I explain to you

the cause of my hesitation? I feel; for the first time in my

life; how happy it would make me to be beloved。 Can

you indeed give me the Prince's heart?〃

〃It is yours already; lovely Princess!〃 he cried; taking

her hand in his; 〃but for the horrible enchantment which

kept me silent I should have told you long ago how dearly

I love you。

This made the Princess very happy; and the Queen;

who could not bear to see her dressed like a poor

shepherdess; touched her with her wand; saying:

〃I wish you to be attired as befits your rank and

beauty。〃 And immediately the Princess's cotton dress

became a magnificent robe of silver brocade embroidered

with carbuncles; and her soft dark hair was encircled by

a crown of diamonds; from which floated a clear white

veil。 With her bright eyes; and the charming color in her

cheeks; she was altogether such a dazzling sight that the

Prince could hardly bear it。

〃How pretty you are; Felicia!〃 he cried。 〃Don't keep

me in suspense; I entreat you; say that you will marry


〃Ah!〃 said the Queen; smiling; 〃I think she will not

refuse now。〃

Just then Bruno; who was going back to his work; came

out of the cottage; and thought he must be dreaming

when he saw Felicia; but she called him very kindly; and

begged the Queen to take pity on him。

〃What!〃 she said; 〃when he was so unkind to you?〃

〃Ah! madam;〃 said the Princess; 〃I am so happy that

I should like everybody else to be happy too。〃

The Queen kissed her; and said: 〃Well; to please you;

let me see what I can do for this cross Bruno。〃 And with

a wave of her wand she turned the poor little cottage into

a splendid palace; full of treasures; only the two stools and

the straw bed remained just as they were; to remind him

of his former poverty。 Then the Queen touched Bruno

himself; and made him gentle and polite and grateful; and

he thanked her and the Princess a thousand times。 Lastly;

the Queen restored the hen and the cabbages to their

natural forms; and left them all very contented。 The

Prince and Princess were married as soon as possible with

great splendor; and lived happily ever after。'1'

'1' Fortunee。 Par Madame la Comtesse d'Aulnoy。

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